LEASE RENEWAL DOT-CG7-5012 . 1 .--, ,~ # 1111'1, Of H<:MJSf>OkTATION l!, " '., r;r)(\ '; 1 (~LJARn L [ ^ S ERE ,~ E 'rI A L DATE ISSUED MAY 2 0 1976 1','llID lW: LEASI NUMBER DOT-CG7-5012 rOMt...,ANDER (fep) SlVENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT 51 SoW. FIRST AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130 DATE OF LEASE 25 June 1973 CITY OF CLEARWATER CLEARWATER MARINA 55 CAUSEWAY BLVD. CLEARWATER, FL 33515 LESSOR (IF OTHER THAN ADDRESSEE) DESCRIPTION OF LEASED PROPlRTY MAILING ADDRESS: WEST BULKHEAD MOORINGS AT ISLAND ESTATES MARINA STATION OF THE CLEARWATER MUNICIPAL MARINA, CAUSEWAY BLVD., CLEARwATER, FLA. City of Clearwater P.O. BOX 4748 Clearwater, Florida 33515 Pursuant to the renewal provisIons of the above lease, and subject to the appro- priatlon of necessary funds by Congress, notice is hereby given that the United States of America exercises Its option to renew and does hereby renew the aforesaid lease for the per'iod 1 DC! 1976 - 30 SEP 1977 at the rental stipulated therein. AI I the terms, convenants, and conditions of the lease affected shal I continue in ful I force and effect. Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance hereof by signing and returning original and two copies to: Contracting Officer, 7th Coas.t Guard District 51 S.W. First Avenue MIami Florida 33130 LESSOR'S ACKNOWLEDQ~ENT CITY OF CLEARWATER DAT~8 May 1976 SIGNATURE City Mana er SIGN ER' S ~AME & TITLE I COpy TO: COMMANDANT (G-FPR/71) I I I I DEP1. 0f TRANSPORTATION U.~;. COIIST GUARD LEA S ERE NEW A L DATE ISSUED 15 May 1975 1~;SLlI:D BY: LEASE NUMBER DOT-CG7-5012 COMMANDER (fcp) SEVENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT 51 S.W. FIRST AVENUE MIAMI. FLORIDA 33130 DATE OF LEASE 25 JUNE 1973 LESSOR (IF OTHER THAN ADDRESSEE) CITY OF CLEARWATER CLEARWATER MARINA 55 CAUSEWAY BLVD. CLEARWATER, FL 33515 DESCRIPTION OF LEASED PROP~RTY WEST BULKHEAD MOORINGS AT ISLAND ESTATES MARINA STATIONuOF _THE CLEARWATERMUNICTPALl-f..ARTNA, CAUSEWAY BLVD., CLEARWATER, FLA. ~tailing Address: City of Clearwater P.o. Box 4748 Clearwater, Fla. 33515 Pursuant to the renewal provisIons of the above lease, and subject to the appro- priatlon of necessary funds by Congress, notice Is hereby given that the United States of America exercises its option to renew and does hereby renew the aforesaid lease for the period I July 1975 to 30 June 1976 at the rental stipulated therein. Al I the terms, convenants, and conditions of the lease affected shal I continue in ful I force and effect. Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance hereof by signing and returning original and two copies to: Contracting Officer, 7th Coas"t- Guard District 51 S.W. First AV~nue Miami FlorIda 33130 LESSOR 's ACKNOWLEDGI~ENT THE UNITED ST6TES OF AMERICA ~.s. C T G~D .--:'7_-/ // I ~"'~~~ BY: ,n~j;t77-'c" ,. L /C. . CAMERON 00' CONTRACT I NG OFF I CER v DATE SIGNATURE SIGNER'S NAME & TITLE , COpy TO: CO~"'AND,l\NT( G-FPR/71 ) ; c DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION U.S. COAST GUARD e e LEA S ERE NEW A L DATE ISSUED I} M.t\Y 1971~ I SSUED BY: LEASE NUMBER T\'~{!*. c:~~7. !,"~::., 1 COMMANDER (fcp) SEVENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT 51 S.W. FIRST AVENUE MIAMI FLORIDA 33130 DATE OF LEASE 25 .rom: 1~7:S CI'I1:' or Cl.f..A.illli'/.TWI CLltAJl~fAT1~'. :.lJ.RI~1 55 CA~SlJ..Ul.l' BLVD. CUfARVA:rr:N, ft.Jl, H.ns LESSOR (IF OTHER THAN ADDRESSEE) DESCRIPTION OF LEASED PROP[RTY ~r:l~S't' nln.ZJn~:}J~ ;'foo~t;~GS A'X' lSlJ.;!tD tS1'AT1l:S }tA:un STJ,,'1"ION (lr TIm Ct.F.J.Rt;7A1'lC~l MJ:~fICIPAL ~'1.ARI~....t\. CA.U!lNAY !LV%').,. CLua\1ATE~ 1t.A. Pursuant to the renewal provisions of the above lease, and subject to the appro- priation of necessary funds by Congress, notice is hereby given that the United States of America exercises its option to renew and does hereby renew the aforesaid lease for the period I July 1974 to 30 June 1975 at the rental stipulated therein. AI I the terms, convenants, and conditions of the lease affected shal I continue in ful I force and effect. Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance hereof by signing and returning original and two copies to: Contracting Officer, 7th Coast Guard District 51 S.W. First AV~nue Miami Florida 33130 LESSOR'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT .H. CAMERON CONTRACTING OFFICER DATE jq~ ~-;2... ~. SIGNATURE~L-~:.. rr SIGNER'S . NAME & TITLE /l"A/' ,,;;.~~__... 4Y -r'" COpy TO: COMMANDANT (G-FPR/71) ./ ,." , ~ ,- ,-': f ,-' nEP1. OF TRANSPORTATION U,~;, COAST GUARD LEA S ERE t~ E W A L DATE I SSUlC2. MAY 2 0 1976 ISSUED BY: LEASE NUMBER DOT-CG7-5012 COMMANDER (fcp) SEVENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT 51 S.W. FIRST AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130 DATE OF LEASE CITY OF CLEARWATER CLEARWATER MARINA 55 CAUSEWAY BLVD. CLEARWATER, FL 33515 25 June 1973 LESSOR (IF OTHER THAN ADDRESSEE) DESCRIPTION OF LEASED PROPtRTY City of Clearwater P.O. Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 33515 WEST BULKHEAD MOORINGS AT ISLAND ESTATES MARINA STATION OF THE CLEARWATER MUNICIPAL MARINA, CAUSEWAY BLVD., CLEARWATER, FLA. MAILING ADDRESS: Pursuant to the renewal provisions of the above lease, and subject to the appro- priatfon of necessary funds by Congress, notice is hereby given that the United States of America exercises Its-option to renew and does hereby renew the aforesaid lease for the period 1 JU~ 1976 - 30. SEP 1976 at the rental stipulated therein. AI I the terms, convenants, and conditions of the lease affected shal I continue in ful I force and effect. Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance hereof by signing and returning original and two copies to: Contracting Officer, 7th Coast Guard District 51 S.W. First Avenue Miami Florida 33130 LESSOR'S ACKNOWLED~~ENT CITY OF CLEARWATER THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ~, BY. ...,.J. MERON <tV-CONTRACTING OFFICER DAtE ,,~8th of May 1976 S IGN:~E-4Lit( &1L~ SIGNER'S picot B. Floyd City Mana er NAME & TITLE ' COpy TO: COM\1ANDANT (G-FPR/71) ""' . REP1'~.'~)f' H\^NSf'Of~TA1ImJ I U. ',. COAS I' GUARD I,' I DATE I SSUEO 30 April 1976 LEA S E f~ E t, FW A L ISSUED BY: LEASt r\jUMBER DOT-CG7-4343 r:0~1MMJDER (fcp) SEVENTH COA:~T GUARD DISTRICT 51 S.W. FIRST AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130 DATE OF LEASE 1 May 1970 City of Clearwater Box 4748 Clearwater, Fl 33518 LESSOR (IF OTHER THAN ADDRESSEE) DESCRIPTION OF LEASED PROPlRTY EIGHTY-TWO FEET OF DOCKAGE SPACE, LOCATED ON MAIN TERMINAL DOCK OF CLEARWATER HUNICIPAL HARINA, CAUSEWAY BOULEVARD, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA FOR HOORING THE U.S. COAST GUARV CUTTER POINT SWIFT. Pursuant to the renewal provisIons of the above lease, and subject to the appro- priatlonof necessary funds by Congress, notice is hereby given that the United States of America exercises Its option to renew and does hereby renew the aforesaid lease for the per'iod 1 JU~ 1976, - 30SEP 1976 at the rental stipulated therein. AI I the terms, convenants, and conditions of the lease affected shall continue in ful I force and effect. Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance hereof by signing and returning original and two copies to: Contracting Officer, 7th Coas"t" Guard District 51 S.W. First Avenue Miami Florida 33130 LESSOR'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CITY OF CLEARWATER BY,~?~ DATE 28 .May 1976 ~CAMERON -VLWf R . 7- ~ ~' CONTRACT I NG OFF I CER SIGNATURE~~E NOT REQUIRED SIGNER'S ISSUED FOR RECORD PURPOS S ONLY NAME & TITLE Picot B. FIo d Cit Mc!.na er COpy TO: COMMANDANT (G-FPR/71) ~ ~ I ol DATE ISSUED DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION ISSUED BY: LEASE RENEWAL CASE NUMBER AUG 1 6 1977 u 0 So COAST, GUAIID DOT-CG7-50l2 COMMANDER (fcp) SEVENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT 51 SoW. FIRST AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130 DATE OF LEASE 25 JUNE 1973 LESSOR (IF OTHER THAN ADDRESSEE) CITY OF CLEARWATER CLEARWA TER MARINA 55 CAUSEWAY BLVD CLEARWATER, FL 33515 MAILING ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF LFASED PROPERTY WEST BULKHEAD MOORINGS AT ISLAND ESTATES MARINA STATION OF THE CLEARWATER MUN:!"CIPAL MARINA, CAUSEWAY BLVD., CLEARWATER, FL CITY OF CLEARWATER P.O. BOX 4748 CLEARWATER, FL 33515 Pursuant to the renewal provisions of the above lease, and subject to t~pro- priation of necessary funds by Congress, notice is hereby given that the United States of America exercises its option to renew and does hereby renew the aforesaid lease for the period lOCT 1977 - 30 SEP 1978 at the rental stipulated therein. All the terms, convenants, and conditions of the lease affected shall continue in full force and effect. Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance hereof by signing and returning original .and one copy to: contracting Officer, 7th Coast Guard District 51 S.W. First Avenue, Miami, Florida 33130 LESSOR'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA U. S. COAST GUARD DATE BY' E~Af)!~ ~~r~~1:FFICER SIGNATU SIGNER'S NAME & TITLE Anthony Lo Shoemaker City Manager COpy TO: COMMANDANT (G-FPR/7l) -~ I DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION U. S. COAST GUARD IStiUED BY: CONTRACTING OFFICER (fcp) SEVENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT 51 S. W. FIRST AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA'33130 LEASE R E HEW A L DATE ISSUED 28 JUNE 1978 LEASE HUMBER DOT- CGO 1- '101::> DATE 0 F LEASE: 25 JUNE 1Q7~ , LESSOR (IF OTHER THAN CITY OF CLEARWATER CLEARWATER MARINA 55 CAUSEWAY BLVD CLEARWATER, FL 33515 PE6CRIPTIOI OF LEASED PROPERTl WEST BULIOIEAD MOORINGS AT ISLAND ESTA'fES: MARINA STATION OF THE CLEARWATER MUNI 0 J;P MARINA, CAUSEWAY BLVD~, CLEARWATER"f~ MAILING ADDRESS: CITY OF CLEARWATER P. O. BOX 4748 CLEARWATER, FL 33515 Pursuant to tbe reneval proTi.iona ot tbe above lea.e, and subject-to the appropriation ot neceaaarf tund. bl Conares., notice 1. bereby sive.__ tbat the United States ot A.erica .xerciae. it. option to renev and does hereby renev tbe atorelaid lealle tor the period 1 OCTOBER 1978 through 30 SEPTEMBER 1979 at the rental atipu1.ted therein. All terss, covenantl, and conditlonl ot the 1.a_1 .ttected sball continue in tull torce and ettect. Please acknovledse receipt and acceptance hereot by .llninaand turnina orilina1 and tvo copies to: ContractinlOttlcer Seventh Coaat G~ard District 51 S. W. 'i..~ Avenue Miaai, Florida 33130 DATE: THI UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY I E ~~ :t:;:;UARD c~j~~L~~X Officer LESSOR'S ACKNOWLEDGEMEtlT SIGNATURE: SlGNER'S "AME 8& TITLE: 'COpy TO: COMMANDANT (G-FLP/l1)