LEASE# DOCG4343 ...,. ..,.,. ! e .~~ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION UNITED STATES COAST GUARD Address reply to: COMMANDER (fs) Seventh Coast Guard District Roam 1018, Federal Building 51 SW. 1st Avenue Miami, Fla. 33130 . 11011 1 May 1970 RECEIVED Oity of Clearwater P. O. Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 33518 MAV 4 1970 Attention Herbert M. Brown, City Attorney t.'t"ii''[ Cl.EHJ( Dear Sir: Reference is made to your letter of 20 April 1970. One copy of lease DOT-CG7-4343 covering dockage space for the Do S. Coast Guard Gutter Point Swift at the Clearwater Municipal marina is returned in compliance with your request. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. SinceI(r.'e11 yours,/ 'j , /,/',~, '/ .' ~ ~{//.. '.I!ll,{,'{(':11. (~. '" " .L...../....C... t-. v ~ \ H. R. EVELAND Contracting Officer Encl: (1) Copy of lease DOT-CG7-4343 ~ I q ()) Cf - 3 ,'- - . . e . / /J Y >~;: ...., ! ,"-, /,l' I,: STANDARD FORM 2-6. LEA 5 E FEBRUARY 1%5 EDITION U.S. Governnlent I GENEIlAL SERVICES DA TE NO. 4 ~~~I;~\S~~~~I~~6601 Lease for Real Property (Short Form) 1 thy 1970 DOT-CG7- 3 ~ The LESSOR leases to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, hereinafter called the GOVERNMENT, the described premises on the terms staled herein, including the conditions on the reverse hereof. I. LOCATION OF LEASED PREMISES CV::Arc;rATl~ 12, !:"LORID\ ---------~--_.,------ 2, DESCRIPTiON OF LEASED PREM ISES Eighty-t\,.ro feet or docl~a[;e space II I-:n()':V11 a.G S15.p No. 71, located on Helin Tc.r:m,in.a.l Docl;; of Cle.m:';.Jater Hunicip.:il Harinn, Go.u:;;cnay B()ule.varJ t Gle8.tinl1:<'~r., Florida, to be used for mooring t.he U. S. Coast Guard Cutter POIl~T SeJIFT or other Gi~Tti1ar vesf)al }. TERM. To hn.vl' and to hold: For the term beginning ____}_,}::\_~.Y..}~!(!__m. ___om. n__n.____n___.____. -- through m_.~g_ .--!~'!'!~ _..1 :::'.?J.,~~~~_______n.m_m___n._.. From year to year thereafter, G:7t1W't"be:rtih& mJ9~.-~T1.j..rt-(J~~1:l\.~t9-.t-~,r'1..h0f~iJl,nJ.:n~.-.L.J\tJ,y________m.m_ :'{'Hi;~qeasQ 1971 f;:U~)j~ct to t::~:.,\l:;.n[jticn by the Gt,)"v,~t-ii;f;;~nt: n:'; lH:O',':;,';c>J ;',1 ScetJ_O;:1 4, L.(~'t.'~,oi: DllJ also subj\;~ct to tCl't:l.l.nation by the. lessoI.' upon ninety (90) &'1y13' 'Hritt;(~\1t UOi;;ic,e. 33 4. TER1\lINATION. The Government may terminate this lease at any time by gIVIng at least u_m.n__________u___ days' written notice to the Lessor. ~aid ~tice shall.1~!. co~~putei~~~mencillll.~j~(he-~ay.-~f~~E--!~~d.<l~ of mailjn~______________ __________ ,-..,') ""I 7'- '11) 5. RENTAL. The Government shall pay the Lessor annual rent of S__,i_-':__"_;:'_~_.____.u________n at the rate of $---.---!-..~':'-~-------.--.--------- pe~ __hS';',t"'-~1tJ~------------.---n, in arrears, Rent for a lesser period shall be prorated. Rent checks shall be made payable to: City of Gl~2.t't"atert Clcaru.'1tcr ihrlnn, 55 Ca'.1c;C\1.:iy TIo:Ilev....,rd, Cleat'\:.Jate;::, Flo:c:>'ia 33:j15 I 6, SERVICES AND UTILITIES (Enler "X" ill boxjor each item 10 hepro,'jded by Lenor as pari of lease) o (I) HEAT 0 (5) CHILLED DRINKING WATER r9 (2) ELECTRICITY 0 (6) AIR CONDITIONING [J (3) POWER (S/Jfcial equi/lm"'l) 0 (7) ELEVATOR SERVICE o (4) WATER tnZt;;}i7{.JO'13) D (8) WINDOW WASHiNG (Quarlerly) ~.g (13) OTHER (SI1eci/l'l ~3 YJnrl~in2', IJpaC(~S --_...._-------,~,--_.._.---------- 7. SPECIAL OR OTHm PHOVISION(S) AGREED UPON a. Al tcr.ati.on3 c1CCc't3d ll,~c:(~stnry by thG COVc,t'lll;)Cmt Hill he made a.t no c~(:n~nse to lesGor. Such a.lte:l:at ions t-1i.l1. be subje.ct to lirior a;)proval of lC;Hlor. o (9) TOILET SUPPLIES o (10) JANITOR SERVICE AND SUPPLIES - -.- - (Fr-'-ql~;;'c;) - -'. o (I.t) 1~;~~AALS~2~~~' ri~r?LE:crMENTs o (12) MECHANICAL VENTILATION .~ If+)_0?E1:~~;;:;___~LTEa3h I}~;V~E..~____ b. F:ir;Jlt aSCi~)lCd ~!1r.'!:111~ apace!} for C0Q~;t Ctw.l",1 ;:c(:r;:JoIln(~l Hill b,:~ r'l:ov:Ubd by tile City of Clenr\7<'.tcr. The Ci.ty 'I.-lill {'l::,::i.unxte tlt,~ loc;l'ti.O:1 of such s)ac.es a.nd a.uthorized autoDobiles must display official Coast Gum:d tD[;D or oth.er approverJ insignia. LESSOR &. correctness: CIl'Y OF CL'SAIT7A!ID. C1::'r"j4l'T"1" ..,rt....7,'T..\ ,.:.J.-U...,r,,:,1. ~.:.\.t z.:.lJVJ..~).. ,& C <".../. d oun:",yr8 _n";;6: ~ " J. . ;, . -:" "X'" BY .;ft .J.,,~:n _;f'_':'_"/~---L-n------oO--oO--- NJ.a: ()r-Co:~:;r/.1SSllSn1f'1~e) UNITED STAlES OF AM[RICA d 1/ ;! ( ,l4{ 1't0'U(d/v~ H. R. EVELAND ~,()n'~r;J.ci:i.ng O[f:ic<:.r / Contrac1ing Of1icer iJ. ~;. C()[13t Ccl::rd BY __n 00 _ __nn._noO nn._____ u_n_ _ _ ___ 00______ _ _ _ u__ ___ _ _ _ __ ____ __ __ _ - 00 _ _. - --- -- 00 - - 00- - u - - - - --- - n' - - --. - - --. - -- - - - .----- ---- - - -' - - -' --" -' - -- -- --- --' - -, (Si8I1alllre) (OjJicinllif/e> 2-301 (See Get/era/ Prot'isiotlS orl ret!erse) ..... e GENERAL PROVISIONS . .. I. MAINTENANCE OF PREMISES The Lessor shall m~i~tain the premises and property furnished under lhis lease in good repair and tenantahle rondition during the continuance of this lease. except in case of damage arising from the at'! or the negligence of the Government's agents or employees. For the purpose of so maintaining said premises and property, the Lessor may, at reasonable times approved by the Governmenl, enter and inspect the same and make any necessary repairs thereto. 2. DAMAGE BY ERE OR. OTHER CASUALTY If the said premises be destroyed by fire or other casualty this lease shallimmediatcly terminate. In case of parlial destruction or damage, so as to render the premises untenantable, as deter- mined by the Government, lhe Government may terminate the lease by giving written notice to the Lessor within fifteen (is) &1\"S thereafter; if so terminated no rent shall accrue to lhe Lessor af;er such partial destruction or damage; and if no"t so terminaled the rent shall be reduced proportionately by supplemental agree, ment hereto cffet'!ive from the date of such parti.ll deslruction or damage. 3. ALTERATIONS The Government may make alterations, attach fixtures or signs and .erect structures in or upon the leased premises, all of which shall be the property of the Government. 4. CONDITION REPORT A joint physical sUfv(~yand inspection report of the demised premises shall be made as of the effective date of this lease, re- tJecting the then present condition, and will be signed on behalf of the parties hereto. 5. OFFICIALS NOT TO BENEFIT No Member of or Delegate to Congress, or Resident Commis- sioner shall be admitted to any share or part of this lease contract, or to any benefit that may arise therefrom; but this provision sball not be construed to extend to this lease contract if made with a corporation for its general benefit. 6, APPLICABLE CODES AND ORDINANCES The L(~ssor, as part of the rental consideration, agrees to com- ply with all codes and ordinances applicable to the ownership and operation of the building in which the leased space is situated and, at his own expense, to obtain all necessary permits and related items. 7. USSOR'S SUCCESSORS The terms and provisions of this lease and the conditions herein shall biml the Lessor, and the Less01"s heirs, executcirs, adminis- trators, successors, and assigns. 8. COVENANT AGAINST .CONTINGl'NT FEES The Lessor warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed or retained to solicit 'Or secure this lease upon an agree- ment or understanding for a commission,. perc.cntage, brokerage, or contingent fee, excepting bona fide employees or bona fide established rommercial or selling agencies maintained by the Lessor for the purpose of securing business. For breach or viola- tion of this warranty the Government shall have the right to annul this lease without liabilitr or in its discretion to deduct from the rental pri~e or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage or con- tingent fee. (I.icensed real estate agents or brokers having list- ings on property for rent, in accordance with general business practice. and who have not obtained such licenses for the sole pur- pose of effecting this lease, may be considered as bona fide em- ployees or agencies within the exception contained in this clause.) STANDARD FORM 2-8 JEBRUARY 1965 EDITION .~-........ - 9. F AClLITlES NONDISCRIMINA nON (a) As used in this section, the term "facility" means stores, shops, restaurants, cafelerias, rest rooms, and any other facility of a public nature in the building in which the space covered by this lease is located. (Il) The Lessor agrees that he will not discrimin3te by segre. "gation or otherwise against any person or persons because of rare, creed, color, or natiOlul origin in furnishing, or by refusing ,to furnish, to such person or persons the use of any faciEty, includ- ing any and all services, privileges, accommorbtions, and activi- ties provided thereb)'. Nothing herein shall require the furnishing to the general public of the use of any facilit~. customarilr fur- nished bv the Lessor solely to tenants, their employees, customers, patients, clients, guests and invitees. (c) It is agreed that the Lessor's noncompliance with the provi- sions of this section shall constimte a material breach of this lease. In the event of such noncompliance, the Government may take appropriate action to enforce compliance, may terminate this lease, or may pursue such other remedies as may be provided by law. In the e,'eut of termination, the Lessor shall be liable for all excess costs of the Government in arquiring substitute space, including but not limited to the cost of moying to such space. Substitute space shall be' obtained in as close proximity to the Lessor's building as is feasible and moving costs will be limited to the anual expenses thereof as incurred. (d) It is further agreed that from and after the ,date hereof the Lessor will, at such time as any agreement is to be entered into or a concession is to be permitted to operate, include or require the inclusion of ,he foregoing provisions of this section in every such agreement or concession pursuant to which any person other than the Lessm operates or has the right to operate any facility. 0:othing herein contained, however, shall be deemed to require the Lessor to include or require the inclusion of the foregoing provisions of this section in any existing agreement or concession arran;::;ement or one in which the contracting party other than the Lessor has the unilateral right to renew or extend the agreement or arrangement, until the cxpiriltion of the existing agreement or arLlngement and the unilateral right to renew or extend. The Lessor also agrees that it will take any and all lawful actions as expeditiously as possible, with' respect to any such agreement as the contracting agency may direct, as a means of enforcing the intent of this section, including, but not limited to, termination of the agreement or concession and institution of court action. 10. EXAMINATION OF RECORDS (0:0TE: This provision is applicable if this leas", was negotiated without advertising.) a. The Lessor agrees that the Comptroller General of the United States or any of his duly authorized representatives shall, until the expiration of 3 years after tinal payme11C undcr this lease, have access to and the right .to examine any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of the Lessor involving transac- tions related to this lease. b. The Lessor further agrees to include in all bis subcontracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agrees that the .Comptroller General of the United States or his repre- sentatives shall, until the expiration of 3 years after final payment under this lease with the Government, have access to and the right to examine any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of such subcontractor involving transactions related to the subcontract. 11. INSTRUCTIONS \'\fhenever the lease is executed by an attorney, agent, or other person, or corporation on behalf of the Lessor, the name of the lessor shall appear above the signature of t1;e person signing. U,S. GOVERNMENT FaiNTING OFFICE, 1965-0-779--360 ,.~AlU) FORM 30, JULY 1966 GENERAl. SERVICES ADMINISTRATION ~. PROC. REG. (41 CfR) 1-16.101 1. ~/MODlfICATION NO. ONE (1) 5. tSSUED BY rtJ?~, rd7 2. EffECTIVE DATE 3. REQUISITION/PURCHASE REQUEST NO. Of T OF SOLlCITATION/MODIFICATIO 1 4 9 81 MOORING SPACE eGC POIN S 6. ADMINISTERED IY (If other tha" bloelt ,) CODE CONTRACTING OFFICER SEVENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT 51 S. W. FIRST AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130 SAME AS BLOCK 5 7. CONTRACTOR NAME AND ADDRESS CODE FAClUTY CODE (Slreet. cil1, CD..Iy, Sial., anti ZIP CoM) eIn OF CLEARWATER BOX 4748 CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33518 --, 8. AMENDMENT Of o SOLICITATION NO. I DATED (See bloelt 9) MODlflCA nON Of fi CONTRACT/ORDER NO. DOT-CG7-4343 LATTENTION: MR. B.R. BURCHFIELD, HARBOB1:1lsTER DATED 5/1/70 (Seo bloelt 11) 9. THIS BLOCK APPLIES ONLY TO AMENDMENTS Of SOLlCITAnONS o The abo... numbeNd salicitatian is amended as ... fa<th in block 12. The hour and dale -'lied for receipt af Offers 0 is oxhtnded, 0 ii not e><tended. OfMron must ocknowledp receipt of this amendment prior to the how and date specified in the soIicitatioft, or os amended, !I.y "". of the following methods: (al-Iy signing and reluming--'---CCSpies of this amond_, lblly adlnowledgi"9 receipt af this amendment an each copy of the offer submitted, or (c) Iy separate letter or telegram which include. a reference to thesalicitotian and a......dlnent numben. fAILURE Of YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO IE RECEIVED AT THE ISSUING OffiCE PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPEClftED MAY RESULT tN REJECTION Of YOUR OffER. If, by virtue af this a....ndment y.... desire to change an alter already submitted. such change may be made by tele\lram or letter, provided such telegram or l.tter mak.. reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date slMCified. 10. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION OAT'" (If roquiNd) 11. THIS 8I.OCK APPlIES ONLY TO MOOtfICATlONS Of CONTRACTS/CIDERS (0) 0 This Change Order is iS5ued pUfSuant to The o-ges set fw1h in block 12 are made to the above numbered _/anler. (bID The abovo numbered contract/orde, is modifled to reflect the admini_ ~s (sucil a. changes in paying ofRce. apprapriaHon data, otc.).set forth in block 12. (cl 00 This Supplome_1 Agreoment is onloNd into pursuant to autharity of S. D CONTRACT It madiAes the above numbered contract os set forth in block 12. 12_ DESCRIPTION Of ~/MODIfICATION LEASE NO. DOT-CG7-4343 IS_ MODIFIED TO PROVIDE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ACO.!ST GUARD OWNED WOOD FR.AMEJ)f STORAGE BUILDING 8' 0" X 30' 0". BUILDING TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY THE COAST GUARD ON FINGER PIER IN ACCORDANCE WITH ATTACHED COAST GUARD DRAWING NO. 1041, DATED 4/1/81 (SLIP NO. 71). 15. NAME AND TITLE Of SIGNER (T ,po 0" pr;,.1) Jeffrey E. Butler Acting City Manager 30-101 Cc: ",{;:;:;J :; lrn._"" vc"c, C~'~d?~ /28/81 f/~~~~ S/b/J'l ....11Cl:,.,Dt"'\...~n. ANNUAL RENT REMAINS $900.00 AT THE RATE OF $75.00 PER MONTH. REF: TELCON MR. DICK JONES/MRS K. KING, 8 APRIL 1981. \ bcept a. provided herein, aU torms and condinans of the document referenced in block 8, as __""- ~ed, remain unchanged and in full fat<e and effect. 13. O CONTTlACTOR/OffEROR IS NOT REQUIRED lX"%CONTllACTOR/OfI'EROR IS REQUIRED TO SIGN THIS DOCUMENT AND RETURN----2--COPIES TO ISSUING OffICE TO SIGN THIS DOCUMENT CT 14. NAME IY (Signature of penon authorized to sitn) (S~ of "'"~ OM,,",) 18. NAME Of CONTRACTING OffICER (T,,,, 0.. "",,t) 19. DATE SIGNED 1<., P. A. LAMBERT 4/9/81 ~ ~.:~'~'r- TRANSPORTATIONI v. ~. COAST GUARD . ..-. lSGU~D .BY: CONTRACTING OFFICER (fcp) ~EVENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT 51 S. W. FIRST AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130 LEA S E , R ENE W A '"" DATE ISSUED JTJLY 7 1980 LEASE NUMBER DOT-CG07- 4343 DATE OF LEASE: 1 MAY 1970 LESSOR (IF OTHER THAI ADDRESSEE) CITY OF CLEARWATER BOX 4748 CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33518 DESCRIPTION OF LEASED PROPERTY EIGHTY-TWO FEET OF DOCKAGE SPACE, LOCATED ON EAST TERMINAL DOCK OF CLEARWAT~R MUNICIPAL MARINA, CAUSEWAY BOULEVARD, CLEARWATER, FL. FOR MOORING THE U. S. COAST GUARD CUTTER POINT SWIFT. . Pursuant to the renewal provisions ot the above lease, and subject to the appropriation ot necessary funds by Consress, notice i. hereby siyen that the United Statea ot America exercises it. option to renew and does' hereby renew the aforesaid lease tor the period October 1, 1980 throush September 30, 1981 at the rental stipulated tberein. All terms, covenants, and ,conditions of the lea.e attected sball continue in tull force and ettect. Please acknowledae receipt and acceptance hereot by sisnins and re- turnins orisinal and two copies to: Contractins Officer Seventh Coast Guard District 51 S. w. Pl..~ Ayenue Miami, Florida 33130 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA U. S. CO ST GUARD BY: ------ . Li\TE: 7/14/80 Renewal notice not required. Issued for SIGNATURE: record purpose on1.Y. SIGNER'S lAME . TITLE: Anthony L. Shoemaker City Manager COpy TO: COMMANDANT (G-FLP/71) -l;--=-;-'I~-~-:l' H AN ~ l' OH'f A'l' rlN u. ~. COAS1 GUAHD . LEASE R E )I E W _" L DATE ISSUED JUN 1 ~ 1979 v lLiLiUl:O 111: CONTRACTING OYFICr.:R (fcp) ~~VENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT 5 IS. OW. FIR S 'r A V E N U E MIAMI, FLORIDA"33130 .J,........... LEASE )lUMBER DOT-CG07- 4343 1 MAY 1910 DATE OF LEASE: LESSOR (IF OTHER THAI ADDRIS811) CITY OF CLEARWATER BOX 4148 CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33518 DESCRIPTIO. 0' LEASED PROPE~1.Y EIGHTY-TWO FEET OF DOCKAGE SPACE, LOCATED ON EAST TERMINAL DOCK OF CLEARWATER MUNICIPAL MARINA, CAUSEWAY BOULEVARD, CLEARWATER, FL. FOR MOORING THE U. S. COAST GUARD CUTTER POINT SWIFT. Pursuant to the renewal provision. ot the above le.,e, and subJ.c~ to the appropriation ot necessary tund. by Conare.s, notic. i. hereby liven that the United Statea. ot Aaerica ,xerci..s ita option to renew and dpes hereby reneW' the atoresaid leaae tor the pe..lod 1 OCTOBER 1919 through 30 SEPTEMBER 1980 at tbe rental stipulated. tb.rein. All terms. cpvenanta. and c~ndltlona~ot the leas. .ttoctod sball continue in tull torce and ettect. - Please acknowledle recelpt and acceptance hereot by .lan1nl and re- turning or181nal and two copies to: Contractlnl Otticer Seventh Coaat Guard District 51 6. W. ri..~ Avenue M1aai. Florida 3313Q THK UIITED STATES OF AMERICA u. 6. COAST GUARD BY: OAT!:: : Renewal SIGNATURE: Issued for ree purposes only SIGNER'S NAME & TITLl::: COpy TO: COMMANDAIT (G-FLP/11) .' ( DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION U. S. COAST GUARD ISSUED BY: CONTRACTING OFFICER (fcp) SEVENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT 51 s. W. FIRST AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA"33130 LEA S E R E HEW A L DATE ISSUE'D 28 JUNE 1978 LEASE lUMBER DOT-CG07- 4343 DATE OF LEASE: 1 MAY 1970 LESSOR (IF OTHER THAI CITY OF CLEARWATER BOX 4748 CLEARWATER, FL 33518 DESCRIPTIOI OF LEASED EIGHTY-TWO FEET OF DOCKAGE SPACE, LOCATED ON EAST TERMINAL DOCK OF CLEARWATER MUNICIPAL MARINA, CAUS~AX BOULEVARD, CLEARWATER, FL FOR MOORING THE U. S. COAST GUARD .CUTTER POINT SWIF'J;'. Pursuant to the renewal proTi.lons of the aboT' lea.e, aDd .ubJect.tq the appropriation ot necessary tund. by CODar.... Doilc. i. hereby liven that the United States of Amerlca .xerci.e. It, optiOD to renew and dO~1 hereby renew tbe aforesaid lease tor the period 1 OCTOBER 1978 through 30 SEPTEMBER 1979 at the rental stipulate4 tt;t.oreln, All terms, covenants. and condition. ot the lea,e affected Iball continue in tull force and ettect. Please acknowledse receipt and acceptance hereof by .1lniDi and turning original and two copie. to; Contractlns Otticer Seventh Coaat Guard Diltri~t 51 S. w. rl..~ ATenue Niaai. Flor~da 33130 LESSOR'S ACKIOWLEDGEMEIT Til UIITID STATES U. S. COAST DA TE : Renewal SIGNATURE BY: E. B. Contrac purposes only SIGNER'S )fAME & TITLE: Anthonv L. Shoemaker City Manager \ COpy TO: , COMMAHDAJfT (G-FLP/71) r I , J...a, 1976 c. H. C....J'OD c_~~ s.....(. . '.' riet 51 S. W.. , I'.t' A...__ . Wi..... nod_ )31 so Deu )&. C&Q:l.....: AttacAed are coapl.... _..r_ewala, DOT ..CO., -43063, aaG DOT ..CQ1-5.811..*..... to property 1..... to tIiae u. S. C...t OIaard .b, .tIle. CUr of Clearwater. Micha.l I. Pan'" A.d... City' u....... For Operatlaa. Verr tnaly your., cc .. Cit, Alto.....,. City. Clerk Harllo~.._ DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION I U.S. COAST GUARD I DATE ISSUED I.. E A SE RENEWAL \:: NUHJlI;:R par-CG07-4343 8UG 0 ~ 1q77 ISSUED BY: COMMANDER (fcp) SEVENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT 51 S.W. FIRST AVENUE MIAMI, FLOR~ 33130 DATE OF LEASE 1 MAY 1970 LESSOR (IF OTHER 'rHAN ADD~S5~) CITY OF CLEARWATER BOX 4748 CLEARWATER, FL 33518 DESCRIP'l';J:ON PF L~SJ!:D fppPER'rY EIGHTY...TWOFEET OF OOCKAGESPACE, LOCATED 0 East T~~INJU,DOc:~ OF CUAl\WATER ~UNICIPAL MARINA,~EWAY lK>ULl:VARD, CLFARWATER, FI.. FOR MOORING '1'JU!: lJ. S. C;:O~~';f GUARD CUTTER POINT SWIFT. . Pursuant to the renewal provisions of th. above lease, and ,ubject 1:0 the appro- priation of necessary funds by Congress, notice 1- hereby given that the United States of America exercises its option to renew and dQes hereby renew the aforesaid lease for the period lOCT 1977 - 30 SEP 1978 at the rental stipulated thereif'. -' All the terms, convenants, and conditions of the lease affecte4 shall continue in full force and effect. Please acknowledge receipt and ,acceptance hereof by signing and returning original and one copy to: Contracting Officer, 7th Coast Guard District 51 S.W. First Avenue, Miami, Florida 33130 LESSOR'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT 'rH!! UNI'rED STATES OF AHZRICA U . S . COAST GUARD BY' E.~ CONTRACTING OFFICER SIGNER'S NAME & TITLE "'......, L. ....~II.. CltJ W.-.,.. OD~::t;) DATE Renewal no Issued fo SIGNATURE COpy TO: C~DANT (G-FPR/71) .. .... ,. --...., I I rifYI. (If H':MJSrORTAT ION I L. 'c'___ (J)/'\ ';; (~U^Rn LEA ') ERE Ii E vi A L DATE ISSUED 30 April 1976 I ';'IJI D UY: LEAS! NUMBER DOT-CG7-4343 rnM~-1^NDER (fcp) ~lVLNTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT 51 S.W. FIRST AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130 DATE OF LEASE 1 May 1970 LESSOR (IF OTHER THAN ADDRESSEE) CITY OF CLEARWATER BOX 4748 CLEARWATER,-FL 33518 DESCRIPTION OF LEASED PROPlRTY EIGHTY-TWO FEET OF DOCKAGE SPACE, LOCATED ON MAIN TERMINAL DOCK OF CLEARWATER MUNICIPAL MARINA, CAUSEWAY BOULEVARD, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA FOR MOORING THE U.S. COAST GUARD CUTTER POINT SWIFT. Pursuant to the renewal provisions of the above lease, and subject to the appro- priatlon of necessary funds by Congress, notice is hereby given that the United States of America exercises Its option to renew and does hereby renew the aforesaid lease for the period 1 OC! 1976 - 30 SEP 1977 at the rental stipulated therein. Al I the terms, convenants, and conditions of the lease affected shal I continue In ful I force and effect. Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance hereof by signing and returning original and two copies to: Contracting Officer, 7th Coas'~ Guard District 5\ S.W. First Avenue Miami Florida 33130 LESSOR'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT REQUIRED . CITY OF CLEARWATER DA T E 28 May 1976 PURPOSES NLY SIGNER'S NAME & TITLE Picot B. Floyd, City Man er COpy TO: COMMANDANT (G-FPR/71) I I .. rJf-: t'l. ()f TRANSPOr~T AT I ON U. :;. COAST GUARD LEA S ERE NEW A L DATE I ssum -----, 15 May 1975 I ~~~;lIrD BY: LEASE NUMBER DOT-CG7-4343 COMMANDER (fcp) SEVENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT 51 S.W. FIRST AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130 DATE OF LEASE 1 May 1970 City of Clearwater Box 4748 Clearwater, FL ..33518 LESSOR (IF OTHER THAN ADDRESSEE) DESCRIPTION OF LEASED PROPERTY Eighty-two feet of dackage space, located on main terminal dock of Clearwater Municipal Marina, Causeway Boulevard, Clearwater, Florida for lIlooring the U. S. Coast: Guard Cutter Point SwIft. -- Pursuant to the renewal provisions of the above lease, and subject to the appro- prlatlon of necessary funds by Co~gress,notice Is hereby given that the United States of America exercises Its option to renew and does hereby renew the aforesaid lease for the period I July 1975 to 30 June 1976 at the rental st I pu I ated therein. AI I the terms, convenants, and conditions of the lease affected shat I continue in ful I force and effect. Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance hereof by signing and returning original and two copies to: Contracting OHlcer, 7th Coast Guard District 51 S.W. First AV~nue MiamI Florida 33130 LESSOR'S ACKNOWLEDQ~ENT DATE NAY 1975 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA U. s ~~3~~ GUAr~ BY: ~--?7'"~--:"-- . ,J/C . H. CAMERON '(Jv CONTRACT I NG OFF I CER SIGNATURE RENEWAL NOTICE NOT REQUIRED SIGNER'S ISSUED FOR RECORD PURPOSES 0 Y NAME & TITLE COpy TO: CO*1ANDANT(G-FPR/7I) DEPrr. OF TRANSPORTNI'ION U. ~;. COMe:'}' (~UARn . .' DATE ISSUE)) 7 MAY 1973 LEA S ERE NEW A L I~;:;IIF.D BY; LEASE NUMBER DOT-CG7-4343 COMT1ANDF;P (f~,) SEVEWrH COAS'1' GUARD DISTRICT 51 S. W. FIRST AVENUE t<1IAMI FLORIDA 3313b DA'rE OF U:ASE I May 1970 City of Clearwater Box 4748 Clearwater, FL 33518 LEf~SOR (IF OTHBR TIiAN ADDRESSEE) DESCRIPTION OF LEASED PROFEP'l'Y Eighty-two feet of dockage space, located on main terminal dock of Clearwater Municipal Marina, Causeway Boulevard, Clearwater, Florida, for mooring the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Point Swift.. Pursuant to the renewal provisions of the above lease, and sub,i('c~t t.o Ulc 11'[:1'('-- priation of necessary funds by Congress, notice is he! eby given that. the UJdi,E,,1 Lal'.'" of America exercises its option to renew and does hereby renew the 8.forec'iFdd li'a!.!f f"l], the period 1 July 1973 to 30 June 1974 at the rental stipulated therein. AIL the terms, convenants, andcondi tions of the lease affect,red cobaJ] eO;I! i flue i Ii full fore e and effect. Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance hereof by :3i ,'l:ninv a,nd returni!11' ur i vi 1.1 and two copies to: Contracting Officer, 7th Coast Guard District 51 S. W. First Avenue, Miami, FlorHn -nUO LESSOR' ~:';A(~KNOHL}i'I)GMENT 1HE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA U. f. .' GUARD BY: . C. H. >AMERON CON'i'RACTIN';. OFFICER DATE Ivtay J 973 SIGNA'T'1JRB SIGNER'G NAME & 'I'I'l'LE RENEWAL NOTICE NOT REQUIR D ISSUED FOR RECORD PURPOS S ONLY COPY TO: COtlMANDANT (c'FPR/71) .- . . e DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION U.S. COAST GUARD LEA S ERE NEW A L DA~EMk~SY.~4 ISSUED BY: LEASE NUMBER DOT-CG7-4343 COMMANDER (fcp) SEVENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT DATE OF LEASE 51 S.W. FIRST AVENUE MIAMI FLORIDA 33130 1 May 1970 LESSOR (IF OTHE~ THAN ADDRESSEE) " City of Clearwater Box 4748 Clearwater, FL 33518 DESCRIPTION OF LEASED PROPERTY Eighty-two feet of deckage space, located on main terminal dock of Clearwater Municipal Marina, Causeway Boulevard, Clearwater, Florida for mooring the U. S. Coast Guard Cutter Point Swift. Pursuant to the renewal provisions of the above lease, and subject to the appro- priation of necessary funds by Congress, notice is hereby given that the United States of America exercises its option to renew and does hereby renew the aforesaid lease for the period I July 1974 to 30 June 1975 at the rental stipulated therein. AI I the terms, convenants, and conditions of the lease affected shal I continue in ful I force and effect. Please ack~owledge receipt and acceptance hereof by signing and returning original and two copies to: Contracting Officer, 7th Coast Guard District 51 S.W. First Avinue Miami Florida 33130 LESSOR'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA U.S. C T G RD DATE May 1974 RENEWAL NOTICE NOT REQUIRED SIGNATURE T~STT1m li'O'R 'RECORD 'PU1?'POSES ONLY SIGNER'S NAME & TITLE . . C MERON CONTRACTING OFFICER COpy TO: COMMANDANT (G-FPR/71) , . 'J e Date Issued DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION U. S. COAST GUARD LEA S E R ENE W A L 26 April 1971 Issued by: Lease Number COMMANDER (fs) Seventh Coast Guard District S1 S. W. First Avenue Miami. Florida 33130 DOT-CG7-4343 Date of Lease City of Clearwater Box 4 748 Clearwater, Florida 33518 1 May 1970 LESSOR (If other than Addressee) Description of Leased Property Eighty...two feet of dockage space. located on: Main TermTnaT-Dock of Clearwater Municipal Marina, Causeway Boulevard, Clearwater. Florida, for mooring the U. S. Coast Guard Cutter POINT SWIFT. Pursuant to the renewal provisions of the above lease. and subject to the appropriation of necessary funds by Congress. notice is hereby given that the United States of America exercises its option to renew and does hereby renew the aforesaid lease for the period 1 July 1971 to 30 June 1972 at the rental stipulated therein. All the terms. covenants. and conditions of the lease affected shall continue in_full force and effect. Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance hereof by signing and returning original and two copies to: Contracting Officer. 7th Coast Guard District 51 S. W. First Avenue. Miami. Florida 33130 Date By THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA tM.!__~Ocr __ H. R.~D Contracting Officer LESSOR'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT Signature ISSUED FOR RECORD Signer's PURPOSES ONLY Name & Title Copy to: COMMANDANT (FSU-3) '! DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION U. S. COAST GUARD Date Issued LEA S ERE NEW A L 26 April 1971 Issued by: Lease Number COMMANDER (fs) Seventh Coast Guard District 51 S. W. First Avenue Miami, Florida 33130 DOT-CG7-4343 Date of Lease City of Clearwater Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 33518 1 May 1970 LESSOR (If other than Addressee) Description of Leased Property Eighty-two feet of dockage space, located on Main Terminal Dock of Clearwater Municipal Marina, Causeway Boulevard, Clearwater, Florida, for mooring the U. S. Coast Guard Cutter POINT SWIFT. Pursuant to the renewal provisions of the above lease, and subject to the appropriation of necessary funds by Congress, notice is hereby given that the United States of America exercises its option to renew and does hereby renew the aforesaid lease for the period 1 July 1971 to 30 June 1972 at the rental stipulated therein. All the terms, covenants, and conditions of the lease affected shall continue in_full force and effect. Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance hereof by signing and returning original and two copies to: Contracting Officer, 7th Coast Guard District 51 S. W. First Avenue, Miami, Florida 33130 Date By THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA t/1~}r':;:z _ H. R. E~D Contracting Officer LESSOR'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT Signature ISSUED FOR RECORD Signer's PURPOSES ONLY Name & Title Copy to: COMMANDANT (FSU-3) ~ DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION U. S. COAST GUARD DATE ISSUED EASE RENEWAL ISSUED BY: LEASE NUMBER DOT-ccT-k3la' COMMANDER (fs) SEVENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT 51 S. W. FIRST AVENUE MIAMI FLORIDA 33130 DATE OF LEASE 1 MAymO .ft,. et ~ :an 1I,u e:a...n.~. .tL 3351& LESSOR (IF OTHER THAN ADDRF.SSEE) DESCRIPTION OF LEASED PROPERTY usn..."., rIB CP .DOCDGI IPACE. ~ OW MAD tWUG:UL IJOClC or CLIUJnfA!!Iili1 1lIUIItCIPAL IMRDA. CAtJIIIIICA'f BOUtl'fdD. C~. rua:ma.. J'OR K)OltDO TD tl. B. COA.ft oo.dI) ~ POur 8W1P'I. Pursuant to the renewal provisions of the above lease, and subject to the appro- priation of necessary fUnds by Congress, notice is hereby given that the United States of America exercises its option to renew and does hereby renew the aforesaid lease for the period 1 July 1972 to 30 June 1973 at the rental stipulated therein. All the terms, convenants, and conditions of the lease affected shall continue in fUll force and effect. Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance hereof by signing and returning original and two copies to: Contracting Officer, 7th Coast Guard District 51 S. W. First Avenue, Miami, Florida 33130 LESSOR'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA u. S. COAST GUARD BY: DATE MAl' 1911 C. H. CAMERON CONTRACTING OFFICER ltl1lllVlJ. JIO'nCE HO'l' p~~ SIGNATURE ~ NR ~ ~ OILY COPY TO: COMMANDANT (FSU-3) SIGNER'S NAME & TITLE AERIAL PHOTO IN FILE