MEMO REGARDING LEASE WITH LEASE ATTACHED In compiiance with your reque5t, copy of Lease DOT-CG7-4210 is forwarded for your files. Toward the end of June, it is requested you submit an invoice for period 3/5/69 thru 6/30/69 in the amount of $96.66 (Annual rent $300 per year or -~ $0.8333 per day based on a 360-day year of 12 30~day months). C~)f'~Tr.', \CT I h .,3 OFFiCER ;",.,-' ~ ; C::.,ST GUi\RD DISTRICT 51 '3. W. 1st AVENUE kiW.lI. FLORIDA 33130 g.~~ ('- '~ . " II' ',' .. , . "" ~e. scro~ ~ STANDARD FORM Z-B U.S. Government LEA S E FEBRUARY 1965 EDITION DATE I GENERAL SERVICES NO, :~~I~\S~~~jl?~6,601 Lease for Real Property (Short Form) 5 March 1969 DOT-CG7-4210 The LESSOR leases to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, hereinafter called the GOVERNMENT, the described premises on the terms stated herein, including the conditions on the reverse hereof. I. LOCATION OF LEASED PREMISES CLEARWATER. . FLORI])A 2. DESCRIPTION OF LEASED PREMISES Eighty-two teet ot dockage .pace, kaown .. Slip No. 11, locat.d on Main Terata&! J)eck of Clearwater MWlio1palMar1Bat Cau.ew81' Boul.vard, Clearwater, nor1da, to be u.ed tor IIlOOr1q the U. S.Cout Guard Cutter POINT SWIft 01" other .iaUar T....1 3. TERM. To have and to hold: , 6 6 For the term beginning ._ ..m 2.. ~~.~~_ _ ~.~ __ '-00 _. moo... m m. ........m. _ through __~__!'!.~!.. ~'n.~ m~~m moon __ __. ____ _ 00 m' From year to year thereafter, I1iII!W....~ ---t.~--"nW..t.1.1.'t'L.t_.l"II.__h.1Mi.Cnl__J.ul7,.mm. MitWl# 1969 8ubject to t.1'Id:ad '....7 tit. Go"el"DlleDt ... prori4.. in aeotioa ,. hereot and alao .ub.1ect to termination b,. the le..orupon nuety (90) days' written notice. 4. TERMINATION. The Government may terminate this lease at any time by giving at least -0030--------------00 days' written notice to the Lessor. Said notice shall be computed commencing with the day after the date of mailing. 5. RENTAL. The Government shall pay the Lessor annual rent of $,--JQQ.~_QQ___m.____mn at the rate of$n__.3QQ.'!Q.Qm.__m.nn per n__~~____mnn_mn' in arrears. Rent for a lesser period shall be prorated. Rent checks shall be made payable to: C1t1 ot Cl.arwat.r, C:l.anat.r Mariaa, 55 c....WIll BouJ.."ard, Clearwater, n.. 33515 P~Jlt alual1 be _ade aot the e.d of each iiaca! 6, SERVICES AND UTILITIES (Enter "X" in boxjor each item to be provided by Lessor as part oj lease) o (I) HEAT 0 (5) CHILLED DRINKING WATER iii (2) ELECTRICITY 0 (6) AIR CONDITIONING o (3) POWER (SPecial eqNiPment) 0 (7) ELEVATOR SERVICE iii (4) WATER ~ _' ~ 0 (8) WINDOW WASHING (QNarterly) Ii.! (13) OTHER (SPecify) 8 parkiag .pao.. 7. SPECIAL OR OTHER PROVISION(S) AGREED UPON 'Tear .. of ,0 JUD.e. o (9) TOILET SUPPLIES o (10) JANITOR SERVICE AND SUPPLIES ___h___.n_________. O (11) INITIAL LAMPS. TUBES, (FreqNency) BALLASTS AND REPLACEMENTS o (12) MECHANICAL VENTILATION (14) Garbage Ie Traeh Diapo.8J. a. Alterat1e_ d....d a.....al7 b7 the GOTe~.t wll1 b. ma4. at no.spea.. to le880r. a..ll alteratio.. wUl be aubjeot to prior approTal ot 1..801'. b. tight aaa1p.d park.iac QU.. tor Coaat Guard peraoaae1 wUJ. be proTi4.. 07 the Cl't7 o~ Clearwat.r. 'lh. City wUl ct..ipat. the location of Buch apac.. ad allthorised autoaobUes mut diaplQ official Coast Guard tags or other approved i..18.1a. LESSOR CITY OJ' CLUJtWA1'D CL&ABWUD, FLA. (S.e attached Pa.. 3) /s/ M. Stierheim BY 'n__ __ n __n.. _ n ___nn __n__ n ___ n n _ _ n_ _n__ n n__ Un. _ _. _. _. __ n n_. _... (Signature) ::",,-~.=~_.."~-------------------~,---~--~~~~ - - - - - - --- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - ---- --- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- -- - - -- -- - - - - - - - ---. (Signature) Contraoting Otficer '_nn. __n.____ ..U..-JJ...___Caaa.t.__Guar.d_..__ ._._.____nnn___.. (Official title) (Signature) 2.-301 (See General Provisions on reverse) ,~~~ '. ,...., GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. MAINTENANCE OF PREMISES The Lessor shall maintain the premises and property furnished under this lease in good repair and tenantable condition during the continuance of this lease, except in case of damage arising from the act or the negligence of the Government's agents or employees. For the purpose of so maintaining said premises and property, the Lessor may, at reasonable times approved by the Government, enter and inspect the same and make any necessary repairs thereto. 2. DAMAGE BY FIRE OR OTHER. CASUALTY If the said, premises be destroyed by fire or other casualty this lease shall immediately terminate. In case of partial destruction or damage, so as to render the premises untenantable, as deter- mined by the Government, the Government may terminate the lease by giving written notice to the Lessor within fifteen (15) days thereafter; if so terminated no rent shall accrue to the Lessor after such partial destruction or damage; and if not so. terminated the rent shall be reduced proportionately by supplemental, agree- ment hereto effective from the date of such partial destruction or damage. '. . ... _, 3.' AL TERA TIONS The Government may 'make alterations, attach fixtures or sigris and erect structures in or upon the leased premises, all of which shall be the property of the Government. 4. CONDITION REPORT A joint physical survey and inspection report of the demised premises shall be made as of the effective date of this lease, re- lIectingthe then present condition, and will be signed on behalf of the parties hereto. 5. OFFICIALS NOT TO BENEFIT No Member of or Delegate to Congress, or Resident Commis- sioner shall be admitted to any share or part of this lease contract, or to any' benefit that may arise therefrom; but this provision shall not be construed to extend to this lease, contract if made with a corporation for its general benefit. 6. APPLICABLE CODES AND ORDINANCES The Lessor, as part of the rental consideration, agrees to com- ply with all codes and ordinances applicable to the ownership and operation of the building in which the leased space is situated and, at his own expense, to obtain all necessary permits and related items. 7. LESSOR'S SUCCESSORS T~e' terms an4pi-~sionsH>f trus1l!ne:lInll -tlre-condifionslbei'~in shall bind the Lessor, and the Lessor's heirs, executors; adminis- trators, successors, and assigns. " 8. COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES The Lessor warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed or re.tained, to solicit or secure this lease upon an agree- ment 'or understanding f~r a ~commis'sion, percentage, brokerage, or contingent !ee, excepting bona fide employees or bona fide established commercial or sellihg agencies maintained by the Lessor for the, purpose of securing business. Forbreacb or viola- tion of this warranty the Government shall have the right to annul this lease without liability orin, its discretion to deduct from the rental price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage or con- tingent fee. (Licensed real estate agents or brokers having list- ings on property for rent, in accordance with general business practice, and who have not obtained such licenses for the sole pur- pose of effecting this lease, may be considered as bona fide em- ployees or agencies within the exception contained in this clause.) STANDARD FORM 2-8 FEBRUARY 1965 EDITION. ,. ..,- ,-- ~ ...., .' 9. FACILITIES NONDISC~IMIN~TIQN (a) As used in this section, the term "facility" means stores, shops, restaurants, cafeterias, restrooms, and any other facility of a public nature in the building in which the space covered by this lease is located. (b) The Le6sor' agrees, that he will not discriminate by segre- gation '01' otherwise' against 'any person or persons because of race, creed, color, or national origin in furnishing, or by refusing to furnish, to such person or persons the use of any facility, includ- ing any and all services, privileges, accommodations, and activi- ties provided thereby. Nothing herein shall require the furnishing to the general public of the use of any facility customarily fur- nished by the Lessor solely to tenants, their employees, customers, patients, clients, guests and invitees. (c) It is agreed that the Lessor's noncompliance with the provi- sions of this section shall constitute a material breach of this lease, In the event of such noncompliance, the Government may take appropriate action to enforce compliance, may terminate this lease;or may pursue such other"rem,edies,as may I;le prQvided by law. .. In thee~ent cif t~mina8on, the Lessor shall be liable for . all excesSwsts of the Goverrimeriiiti. acquiringsubsiiture space, including but not limited to the, cost of moving to such space. Substitute space shall be obtained in as close proximity' to the Lessor's building as is feasible and moving costs will be limited to the actual expenses thereof as incurred. (d) It is further agreed that from and after the date: hereof the Lessor will, 'at such time as any agreement is to be entered into or a concession is to be permitted to operate, include or require the inclusion of the foregoing provisions of this section in every such agreement or concession pursuant to which any person other than the Lessor operates or has the right to operate any facility. Nothing herein contained, however, shall be deemed to require the Lessor, to include or require the inclusio!! of the foregoing provisions of this section in any existing agreement or concession arrangement or one in which the contracting party other than the Lessor has the unilateral right to renew or extend the agree'ment or arrangement, until tIle expiration' of the' existing agreement or arrangement and the unilateral right to renew or extend. The I.essor also agrees that it will take any and all lawful actiO'l1s as expeditiously as possible, with respect to any such agreement as the contracting agency may direct, as a means of enforcing the intent of this section, including, but not limited to, termination of the agreement or concession and institution of court action. 10. EXAMINATION OF RECORDS (NOTE: This provision is applicabl-e if this ~ed.se was negotiated ./ _._ with6u:t.-'advertising.) .' ',"" ,- n , .- lw." . . ~.". ~ ~.'~ a.The Lessor agrees that the Comptroller General of the United States or any of his duly authorized representatives shall, until the expiration of 3 years after final payment under this lease, have access to and the right to examine any direcdy pertinent books, documents, papers, and, records of the Lessor involving transac- tions related to this lease. b, The . Lessor further ag'reesto include in all his subcontracts hereuttder, a provision to the effect that ,the subcontractOr agtees that the" Comptrpller General-,of the United States or his repre- sentatives shall, until the expiriltion of 3 years after final payment under this lease with the Government, have access to and the right to examine any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of such subcontractor involving transactions related to the subcontract. 11. INSTRUCTIONS Whenever the lease is : executed by an attorney; agen~, or other person, or corporation on behalf of the Lessor, the name of the Lessor shall appear above the signature of the person signing. .,s, GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1965-0-779-360 A"Z.~. to,' ~O~~.., ~~ \1AY 1 219S9 -: , .,,'~ .' _:... .(_ ~ -4, -..,' , .. ~- ,- .;~ , "" . Pal. J u.s. a.....nm..t L.a. lo~"""l Pl'o,.Jtty U. S. C_at Gua" .'....... -:-"