LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING REGARDING MAINTENANCE .. I I Ii f"-~A::""t'~r >- "fl'-:-, )' j - _,f,.., . . 'iL.~l\,~(!p.).~(/{4-~ ~~ :"III~i.til(j/Vl-,,:.t~-t~;....c;7>~ ,~~~,~~'" i ,', ~~~i!-...(~~ i~"~(>\i(<,~~""~ ~~. QC":t~C~~~~rJi ".<(~ \0,': ~=;:'C::c:~ . Q 1'1 ..\1" :>:. w~iCC".. . ;:;::;r.~.. ~~..6'r;WM' "' .,,~~'! ~/Ip.,:,c;;;;:;"~~4\\ ...-....;qTHt~ I t . 'I"'''UC4~j! CITY OF CLEARWATER POST OFFICE Box 4748, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33758-4748 MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUIWING, 100 SOUTH MYRTLE AVENUE, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33756 TELEPHONE (727) 562-4800 FAX (727) 562-4825 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT April 13, 2000 Ms: Julie Janssen; Principal i COUNTRYSIDE HIGH SCHOOL 3000 State Road1580 Cleanvater, FL33761 LETTEROFlJNDERSTANDING Dear Ms. Janssen: The City ofCIearwater Parks and Recreation Department (City) is currently working with Countryside High School (High School) to provide improvements to the football / soccer practice fields located in the northeast comer of the High School property. The improvements being provided by the City are int~nded to benefit both the High School program and the City's co-sponsored youth program. The improvements include adding fill to raise the level of the current playing surface, providing re-grading of the entire field area, installing an automated irrigation system, and planting and growing-in Tifway 419 bermudasprigs. The City is also working with the High School staff to provide assistance with the maintenance of the baseball facilities, to further enhance the use of this facility by our co-sponsored participants, This letter of Understanding serves to identify and outline the responsibilities each party will have in providing tqe on- going maintenance for these specific facilities. These shared maintenance responsibilities are as foIlows: 1. REGULAR MOWING SERVICES for the renovated practice fields, and the existing baseball fi~ld, will be performed by the High School staff. All mowing of bermuda grass fields should be performed utilizing reel mowers. The High School staff agrees to perform the regular weekly mowing dutie~, at a minimwn of once per week in the growing season. The City staff may choose to supplement the High School's.w~eKIy ~owingsc~~~, to enfiance the mowing frequency ofthese turfareas, and111flY do so at theIr discretion and avallabthty. . 2. PEST CONTROL SERVICES for the renovated practice fields, and the existing baseball field, will be provided by the City. The City will communicate the schedule for their service visits, and provide a description of the products oeingappliedateach service visit, to the appropriate High School staff. 3. FERTILIZATION SERVICES for the renovated practice fields, and the existing baseball field, will be provided by the City. The City will communicate the schedule for their service visits, and provide a description of the products being applied at each service visit, to the appropriate High School staff, 4. IRRIGATIONSERVICESTor the renovated practice fields, and the existing baseball field, will pe provided by the High School staff. This service includes inspections, routine maintenance, repair and parts replacement. The new system will be added to the High School's existing well, and City staff, in consultation with the High School staff, shall program and maintain the watering schedule for theSe areas. The City agrees to provide assistance to the High School staffwith major breaks or problems that might arise, as well as performing periodic inspections of the system to supplement the High School's efforts, as time and budgets allow. ONE On ONE FUTURE. BRIAN J. AUNGST, MAYOR-COMMISSIONER ED HOOPER, VICE MAYOR-COMMISSIONER ED HART, COMMISSIONER (1) "EQUAL EMPLOYMENT AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER" / 9 ~() ,2:2 ',.C' BOB ClARK, COMMISSIONER J.B. JOHNSON, JR., COMMISSIONER f:( ) i' I I ... 5. ANNUAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES (resodding, topdressing, aeration, overseeding, etc.) for the renovated practice fields, and the existing basebalrfield, sfutIlbe shitred equally between the Citr and the High School. The City will take the lead in this area, providing the High School with cost estimates for any proposed work, and working within the budget and time constraints of both panies. As in the case of past projects, the City of Clearwater appreciates having the opportunity to once again partner with Countryside High School, to provide improved field conditions for the benefit of all ~rs. The City win seek to provide the best communication possible, relative to the above mentioned serVices, with Rus Carter, Park Maintenance Coordinator - Athletic Fields, serving as the City's primary point of contact. Please confirm whether Mr. Casey win continue to be Countryside High School's appropriate contact PfI'SOn. i Thank you for your help in tbismatter. twoutdappreciate itifyou would please sign this documenf and return one original for our records. I have enclosed an additional copy for you to keep. .~~~ / Kevin E. Dunbar Director of Parks and Recreation Cc: Don Casey, Assistant Principal Larry Dowd, AssistantDi:rector~ Pa:rks- &Beauti1i~OIr(froup Rus Carter, Park Maintenance Coordinator - Athletic Fields John Carassas, Assistanf City ~mey KED/lvd I have read antrunderstandthis document, and'agree that Countryside High School will share in the maintenance responsibilities outlined above. 4h~ ~ Q~,";;v', ~" Julie Janssen, opal -COu~High'School