02/27/1975- �k
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February 27, 1.575
The Ci�y Camma.ssion oi �he Ci�y of Clearwatar me� in
Bra.e��.ng Sesaion at �he City H��.1, Thursday, February 27,
1975, a� 9:30 a.m., with the �oiiow�.n� members present:
Gat�riel Cazares Mayor-Commissioner �lect
Karl.een �'. DeHl.aker Commissioner
Jahn F. Rankin Commissioner
Karen Martin Commissi.oner-E1ect
A1so presen� were:
Aicot B, F1oyd Ci�y Manager
Herbert M. IIrown City A��orney
The City Mana�er brie�ed the new7.y e�.ected commissioners
an �h� proceedings for the meeting March 3rd, 1975. He
stated the outgain� mayor and commissioner wi1.3. be presented
with. gi��s. The Ministerza]. Association pxovi.des a list
that is ueed for the i.nvocati.on. Approval of the minu�es
wi.11 be the ].ast act of. �he old Carnrni,ssaon. rmmedia�e�y
after #hat, instal].a��.on of the new mayor and commissianer
wa.1.�. be he7.d and they w�.1.1 be given time to make some cam--
Sugges�3.ons were made for iuture Commissian meetings;
� such as, start th� meetings a.n thc morni.ng instead of 'the
a�ternaon, a specified time for "Cita.z.ns �o he Heard", a
break every two hours a»d in case af an ex�rame].y long
Commi.ssion meeting to h�ve a dinner break.
The fallawin� items on the a�enda were di.scussed
br�.efly :
TTEM �5 - Pub].zc Hearin to cons�.der amendmen�s �o the
Comprehens�.ve lan.
�he �irst amendment to �he Comprehen�ive Plan wi].]. re-
move the symbnl for Planned Pxotec��ve Comb�.nation-Itesa.-
dentia�./Limited Bus3.ness at th� Sunset Poin'�--fiercules Avenue
�,ntersectio�i and z*epl.acs wi�h Medium Density designa�ion,
The secoF�d art►endmen� wi11 remove the Commeraia]. area south
o� �he intersection of Curl,ew Creek Road and Florida Power
�asement, and replace with a designata.on al3.owing Medium
DPnsi.ty Mu�.ti--Family development and the 5�711!})O� wa.Z1 be
added for i�lanned Pra�ec�ive Gombinatian�Residenta.a]./Limited
Business. Cammissioner DeBl,aker gave a resume of the ac�ion
leading up �o these amandments. The P1.anning and Zoni.ng
Board and the P].anning 5taff recornmend appraval of both
Reques� for 4Taiver of Fire Code.
This is a con�i.nued item from the lasfi mee�a.ng and the
recammendation is to deny the reques�. First Federa� Savings
and Loan Association has been asked �o canfirm that the x�oom
wauld not be used as a meeting p�.ace by public groups. To
date -�hey have not rep3.ied. �f tha let�er is receiveci by
Monday, the item wi7.1 be deleted from the agenda.
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Use � o� C�.�y Property -.L310 I�. Greenwood Avenue.
�w/�}'>% 174��'*A":M�^>.., ..r
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Request was reaea.ved from �he Gir1s� Club of Pinel].as
County, Youn� Men Unlimited Graup, and Aa].ta Emer�ency
Cen�er (De1ta Sigma Theta Sarority� Tnc.) for these groups
�o jaint�y use and ma3.ntain �he property. It ia recommended
tha� a mo�ion be passed recommenda.n� a do�.�ar-per--year l�asa
agreement. �
Co-S onsorshi - Gi�an��p].i.aatinns - Sand K� .
The Bureau of Ou�door� Recreation requires �ha� the City
be a co-spvnsor of this pra7ea� and also requi.res that
properties obtair�ed with .�ederal. and sta�ke funds be dediaa�ed
in pPrpetuity ior ou�doar recrea��.onal use and that non-
discri.minatory pl.edges be made by the proper�y owners. In
order �o meet the B.O,R. requiremants �or conta.nued receipt
o� grant �unds for Sand Key, it i.s necessary that the Ci.ty
and County be 3.a.sted as joint sponsors oi �he purchase of.
parce�.s of Sand Key, some of which have a�.ready been
aaquired. Tha City A��orney r�viewed the hi.s�ory ot' the
purchase o� Sand Key and s�ated the City would be he�.d haxm-
�ess in any sui�s against the Caun�y, The County wiil pro-
vide the faci�3.�ips, the Ca.ty w�.11. pravide po�.iae, fire,
and garbage collectic�n, etc. There will. be no change in our
present con�ract with the Coun�y and the City wil.l assuma no
financa.az respansibil�.ty, bu� �here wiZ1 be an addition ta
the agreemen� saya.ng we are �the joint sponsor for the
appiicatiun. The recammendation is to coopera�e with the
Co�inty and file the agreer�ent. Discus�a.on �ollowed on the
dredg�,ng in Clearwate�� Pass and the accretion buzldup on
Sand Key.
Federal Com rehensive Em 10 men� and Trainin Ac�.
The Pin�Zlas County Board of Coun�y Commissioners are
the prime sponsors oi �he federally �unded jab program in
PinelZas County and they have au�horized funds for �E9 joh
titles for the City of G1.earwater, The sub-grant applica-
�ion agreemen�t cnvers these posit�.ons which are �ar prajec�s
or �unetian� �hat were not funded :i.n �he current City
budget, A resolutian as requ�.red approving the agreement
for tha Czty to recezve these funds.
Financ3.n Marina Rer►avation and �x ansion.
This request involves an i.n�er£und loan from Genera�.
�'und ta the Marina Fund and w�.1.1. aZlow the City to aon�ract
with Misener Marine for renovata.�n and expansion of th�:
rfarina at a].ow ba.d pri.ce ob-�ained in the spring oi 197�.
�ng�.neering �harg�s for �he Je�ty and Dredgi.ng Projec� wil1.
be eharged to the new Clearwater Pass Bridge Bond Issue and
G�;�era�. Fund wil�. be reimbux�sed and the money loan�d ta the
Mar�.na Fund.
Ann_exation Reguests.
Three annexation requests are recommended for acceptance
and referral. �o the proper departments. .
Two are tor demoli��.on o� substandard housing and �wo
for s��ee� wi.dening.
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Repart� fram Ci�y Attorn�.
The City A��orney sta��d thare will.t�e a secand readi�g
of Ordinance #1555, which allows �he Harbormas�er to post
areas where speed and/ar wake o� boa�s shau�.d be contro3.led�
Orda.nance 1!].556 is a firs� readin� on dawn zanin� of the
entire C�.�y. Ordinance ��1.557 dis�olves �he Municipal Court
as of October 3., 1.97 S; this w�.�.1. be a firs� and second read-
ing as �n emergency measure.
Resalu�ions: There ax*e several resoluti.on� ta be
adopted. The fa.rs� approves a Constru���,on Trust F'und Agree-
meri�t far the recen� Bond Yssue wi�h �he Bank of Clearwater.
The second rela�es to an escrow deposit wh�.ch wi1.1 pay oii
the balance of the o�.d Bond �ssue of approximate�y $986,D00.
Agreemen�s; The Comma.ssi.an had direc�ed �ha� the City
arrange for can�rac�s wi�h various organizata.ons. Agreemen�s
between the City and the Na�ional Safety Council. and the Ca.�y
and �he Soc�ety far �:he Preven�i.on of Cruelty to Animaxs a�
CZearwa�ez�, Znc., wi.11 be up �or approva].. The Agreements
1.ist servi.ces to be rendered by each organiza�ion.
Commissionar De�J.akar spoke ahou� precedur� �or appoa.nt-
men�s of rnembers -�o �the Advisary Boaxds. Discussion
followed on many problems of keeping up with the expa�r�.ng
terms and sug�estian.s were made �o �sk women's o�.ubs and
civi� riubs ta subrt�i� na.ine;�, the passibylity af al.l. terms
�xpi.ring ai the sairie time each year, and �ha� chasrme� of th�
boards make suggestion,� for• reappointmen�. However, they
seem �o be xeluctan�: to s�ate when a memher does not at�end
meetings or i� not aa�a.ve. 2� was a�.so t�ugges�ed to disso�.ve
the "Citizens 1'ar�a.c�.pation Committe�" as �hey have not been
acti�e fnr two years,
iieview of �he Land Of�er to USF was d�.scussed and actian
wou e to ins�rua-� t e ity anagPr to inform Dr. Mackey
and Dr, Mau�x of the xesu].t of the referendum ��.ection.
Cammissionar De�laker recommended op�osing Pineilas
County �.�gisla�ive bi11s re�arding ].ibrary, �raffic enforce-
ment, and soli.d waste.
The Ci�y Attnrney is of the opin�,on that any conunxssioner
workin� a.n of�a.eial, capaci�y as a City Comm�.ssianer who ,does
not mala.ciausly exceed ha.s au�horz�ty is• protected against
law sua.ts. Th� question arase because of several su�.�s
agaa.ns�k �he Ca.ty on dawn zoni.ng.
Commissioner I}eBl.aker said �he Tampa Bay Regiona3. P1.anni.ng
Coyna�,� was acting �s the lacal coardinator for the state air-
port study but wi17. not da so in the future. The C�.�y
At�ornay cauti.oned �he Commissi.oners �o keep thei.r �emarks
�about �he air park �rom being contraversial as �he Gity daes
have a lease with the air park, whi.ch s'�ates tha� the �enants
shal.�. be enti�Cled '�a peaceful possession without mo].esta�ion
from �he 1and3ord. We are in cour� now on an arbitrat�.on
procedure wh�ch is anc af the prava.sions o� the lease. The
airport is an accommodation io the �uhlic and as such, bein�
a public �acil.�.�y, enjoys �ax-free sta�us.
Comrniasionex+ AeBlaker ques�ioned -�he advisabiZi.�y of
hav�,ng a pub�.ic hearinp, an the "No Smoking Ordinance" at the
Commyssion meeting of Marah �7�h. She feels public opinion
shoul.d be heard on �he subject.
3. 2-27-75
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