06/10/1974� �'}��
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June 10 � �.97�+
The Ca.ty Comma.ss�.on of the Czty o� Cl�arwater me� in a
Briefing Session �t �he Ci�y Ha11� Moncl3y� June li�� 297�+�
a� �.s 30 p.m, wi.th �he �o�.�.owing members presen'�:
H. Evexet� Hougen
Joseph Garwise
Kar].een F. AeB�aker
John �'. Rankin
�Absen-� :
Dona�.d S. Willi.ams
A1so pz+e�en� were:
Picot B. Floyd
Herbert M. Brown
Frank Danie�.s
Ci.ty Mana�ez+
Ci�y A�torney
Pol.a.c� Cha.e�
�Commissioner Wi�.liams came Ia�er ta �hhe mep�in�;.
The Mayor ca].].ed ths meeting to order and expressed
opinions about action �aken, a� the June 3-�7une 6 mee�ing�
3.n �he absence of a who�.e Comm�.ss�on.
ITEM ��1 - Bud�et Po�icy.
The City Manager displayed tran�parencies regar�ding �he
C�.�y's popuZatzon �rowth and warsen�ng eeonom�.c condi.ti.�ns
for the years 3.964 to 197�4, par�icular].y emphasa.zin� that
tremendous increases in �hese condi�ion� have occurred �rorn
�970 to the present, creatin� many �i.scal prob].ems foi� the
City. He asked for t�ie Comm:ission�s recommendations re�ard�
ing pro�ram emphasis, general bud�etary r�b�e��ives rather
than specific ma-�eriaz 3.�ems, The Mayor noted �he Commi.ss3.on
would require �i.me ta aonsi.der these very seri.ous matters,
but wi1� try to subm�.t i.ts written recommendati.ons pri.o� to
i.�'s re�u�.ar meeting of June 17.
Commissioner Wi1la.ar�s assumed his' seat' at thi� �tifne.
Commissaoner DeB�.aker noted that Fire District reveau�s
might be affset by increased homestead exemptions for the
e],der].y. Some disc�ssion ensued over fee and perm�.t schedaZe�s,
fines, municipa7. enur�, mi:llage x+evenues, construction,
limitations on expendi�ure of Fi.re District revenues, revenue
sharing and �he tederal fiscal year. The M�yor requested
�hat ca].aulations be r�ade of tota3. an�:icipa�ed tax revenues
�'or the 197�-i5 fiseal. year so tha� they cou].d be compared
� against �hose of 1.973��97�, and also o� ta�al revenue sharing
iunds. Commissionar Wi�.].iams requested that thesa rev�nues,
includin� aonsiderati.on of homestead exemption, be projected
for twa years, The City Manager said �hat, despite con-
k struction now taking p].ace, no signz��.cant inarease a.n C�.ty
revenues was �oreaast.
� Assa.stant Ci�y Managar Jef� Butzer nated tha Ga.ty musi
make i�s decision about federal revenu� si�arin� prior ta Ju].y 7..
� The Mayor read a�etter fr.om the U.S. Can�erence o� Maynrs
containing broad, guidel.i.ne-�ype, Conpressiona� cri.ticisms
re1a��.ng to use of such fund�. Some discussion ensved nver
redua�i.an of taxes and definition of public se�vic�s.
ITEM #2 -. Haus3.ng Activity.
Assistant Ci.ty Manager Tony Shoemaker noted �ha� �he
Commissa.on, at its reg�slar mee��.ng o� Apr3�. 8� apprnved s�taff--
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recommended housing pL'ograms cOllceI"ning federal revenue
sharing funds, leaving $57,000 in abeyance. He said the
staff will pI"esent recommendations, at the Commission'o regular
meeting of July 1, as to this amount, the primary goal being
to assist single, elderly people to maintain their homes.
A). Greenwood Demonstration Project.
Mr. Shoemaker said the Greenwood Demonstration Project
is a block in that area - one of the most blighted in tho
City - for which the staff had recommended large saale
rehabilitation as a model for other areas. Mr. Shoemaker
said Clearwater Federal Savings and Loan Association (CFS)
has offered to sell 17 vacant lots there at cost to the
City for use in this project of adequate, low cost housing
where people can own their own homes. He said the staff had
consulted with aI"chitects in the City and citizens of that
neighborhood for input, has attempted to avoid construction
of monotonous, box-like houses, and to assure adequate land-
scaping. Mr. Shoemaker said the City will supervise and act
as General Contractor for this construction.
The Mayor suggested obtaining additional support, for
this proj ect, from CFS and other banks and" savings and loan
associations. Mr. Shoemaker said some problems exist as to
length of funding contracts. CommissionerCarwise said this
project has received adequate citizen participation. Mr.
Shoemaker said the staff will continue to enlist this support,
thtit the owner of other vacan"t property in that area has
indicated willingness to sell it and that people who sold
property to the City fo~ the project will ~eceive preference
in obtaining homes there. Mr. Shoemaker said the staff must
continue to work with financial institutions to help indi-
viduals ~eceive loa,ns but will request confirmation of authority
to acquire the CFS lots for $39,815 - as per agreement with
that company, and another $3,000 to acquire additional prop-
erty for the project. The Mayor said this matter will be on
the Commission's agenda for June 17.
B)_ Rehabilitation and Development Program.
Mr. Shoemaker said the Housing Authority expects to pur-
chase 2 more vacant lots in the Greenwood area from CFS, under
the Rehabilitation and Redevelopment Program, with homes on
these lots probably to be built before the Greenwood Redevelop-
ment Project. He said the staff hopes to tie this program
directly to this project and, simUltaneously, to rehabilitate
some other homes. Mr. Shoemaker recommended forming a non-
profit corpora.tion for this rehabilitation. Joseph McFate,
Housing Coordinator, said this corporation should have five
Commission-appointed members and would help solve problems
of obligations and debts due to rehabilitation, and this
project could get underway upon formation of the corporation.
C). Neighborhood Improvement Program.
Mr. Shoemaker said the staff also hopes to tie this
program to the Greenwood Project but must begin some con-
struction to provide incentive to interested individuals.
Commissioner Carwise noted this program has caused homeowners
in its area to begin repairs on their own property.
There beinp; 110 fUl"'ther business, the meeting was adjourned
at 2:52 p.m.