TEMPORARY OPERATION PERMIT ~' ,~ I :] STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF POLLUTION CONTROL TEMPORARY OPIIAT.ON PIRMIT For City of Clearwater P. O. Box 4748 C1earwaterr Fla_ 11~lR Permit no. TP52-2387 Date November ] 8. 1 q 7 4 Pursuant to the provisions 0' ,.~tion 403.061(16) of Chapter 403 Florida Statutes and Chapter 17-4 Florida Administrative Code. This perlllit is issued to: Picot Floyd, City Manager 'or tho to.por.r, oporatloll o. tho 'ollowin,: 5 MGD Sewaqe Treatment Plant with chlorinaTen effluent discharge to Tampa Bay (Clearwater East) Located at: State Road 60 and Old Tamoa Bay In accordance with the application dated September 12. 1974 and in conformity with the statemenU and supporting data entered therein, all of which are filed with the department and are considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issue until Se9t. 12. ] q 7 q or until rev,oked or surrendered and shall be subject to all laws of the state and the rules ~~..9 ~r' PETER p, dtil' EXECUTIVE U._CIOI FS37 10-74 c:;{o c)(~)3 01 - 0 I '-----~ ~ , . ~ f ';1 ,~ !. '! " l,,~, L;-~'" t u h ~ ~ ;"i h. ,~,_,.",.A'r. I\Tl'iIC!j, i. lION TO fJ"f ;-:CJIi\HGE: PlfiJEn ITEE ~.: i\ r;l I () t.; 1\ r. ! :'() 1- ,T 11.1111/\ ;"'J' e u]_ ~ .:C r J/\ 1~.C;';,~ El j T f'./i I j~';Jj\rTI T () IJ :'-:; Y:-~I rlji~'~1 Pe"'J'l" I',) ~ -, "iI" .<\" FiJjO~'lfj65 In C onrpJ 1 ,~_-~.~lC~ t--: '~-.r;. l..h L ;'1 t":: f):r"<)v :i ~=.J on; ~-J f L he ~~\~\d c::r'rL-L \'/u'L CJ' Pul Lu Lion l\; 11 L I'u I l\.c"1::., H.f3 cUr!r:.:ndl-;O.. (~--:~-) T.,i.,:..CI.. '1_~?~;1 I~:~,-.. ~~(i~; ~,hc ll/iCLf'), Ci ty of Clcs.:n.TQter if2, C1..1Jt;.-'lOX'i~E~d ~~C.l Jiscb_cli_ :'~-:> fJ"OlTI a. fc_ci=.ity loc~tc6_ at Gulf to Bay B1vd Cleal'v:rateT? l"lOl"ida , to r'ecei\Tine ~TiJ,ters rlEuiic::cl T am]) a Bay in accc;rdance \lith effluent 1imitations, monitoring requirements 20)')(1 nther condition~ set forth in Parts I, II, and III hereof, This permit shall beCC.'I<le effecti ve ~? $t:P tS'f4 June 30, 1977 '1'his permit anci the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight, Signed this i f&h'JGc)'974 0/ ~'\ J , ~ -.: ,1 I" 4 /, t,,/ " . j (-;J"lA__ C, (C/ L,U~2-~ ~:L-'_-----'------'---'-' ~ T:,('~I' 10' ~;, "'.T,\;,; C' tJ,j~~'-~l'lc .l..;. 1-.}1.Vr\.~. , "'~-:'-"Y'n [\",..~ -;c-t',.r_,-- -. ,I Re,.,,-,, ca. ,,,1 ."clLJ.n~.:> V", ,~L01 ",,"" ~^tJ " _ z ij~", o " c.:J '1, <r %-1- ,~ i-'ll PHIJ\\(,'\ I -- REtEIVED S EP j 197~ UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL, PROTECTION AGENCY REGION IV 1421 PEACHTREE ST,. N. E. ATLANTA. GEORGIA 30309 4AEW:DJG 1 4 AUG 1914 Gentlemen: Pursuant to he Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (86 Sta~ 816, et seq.; 33 use 1251), and Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations Part 125 (38 FR ;3527, e,t seq.), I have today issued the attached National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit to your facilj"t~Y. Pl'ase he advised that on and after the effective date of the NPD~S permit, the permittee must comply with all the terms, conditions and limitations of said permit. Sincerely yours, Jack E. R~ Re ional Administrator Attachment CC: State Agency \ \ PAnT I ';~ A PaGe 1 of 9 A. EFFLUENT LH.uTJ\TIOIT~3 AIJD MCEITORINGREQ,uIREMENTS Permit Ho. FL0021S65 During the period bcgi;-E'!il1,'C: issuance of the permit and. lasting chro1),;h 6/30/77 t11E: pf21'nlittcc is c\ut'ho~'i~,;:c;u to di_sch8_rc;e, from outf2.11(c) serial nu~.l)~r!:s) Maxi!nu,'Tl Hvdraulic Flo", r nh ~~ ,., yo ':-"":'lY"a{Te .p-,,; ~-T \(::, lll.../'J..4 Cl..'!C--J.- .:S' ..:..J.....'........w, ,~~".,.e~(J,Ccd. rnonthlJr) Such discharr:es sh8.11he liT'5tcd !J.nd monitored by the permittee as specified telo";: 18,200 eli, m/d","y ( 4.8 ~" c-d ) "'b Par3C"eter ~iscp..::'lrg~~imi tations ~oacl1-n.G.pl~_,6g{11 os / c~) Con c en tr at i on l"lg /]. l\ionthl-:l \'l~!c~_~ly l'lorrt?-ll-"t l;'I0-',:.:kly Average Average Average AveraGe r'~on:i.tcrir:!7 Ren1Ji ~"er:tc~nts -:.-. -' !\4eaSt:2."~L}~?:J t =-~D.I:~pJ.C ~)8.1;ll'l in[~ F:;.'eq:~'2nc:! Type Poir:t ..... Biochemical Oxygen Demand (5 da'!) 1720(3800) 2580(5660) 95 142 t,'/ice/vreek 12 hr. Ii1fluent & Efflllent Suspsnded Solids 2720(6000) 3360(7400) 150 185 tvrice/,.reek 12 hr. Inf11.J.ent & Effluent Yec2,1 Coliform Bacteria Effluent p}~' ECflue~.t In addition to the specified Ij~its, the monthly average effluent BOD5 and suspended solids concentration shall not exceed 15 percent of the respective monthly average influent concentrations. -- The fecal coliforrn. bacteria shall be limited to 200 and 400 com1ts/lOO ml as a Monthl~y" Ge'Jmetric Mean and vleekly Geometric 11ea11 respectively. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 st~Ddard units nor greater than 8.5 standard units and shall be monitored Tl~ere shall be no cl~~3C':JFJ:::'ge of flo.g,ting solids or 'visi ble foam in ot.her than . 'The effl'~'2nt shaLL DO+; CFl.Use a visible sheen on the receiving water, l','\ ", 1 J PART I Page 2 of 9 Permit No, FL0021865 I:;. B. SCHEDULE OP COMPLI;"\""iCS 1. The per.rni ttee shaJJ, teJ~e actian to in~prove the operation of the facility as needed to abtain c.ompliance vTi th the effluent limi te,tians and 1nonitoring requirements described herein. 2. 'l'he permittee shall begin planning far additional treatment which will meet the fallowing effluent requirements for the discharge of wastewaters (Nate: See condition 1 of I'art II) as described belavT. Concentration Limitatian Munthly Weekl~ To discharge intO' _ Tampa Bay Cancentratian limits apply to effluent. Biological O:X:Ji'gen Demand (5 day) (in mg/l) Suspended SaEd.s (in mg;f 1) Fecal Coliform (in r:ounts/lOO ml) Tatal nitrogen as N (in Tllg/l) . Tatal phaspharus as P (in rug/l) 8 8 200 5 2 12 12 400 7 2 2. No later tilan 14 calendar days following a date identified in the above schedule of compliance, the permittee shall SUb~li t either a renort of ,'J ,a~ecs 0" }'[' +1,,00> ",C'Q l' . ", t' b' .. ~>'eb.L'oJ j,:,! vue Ca~'c 0 SpeCll.LC ae'lonS 'c'JDg re(~u:ired by idt-:,ntit'ied dates, a "'Tltt,en not,icE:: 0= cor:'l'~i,''-l;CC or noncel:",~)liarjce, In the lcttter C'c~s~, the notice shelll irlclude t:](' cause of nr:Y1compljo.ncc, any rcr~'edjal actIons tu);:(~n, and t he probability elf meeting the next scheduled reC!.uil'e- ments. 1 ] PART I Page 3 of 9 Permit No. FL0021865 C, MOHI'l'OIUNG AND REFORTING 1. Rq)resentati ve Sampling Sampling and measurements taken as required herein shall be representative of the volume and nature of the monitored discharge. 2, Reporting Monitoring results obtcd.ned during the pI'eviulw :5 TIonths shall be sum- marized for each month and reported on a Discharge Monitoring Report Form (EPA Iii). 3320-1), postmarked no later than the 28th day of the month fO,llmiing the completed reporting period, The first report is due on Dee. 1 1974 Duplicate signed copies of these, and all other reports required herein, shall be submitted to the Regional Ad- ministrator and the State at the following addresses: Hater Enforcement Branch Environmental P.c'otection Agency Region IV 1421 Peachtree Street, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 303.09 Florida Dcpartn:ent of Pollution Control 2562 EX2CUt;V8 Center Circle East , ,!,".V. t r~~lli!ditlr1 fv1omrro,lk:, y t,,,,,,~,, D Tallai~3s:;2c:, Florida 32301 3. Definitions a. The inonthly average, other than for fecal coliform bacteria, is the ari thmetic mean of all the 24-hour composite samp.:_es collected in a one-month period. The monthly average for fecal coliform bacteria is the geometric mean of samples collected in a one-month period. b. The weekly average, other than for fecal coliform bacteria, is the arithmetic mean of all the 24-hour composite samples .collected during a one-week period. The weekly average for fecal coliform bacteria is the geometric mean of samples collected in a one-week period. 4. Test Procedures The analytical Lind sampling methods used shall conform to the latest edition of the reference methods listed below, (These are interim references to lx' replaced 'by Section 301~ (g) guidelines when available). However, different but equivalent methods r~.re <'111m-Table if they receive the p:dorl-H'itten approval of the [;tate ,.rater pCll1utio!'l control agency and/or the.EPA Regional Administrator. , a. Standal'd :~ethods ftcI' the, Examin_~.:tion o~ \'iater and h'astevaters 13th editi0l1, 1971, American Public Health Association, Ne\.,r York, Hew York 10019. b, ~.S.T.H._~~tandards, Part~_~h-lt~,T; Atmo:::;pheric Analysis, 1972, American Society for Test ing and Materials, Philaclelphia, Pa. 19103. " 1 ] PAR '1' I Page 1.1 of 9 Permi t No, FL002l865 I.:;. c. T1eth~ls ~[.:.c::..::_S~~]~iC_~t!=J:.:?c.'1l~)~:o},~_:?:_~~~er al)(l \-!:.~~~es ~-1::prL:.L ,19'(1, Envircc'hcr;~~a~L Protcctiun Agency, \,~'}t"(,;:,,' Q'j,:,Ji ty (}'i'icc, Analyt.ic,'\. QU.G~li"t/~l CC:-~i-~_-.~~_~oJ Lr-;,1--;uJ.\(:tOI':i, lCU); f,f"~:<idvi(~Y. ~ Cincinn2~tj.." Ohio 45~:O~~. }', j-~ 'brcrit::l--foUl' hour CC):lposite ::;,c:;~pll~ cc)n;~L:'ts c::f nc,;t lc;:;::~ tlHi,n __'1- _,__'_,_ eff11J(~nt pOl'tiom, collected at ;',:gu,L"I' ~:,:,tE~"/als in a 21+-hour peri oct and compo~ited 'accorclillg to rIo\[, For fecal coJ.ii'CY'!,l 1:Jc:~cteri_3., a ,,,ample consi,;ts of one effluent portion collected durin~ a 24-hour Deriod at Deak flow ccndi.tionC3 , '1'he })cl'mittee shr',lJoericc2i C'c.:i\,{ calibrf,':,c' e.nd!J'2rf'on:l maintenance procedures on all monitoring QUe. alL1J.:r:,icrcl instrunlcl'l'C:r:."..;ion a;i; intervals to insure accurac:f 01' rneaSl1re~'nent~:;. ). Necording of I;c:,ults For each mea8'J.rewent of san1p1e taken pursuant to the requirements of tllis permit, the permittee shall record th~ following information: a, The e;:e,ct place, date, and time o:~ sampling; b. The dates the analyses Ylere perfo!"y::ecl; c, 'I'he person(s) who performed the analyses; d. 'rho analy-tic2,1 techniques or methods used; and e., '1'hc result" of all required 2,na1yf'os. 6, AdcIitional MorHol'ing by Permittee If tI!e permittee Doni tors any pollutact at -che location (s) designated herein more frequently trlan required by th~" ~'2rn1i t, m:ing approved analytical Jnc~tll0(1~] as sp:~~cit'i r:'d (1-bQ\'\~.. th(-, l~e3-.J~: ~ c~ c:c ~;uch JE~)l~i toring 2,h[1.11 be j nClllc1E:-:d in "',he c'.Jlcu18t~;_cr: "),nel r'~:!'::}'t,2.nc e,i' 1,:,:,' v",lues recll;irecl in the Discharge Honitc,ring lCC:l'I:l (=;"~:>,\ ::0, 33?O-1). S,"ch increased frccrucncy s11all aJ_so b0 indic~~ed. "(, neco::'d:; HetelltLc,n All records Qncl information result.ing from the '"onitoring activ~Lties required by t11i, pc~rmi t -including all L'ecords of a!w.lyses performed and calibration and maintenance of instrw~entation und recordings frcim con- tinuous monitoring instrUly!cntation sb'dl be ret,;,:;ncd for a minimum of three (3) years, or longer if' requested by tho Hegiona1 A'lministrator or the State '.,rater po11ut ion control agency, 1 J P lIn'l' II Page 5 of 9 , Permi t No. FJJ0021865 A. ~,WJl\.(}:E:I\ljJ:~JTl' Rj~~~UlnI~;'-.'1.E:NTS 1, Change in Discharge All discharges authorized herein shall be consistent with the tenns and conditions of this pe~jit, The discharge of any pollutant identified in this pery'1i t no::'e frequen~ly them, or C3.t 2 level in exce,;~ of that a,uthor- :Lzecl snalJ (' ~,nst.i tlrte a ""/=l.olatiol'l C2--"l -:':Le per~lit. i\.ilY eJ_~]ticipated fc1cili ty expansions, iuction increases, or proces~, 'xdifications "hich vlill re- suIt in DCI-.' ' 1'1'erer,1;, or increased disch[-j.l'ge~; of poll'.l.tants must be re- ported. by s sian of a l}eW IJPm::s application or, if such changes viII' not violate effluent linitations specified in this permit, by notice to the perm:; ,: f;suing autl-:.ori ty of Sl.]J~ h changes, Follo,ring such, not ice, ,the,permit may be modified to specify and limit any 'pollutants not pre- viously limited, I 2. Noncompliance l'btification If, for any reason" the perllli ttee does not cC::II)ly with or viII be unable to ccrlply with any daily lllaxilllUl:1 effluent limit2.,tion specified in this pel'::J.i t, the permittee shall provide the Hegional Adr1i!:is.trator and the State with the follmline; inforws.tion, in writing, vithin five (5) clays of becoming avare of suc}-) condition: a, A d.escription of the discharge 8.nd cause of noncompliance; and b, The period of noncompliance, including e:xact dates e.nd times; or, if not coc'ected, the anticipated tirle the noncompliance is expected to continue, and steps being taken to reduce, eliminate and prevent recur- rence of the nonconn)lying disC't.,,"ge. , 1, Facil~ties Operation rrhe permittee shall at all times r:13.intain in good "\-larking order and operate as efficiently as possible all treatment or control facilities or systems installed or used by the permittc;e -;',0 achievE' compliance vlith the '(forms and conditions of ~his permit, 4. Adverse Imnact rI~ne pe:t"mittee st:~:...ll tn}ce H,11 rec.:--~()~1E1Ule :~tc::Js : () nlinilni Lie 3X1Y adverEJe inlpact to llc.vi<S':[=(ble 1~Tr::.teY's l'>esiJ.lti~g fro!'~ n.onC()YflI)li~_:nce vlith a L',. 1.' e:r~~'lllent 1ilTLlta- tioLs specified in this per~it. including such accelerated or additionaJ monitoring as necessary to determine the nature c:.no impact of the noncompJ.ying discharge, 5. - BYJ)a~;sing Any diversion from or bypass of facilities neces.sary to maintain compliance with the te~ns and conditions of this permit is prohibited, except (i) where unav()idable to prevent loss of life or severe prc)perty damn.ge, or (:ii) vhere 1 J PART II Page 6 of 9 Permit' No, FL0021865 excessive ston:; drainage or runoff vould damage ECny facjlitiec; necessary for compli8J1Ce ,,'ith tbe effluent limitations and j)1'oLi'bi tions of thi s permit, The pe,nni ttee shc~ll notify th(~ p,::?mit issuing authority in 'ilriting vithin 72 hour!'; of eu,ch such diver:-,ion or bYPe"",;s in accordance with the procedures spec:!,i'ied above for report,illg noncompliance, The permittee shall uithin 30 clays after such incidcT"lt submit to EPA for approval a lJ1an to preven"t recurr'ence ()f SU~}1 incidellts. 6. ReJ~oved Substa~ces Soli?-s, sludges, filter backvash, or other pollutants removed in the course of treatment.or control of vasteuaters shall be disposed of in a manner such as to prevent any pollutant fron such materiaL, from entering navigable vrate:L's. 7, Pover' Failures 'rhe jJerln:L ttee is responsible for maintaining adequate saf'eguards to pre- vent the disch5xGe of untreated or inadequately treated vastes during electrical pO'..Ter failures either by meems of alternute pover sources, stand- by geneJ"ators or retention of inadequ2.tely treated effluent. Should the treatment '\oTorks not include the above capabilities at time of permit issuance, the permittee must f'nrnish ,vithin 120 days tG the pE::1'Yllitting authority, for approval, an in:.pler.lentation schedule for the:_r installing, 8. Onshore or Offshore Construction This permit does not authorize or appccve the construction of any ol"shore or offshore physical structw'es or facilities ,or the under':.aking of any vork in any navigable vaters. B. RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Right of Entry The permittee sll'",}}, allovT the he8.:l of the Sta.te \Veter pollution control agency, the Re,,,;jcual Ac1-nini strator, 8DcL/ or thei l' authorized representatives, upon the presentations of c!'edentials: a. '1'0 enter upon the permittee's prem::c;es '\oTheri': an effluent source is loc,d;ed or il~ \'i~lich Liily,'ecords arc required to be }:cpt, under the terms and conditions of this permit; and b, At reasonable tirneq to have access to and, copy any records required to 'be kept under the terms and coneli tionE; of tbi s l:)ermi t; to inspect any moni toring equipment or moni torinG r;lethod reCiu::.red in thi s permit; and to sCL-nple any discharge of pol1utnnts, I ~ PART II Page 7 of 9 , Permit No, FL002l1365 ~J., rl'ran"fer of O\TI1crship or Control In the ev,:r:t of any ckinr';e in CUI:t~'u': or m-rnej'f:;hip or jO,lC11i1.i08 from \-rhicb the; flutho:::,i::~ed discharGes eJ!li:uw',L;, the pennitT,ce shall lJiY;,ify tlle ;ouccc:cding o,,;-mer or c:orll:coller of Lhe e::i ,,;' '::n<:e of this p~~rni t by Jetter, a copy oJ' vrhich shall be fOl'l,mrdCii to the F.egional Administl'G"tor and the State water pollution control agc:ncy, 3 r Availability of HepOl't:3 Exc('pt for data determ-;necl to lx; confidential under Section 308 of the Act, all reports prepared in accordance with the terms shall be availabJe for })ubLic inqjcction at the offices of the Si:,ete waU~r pollution conti'ol aeency and tbc Regi,onal ACimini st:::' at or , As requi.rccd by the Act, effluent data shall not lx' con"idercd confident,ial. Kno,.JiEgly making any false statement on any such report may result in the imposition of crhninal penalties as provided for in Section 309 of the Act. 4. Permit Modification After notice and opportulli ty for a hearing, thi s ;)ermi t may be modified, suspended, or revoked in "lhole or in part during its term for cause in- cluding, but not limited to, the following: a. Violation of any torrns or conditions of this permit; b, Obtaining thif, permit by misrepre,~entation or failure to disclose fully all relevant facts; or c. A change in any concH tion that requires either, a temporary or permanent reduction or elirtina,tion of the 8,uthorized discharge. 5. 'l'oxic Pollutants Notvi thst2x'dinC: Part II, B-J+ a[)o'."e, if a toxic effluent standard or prohibition (includinG any sche<iuie of compliance specified in such effluent standard or prortibitie:n) is establL,hed under Section 307(a) of the Act for a toxic pollutant\;hicL i:3 ',::" :o,ent in the di:::'~harc;e and such stanlard or prohibition is more strin:~;c:nt tl:an 'iny limi'L':tio:1 for such pollutant in this permit, this permit shall bc.revised or modified in accordance with the toxic ef- fluent standard or prohibition and the permittee so notified. 6. Ci~il and Criminal Liability Except as provided in permit concU tions on "Byvassing" (Part II, A-5) and "Power Failm'es 11 (Part II, A-'7), nothing in thi s, permi t ~;hall be construed to relieve the permittee from civil or criminal penalties for noncompliance, , ,~' ) ,- ,IT II . . . Page 9 of 9 Permi t No fIJ0021865 , 1\ ma,jor contributing industry is one that: (a) has a flow of 50,000 gallons or ];'!ore per! average vlOrk d2.y; (b) has a :!.~lovr greater than five percent of' the flO'i-T carried by the municipal system receiving the v:aste; (c) has in its vraste a toxic pollutant in toxic amounts as defined in standards issued under Section 307(a) of the Act; (<1) has significant impact either singly or in combination vrith other contributing industries, on the treat;Ilent 1-Torks or the quality of its effluent. ArlY change in the definition of a n:aj or contributing inciustry as a result of promulgations in response to Section 307 of ,the Act shall become a part of this permit, f: 't ," I HARRY E. WILD, JR., p.E. e. N. WILSON, F.E. September 5, 1974 . F'EASIB1LITY PLANNING REPORTS . APPRAISALS CONSUL T A TION DESIGN . INSPECTION RESEARCH . HARRY E. WILD, P,E. (1914~1971) . HAROLD D. BRILEY, P.E. (1906-1970) !B'C.llE.Y, 'Wild & df~~ociatE.~ CONSULTING ENGINEERS ORMOND BEACH - CLEARWATER FLORIDA A. J. BI~CHALL, P.E. . JOHN F. DENNIS, F.E. L. ..,J. OIl..LARD, JR., P.E. WILLIAM C. DUKE, M.E. AL.AN D. GILBERT, P.E. STEVEN E. THAYER, F.E. WHEN REPLYING PLEASE ADDRESS: SUITE 207 CLEARWATER PROFESSIONAL BLDG. 301 PIERCE STREET CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33516 813/442-7196 CL 7412-9 Mr. Picot B. Floyd Ci ty Manag er City Hall Clearwater, Florida Attention: Mr. Max G. Battle Dear Mr. Floyd: Re: Nationa I Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permits Mr. Stopher, Director of Utilities, provided us with the following NPDES permits for revi ew . No. FL0021857 for the Marshall Street Plant No. FL0021865 for the Clearwater East Plant No. FL0021873 for the Marina Station These permits have been issued by the Environmental Protection Agency and cover the operation of the plants for a period from date of the permit through June 30, 1977. The permits establish the treatment parameters and discharge limits for each faci I ity. Please note that the Marshall Street permit also includes AWT parameters for the plant for the period from June 30, 1977 through June 30, 1979. The attached permit documents should be received and fi led in the officia I City,. records. ...... Very truly yours, BRILEY, WILD & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS J.:~~ W. Q. Du ke Project Representative WQD:hs Enc losures cc: W.C.Stopherw/encs; M.Battle; F.Janocha w/encs; T.Shoemaker JYJ;~