REMINDER REGARDING INSURANCE EXPIRATON CITY CLERK DEPT. i < ri ( . I L I " !i I W;~Oi L",,_<._ CITY cr ., CITY OF CLEARWATER ENGINEt~,; Interdepartmental Correspondence I] RECEIVED OCT 3 1 1995 ~p1~~ EARL BARRETT, PUBLIC WORKS ~ ~ Susan Stephenson, Document & Records Supervisor ~" ~ COPIES: Risk SUBJECT: Pending Expiration/Action - Contract Item - Reminder DATE: 10/30/95 This is a reminder that the below listed item is near expiration. If the pending item has not been received and the City Clerk Department notified by 11/13/95 a final notice will be sent. Thank you. Item requiring action: INSURANCE EXPIRATION. Party: SILVER DOLLAR TRAP CLUB, INC. LEASE RE LAND IN HILLS BOROUGH COUNTY Due: 11/19/1995 ----------------------------------------------------FiIe No: 19-078-00 Date:/-"Or:?l/tjJAction taken: c;,~~~~~ /;r;/ P/2i7~ - Has item been received or finalized ? ~. NO (circle one) NEW Expiration/Action date: If //r/70