91-24 ,. . '(.r.lir,~~tt"~"",~~~~~~9.I)1~~~~I"~ :':~'l~"~~')~~~i)~;.: <. '),~)~ :~'" ~ :",>:~,.~~;,~ ~:. !!~'.C ' ~.:....t. \1~~ c'c:~~"t. '. .:.~ ':~<:"'7':",~.:;~'1:~1~,,:;~.:. .:c~, " >,J". ~'.' L.~~\..;t \~~ 'r ~f . .;. ., . Q e RESOLUTION NO. 91~24 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, DEDICATING UTILITY EASEMENTS LYING ACROSS CITY..OWNED PARCELS OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 15 EAST, PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA: PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Clearwater is the own~r of the hereinafter described property: and WHEREAS, it is necessary to dedicate portions thereof as util ity easements: now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: Section 1. The properties described in Exhibit A and depicted in Exhibit B attached hereto are h~reby ded icated as utility easements for use by the general public, Florida Power Corporation, and the City of Clearwater as their . interests may appear. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to record this resolution in the public recor~s of Pinellas County, Florida. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect i~nediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th .day of June, 1991. R ta Garvey Mayor..Commissioner Mtest: ~~d~~- ..0.. .\ , o. J. oj : ' 1+ . .~ 1/-.2'1 ,J ,i o <0 EXHIBIT A Parael 1 - A 10 f~ot wide strip of land lying within section 10, Township 29 south, Range 15 East, being more particula~ly described as follows: commence at the Southwest corner of Lot 9, Block I, of the Fairmont Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 85 of the PUblic Records of Pinellas County, Florida, Said point being a point on the easterly right-of-way line of Harbor Dr., thence run N 00020'1011 East 460.35 feet along said right-of-way line to the POINT OF BEGINNING of a 10 foot wide easement, said easement extending 5 feet on either side of the following described centerline which bears N 88Q03' 12" East for 35.76 feet; thence N 88051146" East for 46.53 feet; thence. S 41035' 22" East for 24.00 feet to the POINT OF TERMINA'rl0N. The sidelines of said easement to be extended or shortened to meet at angle points and to terminate at said east line of Harbor Drive. I Parael 2 - A parcel of land lying within section 10, Township 29 South, Range 15 East, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Southwest corner of Lot 9,. Block I, of the Fairmont Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 85 of the Public Records of Pinellas county, Florida, Said point also being a point on the easterly right-Of-way line of Harbor Drive, thence run along said easterly right-Of-way line for the following five (5) courses: 1) N 00020'10" East for 510.25 feet to a point of curvature on a curve concave to ~he southwest; 2) thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve having the following for its elements a radius of 313.64 feet, a central angle of 29000'00", an arc. length of 158.75 feet and a chord bearing and distance of N 14Q09'50" West for 157.06 feet to a point of reverse curve on a curve concave to the Northeast, 3) thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve having the following for ita elements, a radius of 150.46 feet, a central angle of 14005'00", an arc length of 36.98 feet and a chord bearing and distance of N 21037'20" West for 36.89 feet to a point of tangency, 4) thence N 15020'03" West for 187.52 feet to a point of curvature on a curve concave to the Southwest, 5) thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve having the following for its elements a radius of 188.71 feet, a central angle of 36050'15", an arc length of"121.33 feet and a chord bearing and distance of N 32"59'58" West for 119.25 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of a 10 foot wide easement, said easement extending 5 feet either side of the following described centerline which bears N 74058'25" East for 51.83 feet; thence N 82001'22" East for 53.71 feet to point "A"; thence continue N 82001'22" East for 26.01 feet; thence N 85044'26" East for 156.75 feet; thence S 82013'50" East for 109.59 feet; thence S 70029'20" East for 43.48 feet; thence S 50024'53" East for 61.22 feet; thence S 50028'42" East for 32.26 feet; thence S 02059'46" East for 68.67 feet; thence S 03028'05" East for 52.01 feet to a Point "B", together with: Parcel A: a 10 foot wide easement, said easement extending 5 feet either side of the fol'lowing described centerline: Begin at the aforementioned Point CIA"; thence N 20015' 49" West for 8.48 feet; thence N 22040'02 West for 18.71 feet; thence N 06041'13" West for 15.22 feet to the POINT Of TERMINATION. Parcel B; a 20 foot wide easement, said easement extending 10 feet either side of the' following described centerline: Begin at the aforementioned Point "B"; thence S 03028'05" East for 20.00 feet to the POINT OF TERMINATION. The sidelines of said easements to be extended or shortened to meet at angle points and to terminate at said Aast line of Harbor Drive. ;. . . '. '. . ~ ~ '. . ~ ~ . . . . - . EXHIBIT "B" 4 Nom ... T.& ThIs Is not a Survey $~ ~$a . * . O~~er .25 .01 ..~ :c. ,;1 \" . RUSSELL STREET 11 nECanolNO AceT Ltu~.~...:L'P REG I ~_,~O_o r-r:FS _.__ r.HF .~ ....___ P1G ___._._ PIC ____ DOC __ INT TOTAL l.s.oo Q F'4LAS COUNTY FLA. OFF.REC.BK 7659 PO 1507 INST t 91-228389 f'\UG 22, 1991 4:45PM RESOLUTION NO. 91-24 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, DEDICATING UTILITY EASEMENTS LYING ACROSS CITY.OWNED PARCELS OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP. 29 SOUTH, RANGE 15 EAST, PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA: PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Clearwater is the owner of the hereinafter described property: and WHEREAS, it is necessary to ded icate port ions thereof as ut i 1 i ty easements i now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: Section 1. The properties described in Exhibit ^ and depicted in Exhibit B attached hereto are hereby dedicated as utl1 ity easements for use by the general public, Florida Power Corporation, and the City of Clearwater as their interests may appear. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to record this resolution in the public records of Pinel1as County, Florida. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of June, 1991. R ta Garvey Mayor-Commissioner Attest: 'l'hla in.lrUlIIClIl WU9 prlJpurcd h)': . . . '. M. A. Gulhmith, Jr. ., . . City Attorney .,Chy of Clellrwater, P. 0, Dox 4748 ClellrwAter, FL 3461847.18 KARLEEN F. DEBLAKER, CLERK RECORD VERIFIED BY t h\.) '- _ RETURN TO: ~ CITY CLERK POST OFFICE BOX 474B CLEARWATER, FL 34618-4748 1/-;)'1 Q Q PINELLAS COUNTY FLA. OFF.REC.~K 7659 PG 1508 EXHIBIT A Parael 1 - A 10 f~ot wide strip oi land lying within section 10, Township 29 South, Range 15 East, being more particula~ly described as follows: Commence at the Southwest corner of Lot 9, Block I, of the Fairmont SUbdivision as recorded in Plat Book 9, page a5 of the Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida, said point being a point on the easterly right-of-way line of Harbor Dr., thence run N 00020'10" East 460.35 feet along said right-of-way line to the POINT OF BEGINNING of a 10 foot wide easement, said easement extending 5 feet on either side of the fOllowing described centerline which bears N 88003' 1211 East for 35.76 feet; thence N 88051'46ff East for 46.53 feet; thence S 41035'22" East for 24.00 feet to the POINT OF TERMINATION. The sidelines of said easement to be extended or shortened to meet at angle points and to terminate at said east line of Harbor Drive. I Parael 2 - A parcel of land lying within BectioJl 10, Township 29 South, Range 15 East, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Southwest corner of Lot 9,. Block I, of the Fairmont SUbdivision as recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 85 of the PUblic Records of pinellas County, Florida, Said point also being a point on the easterly right-of-way lIne of Harbor Drive, thence run along said easterly right-of-way line for the following five (5) courses: 1) N 00020'10" East for 510.25 feet to a point of curvature on a curve concave to ~he Southwest; 2) thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve having the following for its elements a radius of 313.64 feet, a central angle of 29000'00", an arc. length of 158.75 feet and a chord bearing and distance of N 14009'50" West for 157.06 feet to a point of reverse curve on a curve concave to the Northeast, 3) thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve having the following for its elements, a radius of 150.46 feet, a central angle of 14005'00", an arc length of 36.98 feet and a chord bearing and distance of N 21037'20" West for 36.89 feet to a point of tangency, 4) thence N 15020'03" West for 187.52 feet to a point of curvature on a curve concave to the Southwest, 5) thence Northwesterly along the .arc of said curve having the following for its elements a radius of 188.71 feet, a central angle of 36050'15", an arc length of:121.3J feet and a chord bearing and distance of N .32059'58" West for 119.25 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of a 10 foot wide easement, said easement extending 5 feet either side of the fallowing described centerline Which bears N 74058'25" East for 51.83 feet; thence N 82001'22" East for 53.71 feet to Point ffA"; thence continue N 82001'22ff East for 26.01 feet; thence N 85044'26" East for 156.75 feet; thence S 82013'50" East for 109.59 feet; thence S 70029'20" East for 43.48 feet; thence S 50024'53" East for 61.22 feet; thence S 50028'42" East for 32.26 feet; thence S 02059'46" East for 68.67 feet; thence S 03028'05" East for 52.01 feet to a Point "B", together with: Parae I A: a 10 foot wide easement, said easement extending 5 feet either side of the fo1'lowing described centerline: Begin at the aforementioned Point "A"; thence N 20015'49" West for 8.48 feet; thence N 22Q40'02 West for 18.71 feet; thence N 06041113" West for 15.22 feet to the POINT Or TERMINATION. Parcel B; a 20 foot wide easement, said easement extending 10 feet ,either side of the following described centerline: Begin at the aforementioned Point "B"; thence s 03028'05" East for 20.00 feet to ,the POINT OF TERMINATION. The sidelines of said easements to be extended or shortened to meet at angle points and to terminate at said east line of Harbor Drive. ,. . -'.. . . .. < . ., , \\ . ,e. {" . .. '.- ~.. .e - PINELL~S COUNTY FL~. OFF.REC.BK 7659 PO 1509 ,.. ., . EXI-HBIT' "8" . QdJGV.S . . 4 NOTE, ... T.I. thIs Is not a Survey ~~ ~oS'~ 0:: o m. ~. .:1: . .> . I, // RUSSELL SlREET , . I' .. ,. . ,.,. '. ..: ; !.~, . : .., ., , .: +,. : .. ;/ :.: ) :.... ,: . ~ ~': . <;...: c ~ /(, L'I '{ <:.'...:h<:. I" .. ~.;'., ~~ ~~;/:' .:.l~::';< .';, .,. .' . ~'~ , n" \ \:'.<,:. '" . ,. .' ., ., . . , . .. '." :., i. ,. .. . , ,. .' . }"r' . ~. .. . ., '.'. ';, ' . !:'~ ~ ,'" ".:; .- 9, . <'<,; ('<.toil' {J..1(J9 '. .~ .:..:: ::',~, ( .f : . ~. /" . ..... ., .:'" '.\ . ,f. ~. c, ';T :1 .j ~.::.~;' :. ~" , . T!~. 1. : ' : . . : ~ :P R.$'.r, .. ( l'.." . \ " ./, ., 06" . <'.;>> ; . '. . ..\ . .. , . ~ g, e ,,' .1 . . I ~c / ",' i. . . ~ y ~ '. .; ., ;. : '. ~ .. ';1 ,. ~ ~ .1 ..~rr. J; T1r ED AUG 2.6 199'. CI1~Y CLERk 1~' I . \. .f H .' .~ . '.'