05/01/1975� :1 � �r� CZ�Y OF CLEARWATER Bl;IE�'ING S�SSIOH May �. , �. 9 7 5 The Ca.'�y Commission oi the Ci�y of Clearwater met in bri��i.ng sess�an at the Ci.�y Hall, Thursday, May 1, 1975, a# 9:30 a.m., with the following members present: Gabriel Cazares Kar�.e�n F. DeBlaker John F. Ranka.n Karen Martin AZso present were: i'icot B. F�.oyd Guy L. K�nnedy, Jr. Mayor�Commissianer Commissioner Comm�.ssa.aner Commissa.oner City Manager Aeting City Attoxney The fol.].owing a.'�ems were discussed: Pra osed Cit Charter, Mr. Wi.nsZaw, Chairman, and other members of' the C�.ear� water Charter S-�udy Committee were present. They �sked f�r epeaific thoughts and ideas £rom the Commissian �or consa.dera- t3.on in the new Chartar. A�en�ative draft wiil be sent to the commissioners a.n '�he nex� day or sa as there are severa� controversia� i.tems that must be resol.ved by the committee. A�uestiannaa.re is going out to previous commissioners, mayors, oit�� mana�ers nnd to �he preeeding Charter Study Comm�t�ee aska.ng for constructive sug�estions as wel]. as criticism and requesting the in�ormation be returned by May 12th. The com- ma.ssianers did not favor voting by d�.stric�, the Gommunity Re�.ations Comma.�'�ee being listed separa�el.y, and increas3n� �he pow�rs o� the mayor. The Mayor annaunced that May 2nd and May 3rd wouid be Clearwater Bomber Days. Cri�eria for Selection of a C�.t A�tarne . Discuss�.on a.f a iuli-'�ime or part--ti.me attorney ensued. Three i.tems ware presented for canside�ation: �he reeatr�men- dations of the Bar Assoaiation rel.a�ing to training, a�fzlia- tion and experience; job dascription as drawn up by the Personne7. D�.ree�or; and a wage survay which was aonducted. The City Manager asked to be authorized �o receive written resumes from the candidates. The Ci�y Manager offered to prepare a draf� of a letter to be sent �o a wide var�.e�y of po�entially interested people asking zf they were a.nterested a.n �he posi�ion and to sta�e their qua�.iiica�ions, require- ments and cornm�nts. Current Wastewater Treatment P3.ant Capaaity Report. U•ci,l.iti.es Di.rec�or ni11 Stopher presen�ed an updated repart an the wastewater trea�ment p�.ant capacity. Dis- cuasion af the odor prabl.em which is caused by sea Ze��uce foi�owed.. The cammissioners agreed to tour the C�.earwater Eas� pollution facility ior firsthand information on �he sub�ec�. 1. 5-I.-»75 r .r. � t.."`; ��r-�try;: ;.�:.=:;,s,i��=, ���� .,,� ,'�r'% ,.J� �•'.i-t:..:%i•!.7 �;.•;5r .�. ,,a� •f: �i`. ;i�'� 1'.',#.��:,.;�';^ rir.1.'.' •rf J - -S- - M. .4: �.4sf�� ��,h� .�t�, ai� •�' :.il':i�i.j �[� �' •�t�!��:�'�.r�?i�"7.i' ':a.t,�'�:. '�('�' ,�R'.','!;:Sa ..�).�.r�'� P;;.�:t�,��ifF���"i.i��•�; �",�r. �y+' t F ! ri.�;..%C�'.�� �. �� � .;�:_ •".; ', :,.�.'�� . .�� .il..iii�i�'L',t'f-• t'�,�5j�, �,, � .�, �-�., FS'A,� •s"4;: ,•��, ��•.�?�ri ] v�Lr w�rr;..o�•+,�r•�i� �rrr.�.: -f' ' e�+:�r..,..�,.., �� �::-� - �,::..,..�. � ..::ii! {+�:i`i�: � �yM� .' �i �S � - ..-r . •' . t, ;f.��..�,�, �-1 Y ^�'Y't�....1 .. fr.t. �»:'^�'tY�, � �`.i`r'..'� ,�, '`3t?. •ti"'' . `-1;;L!'i:ii"5;.. . "�� a�Ei:,`i.��►t!�'..'., '�t i .�� �" �.7?,!i'• r�4: ! , x,i�z � s ���2:r i . r. �..r`: �f' iz��;-� �+ ��" , r., 's' t�. F.. �Zit ��..F`� 'i� �.f3. `7' i: .i. 4t• ?.T�r._ � 4 '�' �.r "i' `•y. •��,° .i.' - ;•5. ,�ti� �- 4 .. . '�� .•i"t. ::1:�`; .a.`.=' .t� Z i�s •�': .. , . . . �.a, ,,:�?e'.`� '•ts•' }. .�t:. ~�i�t ^t'i, �'1';�"�r' ��J-,� r 3 ,�� ��i,: .�'t.' .� :f,:t.4.� :rv,i �M,� ��� 9 ._ ��. ,... :�f.:`= , ,.�:: ;�� r..,. �E�.t� � , , .r,. ,,,` ,, '.z'. . , ;� �':i�` �` .� �;,, .�:�'�;�;, . . � . � � . � , . , f.� .. ' . � A�S� ::a. }�5:1, '���.f:'�1.Ls4.: .�.tj. � Financial P1an for Re uixed Was�ewater �m ravemen�� �'or . A report to finanee the Advanced Wastewa�er Treatment Plan� was presented by Br�.Zey, Wild. �t was also na�ed a publ3.c hear�.ng should be sch�duled �o increase eewer rates a�d tap fees, and, the City Manag�r authari�zd to proceed with a new $B�QQO,OOfl Utility Revenue Bond issue. �'ederal funda of approxim�te�.y $19,OOO,fl00 were apgroved in Apri1 of 1.97 5 far �hi� plant. The Ca.�y t s por�ion wa.1.l be approxi- mateiy �1Z,000,000 of whi.eh $3,000,�00 can be raised through �he rate �.ncrea�e and the balance by �he bo�id i.ssue, Easement Agr��ment iox� Use o� �he Boy Scout Hu�. This item w�s con•tinued from the April 21.s�, �.975, mee�a.ng when The You�h Assistance Committee of Cl.earwa�er, .Zr►c. requested some �hange� in the original agreement. Staff has revised the agreement to read ten years wa.�h an op��.on to renew and several. other changas. �he commissionexs dzd not agree wmt�e eome o£ the provisions and the item w31�. be re- moved from the agenda £ar the meet�.n� o� May 5�h, 1975. Chesa eake Vi11as Status and Fi�ndin�. The City Manager sug�ested di,scussion be �abled until Manday's me�ting. Request �o Purchaae City_i'raperty. The rsquest of tiie Pine].las Caunty 5choa� Board �o purchase approximat�Zy fifteen acres of City praperty was received. Thzs proper�y is part of the Ci�y's 320--acre landfiil Bite. The Schoo�. Board xs wi�li.ng �o pay approximately $50,000 for dedication and cans�ruction of an access road and would agree that the property revert �o the C�.ty ii xt were no Zonger re�- quired for school purposes. Reques'� to Waive Sewer Ta� Fees - UPARC. A request for the wa�.ver o� sewer tap �'ees in the s�tm of $800, re}.at:�ve to the planned canstructian of a medica]. clin3.� a� th� faci�.ity of the Upper Pinellas Association for Retarded Ciiildren should be dis�pproved with regret as it woul� ser � preceden�. Joint Water Service A reemen� with Pinellas �ount . �he City i.s desirous of conso].iduta.ng fire and water service areas and eli.minating dual efforts of the Ci,ty and Coun�y, wi�h a water rate ta be established. The City wou].d purchase �he Coun�y wa�er d�,s�ri.butzon system in �he City's Fire Distr�ct over a gz�adual period o� �S.me. ThP Cammiseion requested a public hearing date be set and directed the City Manag�r �o da.seuss this projedt wi�h Pinellas County. �a.ds : The Cammisaioners discussed the purchase of autas and trucks, the use of smaller cars, the share�the-ride program, e�c. 2. 5-1--7 5 '•;.•z.t,;; ,'.?��=`4: �..,.,. �_F:. ":;�. � �r �[ �rott .��t_. .s..:K�� - �s„r-t - - 'rr;� - ��k.isl e-�;�•.�i.��;`l.i • � � - �.�^��„l .t" -�' [� :t:�:'�; � � n �y!'* S,»'t��:�,:�r�r:.;=t�.' �l:s�...� .i:• �fSi�".'r.,", 1'�.�:5��: ,,.l�.,�!.-!y''��Y«,i:i''�-':'r:.�tii, ,�- ,r��.vT"::�.fi:�it>i';?�:�t,{" � ne .� r� "'iiti ,�� .k� �t ;r: 'i ' .i. �.t£'.� = ,'i.3;,...`a '�- .r..,'�=a- .3;�,,.,�,. ,�. '. . �� r. � �. �. �; �. �.t.,� ii!e� �1,a1�rr'�{�.. ,�: :h�;�" �i.- �y�r`.S ;•lC! f �,:A'.. .l;"..t:1���5,• .'p, ;I.'�s, ���� -�'rf.'f� � .���' ��,h"rii �1 '7. .ti R` Y�_� .y<, �... . `.i'` ��5. .1 , 1. . •�1� . " . .. '�: tiah .���yl� � .. 1 �., .. ���i . , . ,��, .. � 4 '��i! t:1Si r � ����._. . . . ' �. . ' .. - � . . ' . / " �. . � . . , , , r' ? , . , . . � � ' � ' , � . ,� � P� ent to Count �ar Ri h#-of�Wa Coets at the U.S. 19 and ���� V@T'�?g88-• �• . The� City taae bi3,�ed $507,000 as the Ci.ty�s �ortion o� co�t o� right�of»way a� U.S. 19 and S.R. &0. The Ca.�y mainw tains on�y $292j000 is its por�ian, but in the event payment of the di£�erenae must be m�.de �unds wiJ.1 ba avail.able �.n the CTP hudget, Camm�.ssioner AeBJ.aker requea�ed severa]. iteme be p3aaed .� on the �gerida, in�ludin� discussian of the Communi�y Re�.a�a.ans Ordxnanae, revision�of �he I3oard of Adjustmen� and Appeals on zoning sec�ion of �he code, and new �.egisxa�i.ve b311s, The •Comma.sgioners discussed a memo by thc Ci�ty At�a�+ney , � af Hol�.ywo4d� F�.o�+�da entitl�d "Guidelines for Meeting th� �overnment in the Sunshine Law." � r�;:s:;.� ,��`��''� .,�� ��'= .3 .�� `f , !`Fi .I �L','�7;i;.,. . ''•.�:_ .... _ _ a';; '�F;�,�}.i�.� �.� i. :,. °<�,::,��:;r,:, ' �;`.� -� �i; 'r=';(r . �;;�: r: r�� �� �:,ti:`=t'+: . i '��i";i ;,.,"'•�; ��:y<5'.E, .„' .���,":�� �k .�.�sF`.1 ,.�' : � ,, ' :r�, '3, ,.•'�',,' ,i•',``. � �:.!'�3 . i•' �j ,'�.y '� �,fY,��.�� ',} �.! ' •'/',Si .} q� '�. • • �1 y1�� , �..��i.� :'�:�.f ..5. �I;:"� "':1 .7...: �'.1' i'.'{�d�3�S'� r �� '�'L:'r��� .j,s«ti!w : .:4� .. � w .�� i i�:,;:f..u'3�.''", 1�w� �i ��t � � :Pl�-r.'::.11:: .. ....'u ie��`�''� .��I��J lr ,,:�,� :' �` ;��� �:�"^.. � f � / '.1�. �,;- - �,�:� ;i.;.. .: �-,f;,• � • ," `:'�: =_' � =a� •'-��� � '.�,�:s� u-�., . . . , . _ ��. ...... �. � . , . ,�. . . , � , ' YV'w�. �.Y�.li _. • . I ��+wi�'xi-�Mw��rrw�- �{. , . . _ .. �f t e4�� l � , . . � � ' ... • � . •1 i � . ;)