10/03/1974C�TY COM��I�SS�QN i3RT�FI1dG S�SSION
October 3, 1974
The Ci�y Commi.ssi.on of �he City of �i.earwater met i.n a
E3riefin� Session at the Ci�y Ha1.1., Thursday, Octnher 3, 19'i�►,
a� 9:30 a,m., with the foll�wing members presen�:
H. Evere�� Hougen
DonaZd 5. Wi7.].a.ams
Karleen F'. DeBlaker
John F. Rankin
Joseph Carwise
A].so present taere:
Pico� B. �'loyd
Herbert M. [irown
Ci�y Manager
Ca.�y A�torney
The Mayox ca7.].ed the session �o order with the £a.rs�
item bein� discussion of Majar Tharoughfare Pian wi�h re-
vzsions as recommended by the En�ineering Depar�r�en�. The
Pianning Director explained �he'propased revisions relatinF
�o Island Way, Myrtle Avanue South, P1. Keene Raad, Drive
along railroad east of Wood Val].ey and sfluth of Mission H�.1].s,
Drew 5tree� ex�ens�.on and McMullen Booth Road.
The City Mana�er bx��ught up �he repor�r made by the water
consultant, G. Reyno].ds SJatkins of Ken�ucky, �,rho surveyed the
charges now bein� made by the County. Thei.r repor� indicated
tha� over �+2� per gal.Ion was no� fair and Qquitabl.e. The Man�
ager alsa spoke o� P�.ne�.7.as Park which had a law suit agaa.ns�
the County to be heard �.n the cour�house in St. Petersburp, at
10:30 this date in which they are reques�zng an injunction to
preven� the Coun�y fram shut�in� off water supp�.y �to Pine�.las
Park. Mr. Sda�l7.iar� Stopher, City ll�ility Director, recommended
�hat the latest bil.l recea.ved today not be paid as �he City
has paid $lOU,QpO-glus above the oZd ra�e so far. He a�so men--
�ianed tha� the consultant had recommended sla.ghtly over 19�
per �al.lon. The Mayor repor-�ed the matter had been d�.�cuesed
at a Mayars mPatzng and suggesi:ed �ha�t the Mayor af �e7.].eaa.r
Beaah be contacted. The Ci.ty At�orney s�ated �hat a temporary
injune�ion had been gran�ed Pinellas Park unti.� �he hearin�
�oday, at whieh t�.me a.� wi�Z b� decided whether a permanen� in-
junct�.on wiJ.� be approved by `he Cour�. He recommendec3 a reso--
luti.on requestin�; a revisinn of rates firs�, using administra--
tive procadures before taking court aeta.on.
Cer�ain i�ems af �he propos�:d amendment� to the Ci�y�s
zanin� �.aws were discussed, wa.th Commis�ioner beBlaker x�ecom-
mending leavanp �he a�.d �ortions ur�dex� the Site Pl.an Review.
Mr. Bergmann discussed �ha requirement of a minimutn of � acres
�or pl,anned deve].opment. A dis�uss�.on ensued on the proposed
site plan �or a portion af Block C, Gre�nwood Fark 5ul�divisi.on,
�-o be rezoned RPD. The F�.annin� and Zonin�; �oard recommended
the RPD zaning bu� daes not approve the s�.�e plan as submi���d
as �hey recommend n�ore open space, bu� �he Plannin� Direc�or and
the Pl.anninp, Department recom�nended appraval as submi�ted. It
was.reported that a more comple�e si�e plan wau].d �e availabie
a� the meetin� October 7�h.
A discussa�on ensued about an ap��al �ram Mr. Clin�on B,
Conway, Manager o� Px+ospect Towers, for a revision of the �rr
water meter �rate. He ba�ed his reques� on the fac� that con-
sumption is abaut i00, 000 gallons per month rat7ier �han l��{l, OQO
cub�c feet caith 'Lhe �i" me�er. Commissianer Williams cammented
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that' he thought a smalle~ mete~ could be used.'
Commissione~ DeBlake~ said that she had not had suffici-
ent 'time to study the recommendations fo~ the funding of so-
cial agencies. Considerable discussion ensued on ~epo~ts of
expenditures from the various social organiza-tiol1s. Ansist-
ant City Manager Shoemaker rccommended an e~ternal audit be
required of the organizations. Assistant City Manager Jeff
Butler discussed Revenue Sharing, with the Federal Govern-
ment to audit the City and the City to audit the agencies.
The next itcm discussed briefly was regarding a resolu-
tion allocating Matching Funds of $18,266.76, and the City
Manager to file a final application with the florida Depart-
ment of Community Affairs for a like amount.
The next item discussed was that of fee increases for
signs, electrical, plumbing, and building permits. Commis-
sioner DeBlaker suggested a minimum sign fee with additional
fees depending on the size of the signs.
The Ci t!, I1anap,er stated Commission had changed the zoning
of Lot lJ B, Skyline Groves, but had limited the size of the sign
to 32 square feet. He reported the r~ceipt of a letter from
Mr. Emil Pratesi, attorney representinp, C. Herzog and Mrs.
Beulah Barber for use of 5 X 10 foot sign instead of a IJ X B
foot. Mr. Pratesi claimed that a wrong size sip.n had been
shipped. ' The Mayor stated that this real estate firm was a
national one and that a correct one was available and that
the size of the sign and the hours of its operation were limited
because of the objections raised by the residents in the area.
The Manager next recommended that a resolution be adopted
to authorize the Police Chief to file an application for LF..A:A
funds for additional communications equipment to implement the
Florida County and Municipal Law enforcement communications
v He spoke of two request for occupational licenses, one
for an antique store at 520 Cleveland St. and the other for
a used furniture store at 1337 N. Hiehland Ave.
The City Manager reported a petition received from resi-
dents of Grovewood subdivision reRardinr, motor cycle noise and
recommended that the petition he referred to Pine11as County
officials as the area was in the County. A discussion was held
regarding the county noise ordinance.
The next two items were bids for n twenty chnnne1 lom~ing
recorde~ for the Police department nnd bids for a parking lot at
the Martin Luther King Recreation Center.
The City Attorney recommended reconsideration of Ordinance
No. 1517, amendinr; ,the zoning atlas, so that property known as
the Alhgrim prope;,'ty, which has been acquired by the Skycrest
Baptist Church, cnn be rezoned to ISP. The letter and deed of
sale required by t:le Commission had been submitted but then later
withdrawn. Now, hOVlever, thene items have been returned to the
The Ordinance ~'9.S not advertised for the second hearinp;
within the required time and therefore the Ordinance must be re-
considered if it is to be adopted.
The Manap,er next spoke of passinp; a resolution to be sent
to Congressional Representatives and Candidates requesting them
to support continuation of waste Hater treatment fundinp;.
The Hanager reported a r>equest for reconsideration of the
annexation and zoning for the AIIEPA tract in Sections 28, 29
and 32, Township ?8, Range 16. The commission at the meeting
of September 16th approved the receipt of the application but
limited the business al~ea to that specified by the Planninp;
Director and not over 20 acres. Mr. William Gilkey, attorney,
representinp; AHEPA and the Blackburn Brothers, had ~equested a
rehearing to submit the orir;inal request to be considered at
public hearing.
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The'next item was a suggested passage of a motion acceptinr,
veceipi of an amendment 12-00076.1 to the Sand Key pvoject agv~e~
ment wheveby.. Pinellas County will assume vesponsibili ty ,fov; .con-
.tinuing to opevate and ~aintain the Sand Key site fo~ public re-,
cveation. ' ',' "
The City Attorney vepovted that the budget would have to be
'veadopted by Ovdinances as :,an opinion from the> Attovney General
stated that the budget must be adopted' by Ordinance ratherthari
by resolution and that two Ordinances had been prepared for action.
, The final item discussed was a report from the City Manager I,
regarding an agreement with the Clearwater Country Club for a new
well in which they will drill the well and it will eventually
revert'to' the" City provided the water is potable and the City pro-
vides suitable waste watev effluent for irrip,atio~ purposes.
The,meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m.
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