U.S. GOVERNMENT LEASE FOR PROPERTY (2) ~ , " I ( I STANDARD foRM 2-8' LEA 5 E , FORUARY!.EDIllON .U.5. tOov......n' '"'" DATE >', "',, NO. DTCG~~-92- , ~?~~1Ol ,,:L...w.......~ ,,' ~'" (Short'Form) 51V~illFlIIlJbt. 0/ -784100 'Tbe LES$OR Jeues,' 1:0 the tJNlTID STA.TES iQJ, AMIlUCA, hereiaafcu, called: tbeGOYERNMENT. the dncribed premises on ,the tenDs....ed bereia, iodu.w..',cbe caaclicioaloa"nwne hereof.- . I. LOCATION '" WSlDPREM~,' , It- "'. i . ~ J . I " .\ ( \.1 ,'. ,. 2. DESCRIPTICIIOf'~PRiMISES '.,. ."'" , ',' ':'" \ _, ," _, 'Room,,26 (Approx1l1lftely 140 sqUare feet), located'on" the,~-aeoondcfloor of .1me ,'(:lty of Clearwate~" Mar.1..1)a Building, 25,C.useway,rBouJaevard, Clea~ater , Florida_., to ",be uaed.,as storage and 'docksideP'office space fortbe u.s. COast, Guard Cutrter. Point' Swift. ' ~J.;" 'J'.{ , 3. TERM. To line aad 1:0 bold: ' .'; .., . . Por the,.......nqJ... ....01...Ncy.ember...1.g9.1.................a~_ throqb ..___~.Q..Se.p:t...hAr..~9.Sl2........... From year co,.. dtereafter.buNIDt beyoad ..........:.IlllO....sap.tamhAr ..~g.g6...:~....m........'.;~,;..".~..;......~;;.;~.... thi. ..... maybe renewed "'froa'year to year , provided 'notice is given in writing to tbe Joessor at least Thirty (30) days before ,this lease or'any renewal thereof would othe~!ise expire8 . 4. TERMINATION. The Goftl'DlDeatDl&' ~ce'~;:" at lUl)' time by/~viaa'al1Ulh1.r:ty....c.3a). 'days' writtea DOtice to the Leuor. Said aodce.baU be COIIIpuced c.'lOalmeaciaa with the day ~ the dace of mailiq. 5. RENTAL The Govel'lUDeat tball ~, the Leuor aaauU reat of .....1...5.00..00.......... _t the nee of ......12.5...0.0............. per ........lll:.9.Jl'1;h............. ill arrean. Reat for a laser period tbaU be prorated. Reat check. tball N'made payable to: City of Clearwater, Clearwater-'Marina 25 Causeway/Boulevard Clearwater, Florida 34630 ., SERVICES AND ununES (.,.,. "X" ill _~ _, u.. Ie H ,rwithtli, lAuer .., ___.,__) o (I) HEAT 0 (I) CHILLED/DRINKING WATER 000 D.I!CTIlICITY 0 (e) AIR CONDITIONING o OOI'OWEll~""'nI) 0 (7) B.lVATORSERYICE o (I) WATER (11M.. MIl) 0 (I) WUlDOW WASHING (Ourrm,) o (IS) OI1IER~) 7. SPECIAL OR OI1IER I'llOVISICII(S) AGREED UPON o (I) TOILET SUPPt.IES o (10) JANllOR SERVICUIlO IUPPLIES ........m.......... O (11) INITIAL LAMPS. rulEs. ,(~) BALLASTS AND IlEPI.M:IMIIlTS a (11) IElWIICAL VElmLATION a. AVAILABILITY OF fUNDS: -.UnJ.ess otherwise not1fied, funds will. become available on ,the effective date of this lease and all renewal dates. The Gover~ent's obligation hereunder is contingent upon the availability fundS from which payment for the contract purposes_can be made. No legal liability on the part of the .Government,..Ear payment of any IDOney shall arise unless and until funds are:cG8deavailable to the Contracting Officer for this procurement. You will be notified i~~ed~ataly if funds .do not become available for this procurement. LES10Il City of Clearwater Clearwater Marina 25 Causeway Boulevard Clearwater, Florida 34630 BY .____.._______________._______..._________________...__._______...__. a~ ;..) _____~!:.~.._~~9..~__}._!~E_..EJ~Y...~jg.n~.t..gx.~.f?_. ~) v. WASHINGTON _Gh!~_f.lm_R..~~_l..f!:Q~_e!:em.cb...m._____ (O~""IIilJ.) '" 2-301 (S_ c;-. ProWs.. _ ,.....,.) /0,(':' / (;3) I CONTI'NUATION SHEET REFERENCE NO, OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTII'~J PAGE DTCG84-92-L-784100 2 of 7 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTR~'t:y of Clearwater, Clearwater Marina, Dockside Office Space ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES 7b. Subject to the availability of funds, this lease may, at the option of the Government, be renewed annually through 30 September 1996 at the mutually agreed upon rental rate of $1,500.00 per annum, at the rate of $125.00 per month in arrears. 7c. PAYMENTS: PAYMENTS FOR SUBJECT LEASE WILL BE MADE BY THE FOLLOWING: CO 240 USCG FINANCE CENTER 1430A KRISTINA WAY CHESAPEAKE, VIRGINIA 23326-0340 Telephone No. (804) 523-6739 7d. It is required that if any changes relating 'to the above property, sale of, name or address of the lessor is made, the Contracting Officer shall be notified immediately in writing by the lessor. 7e. Clause for Government's Liability: The Government's liability for damage or loss of property personal injury or death resulting from its use of the granted premises shall be as prescribed by the federal Tort Claims act, as amended (28 U.S.C. Sections 2671-2680). 7f. Lessee shall have unrestricted right of ingress and egress at all times for authorized U.S. Coast Guard personnel or its agents to inspect and maintain the equipment as necessary. 7g. The following are attached and made apart hereof (Standard Form 2-A, May 1970 Edition and City of Clearwater, Florida authorized signature format page. 7h Accounting Data Chargeable: 2/7/201/107/30/0/84/71845/2304 Document Number: CC: USCG FINANCE CENTER 0240 CCGD SEVEN (osr) USCGC POINT SWIFT NSN 7540-01-152-8067 ~u.s. Go.......... "1.".. 0"100, 1988-201-760/80181 50336-101 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4-86) Spol18Of1ld by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.110 OCT-01-1991 15:50 FROM I CLEARIJJFlTER ~lHR I NFl TO 9121266877:9 p.02 I Pla: 3 CF 7 United States Coast Guard Leise No. DTCG84-92-l-784100 CITY On ClEARWAT~, FLORIDA i I 8yt R a ryey Mayor-eo..1sstoner Approyed as to fol'1ll and correctness: ~~. .- =, ,~:~ - . -' ,~~,', a . -~ ..~. .' . Clerk- -. . STATE OF FLORIDA COUHTY OF P1NELLAS ~ BEFORE M[ personally appeared Rita eary.y, MiChMl J. W,..1ght, M. A. Galbraithr Jr., and Cyntbta E. Goudeau, to .. well known, and known by me to be tht 1ndiv,duals described ift and who executed the for...oo1ng tnstrUlllltnt as Mlyor- Commissioner, ctty Manager, City Attorney and City Clerk, respectively, of the .bove-n.-ed City and that the leal affix.d to the foregoing instrument i~ the Cfty seal of said City and the said 1nstru..nt is the free act and deed of said C fly. ~~W.tL~ officill $Ilal this J ')'-11. dlY of ~ . .'.,'-" ,ht.(}~ ftohry . ,. , My-~~i~~~n IxPtrel: NGi~ry Puhk Stnte of Fta;:da My Comrr.;s,:c)ii r:,,[C:mz f\FiI 20, 1993 Dcr-cad rhn.l L';;"'Y' h:/;n' InS!..;t.'.'liCO lnc. TOTAL P.02 'J'~, '~rGENERA~fhJMlstoNs"CE~T~,FI~TJ~~,J;'~,~ ,I~STR~~IIONS "iU~S~'GdVemment :teas~{J9~.,R~I, Prqpe~." j.;" .: .;~'''. ~ ,^', t . , l..... 'Ii : ! ":1 :,G~~~jPROVlSIONS ';'.'~. !i:" . t"', :' .~ " '~ . . f' ; . T~" ,. I .: s;.,_.. . .. , ", ,-,' ~.. f.$, '. ... ~, ,. . . 1. "BltBLETTINU''l'Rl!lPUMISE8; ~tracl:, :;O~'to ! an1 ,~,t;bat. ma1.anse, . th, erefro~; but " , ' ' ., thIS pJ'OVlSlon shall not. becoJIStt1Jed. to extend to this ,lease The Government may sublet any pan of the premises but contractif-made:with a. ~ti;on for ita general benefit. shall not bere1ieved from anyobliga~0D8 .under this.lease '. .., ,e, '". by ~~~~l~rc:J.1su~~~~:' . "',' :" 8. ASSIGNMENT OF CLAIMs. ,,' 2 MAINTENAl'fcl: OF PREMISES ~". 'h" ' PUrBu'ant to':~e';proYW01UI of the Aaignment of Cl~ ~1i~,'~~.,',i~~~, " ~'':, ~,~, }:a, e~~~~~~a1~ ~: ~:Op:vld:j~t~im~~~~gS'fi,J8J'~: p~an~. ,~'by the, ..' ,'ander tb~s leaBein' more, claimBformi$i-.aue or to"become'due the Lessor ~" re~~, ~d ,tenantable condition," except " ~D case of from the ,Goversr-~ 'under "thill, contract ID;&y ~e ~si~ed 'ernm:~~x.~f~~~~~~rFee,~~:~~:e~': ~ci~d~~r~eial~lltno;~~d~y I~:~:; taining s&fW~es' anil 'properly, the' Lessor may,' at, tit further assiped or reassigned to any such institution. Any reason8.ble'1:iDles,and with the approval .of the authorized strch assignment OJ: reassignment shall cov~r!,ll amounts pay- Government'1'epresentative in cl1s.rge, enter and inspect the able under this con\ra~t and not -already paId, and shall not same and'1ll'aD any necessary repairs thereto. be uiade to JQore'than one party, ~ thi,t any such asaign- . ,""',j-' $',,' '., .'!. ',' ment or ~ent may be JDadt ~ one party as agent 3. DAMAGB~'I'IRBOROTHERCA8UALTY. or .t~ tor t,vo or more.pal't\e8 participating in such:fl- U thesiu~)l~1sesbe destroyed by fire ot 6thei-casualtY nancing. Notwith~ding any Pz'ovisi.ons ~f this.. contI-act, t..~is "le&''Je shan fmmediately. terrirlilate. In. case ot'partial payments to .an &SSIgnel'!, of any, m, O!!!es due or 00 ~(;()~e destruction or damage ,80 as to render .the ~s~ 1l1Jten~, , du~ u~der thIS contract shap.no~i~ the.,extent prOVIded In antable, asdetenninedt,bY'the'Goverfunen"t;.lthe~" saI~:Act,M.ameDd~..be subJect, to reduction or set-off. maytel'lDiqte',tJle,;lee,se' by giving written ,notice. to the Le8sor1Vithin-4lf~.(l5) days , thereafter; if so terminated nil ren~i.shlrll ~.to,the Lessor after "8UCh. partial de- struction or !damage;, and if not so terminated the rent shall be reduced proportionately by supplemental agreement hereto effective from the date of such partial destruction or damage. 4. ALTERATIONS. 'The Government shall have the right during the existence of this- lease' to make alterations, attach fixtures and erect additions, sti'uCturesor signs in or upon the premises hereby leased, 'which' fixtures . additions or' structures so placed in, upon or attached totlle said premises shall be and remain the property of the" Government and may be removed or otherwise disposed of by the Government. 5. CONDITION REPORT. A joint physical survey and inspection report of the de- mised prenUsell 'shall , be made as of the effective date of this lease, reflectiagthe then present condition, and will be signed on behalf of the parties hereto. ' 6. COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEEs. The LeSBOr warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed or retained to solicit or secure this lease upon an agreement or understanding for a commission, percent- age, brokerage, or contingent fee, excepting bona' fide em- ployees or bona fide established commercial or selling agencies maintained by the Lessor for the purpose of securing busi- ness. For breach or violation of this warranty the. Govern- mel}t ~hall ~ave ~he right to annul this lease without liability or In Its discretion to deduct from the rental price or con- sideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee. (Li- censed real es~te agents or brokers having listings on prop- erty for rent, m accordance with general business practice and who have not obtained such licenses for the sole purpose of effecting this lease; may be considered as bona fide em- ployees or agencies within the exception contained in this clause.) 7. OFFICIALS NOT TO BENEFIT. .N!? Member of or D~legate to Congress, or Resident Com- mISSIoner shall be admItted to any share or part of this lease 9. "EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE. (The following clause is applicable unless this contract is exempt under' the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor (41 CFR, ch. 00).) During the performance' of . thiacontract, the Contractor agrees as follows: " . (a) The Contractor will not discriminate against any em- ployee or applicant for employment because 'of' rac~, color, religion, sex, or natiorial origin. The Contractor WIll take affirmative acti()lJl to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during 'employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Such action shaD 'include, but not be limited to, the following: Employment, upgrading, -demotioa, or,transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of payor other forms of compensation; and selection for train- ing, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post inconspicuous places; available to employees and applicants for emplojment, notiees to be'provided by the Contracting Officer setting forth the provillions of this Equal Opportunity clause. (b) The Contractor will, in all solicitations or advertise- ments for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor, state that all qualified applicants will reeeive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. ( c) The Contractor will send to each labor union or repre- sentative of workers with which he has a 'Collective bargain- ing' agreement or other eontract or understanding, a notice, to be provided by:1;he ageDC!Y Contracting Officer, advising the labor union or workers' representative of the Contractors commitments under this Equal Opportunity clause, and shall post copies~f the notice in colllll'icuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. (d) The Contractor will comply with all provisions of Ex- ecutive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. (e) The Contractor will furnish all information and re- ports required by Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and by the rules, regulations, an~ orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the contracting 1 Staadard Form I-A Gen.,., ServiCII Admlnlatratlon-FPR (41 CFR) 1-16.601 May 1970 Edition 2-203 ~...- I agency and the Secretary of L-abor for purposes of investiga- tion to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders. (f) In the event of the Contract<?r's noncomplian~e with the Equal Opportunity clause of this contract or WIth any of the said rules, regulations, or orders, this contract may be canceled, terminated, or suspended, in whole or in part, and the Contractor may be declared ineligible for further Government contracts in accordance with procedures author- ized in Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies in- voked as provided in Executive Order No. 11246 of Septem- ber 24, 1965, or by rule, regulation, or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. (g) The Contractor will include the provisions of para- graphs (a) through (g) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to section 204 of Execu- tive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, so that such pro- visions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. The Contractor will take such action with respect to any sub- contract or purchase order as the contracting agency may di~ct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, That in the event the-Contractor b,,{;omes involved in, 01" is threatened with.. litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the contracting agency, the Contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. 10. FACILITIES NONDISCRIMINATION. (a) As used in this section, the term "facility" means stores, shops, restaurants, cafeterias, restrooms, and any other facility of a public nature in the building in which the space covered by this lease is located. (b) The Lessor agrees that he will not discriminate by segregation or otherwise against any person or persons be- cause of race, color,religion, sex, or national origin in furnishing, or by refusing to furnish, to such person or persons the use of any facility, including any and all services, privileges, accommodations, and activities provided thereby. Nothing herein shall require the furnishing to the general public, of the use of any facility customarily furnished by the Lessor solely to tenants, their employees, customers, patients, clients, guests and invitees. (c) It is agreed that the Lessor's noncompliance with the provisions of this section shall constitute a material breach of this lease. In the event of such noncompliance, the Gov- ernment may take appropriate action to enforce compliance, may terminate this lease, or may pursue such other remedies as may be provided by law. In the event of termination, the Lessor shall be liable for all excess costs of the Government in acquiring substitute space, including but- not limited to the cost of moving to such space. Substitute space shall be obtained in as close proximity to the Lessor's building as is feasible and moving costs will be limited to the actual ex- penses thereof as incurred. (d) It is further agreed that from and after the, date hereof the Less:>r will, at such time as any agreement is to !>e entered into or a concession is to be permitted to operate, mclu~e or z:equ~the inclusion of the foregoing provisions of thIS section JD every such agreement or concession pur- suant to ,!hich any person other than the Lessor operates or ha,s the nght to operate any facility. Nothing herein con- ~med. howeve!, shal!be ~emed to requU:e the Lessor to mdude or requIre the )DelusIon of the foregomg provisions of I this section in any existing a6,'eement or concession arrange- ment or one in which the contracting party other than the Lessor has the unilateral right to renew or extend the agree- ment or arrangement, until the expiration of the existing agreement or arrangement and the unilateral right to renew or extend. The Lessor also agrees that it will take any and alllawiul actions as expeditiously as possible, with respect to any such agreement as the contracting agency may direct, as a means of enforcing the intent of this section, including, but not limited to, termination of the agreement or concession and institution of court action. 11. EXAMINATION 01' REcORDS. (NOTE.-This provision is applicable if this lease was nego- tiated without advertising.) (a) The Lessor agrees that the Comptroller General of the United States or any of his duly authorized representatives shall, until the expiration of 3 years after final payment under this lease, have access to and the right to examine any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of the Lessor involving transactions related to this lease. (b) The Lessor further agrees to inelude in all his subcon- tracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontrac- tor agrees that the Comptroller General of the United States or his representativeS shall, until the expiration of 3 years after final payment under this lease with the Government, have access to and the right to examine any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of such subcontractor involving transactions related to the subcontract. 12. APPLICABLE CODES AND ORDINANCES The Lessor, as part of the rental consideration, agrees to comply with all codes and ordinances applicable to the own- ership and operation of the building in which the leased space is situated and, at his own expense, to obtain all necessary permits and related items. 13. INSPECTION. At all times after receipt of Bids, prior to or after accept- ance of any Bid or during any construction, remodeling or renovation work, the premises and the building or any parts thereof, upon reasonable and proper notice, shall be accessi- ble for inspection by the Contractmg Officer, or by architects, engineers, or other technicians representing him, to deter- mine whether the essential requirements of the solicitation or the lease requirements are met. 14. ECONOMY. ACT LIMITATION. If the rental speci1ied in this lease exceeds, $2,000 per annum, the limitation of Section 322 of the Economy Act of 1932, as amended (40 U.S.C. 278a), shall apply. 15. FAILURE IN PERFoRMANCE. In the event of failure by the Lessor to provide any service, utility, maintenance or repairs required under this lease, the Government shall have the right to secure said services, utilities, maintenanee or ret:airs and to deduct the cost thereof from rental payments. 16. LESSOR'S SUCCESSORS. The terms and provisions of this lease and the conditions herein shall bind the Lessor, and the Lessor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, arid assigns. CERTIFICATION 1. CERTIFICATION OF NONSEGREGATED FACILITIES. (Applicable to (1) contracts, (2) subcontracts, and (3) agreements with applicants who are themselves performing federally assisted construction contracts, exceeding $10,000 which are not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunitr clause.) By the submission of this bid, the bidder, otferor, applicant, or subcontractor certifies that he does not maintain or pro- vide for his employees any segregated facilities at any of his establishments, and that he does not permit his employees to perform their services at any location, under his ,control, where segregated facilities are maintained. He certifies fur- 2 th~ that ~e will DOt maintain o~'PtoVide'L'biaemployee;. prior to tb8a~"""8ubcob.-t. eueecJing '10,000 which . any segregated facilities at any of his ;&bJjAhmenta, and are not exempt from the p~ii~D8 of the EqUal Opportunity that he will not-permit his employees to perform their servicea , clause; that he will retain such certifications in his files; at any location, under his control, where segregated facllities -- and that he will forward the following notice to such pro- are maintained. The bidder, offeror,applicant, or subcon- posed subcontractors (except where the proposed subcon- tractor agrees that II. breach of this certiacation 18 a violatioD - tractors have submitted identical certifications for specific of the Equal Opportunity clause in this contract. As used in time periods): this certiacation, the tenn "segregated facilities" means auy , waiting rooms, work areas, rest rooms and wash rooms, res- NOTICE TO PROSPIlC'l'IVE SUBCONTRACTORS OF RBQUIBEMENT FOR tauranta and other eating areas, time clocks, locker rooms and CERTIFICATIONS 01' NONAQ"lnATIlD I'ACILlTIB8 other storage or dressing areas, parking lots, drinking foun- tains, recreation or entertainment areas, transportation, and A Certification of Nonsegregated Facilities must be sub- housing facilities provided for employees which are segre- mitted prior to \)1e award of a subcontract exceeding $10,000 gated by explicit directive or are in fact segregated on the which is not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Oppor- basis of race, color, religion, or national origin, because tunity clause. The certiftcation may be submitted either for of habit, local custom, or otherwise. He further agrees that each subcontract or for allsubcontraets during a period (i.e., (except where be has obtained identical c:erti1lcations from quarterly, semiauually, or annually) . proposed subcontractors for specific time periods) he will ob- NOTE: The penalty for making false statements in offers tain identicalcertiftcations from proposed subeontraetora is prescribed in 18 U.S.C. 1001. NOTE.-Tke penaltfl 1M' mokiag laJBtJ atGteMtJnta in of/WI is prescribed in 18 U.8.C.1001. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Whenever the lease is executed by an attorney, agent, or trustee on behalf of the Lessor, two authenticated copies of his power of attorney, or other evidence to act on behalf of the Lessor, shall accompany the lease. 2. When the Lessor, is al~artnl!~mp, the names of the partners CoMposing the firm snaIl be stated in the body of the lease. The lease shall be signed with the partnership name, followed by the name of the partner signing the same. 3. Where the Lessor is a corporation, the lease shall be signed with the corporate name, followed by the signature and title of the oftleer or other person signing the lease on ita behalf, duly attested, and, if requested by the Government evidence of this authority so to act shall be furnished. 4. When deletions or other alterations are made speci1lc notation thereof shall be e11tered under cIauseSof the lease before signing. 5. If the property leased is located. in a State requiring the recording of leases, the Lessor shall comply with all such statutory requirements at Lessor's expense. 3 ~ J.G, GOVcFNMENT PFINTING OFFICE 198~ 0 - 361-526 (7197) Standard Form Z-A May 1970 Edition , ":1 )0 ~L I Un~ted States Coast Guard Lease No. DTCG84-92-L-784100 I Page 7 of,' MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATE If agreement is made with a municipality the following certificate shall be executed by the City Clerk or Assistant City Clerk. I, Cynthia E. Goudeau , certify that I am the City Clerk of the municipality named in the attached agreement, Ri-ta-Garvey , IHchael J; Wright,--an-a Milton A. GalbraiEh,- Jr. , -- that -------------- who signed said agreement on Mayor-Commissioner, City Manager, and City Attorney behalf of the municipality was- then --------- of w~ said municipality, that said agreement was duly signed for and on behalf of said municipality by authority of its governing body and is within ~he scope of its municipal powers. ~+LZ ,1-:Gc;Dc., . . MUNICIPAL :SEA~_, _, _,' ----- ~ .. U~Department. of Transportation United States COast Guard I Commander Maintenance and Logistics Command, Atlantic Building 400-K-1 Governors Island New York, NY 10004 Staff Symbol: sr (212) 668-7471 11011/sc SLL3 DEe 2 4 1991 City Of Clearwater Clearwater Marina 25 Causeway Boulevard Clearwater, Florida 34630 Dear Lessor: Attached is a copy of the fully executed lease number DTCG- 84-92-L-784100 for your records. For inquiries concerning the above lease, please contact: Mrs. Shirley Copeland, Realty Specialist, at (212) 668-7471. Sincerely, v. WASHINGTON Chief, Real Property Branch By direction of the Commander Encl: (1) Lease #DTCG-84-92-L-784100 CITY Of GLEMIWATER DE C J 0 1991 JiARBORMASTERS OFFICE