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THIS AGR~, entered into this :J..l/~day of July,
A.D. 1950, by and between the OITY OF OLEARWATJ!R, FLORIDA, a Munici-
pal Oorporation, referred to hereinatter as "CITlW, and WILLIAM F.
MINOR and EDNA H. MINOR, his wite, hereinafter called "OWNERS":
WITNESSETH: That whereas Owners own certain property
within the Oity of Olearwater, Florida, hereinatter described,
which is under the Oity ZOning Ordinance and Map zoned as "UZf
unzoned and whereas, owners have requested permission ot Oity to use
said property for a used auto parts business, and Whereas the Oity
ZOning Board has recommended to City that said request be granted,
provided a written agreanent be entered into by and between Oity
and Owners, setting out the soope of the use to which said property
will be put, and,
WHEREAS the Oity has authority under Section 8, Ordinance
#455, the "Zoning Ordinance" to approve lawful uses of property
located in the unzoned districts of the City of Clearwater, and
whereas Owners and the City have agreed as hereinafter set forth
as to the use to which said property may be put:
NOW THl!mCFORE, in oonsideration ot t he premises, and
ot the mutual benetits reoeiyed by said Parties under this permit
and Guaranty Agreement, it is agreed between the Parties hereto as
1. The Oity ot Olearwater hereby gi .,.8S and grants to
said Owners permission to use the tol1owing described property tor
a used auto par~s business, subject to the restrictions hereinafter
set out:
ot the Wi of the Nit ot swt ot Seo. 22, Twsp 29 South,
Range 15 East, acoording to map thereof reoorded in Plat
Book 5, Page 26, public reoords of Pinel1as Oounty, Florida.
2. Omers hereby agree and guarantee that in the use
ot said property they will p1aoe no building or fence or make any
other use of the same, exoept for the off-street parking of oars,
olQser than twenty-tive (25') feet to the nearest part of South
Greenwood Avenue.
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3. omers turther agree and guarantee that this permit
grants the right to use only those portions ot said desoribed land
tor their auto parts business which are covered by a building or
buildings; that other parts ot the property shall not be used tor
holding or storing vehioles to be torn down; that all disassembling
ot oars shall be done under a root; that oars to be torn down shall
be put in the building or buildings, disassembled there and any re-
maining material shall be promptly hauled away and not kept on the
proper~y anywhere outside ot. the building or buildings; and that
owners will tal thtully keep these provisions.
4. It is agreed between the parties hereto that this
oontraot shall be binding upon their respeotive heirs, exeoutors,
successors and assigns and that upon breaoh otthe provisions
herein set out, this agreanent is sUbjeot to oancellation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOJr, the parties hereunto set their hands
and seals, the City acting by and through its duly oonstituted am
acting Officers, the day and year tirst set out above.
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