10/31/1974�. . � �. :" . � � c�T��r cor,Mzssxora $Rzr.�Yr�G s�as�nt� Oa�ober 31, 197�� The Ci�y Commissior� oi �he Ci�y of Clearwa��r me� in a Briefin� Sessa.on a� the Ca.ty Ha�.Z, Thursday, Oc�oher 3�., ].97�� at 9:�+0 a.m., wi�h �he foZ].awinF members presen�: Pico� B. Ployd Kar].een F. Dei37.aker Jahn F. R�nkin Joseph Carwzse Also �resent: Herber� t�l. 13rown Paul 13er�;mann Ci�y 1�anager Commiss�oner Commissa.oner Commissioner Ci�y Attorney Plannin� Director The Ca�y t�lanager called �he ��ssion to order and �he first item �o be discussed was Amendments �o -�he Comprehen�i.ve Plan. The Planni.ng Da.rec�or sta�ed 2 reports �"tdew tdorth" and "�nner C�.ty" are bai.n� a.ncorporated wi�h ap�roximately 20� changes, as part of �he annua�. up-da�e and are �he basis of �he overl�ys that are �o be presented. The Comprehensi.ve A].an is a 1.5 year �uide orip,ina7.�.y adop�ed �n t�iay 19'72, and amended in Nvvember I973. A].ong, ran�;e p,aa1 must be adopt�d wi.th a land use p�.an deve7.oped into a workin� fioo7.. Iaow density under the amended p1.an wi�.l be up to 8 units �,er acre, mec3i.um densi�y to 16 units, and ha.gh densi�y �0 3q. Gommissxoner Rank�.n felt the North Osceola axea shou�.d have hi�her density in order �o bring capita]. i.n�o �he area for redevelopmen� and rehabilitation. Commissianer DeHl��cer Preferrec� ta kee� the area as a sin�;].e family resident�.a�. nei�hbnrhaod. The City Comprehenaive P].an eonfarms within ZOg of �he Coun�y P].an and wi.11 resul.� �n re- ducing popu�ation by 13,DOD. Aur�.ng �he pas� year w� have annexed praper-�ies of com- plete].y dif�eren� desa.�nations. i�t has been necessary ta up- date �he plan to �he pro�er classificat�.ans. Th� needs nf �he area ara designated by speci.a�. s�mbols on �tYYe maP. Zonin�; Amendments are con�znued fram ].0--21-7�+ - this prp- perty is in ].zt�.�;a�ion. Tne Site has been proposed for a Yach� C1ub and cou].d be zoned T5P (insti-tutiona]. semi�pubZic) bu� it is questionable 9.� an al,acohol7.c bevera�;P :License wou3.d be avail- abie under �ha� zonin�; also any or�;��niza��.on should b� a non-- proia.� orien�ed activity for ISP zoning. Comma.ssi�ner DeTi�.aker stated Bpo� zon�.n�; shou�.d be eliminated. It1�13�+ was eug�est�ci, �as a special. excep�ion, coul.d be r�quested for a M�ri.na, The City M�nager stated an Impaet Statement wi1�. bP required if the pro- per�y is us�d for a private cl.ub. F'unding for Soc�.aZ 5ervzce Or�;anizatians ��ssentia�.ly $17�,000 k�as �o be allacated in �he 1971►/75 burl�e� and $�a,000 irom �lie Sta�e Depar�ment o� Gommuni�y Af�airs maka.ng a�o�a�. available af $1.92, 000. At the October 7th meeting 'the Coinmi.s- sion dzrec�ed the Ci�y Manager to all.ocate funds only to those a�enaies �unded in �the 1973/74 13udget and at a lower Zevel and eventual�y to phase ou� the entire �ro�ram. The recommendation is to alZocate 90ti of 1.973/74 i�undin� �his year, 75v �nr 74/'75 a].locata.pn and 50o for 75/76. R�c�t�es�s a.n �he amount of $330,400 were reae�ved. Commissioner Carwa�se recommended a reduetion in the number of agencies by being more selec�,�ve �nd he felt the required audi� reports are cast].y and m�,phfi u�e up the funds a�loca�ed. However, many o� the a�;encies depend on Ci�y al].oca�ion ior match�.n� iunds �rom Sta�e and Federal A�en�a.es. .1r�,'`�, � � : �f'. : � �.� �� 1. �.. 4�� "� ��k , J•W { ' ;� ..�. � I� +[, t.•' '.:' �:: "::.'v�' Jv -. �.'.... y . �_�,!. � � . :�7;• �•r: �•i": i"� ��i- �.�� r:.�,��, t�a. ... ti '.,- .,1. �sS.iw`.�,:i�.i '� f%i+E ri �F�'�.v+wM`.: .,P�'j',� t..�.t':���.'.;..:� [7` "v��� �fS j �'e�`;r�.a ::(�eii *l�.;S �`1; '�4.��'r�t^�,� J�'c�t�C�,i�i+.'s,H. ,• i, . , ' � . .�i..� f�'.;l� •'� , '�'�*i, . `i.'. .�y . . . �. 0- .j'.jr..tis ��oi�tr:�s�?. ' �,�:'�;'t'p' t'.liF',, T � ~ Ciit>. ~ ta A Recreation Shelter. at Condon Gardens was discussed.. The City received a donation in February 1974 ($1,000) from the Estate of John K. Haddad to be used for recreation. The recommendation is to use the bequent for a Recreation Shelter at Condon Gardens. Construction will be by the United States " Uaval Reserve Traininp, Center (Sea-Bees) as a training exercise. A request from the Pinellas County Administrator for a waiver of Sewer Tap Fees for thdir Motor Pool Complex in the amount of $1,050 was presented. Request for annexation Lot 31 - Block ^ - Eastwood Terrace- 3rd Addn. - R.M. \'1rieht - Hill be a r'eferral to proper Depart- ments. The fo11awinr. bids will be awarded: a. Hospital Pump Station - Scarborough Construction - lm-l of 9 bidders. - $2011,615.50 b. Left turn storap,e lane - Mid-County Construction $16,465.50 c. Widening Sunset Point Road at Highland - rejected as an additional engineering problem developed. d. Cast Iron Pipe - U.S. Pipe & Foundry, Dirmin8ham, Ala. - $45,696 e. Purchase of Stadium Chairs is the continuation of 5 year plan $5,400. f. Demolition - $700. g. Demolition - $300. t'1e received a request on the implementation of a County wide Emergency Number 911 - Assistant City Manager, Mr. Paroby, and the Civil Defense Director Mr. J. Edsall, will represent the City. The Del,Oro Park Site Plan will be reviewed. The $80,000 was allocated from the 1971~/7 5 Capital Improvement Program.. Commissioner Rankin requested a Parks & Recreation Study on all parks and their locations in the City. A petition will be presented requesting a rehearing to establish a Sea Wall on the existing sea wall line and to fill in the area for a park from the excavation -that will have to be done when the loop construction starts. Discussion followed. Zoning will go to the new seu wall line and the same zoning will apply. Anything filled outside the sea wall would be un- zoned property. The Board of the Abco Corp. will meet December 2 to deed the property to the City in exchange for City's concur- rence to provide a park and access way to it. Commissioner DeBlaker requested status of Skycrest Baptist Church. City Attorney stated a Site Plan & Parking Plan should be presented for approval. The City Manager reported that he has drawn a draft of an ordinance on ethics, which will be circulated for comments and input. It will eatablish a Code of Ethics for the City Manager and all City employees. In answer to Commissioner DeDlaker's inquiry, the City Mana- ger reported Mayor Hougen had filed an application with the Bicentennial Program Planning Committee regardinB -the City' G participation as a "Bicentennial Community", and approval is ex- pected by November 22. The total allocation for the State of Florida is'$lOO,OOO. Various state and federal ap,encies have funds for related projects for the bicentennial and some grants have been made. The City Attorney requested a resolution to file suit aF,ainst Bullard and Walling, Inc. The City and the developers have agreed on damages of approximately $25,000, but the City will need to flO to court to prove that the contractors were at fault. It is a justiciable controversy and should be decided in court. Recent correspondence on the water rate controversy reveals the County will not negotiate with the City and therefore it will be necessary to start suit. Commissioner Carwise stated that he will ask for a review of the City Manager's salary. There being no further business, the ;neeting was adjourned. at 12:15 p.m. ,