06/14/1976 (2)�i
June 14, 197G
xhQ City Cot�mission of the C�,ty of Cle�rwater meC in
brie�ing sena�.on at C1fe City Ila1.�,, ilortclay� June 14, X976, at
9:3Q �.m., wiCli ttie iallowing mnm}�exs presnnt:
Gahriel Cazarce
Karleen n. beTilak�r
Kr�ren Diax t i.n
Anrwi.n S. Fxttnk
A1so pre�ent were:
PiaoC B. F3.oyd
Tiiomas A. Bus t itt
City tianager
City Attorney
Pxior to the se�ssion bein� ca7.led to ordex� a flag rais-
�n� ceremony was IzeXd in oUecrvance of Tla� Day and the rir�yvr
�.ssued n pxaclgmatfos► tiz�t June 3.4tii tl�rougii 3uly �+tli Wov�.d
be "Honor Americu Uays."
At 9:50 a.m.� Che riayor calZed Che meeting to arder in
the Commisaion Chnmber and Curnad ie over ta Che Citiy Managex
far discuesivn af the ngendA items. �ly unanf.raoue consenC,
tlse Commission a�reed to discuss t�ith the bawntown ;levelop�
�tent Ilo�rd the EiTKL contract as the �.irat item.
Roae Ph�.efer, Cha�xmAn of the Uowntown DevelarmenC Boaxd,
ataGed they wished to discuas the 7.etter of �Say �].. 1976, frora
Pir. Gearge J. i'illox�;e of RTKL Assaciutea, Inc. which asked
for d�rect�oa on the �OCACj.011 of the c�.vic cent�r. Sectian
VII� Paragxaph G of �he contracz, aentea the cnns�].Gant B��aii
no� reconsicier the City's decision �3s to n civic centcr 7.oca--
tion but ahould cana�.der eite dceia�.on not to b��.ld the civic
aenter in the Downeawn area to be irrevocahle for the pur-
rose oi this agreement. t[x. Pi1.LoX�e�s l.etter �aas �read into
t}�e record.
Cammission discusaed n civic center vs. a convention
cent�er and the relat�onship of public fvnds vs. private funds.
Cansensus was Co disconCin��e �he disaussian until or un-
less RTI:�, Advises they have a prol�lem �aitit the ci.vic center
l.nc�tian and �sks direction.
Tiie meetin� was recessed ae 1.U:k0 and xeconvened in the
Conference Room. T}ie tin or left nC this ��me.
The tallo�aing agenda i,tems were discussed:
Vacation Request ior Portiion of Gunn Avenese,. {C3ty)
Gunn Av�nue is a si�ort street whicli enda in a cul-de--snc
just shart ot I,ake 5tarcrest and wil.l probably not be extend-
� ed to the norCh. The porti.on of unpaved xi�he--af-way is
mnintained t�y the praperey awnexa and Che only need the City
has is far r�ccass to mAintain starm dra�.nmge into the lAke.
Ttie City Mana�er nuoted n memo of the Traff�.c En�ineer,
dated F�bruaxy, �97b. requesti.n�; remova�. af pmlm �Xees planted
in the extension as they �ravide a�tAz�rd �ar motarists tra�
vcl�.ng nortii who �ail to rea].3ze t4iat the street ends and
recommending the Ciey mai.ntnin access to Che lnke and control.
t3�e plan�in�.
A�xoning_of Praperties on Sunct Key.
•y Prior Comtnission direcxion Go the Plannin� DeAartmen�
w�se to �cex�mine y�xopertiea �1iat are nat zoned cnmmensuraxe
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Purch�se ot Refuee Containcrs - Commie�ian discueaed
t1�e salvage of tltiis item or any future uge.
Cleaxwatar East Plant 13rivice - Si.x b3ddern pi.ciced u�
speca on thia item vuC only two Uide were received, �oag�.bXy
b�caus� the si.ze af ttte job was so emall.
Stevenson�s Creek Water Main and rorce �ta3n - Cammis-
sion quegCi.on�d tlte, b�,d 6eins $l0,dQ0 over tHe Isngineer's
estimate. The Actin� Ci�y En��neer will. be a�ked to review
the bid.
Cpmmi�s�.on resclieduZed t��e A�endn.
City Aetorn�y Re�oxee
OrdinBnce �1618 - 1'he Causmisa3.on uakad i£ S1i�I.don had
depasited tt�e park money in escrow and if the roAd ri�ht-of-
way or easemant had been obtained.
Commission discussed the number of Hookups G�.ed up 3n
condnminiums that are not compl.eted. [[owev�r, tf�ere is a
review pexiod of six montha when an occupancy permit a�ust be
Agreement �or_Profess_�onal �ngineerin�_Serv_ice�__to im-
�Iement an Accident Fteparting 5ystem - The Actin� City ZianA-
gex, Tony Siioemaker, xeported that no SeaCe iunds were innol-
ved as our app�.ication for a Stxte �rane i»d noG been
approved. Ilowever. Chis was Iatar refuted and granC money
has been reccived. Clearwater will ex}�end funda for hardware
requirement�. F:eith Crawford, Traffic En�ineer, will be pre-
sent to answer quesCions on cests, eec. Commisaion su��ested
oCher �un3cipalities be contacted �or tlieir expex�.ence w3.th
an accidenC report�.ng system. .
tlmendment to En�ineerin}; 5ervices A�reement with ilriley,
W�.ld & Aseoc�.aCes znc. -- xk�i.s Amendment inc�.udes xequire-
iaents of the Envi.xonmenGa]. I'rotection Agency: I) To i.nc].ude
3.n the contxact access to the records an the Hortheast Waste--
water TxeatsnenC Plunt. 2) �PA requires, on a�iven pro3ect.
it be done on a lump sum �x fixed-�fee--p7.us-cost Uas�.s. Ths
recommendat�on of the Acki.ng C�,ty F.ngineer and Staf� �a ta
do i� on a?.ump sum basi.s.
Tliia Amenclment refers ., spec�f�ca�ly ta deep t�ei1 in j ec-
Comm�ss�.an�r riart�.n discussed tlie dunlicatian af materiu�.
for Gommiasian Meetings and i�riefin� Sessions and su�gested
a finai a�cnda paciceG nat �e senC �o Ch� Comm�ssi.onexa.
I�Ieek3n� adjourned at 12:35
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