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The City hereby authorizes Bnd directs sald Mayor-Commissioner and City Clerk to execute under the seal of the City the Purchase Contract and to dellver to the Underwriter the Purchase Contractt all of the provisions of whicht when executed Bnd delivered by the City as authorized herein and by the Underwriter, shall be deemed to be a part of thts instrument as fully and to the same extent as if incorporated verbatlm herein. The negotiated sale of the 1988 Bonds to the Underwriter ts hereby authorized pursuant to Sectlon 218.385, Florida Statutes (1987). The information required to be given under such law to the City ts attached as Exhibit B to the Purchase Contract, and the City has not requtred the disclosure of any additlonalinformatlon. Sectlon 3. DBSCRIPTION OF 1988 BONDS; PURPOSE OF FINANCING. The 1988 Bonds shall be issued upon the terms and provlsions set forth tn the Purchase Contract and the Preliminary Official Statement referred to herein. The proceeds of the 1988 Bonds shall be apr;>lIed for the purpose of refunding the Refunded Bonds described in the Preliminary Official Statement. The unsold principal balance of the authorized Bonds shall remain authorized but unissued pursuant to the Ordinance. Section 4. PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATBMBNT; OFPICIAL STATEMBNT. The use in pricing the 1988 Bonds of the PreUmfnary Otflclal Statement relating to the 1988 Bonds in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B and made a part hereof, is hereby ratified and approved and the executfont delivery and use In marketing the 1988 Bonds, of a final Official Statement in substantially the form of the Prelimtnary Otficlal Statement, modIfied to reflect the terms and conditions ot thIs Resolution and the Purchase Contract, is approved. Sectlon 5. APPOINTMENT OF BSCROW AGBNT, REGIS'l'RAR AND PAYING AGBNT. ' Florida National Bank, St. Petersburg, Florida, is hereby appointed to serve as Escrow Agent, Registrar and Paying Agent for the 1988 Bonds under the Resolution. Section 6. EXECUTION OP 1988 BONDS AND AUTHORIZATION OF ALL CTHBR NBCBSSARY ACTION. The proper officers of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute the 1988 Bonds when prepared and to dellver the same to the Registrar for authentication and delivery to the Underwriter upon payment of the purchase price pursuant to the condttions stated in the Purchase Contract. The Mayor- Commissioner, City Manager, City Clerk, Finance Director, City Attorney, and Livermore Klein &. Lott, P.A., bond counsel to the City, are each designated agents of the City in connection with the issuance and delivery of the 1988 Bonds, and are authorized and empowered, collectively or individually, to take all actions and steps to execute and deliver any and all Instruments, documents or contracts on behal! of the City which are necessary or deslrabie in connection with the execution and delivery of the 1988 Bonds and which are not inconsistent with the terms and provisions of this resolution and other actlons relating to the 1988 Bonds heretofore taken by the City. Section '1. SEVERABILITY OF INVALID PROVISIONS. If anyone or more of the covenants, agreements or provisions herein contained shall be held contrary to any express provisions of law or contr8ry to the pollcy of express law, though not LKL-09/28/S8-227 AA-2750 -2- . . (I ~ " '0 t, , duly appointed City Clerk of the City of Clearwater, Florida; certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the " City Commission on October 6, 1988. Witness my hand and the seal of the City of Clearwater, Florida, this , 1988. day of City Clerk . : ' ~ t ' . '; .r '"\ ': Ie '" " ':' , .' " ' , " . ,. , , ~. ' t ,,1 '. . , ". f . U ,~ <' ~";' ~t>':" /! . > " ! ." , ~, .J ,1.. .-: ., ':", r', , , . . ...'," . . ,. , . , ...... ,\,;+5" '........, '.' ., .,.' ~ ':, ;;'..~.! ~. .. c', " 0' :, ' ,',' . , . Fe' ~ . ~ 'c .. ,:~./,'t,>.:,.; ..~,~. "1. ~'" '~:.'.' /; '..:. ", " ,~;~<. :..' ~, f" ::',' ",,"'" /'>. c' , <~ ".,.'. . "J '~< ; :".": LKL:09/27/SS":227AA-2750: ":.g,'\:~,c\'Pi;,," , ' :;.,'.}lh':.{:~>":" ."i' .:' ,'.~ .," , ' '!'. ':"4- 'e" ,. , , ~ t.~ ~, ' l .' .,.............. '(rlj' <<"II.....;......."..',..rl'~..>...~,.,. ,~.. ~k-.""'~, .~"i)",.t.r;.l~..i."~.',!;.~:"..:,rf>~J"-,<r'~.:", ..."'~~4..w1'~.~\~~l'";. 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't'he Bonds shall bear interest at the rates set forth and shall be redeemable Drior to their stated maturities at the times ann in the amounts set forth in Exhibit "A" hereto. J\ll capi tali zed wo rds and phrases IJsed herein, unless defined herein, shall have the meaninq set forth in the Ordinance. The financial disclosure statement required to be {'rov ided to the City 9ur suant to Section 218.385, Flor ida St.llt- utes, is attached hereto as Exhibit "BII. The Underwriter aqrees to make a public offering of the Bonds at the prices set forth on the cover ~ge of the Official State- 'l\ent, as hereinafter tiefined, prov ined, however, that the Unner- writer reserve the right to make concessions to dealers and other~ ann to change such initial offer ing pr ices as the Underwr iter shall, in their sole ~iscretion, deem necessary in connection with the marketinq of the Bonds. . We shall, before 6:uu ~.m. on nd.c~~l" ~, 1988, deliver to the Finance Oi rector of the City (the ftl?1nance Director") or other person designate" by the City, a check payable to the orner of the Ci ty in the amount of $ 250.000 as secur ity for the performance by us of our obligations to accept and pay for the Bonds at the Clos- ing in accordance with the provisions of this Contract of Pur- chase. Sain check shall not be cashed except under the circum- stances set forth in the last sentence of this Section 1. If the City does not accept this offer, or upon your failure (other than for a reason ne~itted under this Contract of Purchase) to deliver the Bonds at the Closinq, or if you shall be unable to satisfy the conditions to the Underwriter's obligations contained in this Contract of Purchase (unless waived by the Underwriter), or if such obligations shall be terminaterl for any reason permitten by this Contract of Purchase, or otherwise at the Closing, you shall return the check to us. If the Underwriter fails (other than for a reason permitted under this Contr~ct of Purchase) to accept and pay for the Bonds at the Closing, such. check shall be cashed and the proceeds thereof shall be retained by the City as and for full liquidated damages for such failure and for any and all defaults hereunder on the part of the Under;-writer, and thereupon all your claims ann riqhts hereunder against the Underwriter shall be fUlly released and discharqed. 2. The' Underwr i te r '9 ~urchase and acceptance of del i very of the entire $2fi--.565~063.10 . aqqregate principal amount of the Bonds shall 'be a eo~the Citv's obligation to sell and deliver any Bonds to the Underwriter. 3. Prom-ptly after your acceptance hereof, the City shall deliver, or cause to be delivered, to the Underwriter, four (4) executed copies of the Official Statement relating to the aonds substantially in ~~e form attached hereto ~s Exhibit C, with only such changes, if ~ny, therein as shall have been accepted by the 2 ; ~"c-=-:~ ~:1",.J H ~!'o('" ~:~~""lt-., ....,~I;,........~ J..~"1",' ;~t:... ~.-t1 ~, I~~J ~"'~"'--:f ~f~~, .:~' ~ ~ I.H' ~"""."l'.. .,' ,~.~'t;'~1' ""t~="'=~.'~.;~~",...,. ~i / ) (' I t: "~X~!'2~:~~"~~'~i'" ,~,~r,~~<.~'~'r~~"",';"~ :,."::'.,.'~:"~':',~:'::;~:;',,;':'.:;~:'::;:,:,:.( ;,~.::k.,:.:;~:~;'i;;~,~!:~~;;;;:~:,f:4:::ri ~~~:..., . c . ~ 't<i1~~i.~~~~~:~~.~~~:~k:',~~~~"," ~ r :.~:~1~~~\r~\'~{~c;:~;.~?'2r{!.:,I:~: ~:,:::,:;. :,{~~.~~.~~' ~ ~;:: : : : :'~~ '.: ~:~i.,:.:~\~~.~~:\.:~~:;~~~:~l~\!~!)(.)~~': .;./ti .:;~'(.t~,~tf.\~~~,;7.i\~~7:~,~~11~;~~~1;:~.~:t~':,'.'I/~J.~~~f\~":l}~ \r~t\\,;}$ ~~!~} ;;~.""",~ . 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'.j../,{:i';b,~;~i v/ >?;~':'.~~ :~<{;'?'\:"i~' ~\<,.;/:;) ~';;''';'f'l \,: " ,{:' ~;'~Ki;~:,~1i;,1 {:~):,":~~~';:\;N~~ ~l~~ t-~ ,.:l' :.',.'>:.~;;.:[~:~{ti;:(1r~~:~~~/'i:~~r, '1}':tl: I )...".. , ~ \tilL lU:~~~.J2IfAL Ll .~ --;w.:.....uw...J.,:,....;" ...-,....t... ' t t:i't:;// .. ;~~ l ~ ,fr..j r..:",...'.;:',..,-t; '~~;J::~~~4J ..../,( .~lL\. ,'t' }l'!c '\~,(~h": .:'!';J'" . '," ~l ~~,~t.};~i):.tl {f)~J} :~~;~ ~.;..t"...,,';\ ~fi;W1lr",r.' .;~~t:'/..~~~:'~V(' , ' ,~~ ~{~'~~:tt~\ ~ .l;':~t'.P' ");~.I;.-... h~\i: H~~~ \."r,t., i\J;~~ ;}...:~ .\\ \~~? '.'r,:: Jr:--' f' , ~ ~ o "Closinq" and the 1ate of. such ~eti'Jery ann f?ayrnent is herein called the "Date of Closinq. n The Bonds wi 11 be made available at least one'Business Day before the Date of Closing for checking and pac:kaq lng at a location in New Yo rk, New York to he ....q reed IJl?on by us. 'rhe Bonds shall be preT;lared, and the Bonds shall be deliv- ere~, only in fully reqisterable form. If the City is unable to deliver the Bonds in definitive form, the Underwriter may in its sole discretion accept delivery of Bonds in te~oorary for~ at Ctosinq (the "Temporary Bonds"), and the City shall deliver, or cause to be delivered, to the Under- wr i te r at such place as the Underwr i te r and the City aq ree, the Bonds in definitive form, duly executed on the City's behal f (the "Definitive Bonds"), as soon as reasonably possible after the Closinq. The City shall reimburse the Underwr iter for the net cost of carrying any such Temporary Bonds. At such time and on such date, the Underwriter. will accept such ~elivery of the Defin- itive Bonds ann deliver to t:',a City the Temporary Bonds. Such exchange of the Definitive Bonds for the Temporary Bonds is herein called the "Delivery." The Definitive Bonds will be delivered as fUlly reg istered bonds and will be made available to the Unoer- wr iter for checking and pac'kag inq n,ot less than one business day prior to Delivery at a place designated by the Underwriter. 6. The Underwriter has entered into this Contract of Pur- chase in reliance upon the representations, warranties, covenants and agreements of the City contained herein, in reliance upon the representations, ~rranties, covenants and agreements contained in the documents and instruments to be delivered at the Closinq, and in reliance up'on the gerformance bV the City of its Obligations hereunder, both as of the date hereof and as of the Date of Clos- ing. A.ccor-iingly, the Underwriter.' s obligations under this Con- tract of Purchase to Durchase the Bonds are conditioned upon the fol towinq cond i tion8 set fo rth in (a 1 below and the succeed inq conditions: (a) At or prior to the Date of Closing, the City shall have J;lerformed all of its obligations to be performed hereunder and under the documents and instruments to be delivered at the Closinq; th~ representations, warranties, covenants and agreements of the City contained herein shall be true, complete and correct on the date' hereof and on and as of the Date of Closing, as if mane on the Date of Closinq7 (b) At the time of the Closi n9, the Ord inance shall be in full force and effect in I\cccrdance ~t.h its terms and shall not have been amended, modified or supplemented, and the Official Statement -shall not have been supplemented or amended, except in any such case as ~ay have been aqreed to by the Underwriter. 7 f!:..L..tt1l" . .. ~~~ " ~ '. , ~ 'i' ' i;!f ',. (~'..> 'f' r., ~:~*,io ...~ ~. .; .J ,~ J L' @ ~ ~XHIaIT A (cont.) OPTIONAL REDEMPTION Current Interest Bonds: The 1988 Current Interest Bonds shall be subject to redemption prior to their stated dates of maturity, at the option of the CitYl from funds legally available for such purpose on and after December 1, 1998, (i) as a whole at any time, or (11) in part on any interest payment date, at the principal amount thereof plus accrued interest to the date of redemption plus a premium of 3~1/2% of the par value thereof. Capital Apprec1st10n Bonds: The 1988 Capital Appreciation Bonds shall be subject to redemption prior to their stated dates of"maturity, at the option of the City, from funds legally available for such purpose on and after December I, 1998, (i) as a whole on any date, or (ii) in part on December 1, 1998, or on any June 1 and December 1 thereafter, at the redemption prices (expressed as per~entages of the Accreted Value) set forth below: Period During Which Redeemed (Bath Dates Inclusive) December 1, 1998 to November 30, 1999 December 1, 1999 to November 30, 2000 December 1, 2000 to November 30, 2001 December 1, 2001 and thereafter Redempt10n ~ 105% 104-1/2 104 103-1/2 I, I. , ,. . I " . , .' . '. . ~~,;..~.,~~-~lIt~-~f~~~""'~~'~ '....~i..~~'t1'(f,..,.....,..\,.~,,~\?"~ ~ .- , t-- t. 'ft~~r~~~~r~~r~,~111'~~1t~~~;.r.: ~~lV-~-' l!~'~i.,.~~~)~.t:::~~-a:;'""'i"~" :~~~~"~~'"!1."../i'~"f"~' J~~\~iY.-.f:~"ft:.Jt1'.~!f. ~r'f. "':,r { '~~" > :t . i; , . '~: " . ~ ,~",'<i.;..~~ r ~.,j ,," ..,tl_":;".:,~\'t<~~;;~,<~.:,'~i:''.'';-;'~;~::''-/'';'":'''",',;,.';r\;~).;:},',::;'..,,)t.,''::''''',,~~V::::~'' (:7':'f.:~:..;,," l;';. !.' . ",'.- ,... ". ',,'" ,- " 1,1. I ..' " . @ D.. ~ EXHIBIT B DISCLOSURE LETTER City Commissioners City of Clearwater, Florida RE: $26.565.063.10City of Clearwater, Florida Water ,and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1988 Ladies and Gentlemen: pursuant to Chapter 218.385, Florida Statutes, and' in y~fer- ence to the issuance of the above-referenced bonds (the IIBon'ds II ) William R. Hough & Co. (the IIUnderwriterll) having entered into the, Contract of purchase, dated October 6 , 1988 (the IIBond purchase Agreement II) between the Underwriter and the City of Clearwater, F~orida (the IICityll), make the following disclosures to the City. . The Underwriter is acting a8 Underwriter to the City for the public offering or sale of the Bonds. (a) Expenses estimated to be incurred by the Underwriter in connection with the issuance of the Bonds: $..1:.QZ per $1,000 or $81.554. 74( see attached itemization). (b) Names, addresses and estimated amounts of compensation of any person. who is not regularly employed by, or not a partner or ,officer of, an underwriter, bank, banker, or financial consultant or advisor and who enters i.nto an understanding with either the City or the Underwriter, or both, for any paid or promised compen- sation or valuable consideration, directly, expressly or impliedly, to,act solely as an intermediary between the City and the'Underwriter for the purpose of influencing any transaction in the purchase.. of the Bond. I none (e) ThG:.~uuount of underwriting spread expected to be real- i zed I _. . Undorwriting $ 20.62 per $1,000 or $547.771.60 '1 . . t ' , . ,~~ /,;~ i; '1" Jr. ~ ill ~ . . (d) Management fee charged by the Underwriters $...2..J20. per $1,000 or, $ ~3 I l!ln '!l Any other fee, bonus and other compensation estimated to be paid by the Underwriter in oonnection with the Bonds to any person not regularly employed or retained by the Underwriters none (f) The name and address of the Underwriter connected with the Bondss " WILLIAM R. HOUGH & CO. 100 SECOND AVENUE, SOUTH ST. PE~ERSBURG, FLORIDA 33701 Very truly yours, . . WILLIAM R. . HOUGH & CO. : ' , 'Ie Bys ~~ 0 ~~L ", . , !' ,i' . ,. , j \:~'~':. ' -: " '. . ~ 'f ~' "'l. , , , . ~. . .' '-, >, " < . , .',' :' ~" . . ,,'" <. . .. " c' . '., + r 1 . ,: ;' ~ . , . , '. d .' ~, . , , . '.: > ~ .. ~ c ~ . .' 'r' _ :;:t't;~(, ';(\:". :" 't'. '. . ....~ ! .,1.,., , : ., . .. ' . . '. .. e (:fj p UNDERWRITER'S EXPENSES EXDenses S/S1.000 .25 .21 1.00 1.25 , .25 .a..11 3.07 Iml $ 6,641.26 5,578.66 26,565.06 33,206.34 6,641.26 2.922.16 581,554.74 .,' . Clearance MSRB/PSA Unde~riter's Counsel Computer Federal Funds Travel, Out~of-Pocket TOTAL I. 'I' ...1 ;':', "~..) " ' .,. . .l. , ". ".', , . . '.. I ~ .'. ( < " .! ;, " :',\ . .:. ~ ::,.:., \ ' ,~ ~ . .' . ..C.\ ' .1 '," . .:- ">. : ",",<' .' .,' ,I ;. -:: ;. . j ~' I . r :.',. J . ~.: " .' ~ . J f: \ : l .' . ,...: ~ ;.".. l l,'.' \~ .' :,) ~.;.: ,.....c. . :"J . ' :. (.~ ~ I' J ' '!":. ;1. ':>'.:::i';,::..'. <'>\,' '.',">' :',~' . ,'. "t"" , '. '. .' ~. :: l . F" : (<". ',;'::. :' :.;....<..:.:. . , ,. q, .;"' \ ". ~. '\" ': . : c __ . ...' ,;./., ,.. }:. :,; c.. ;. . 1'. . < J ;'. .' :. . ..' .' . '. ~ i. .; t ' , ~ : .' . ,. ' ;.::,{;.;>:..)~;!; .'.: .:. '....- ...,.".,.'.,. :'.. > , < .'. ~.,.:: . I .; j c '. ::':';l"~':.:i.( ,:.~!".., .' '\ ~. ~ .' > ",'<.: J.~." ': ~ '..>~~{~/.~:../~l.':' 1 . ,: ~ t,r ,; \. '. 'T'. . c' '.} ?:'.;:: ":", " . .. ,'. :\' . I . . , ' . ./{ :.~ .:,,.,.~~~~7f~!iP"fit~~~~~~~~~~#.Irffl:~ ~'.'~~~~\).'~* '. ;~i"":.:~;:;'i::':'c:':~\::::,"';:;:'.\;;/;'''''::~:!' ;'". ""-i'i,;' t,.l. (l.!.. ";H,.t~...,. :+"!, ,,' ,;/" .('. \~?'.~';'-'I\ : >,.~ < j'. ' i '., ! h , . . to . (j 0. ~ EXHIBIT 0 SUPPLEMENTAL OPINION OF BOND COUNSEL [Date of Closing} William R. Hough & Co. St. Petersburg, Florida Ladies and Gentlemenl We have acted as Bond Counsel to the City of Clearwater, Florida (the "Cityll) in connection with the iSl!Iuance and sale by the City of its $ aggregate principal amount of Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1980 (the "Bonds"), and we have parti- cipated in various proceedings relating thereto. All terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed thereto in the Contract of purchase dated October ,1988, (the "Purchase Contract") by and between th~ City and yoU: In such capacity we bave examined the followingl (i) the Official Statement dated October 6, 1988, relating to the Bonds, (ii) the purchase Con- tract, (iii) the Ordinance, (iv) the Escrow Deposit Agreement, (v) the original Ordinance, and (vi) such otber documents, certifi- cates and proceeding. as we have considered. necessary to render this opinion. All capitalized undefined terms used herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Purchase Contract. We are of the opinion that. (a) the Purchase Contract and the Escrow Deposit Agreement constitute legal, valid and binding obligations of the City, C!Jxcept as the enforce.ent thereof lftay be 1imi ted by bankruptcy, inaolvency, moratorium or other laws affecting creditors I rights generally. - (b) the Bon.da are not subject to the registration require- ments of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended: and the Ordinance is exompt froll qualification under the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, . as amended. (c) the Official Statement has been authorized, executed and dolivered by the City, and the City has consented to the use t~ereof by the Underwriter. , " " i . . ._.....JI.'Mr"'~'~~~~~i"""'. .,~.:.:., ~. - . . ..... .. . '. ., .",<~7~r.'~"'y; ,'fj'''''." ' ., , . . I . ",?i~(; r:',~"T' ~ ~l'il""r9~''''f\'. . .~~~.l!- tti'~ ~\;' .,. ~~t'!'~. '~i:'~\", I:":>;.':>!~'~" .;~tl,<~ ~~:~. ..' '.;:-."~: :,~<.., "~' ,"":.,.;:',:'t \.:.r~~,...".,,:i.~..(.\:~:~~~J"7i~'~.: , '~{ '.t~-->+- . ~ 7.. \.~>:''''I''''''''', ,".\