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JU;~ ;{ i 1985
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~Li.-1;: L1>1t.
Location: Clear_ater, Florida
1. For and in consideration of the benefit to the Clear~ater Air Park
and to the general public utilizing sc~e, the undersigned, hereinafter
re:erred to as the licensor, hereby grants to the [aited States of ~~erica
the license, right and privilege to install, operate cnd IDai~tain a VASI,
Run \or a y s 1 5 ;;. D d 33, aDd n e c e s sa rye 0 n t r 01 fa c i 1 i tie s, up 0 n 't he f 0 11 0''; i j] g
described lands in the County of pinellas County in the State of Florida
Dore Pdrticularly described as follo~s:
VAST Area, Run.ay 15
Dc..n..ind E3.r:
From the Point of Start (pas), being the the intersection of the
threshold cLld the centerline of Eun.....ay 15, proceed S25013'17"E along
said centerli~e a distance of 175' to the Point of Beginning No. I (POB
1); thence N64046'43"E a distcnce of 87.5' to the dC'...-n'",ind inboard unit
:il:l; thence N64046'43"E a distance of 16' to the do....-nwind outboard unit
QE'.;i nd E~r:
From the POS, proceed S250l3117"E along the ruu'.Jay centr:rline a
distc.nce of 675' to the Point of Beginning No.2 (POB 2); tbence
N54046'43"E a distance of 87.51 to the up....ind inboard unit ~l; thence
N640-'+6'43"E a distcnce of 16' to the upwind out:,o<ird unit /2.
Re feren ce Jr 2'.Ji ng D:~!Z5 PJOOO 1.
G:: s ~.::::~~ t i ~D_(;:L~~ r 2:' c e F.2:.5 u i.E."'_= ~ D t
To prevent a future violation of tbe VASI siting criteria and to ensure
that no obstruction penetrates the clearance plane during the life of
the facility, the license shall require the airport sponsor to ~aintain
a 1.50 clearance plane, defined as a plane weasured from the horizontal
at the dO~0~i~d bar, wnicb is 10 below the ai;~ing 2ugle of the dO'JU~ind
bar, 100 to either side of the extend~d ru~.ay c~Dterline and extending
out~ard from the dc~~wiDd bar a distance of four nautical wil~s.
I: .'~ .
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(t~ ~ !..;)
VASI Area, Runway 33
Do'''1J'Wi n d Bar:
From the Point of Start (POS), being the intersection of the displaced
threshold and the centerline of Run....ay 33, proceed N2S013'17"W along
said centerline a distance of 175' to the Point of Beginning No.1
(POB 1); thence N64046143"E a distance of 87.5' to the do;.rn..ind
inboard unit 11; thence N64046143"E a distance of 16' to the dowu..ind
outboard unit /2.
Up..ind Bar:
From tbe POS, proceed N2S013' 17"W along the rum.ay centerline a
distance of 675' to tbe Point of Beginning No.2 (POB 2); thence
N64046'43"E a distance of 87.5' to t'he upwind inboard u:1it :1; thence
N64046'43"E a distance of 16' to the up'.ind outboElrd unit t!2.
Reference Drawing DNS5PJ0001.
Obstruction Clearance Requirement
To prevent a future violation of the VASI siting criteria and t,o
ensure that no obstruction penetrates the clearance plane during the
life of the facility, the license shall require the airport sponsor to
maintain a 1.50 clearance plane, defined as a plane measured from the
horizontal ~t the downwind bar, which is 10 below tbe aiming angle of
the do.nwind bar, 100 to either side of the extended run.ay centerline
and extending outward from the dow~wind bar a distance of four
nauticL! =:_.J,.'~s.
2. Together with the right of ingress and egress over the said lands
and adjoining lands of the licensor, necessary or convenient for the
installation, operation and maintenance of tbe VASI, Runways 15/33; and
necessary control facilities; and a rigbt-of-~ay for a power line and
control line, overhead and underground, or other facilities, over and across
the said lands and adjoining lands of the licensor, said right of ingress
and egress and said right-ot-way, unless hereinbefore described by metes and
bounds, to be by the ~ost convenient rout~s; and the rigbt to utilize any
existing PQ~~r lines, control lines, co~d~its, or ether facilities of the
licensor which are adaptable to use in connection ~ith the purpose of this
3. The rigbt of ingress and egress and the rigbt-of-;;ay herein
granted sball inure to the benefits of the licensee and its duly authorized
agents, representatives, contractors and effiployees.
4. Tbe licensor furtberagrees not to erect or to allow to be erected
00 tbe property licensed hereby or on adjacent property of the licensor,
any structure or obstruction of whatsoev~r kind or nature as will interfere'
with the proper operation of tbe facilities to be installed by the
Government under the terms of tbis license unless consent tbereto shall
first be secured from the licensee in writing.
5. This license shall become effective January I, 1985, and sball
remain in force until September 3D, 1985, and may, at tbe option of tbe
Government, be renewed from year to year upon tbe terms berein specified.
The Government's optioo shall be deemed exercised and the license renewed
each year for one year unless the Government gives 30 days notice that it
will not exercise its option. before this license or any renewal tbereof
expires; PROVIDED. That no renewal thereof shall extend the period of
occupancy of the prenises beyond the 30th day of Septe~ber 2005.
6. All structures. improvenents, or property placed upon tbe said
premises by the United States shall reQEin its property and nay be removed'
by it opon the expiration or terwination of this license or ~itbin 90 days
7. No Member of or Delegate to Congress or Resident Co~~issioner
shall be admitted to any share or part of this license or to any benefit to
arise therefrom. Notbing, bowever, herein contained shall be construed to
extend to any incorporated cospany, if the license be for the general
benefit of such corporation or co=pany.
8. The licensor hereby w~rrants that it has acquired and possesses an
adequate real estate right in the property described herein, and tbat it is
authorized to grant to r1).e Uniter'L.States of Aseric3, the rigbts and
interests set forth herein.
9. Covenant Against Contingent Fees: Toe licecsor ~~rraDts that nO
person or selling 2gency has been c2ployed or retained to solicit or secure
this license upon an agreement or understanding for a cocmission,
brokerage, percentage. or contingent fee. e~cepting Donafide e~ployees or
bonafide established cocQercial or selling agencies ~aintained by tbe
licensor for the purpose of securing business. For breach or violation of
this warranty tbe Government shall have the rig~t to annul this license
without liability or in its discretion to deduct from the cDntract price or
consideration. tbe full amount of such ccciTIission, brokerage, percentage.
or conti~gent fee.
10. The licensee (Governoent) is granted the right to install direct-
eartb burial cables from the pOwer source ond between the VASI units to the
11. The licensor agrees that no object should penetrate a triangularly
shaped plane .hich b2gi~s on the first light bar and flares unifo~ly 100 on
either side of the extended runway centerline and extends outward froo the
threshold for four nautical niles.
.... .
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12. Drayings Nos. DNRSPJ0001 and DNS5PJ0001 shall become a part of the
agreement herein for any and all purposes.
, 19_.
Att?st;~e1~ L.b.:..:.
......._ . . Crty-o Clerk
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co,*0si g,,:"'d' ;Z ;/ BY'
,1~~~' "--._)~ TITLE:
Ja~~.~.~m~~s~(o~.~. / .,,'
A~pprQved, a,'s .t,o form & correctness:
. ~ ~~~' ACCEPTED:
Ac lng Clty Attorney
City M
PO Box 4748
Clearwater, FL 33518
TITLE: Contracting 0
(If Licensor is a corporation, the following certificate shall be
executed by the secret~ry 0r ~ssistant secretary.)
, CERTIFY that I am the
~XXXK~ of the Corporation nawed as licensor in
that Anthony L. Shoemaker , who signed said license
the licensor ..'as then Cl ty Manager of said
corporation, tbat said license was duly signed for and in behalf of said
corporation by authority of its governing body, and is within the scope of
its corporate po~ers.
Lucille Williams
City Clerk
this license
on behalf of
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Office of
City Allo'ney
(813) 462-6760
Ma y 1 4, 1 985
Mr. Ronnie Johnson
Real Estate Contracting Officer
Real Estate and Utilities Branch
Federal Aviation Administration
PO Box 20636
Atlanta, Georgia 30320
Re: License - DOTFA85S0-13619 - Clearwater Air Park
Dear Mr. Johnson:
In accordance with our previous telephone call, we are
forwarding the subject agreement for installation of the VASI
equipment with the understanding that such installation will
not preclude the City from discontinuing the operation at the
Clearwater Air Park at any time the City Commission deems it
After execution by the contracting officer, please return one
fully executed copy to this office for the City's file.
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in this
Very truly yours,
Frank X. Kowalski
Acting City Attorney
cc: City Manager
Public Works Director
V City Clerk
MAY 15 &5
"Equal Employment al/d Affimlatil'e Action Employer"