87-28 . , -,' .". u, '. ' . " . , .",. . :' ~ . :'.; " - @ 8 @ RESOLUTI.Qji '" No. 87 - 28 I' A RESOWl'ICN CF THE CI'lY OF CIEAIMATER, FIDRItv\. APProVING A IJINDSCAPnx; lGREEMENT BE'lWEEN 'mE c:tTY' AND '!HE FLORIDA DEPARl'MENT OF TMNSPORTATlOO FOR L1INDSCAPIN3 PORl'ICN OF srA'IE m1\D 60, FOCM FURl' HARRISCN AVENUE 'IO MYR!'lE AVENUE, AND AtJI'HORIZING 'llIE EXECUl'ICN OF THE m~. WHEREAS, the City and the Florida Deparbnent of TransIX>rtatioo have negotiated an agreement providing for the installation and maintenanCE! of landscaping on that portion of State !bad 60 from Fort Harrison Avenue to Myrtle Avenue, a o::py of whim agreement, entitled If Highway Larrlscaping Mern:>:ran- durn of Agreement,'" is attached hereto; Na-J, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'llIE CI:TY c:nY-U:S:;ICN CF THE CI:'lY OF CIEMMATER, FroRIM: Sectiat 1. 'lbe city O::mnission does hereby approve the . Highway Iardscape M3r0rand\Jt\ of Agreement, and the City Manager and city Clerk are hereby autho:rizoo to execute the agreenent on ~a1f of the City of Clearwater. Sectioo 2. '!his Resolution shall take effect i.mred- iately upoo adoptioo. PASSES 1\ND 1\OOPl'ED this 4th day of June, 1981.. }. ,,' . Attest: . i ,. , " cl. t ~~lerkj:"~. . .~ I. . r,.'- ~ ~~ ~::: ~;-, ..... I, 'i { ~. r, - II{ f.;- " r. . / If. ' 'I' ,r, h/' q . , " . Ii! ; ,( ;'! ! \' '1' , . I; l \' .'. , . :J_ ' "- ~'I ReaD 87-28 6/4/~7 " "