07/11/1975 (2), ' • 4 . ��� • � • t � � C�TY AT�'ORNEY IN�'ERV�EWS Ju1y 11, �.975 Th� City Cammissa.nn of the Ca.ty o� C�earwa�er m�� �o in-��rview applicant� far the pogition of Ca�y Attoz�ney a� �he Ci'�y tIa1Z, F'riday, Ju1y �.Z, 1975, with the Pol�.owing members presen�: " Ga�rie3. Cazares f�ayor�Commi�sxoner Ka.r�.��n �'. DeBlaker CormnissionQr John F. Rankin Gomm�.ssa.oner Karen Martin Cammissiflner Cammissione� Carwa.se aame z.n �a�er. � THOl�SAS G. WRTGHT JR. The first in�ervyew was a . a,m. wi.�h xhomas G. Wright, Jr., Assistant Ca.�y At�orney, S�. Petersburg;� ��a� I3e star�ed as a prasecu�or �.n �h� S�, Pe�ersbur� Municipal. Cour�C and a�.so worked in thc Legal I]e�ar�men�. To ab�a�.n experienee he volun�eered for dif�e�ertt px+ajec�s zn the de- partm�ent. His par�a.eu�ar �ieZds were zoning and I�bar re� �ations doing hi� own research. He p�opased a consalidation of our Le�;a1 Department and �o take aver -�he J.aMor reZa�ians work. fie considers himsc�.f a middl� of the road bet�►aeen a conserva�ive and a Ziberal and �hou�;h�t the proppr ward would be innavata.ve. HP inda.cated he approved con�ralled grawth and he was praud o� ha.s �a.rs� �.abc�� re�a�ions arbi.�ration. H� wouZd move �o Clearwater immedia�eZy by ren�a,ng an apart� meat ��mporara.�y un�il he cou].d se31 his S�. Peter�bur� hause and pur�hase one wi�hin the City l�mi�s of Cleax+water. He did na� be].ieve �hat th�xe was any e'�hics prab].er�i as �eap�e know he wouid na� d.avia�e over the lzne. Mr. ��fright sta�ed he wau7.d ex�eat �a work more than �c4 hours in the beginn�.n� to fama.l.i.a�+ize himse�.f wi�h the City o� Clearwater's operation. He apparen�ly doQs nat be].ong �o the 5t. Pe�ers- hur� Sar or the Americar� Bar ll�saaiatian but he wqu�.d joa.il the G�.earwater Bar Associatian :i.f he mov�d here. A�: this t�.mey he wou].d maka �he City A�torney posi�ian of C�.earwater his liie-�t9.me career as �on� as �Che Commission wi�hed him �a stay. He though-� �hat there should be a ma.n�.ntum base sa�ary wi-�h considera�a.on b�ing �iven fnr �xperience, educa�tion, etc. The posita.on here shou�.d pay between $25,OOG to $35,000. He a.s now earnin� a�18, 000. In cone].usian, he s�ated h� wou7.d we].came the C].earwater group contacting the St. Pe��rsbur� Commission, or other5 in �he City a� St. Petersburg. TdUGENT M. WALSH A��:er a vex�y brief recess Mr. N�gent M. WaZsh was ushered in for interviewin�. He sai.d -�hat he had ].ived 25 ycars in C1.ear��ater and had been � years �tith the �ounty Le�al Depar�- men�. He ��at�d he had not appiied ori�;inally because i�C was no� c�.ear whether� the pos�tian wi�h �he Citiy was full or par� time and whan a.� was dec3.ded �hat �he posa.�ian wauld be fu7.1 �ime he 6ubmi�tecl hi.s app3.a.cafiion and res�,une. �3e thou�ht it i�au�.d be a challen�;e. ��o set up a new comp].e�e le�a�. deparfi- ment far �he Ci�y and spUke brief�.y of �Che organa.zation he ma.gh� suggest, and �ha� was �:o have maybe �wo Iaw alerks as used in the County and passibly a pax�t �zme ratir�d a�ttorney. He �hought that his experienec with the Caunty wautd be in- valuable as the Coun�y probZems are �nmew�ia� sim�.lar �o that of �he City exc�pt with a broader base and a�arger opera�ion. He d�.d no� �h3.nk there wou�.d be any conflict of interest as he had nat warked on most of ttze projects be�tween •the Coun�y and Cxty. He �hough� �hat he wou�.d xike �o emplay outsa.de counsel in unusual cases such as labor., P_CO�.Og�l� etc. :`�aNf,� ♦tM•'.!^i:f�,_ �r i', ..�,�:,� 3 %� �j .�y' 1. s" ,- - �; x;. _ � ....,�.., ' ;�•�"` ,s i;::,:3.; i�''�=r;' `":¢-t , �: ;S n�;� '4:: � �oz. r.,.�:� ;�; �;zY'..�.;,r[��}r�r�:,'.t',;�•�: � �v.i,'ay°..]i,lrl_ ;�y f'.y.�Z'•'a�.�fi;'��{�t,fi ,,ry :�,�f7��!'r ,�� .t� �'`r.u' :r.. 3:�i :`e ..:r �,� �; �'1,�'�.. - ��. . f�. ... ::f�'{" :.4'�,'��:�;,r;�: :k:' ;;+, . , , � .. ';^. a �I` �'�Y.�; e� L' " rr - +R -Y .x �„ 1 � � '� ' , , � � � � ` . t . � �. i, ". , , i�e stateci hQ woulci in�orm c�.�iy�ng �ha�, as an at�orney for ' the Ci�y� he woulci be unab].e to render le�al opinions to �hem un�es�s 3.nvo].vin� City ].aws. He would supp�.y le�al adviae to the Com�nission but would .nat enter a.n�o �he po�.icy angle, which wauld be �he Commissa.onta prsrQga�ive. , . Comm�.ssioner Carwise arrived at this time. � He has an account�.n�; de�ree but he said he did no� pasg the � ' CPA exam and did not �o�.].ow a.� up because he was more a.n- . . �eres�ed in �e��ing inta law. He thou�ht that both the ' S�:a�e Disclosure and 5unsha.ne 1.�aw were basicaZly �ood but thay dan't seem �a work too well as th�y are �oo enmplicated and cr�ata many probl.ems. The C�.ty M�nager concurred. He ou�lined the various County F3oards and Departments he has represen�ed. Mr. Wa1.sh stat�d he waB now receiving a salary of $24,000 p].us �'ringe benefi�s and expressed �he opinion •the Citv A�tornev�s �osi�ion ehould t�av abou� $35.000. 9 '� +"�::. .,l,ne�., T�',,`Ai;.�i�'� 4•�i�r: �y - �'.����.��yti'� ",�: i;; ti..-.'.. '.y' �.� ��.� ._.« _,_isFi .1:' _ � � R •�=".i".E: �-'��;?'[;-7344 ��'t�.i�'ii'� ,,��?t-F,ire{��.T �a;'. ,5"'_'�.,7j,� • E :� :,'�':{�� ' '� iL^1 ;r��!:`};'��.r.` •3Fi:t'i,:,�.1�'�r '��, .'r':�. 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