05/13/1974. �� "• r�, ,��,,,� :..���� BR�EFzuc s�sszart Ma,y 13 , 19 71E The: City Commiss�.on oi the Ci�y af Clearwa�er me� in a brieiing �ession �� �he Ci�ty Ha1.l, Monday, M�y 13, ].97�}, a� 1:30 p,m., with �he followinF, mem�ers Present: H. Ev�r�:tt Hou�en I?oriald S. [dil].iam� Kar].c:en F� beB3.al:er ,�ohn �'. Rankin Absent: Joseph Carwise Al.so presen� were: P�co�� $. Floyd Neri�ert M. Br�4rn Max Bafitle Franl: 17ana.e�s Mayor-Commission�r Comm�.ssianer Commi�sioner Cammissioner Commissioner City M3nac;er City A•��orn�y Ci�y En�a.neer Police Ghzef The City Manager cnmmended �1s�a.s�an�t C�.i:y T1anaR�r Jeii I3u-�1er for hi� worY. in preparin� the midy�:ar cvalun�iuns of the Ci.�y's 3.973-197� b�era�i,ng Bud�et and Ca�i.tal. Zmprove- mPnts Program Bud�et. The C�:ty ManaQer noted the City is in sound financ�al condi�ion bt.�t �hat �ome "r�dic«1 ca.rcums�ances" had occurred, such as �he ener�?y shortage, inflatinn, the b�i.�aa.ng mora�torium �nci reduced numbers of touris�s. H� saa.d these factor� a].�. have had �n economic i�npac� on th� City. Operating Budp,et � Mr. B�i�ler said the evaluation� t�ere an at�emp�, by �he s�a�f, to consider �he current budp,et careful�y as a documen� t� be a:dhered to but that same amendmen�s mip_ht ba necessai�y. He noted these amc�ndmen�s �ail]. be inc3.uded in reso�.utians, to be brou�ht before the Commission on May 26, and concern author� ization.>to tap inta un�ud�;e�ed reserves �n regard to the l3ridge Fund, Parkin� Fund, and General. Fund re�?ardin� insurance, thereby ela.minating over-expenda.tures, i.f �he present budp,e� proves unwarkable. These amendments, he sazd, wiii be re- fl.ect'ed in �he end-oi��he-year audit. The City Mana�;er noted that downward and uPward pro- jec�ions, or variances from i.na.tza].ly bud�;eted amounts, as contained i.n summary form in the evaluata.on repor�, Were primar�.ly based on actual opera�t�ans �ahich had occurred during �he firs-� six mon�hs of �he fi.sca]. yeax -- which be�an on October 1-- but aiso inaZuded other fact�rs. Mr. Bu�1.er said �that the majora.�ty of problems regardin� th� Genera�, Fund re7.a�ed ta �uilding activity and o�ther pr�bl�mc involved the lltili-�ies Fund, water aonsumption, Ca.�;arc�te Tax and FederaJ. Revenue 5harin�. U�ward projections a.nvol��ed Franchise Taxes, U�il�.ty Taxes, 5tate Reventte Shar.inp, and Moba.�.e Homos Licenses. �1r. But�er noted �he s�aff has �r�.ed to la.mi� expend- itures to avai].ab].e revenues and ini�iai proie��ti.ons, bu� tha� increased autlay� ral.atecl to elec�ricity, �a�n�.ine, �nd diesel char.ges and insurance aosts. �ie said tha� a footnote in the evalua�ion repor� showed thera probahl.y crould be a $].Z2,729 shor�ape in �he General Fund. The Mayor noted �ha� the new Commic�zoners must operate ut�der a budpei:, �he preparation of whzch they had nothinp, to do with. The Ca.ty Manager cammended �the sta�i for adherinp, to �he bud�et as much as possible. . , � , r.a a,�,������}} ��� '..�,�,�i '.�:���:,�'� t�r1 i '� s�._.. ' � �ir.r.a +� � � e -..�.+ 'i{, }�.�'�}4'+�sq., �i.�, ,����4i y:ea��i� �: �p ��i7j" � k.�l4"':'�R.r�ti 1>w�' �%.Y:4"....;s. •r��iy� F�t� 1, ets�' , -'65�a4��4"�;��h�•�di`' � 1�`i'� �.}'`� 6.i�' ° } :r�f: J r., � . . . ' . . `:,.,".'r:' .. . ��-.. x 4.. r � +'i::k � y��T}�;' � 7` y}',.: � ��' �'��o-' •��'�x�`i>�4 . . ;` . , � �,. 5�13--7i1 },,, ....F...A_,.: _, is�.l..",'.a�'s=: 1f5�' ��,� ����; .��} ��.�.i r,3���...�-k, ��i,l�`�+��'�C,� �'� M aT 1.. f'. r+. .w.b��+. Y+ ....-� _vr���� .. �J. ej.��'a'i��il:i'Ir�l''!,` 'y. 'y;�;S'Yl,.�'�`;,',' "y,tp�`��tjl ��s �. �:. x ' � "'� !�' � ";r: �'. �ir� .`; . •f�•��.��: . �:�1��'•�r^ "'���.1_C�,��� . . � i _ . =,�� ' i 1 .'�y' . - . .,.r � . . �� •�"��4f ..�fry� ��L�n�a, . , f'�:i'x�i, _ _ ' . - • ..,.... - .� . - „ . , .z .� p :;wr' � . . i��*�,N..�.��. . `�•. . r,... a.+n i,�' . t�ir;���' _ S x �y .�, r.w.7•n.,,r..:..l..j 7: << L' � AL \. • +y F.�/�J.'. S �' p " � at � f L., ai �... h: • i.�iii�. '4��:: '�:...:�''::� w. ��.�c..e.� �^�v�--..+�;-s�. ..j«. . V... y [ p i:,t���.,.,.��s,�.:: i �+�JL iCr •'tIfS F ii�Y'!..' ��"' S'. ..:. .�� ; �,� , : .� '� .d f ':.i�i' ft"�:�'v�.jE4'a{r.�.•r•.„1F�•?'°": rti `(� i� 41r� �f�,i:i���.3A��.r:i.�w .r:i,r�� Y��• r i- �`kr�. �ti.,.t, �t i,., . � ' .�� `.� � R - ;�� ..,.c.:c�.� .57 :.1e•.��. i.�.}��. �"L'�a :'1. � 7 .� a... � .. /, p�[...: a;� °.il;� �'.u':';=�l.Z:"+. 'v, ! �..:.,1. ^.1•.r,.•";1 •.��..-..,. •.�."�.�� .. � r. : +t �.."� .�..;i :. : y �vr+{ . •/.+•. ''� :;" '.', :�'.. _.�._.�.1.... _._...'.,....... .'1.:_�_ .._'_±.��'v�.s�l'....:..�' _...�....F...�:..a�.�`.��..G..�'.��ii�riS�-. »ar�vn•�Y.+iaEle_WS_tr.i.icr��.�ri�i� li�r.as_:+..a..rtii�ir��'4iwt:�ri�—iwi�iiiMiiii�ti�ifli'�- ^•�i.#Saf..��swc�:.y:sa...._,.,..`_—___a.....a..1