7193-03 ORDINANCE NO. 7193-03 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, RELATING TO FIRE ALARMS; AMENDING SECTION 5.21, CODE OF ORDINANCES, TO DELETE THE DEFINITION OF "DATE OF RECEIPT" AND MODIFY THE DEFINITION OF "FALSE ALARM"; AMENDING SECTION 5.24, CODE OF ORDINANCES, TO CHANGE THE PENALTIES FOR A FALSE FIRE ALARM; AMENDING SECTION 5.25, CODE OF ORDINANCES, TO LIMIT THE NUMBER OF COURTESY WARNINGS AND MODIFY THE PROCEDURES RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF A CITATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: Section 1. Section 5.21, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 5.21. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Alarm system means any mechanical, electrical, or radio-controlled device which is designed to be used for the detection of fire within a building or structure or portion thereof, and which emits a sound or transmits a signal or message when activated. The term does not include smoke detectors connected to an alarm system that is a part of a single-family or two-family structure, and the term does not include alarm systems installed in structures used by government agencies for public purposes. Alarm user means the person in control of the premises wherein an alarm system is maintained. If a lessee of the premises is responsible for ensuring the proper maintenance of the alarm system, then the lessee shall be considered the alarm user. Automatic telephone dialing device 0: aigital alarm communicator alarm system means an alarm system which is activated by a signal or message and which automatically sends a prerecorded voice message or coded signal by microwave, telephone lines, or other mode of transmittal directly to the county 911 line or directly to the police or fire department, indicating the existence of an emergency situation that the alarm system is designed to detect. Code enforcement officer means the fire chief or other employee of the fire department designated to enforce the provisions of this article. Ordinance No. 7193 -03 Data of mcoifJt mo~:ms, for a rosidonti31 usor, tho dato that tho roturn rocoipt accompanying any cortifiod mailing of tho notico roquirod to bo sont to tho alarm usor's promisos pursuant to soction 5.25(1) is cignod or tho dato that any cuch notico ic dolivorod to tho alarm usor pOrGonally or to any porcon 15 yoars of ago or oldor rosiding with tho alarm usor attor informing tho pOrGon of tho contonts of tho notico. For businoss alarm uCOrG, tho torm moans tho dato tho roturn rocoipt accompanying any certifiod mailing of tho notico roquirod to bo cant to tho alarm usor's promisos pursuant to soction 5.25(1) is cignod or tho dato any such notico is dolivored to an officor, a diroctor, a goneral partnor or tho propriotor of tho businosc, or to any omployoo if an officor, a diroctor, a gonoral partnor, or tho propriotor is not prosont on tho promisos, attor notifying tho omployoo of tho contonts of the notico. False alarm means the activation of an alarm system through mechanical failure, malfunction, improper installation, or the negligent or intentional misuse of the alarm system by the alarm user or an employee. It may be presumed that the alarm was false if the enforcement official finds, at the time of the fire response, no evidence of a fire- related emergency. An alarm shall not be cor,sidered false if: (a) The alarm system was activated under circumstances that would have caused a careful or prudent person to believe that a fire-related emergency was in progress at the premises protected by the alarm system; or (b) The alarm system was activated by conditions clearly beyond the control of the alarm user, including but not limited to severe weather conditions.:. T-9f (c) Tho alarm usor complioc with sootion 5.25(1 ). Premises means any building or structure or portion thereof protected by an alarm system. In the case of two or more buildings or structures or portions thereof on the same property under the same ownership protected by alarm systems that are not connected to a single control system, each building or structure or portion thereof shall be deemed to be separate and distinct premises. Same premises means at the samb building or structure or portion thereof protected by an alarm system, without regard to alterations therein, if the identity of the alarm user has not materially changed since the last false alarm report. For example, but without limiting the meaning of this definition, a bona fide sale of the premises or the business therein to a third party or the replacement of a tenant by a different tenant shall be deemed a material change of the identity of the alarm user. Section 2. Section 5.24, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 5.24. False alarms prohibited; penalty for violation. (1) False alarms shall be punishable in county court as provided in section 1.12(3). A false alarm shall be subject to the civil penalty as provided for a class 11 ill violation for the first offense. Subsequent false alarms occurring at the same premises 2 Ordinance No. 7193-03 within the same calendar year shall result in a doublinq of the civil penaltv as provided for a class II violation bo Eubioot to tho civil pon31tioE 3E providod for c13GG II viol3tions for tho Gocond mlso 313rm, and cl3Es I viol3tionE for tho third and o3ch subsoquont blGO al3rm. F31so 313rms shall 31Eo bo punish3blo by tho codo onforcomont b03rd 3S providod in Eoction 2.211 ot soq. (2) It shall be a civil infraction for any person to install or continue to use a faulty alarm system or to negligently maintain an alarm system in such a manner that the alarm system generates false alarms. The first response to the alarm user's premises within any calendar year determined to have been false shall result in the city's issuance of a written courtesy warning to the alarm user. Anv additional €aeR false alarm2 occurring at the same premises aftor tho d3to tho courtOGY w3rning ':.'3G m3ilod or dolivored 3nd within the same calendar year as the date of the first response shall constitute a separate civil infraction. In bringing a case before the county court, it shall be immaterial whether false alarms are generated by a fault in an alarm system, by the negligent maintenance of an alarm system or by some combination thereof. Section 3. Section 5.25, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 5,25. Response to false alarms; issuance of courtesy warnings and citations. (1) Whenever an alarm system is activated within the city's jurisdiction, thereby requiring a response to the premises, the code enforcement officer on the scene shall inspect the premises, investigate the cause for the alarm, and determine whether or not the response was in fact required. If the code enforcement officer determines the alarm to be false~ the officer shall prepare a false alarm report~, and a written courtesy warning shall be issued to the alarm user by regular United States mail or hand delivery. (2) The written courtesy warning shall notify the alarm user that any additional false alarms tho iGGu3nca of one twe courtOGY 'J'J3rnings during 3 c310nd3r Y03r followod by one or more blEa 31armG occurring at the same premises within the same calendar year as the date of the first response 3nd 3ftor tho dato tho Eocond courtOEY 'l/3rning ':13S m3ilod or doli'.'ored may shall result in a citation being issued to appear in county cou rt. (3) If the fire department responds to the activation of an alarm at ffem the same premises where the alarm user has been or was going to be issued m3ilod or dolivored twe ~ courtesy warnings, if the alarm occurs 3ftor tho d3to tho 313rm usor V..,3E m3ilod or dolivorod tho Gocond courtocy w3rning and within the same calendar year as the date of the first response, and if after inspecting the premises and investigating the cause for the alarm, the code enforcement officer determines the alarm was false, then the alarm user shall be issued a citation to appear in county court unlacs tho 313rm usor complioE with tho requiremontc of subEootion (1) of thic Eoction. 3 Ordinance No. 7193-03 (4) Prior to issuing a oitation, a codo onforcomont officor chall pro'.'ido notico to tho alarm ucor that tho alarm usor hac committod a civil infraction and chall pro'.'ido tho alarm usor 15 dayc from tho dato of recoipt of tho notioo to prosont to tho fire dopartmont writton ovidonco from a Iicom~od alarm company that tho company has inspoctod tho systom and that any dofocts of dosign, installation or oporation of tho alarm systom, which aro idontifiablo as tho causa of tho faleo alarm, ha'.'o boon correctod. Tho writton ovidonco shall includo an administrativo foo of $22. 50 to covor tho city's cost to roviO'vv tho inspoction report. If tho alarm usor fails to preeont such writton ovidonco or fails to includo tho full administrative foo within tho 15 day poriod so providod, tho codo onforcomont offioor who I t;spondod to tho falso alarm shall causa to bo issuod a citation to tho alarm usor to appoar in county court. Blfa1 The issuance of 9. courtesy warnings to the alarm user is not intended to create any rights in af the alarm user. The city could have issued a citation rather than a warning after the first and socond responses to the premises where the enforcement official determined no response was in fact required. The issuance of 9. courtesy warnings is merely a courtesy offered by the city to induce the alarm user to take corrective actions to prevent false alarms. @te1 The code enforcement officer shall have the right to inspect any alarm system to determine whether the alarm system is being used in conformance with the terms of this article. @}f71 If code enforcement officers respond to the same premises more than once during any eight-hour period, only one false alarm will be chargeable against the alarm user. For example, if a false alarm occurs at the alarm user's premises at 2:00 a.m., the next chargeable false alarm could not occur until 1 0:01 a.m. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED ON FIRST READING October 16, 2003 PASSED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING AND ADOPTED November 6, 2003 BrianJU Mayor-Commissioner Approved as to form: Atte~t: .. Robert J. S rette Assistant ty Attorney 4 Ordinance No. 7193-03