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THIS Ll~ASE AGREEJ'viENT" Pt<!ck....l1d entered ild;o ihic: .dk-::_..c1ay
Of~, A. Do 1972, by and behvccn THE SCHOOL BOARD OF
PI.NJ~L~J"".s COUNTY ~ FLORIDA, herein~'.ftc:( called t.he ,Lei) s or, and the
CITY OF CLEARW A TER~ FLORIDA, a. :ou:micipal cUl'poratioll, IH::reinafU"J~
called the J..Jcssee;
'WHEREAS, the Lessor owns the fOllowing described land,
in Clea.rwater, Pincllas COlmty, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the
(Description attached he}'cto, marked JlExhibit AJI
and m.ade a part hereof);
WHEREAS, the Lessee desires to lease said Land subject to certain
regulations and to establish recreation and com.munity programs thereon to
benefit the citizens of Clearwater and Pinellas County, Florida, in acc01:d;:ulce
with the terms of this Lcase Agreement; and
WHEREAS, the Lessor desires to assist and cooperate 'with the Lessee
in providing an aI"Ca for recreation and community service progranls; a.nd
WHEREAS, said open space pren'1.ises shall be for general con'1.nlUnity
or neighborhood benefit and use and shall be open to the general public except
when its use shall conflict with the functions of the adjacent school pren'1.ises;
WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Lessor and Lessee to maximize the
multiple use capacity of all school open space areas and to assure that the
design and operational planning of the Les SOl' and Les see shall incorporate
this concept;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises, the
covenants herein contained on the part of the Lessee to be kept and performed,
/9 02'2.-03 - I
and ot1,c1.' good and valuable cOJlc;ideratiuH, the said .L.JCbBOJ: doc-a 11C1'(;by,
subject to the terrns and provif3ions of thi~, ag1.'ecntcnt leLI-He to tbe Lessee
the above described real property situ;-"ltcd in Cl,'.arv,'ater, PineHa.s County,
Florida, on the fonowing terms and pr oV-:.8ion s:
1. To have and to bold the sarne for the term of tv.'cnty-five (2S) years fronl
the 1 st day of January, 19~~, and to be auto m.atically renewable at the end of
such tern1. for an addi.tional ten (10) year period unle~,s the 1,esuo1' gives to the
Lessee vlritten notice atleaHt thirty (":',n) clays pr.:.or to the ex:pi.r2ticn lyE the
original twenty-five (25) year term that this lease agreement is to be terminated;
however, such determination can only be rnade if said descri.bed property is
to be litilized by Lessor for the erecticm of perrnanent school structures or
additions or additi.ons to pernlanent sclloal structur cs thereon. However,
this agreement may be cancelled and tCl'rninated by rnutual consent of both
parties and by the SecrEfary of the Departrncnt of l-Jollsing and Urban Develop-
ment should any Federal funds be used in this projc::cL
2. Said Lessee covenants to pay to said LeS~H)T as rent for said premises
the sum of One Dollar ($1. OO) pex- year cL.Lld to FHcxlorrn the other covenants
herein specified on its behalf~
Sai.d rental paynlcDts shall be rnade on the
1 st day of January of each yEar during the ternl of this lease or any extension
thereof and shall be paid to the Lessee at its office situated at 1960 Eo Druid
Road, Clearwater, Florida 33516, or such other place as Lessor lTIay frOlTI
time to time designate in writing.
3. If at any time during the term of this Lease AgreelTIent, the Lessor
shall determine that any project or activity which Lessee is conducting on
the leased premises is jeopardizing the health, [safety or morals of the public,
the Lessor shall notify the Lessee thereof in writinz setting forth the objections
or details of said objections. Lessee shall then \vithin thirty (30) days from
receipt of said written notice either meet with the Les Bar and resolve said
objections or discontinue the activity objected to.
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4.. During the term. of this agreement, Lessee agrees to establish, maintain
and conduct playgrounds, recreational progranls, comrnunity play cCliters and
other recreational activities on the Land and the Lessee agrees not to use the
Land in a manner which interferes with the operation of the public schools.
The Lessee shall designate the projects or activities to be conducted on the
Land but shall not do so in derogation of the rights and privileges of the Lessor
under the laws or as provided herein. The Lessee agrees to employ recrea...
tionalleaders, directors, supervisors or such other employees as it deems
necessary without expense to the Lessor. The Lessee agrees the Land shall
be used only for recreational, educational or corrrrriunity service programs.
The Lessee agrees to quit and deliver up the premises at the end of the term
of this Agreement, or any extension thereof, either by expiration or termination,
in as good condition as it now is, ordinary wear and decay by the elements
excepted. Further, Les see agrees to make no unlawful, improper or offensive
use of the premises and not to as sign this lease or to sub..let any part of said
premises without .the prior written consent of the Lessor.
5. During the term of this agreement, Lessee shall have thenght to erect
and place certain improvements and equipment on the leased premises.
Equipment or improvements placed on the Land of a portable, readily movable
nature which have been paid for solely by the Lessee, may be removed by the
L~ssee upon expiration or termination of this Agreelnent. Equipment or improve-
ments placed on the Land of a permanent, not readily movable nature become
the property of the Lessor upon the termination or expiration of this Agreen~ent.
All improvements and equipment not hereinabove specifically provided for shall
become the property of the Lessor upon the termination or expiration of this
6. During the term of this lease Agreement, Lessor shall maintain its own
facilities and equipment which are not jointly utilized.
The Lessee
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a.nd Lc~;,;Dr dl,)]l each b(';~.l' thei.r fair ,;~har(' of the nFiintenance of the eqnip-
lTlCnt and facilities presently situated on the dClnised prclniscB and their
fair sbare of the p\ll'chase pric(~ and Hlaintenance of any additional equiplnent
and l<1ciJities C"l'c(:ted or placed on the denlised pn~rC\ises during the terrn of
this lease agl'('(:,rnent, wJ.1.ich equiprnent and. iacilities are jointly utilized by
the Lessor and Lessee. The term "fair sharell shall be that an10unt nlutui.:tlly
agreed upon between Lessor and Lessee or their representatives and based
prirnarily upon the percentage of the l~ei':pechvc parties! use of said equiprnent
and facilities.
7. Lessee agrees to save and hold harmless the Lessor, its agents and
employees, hOIYl liability arising out of or resulting from injuries to persons
on the land covered by this agreem ent, when said premises are under the
supervision and control of Lessee and when said injuries are caused by the
acts or negligence of the Lessee, i.ts eniployees and representatives. The
Lessor shall be responsible for any injuries occurring to persons on the
land covered by this agreement during the time said Premises are under the
supervision and control of the Lessor, its eluployees or representatives.
8. The Lessee shall furnish to the Lessor a Florida Certificate of
Insurance forni evidencing liability andpr opel' daluagc covering the Les see's
use of said premises in the minimum amount of $300,000 for bodily injury
and in the minimum amOl.ll1t of $100,000 for property damage during the
this lease agreement is in force.
9. All notices pur suant to the terms and pr ovisions of this lease shall
be furnished to the Lessor, directed to its Superintendent of Schools of
Pinellas County, Florida, 1960 East Druid Road, C1earwater,F10xida, 33516,
and to Les see, Directed to its City Ma:q.ager, City of Clearwater I Florida,
PO Box 4748, Clearwater, Florida 33518, unless written notice to the con-
trary is furnished the other party.
10. The terms and provisions of this lease agreement shall be binding upon
t,}.lC });J,14tic:3 11el'eto, tb.eir B1..lCCl,'_~~)SOl~S Zllld ;J,~:.:~_:.lgn.S.
IN WITNESS WI-lEREOF1) the partie:> hereto have :,:;et their hands and
seals 1.b.c day and year first abm'c written.
COHN' 'Y:,
\V i tn e sse s :
A:~~,f ~
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City M~:i:lClger
-- ~~~..-
Deputy City Clerk
City Attorney
1 ~. . I ,.
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T\'Olll Soul"))(':3::;t co:cne:c of Lot 11. Block B-1 of Springfic'lcl
Sl11)~ I\~(l; 2 (:I~~ I'CC-Ol'"'r1,('fj j.Jl PJ.c;.t. lj()o}.~ Jr r I)~:_~[~Q ?;1 o:f I)t21JJic
Hccord:; O:l :i] inc1 County I Florida f run IJ Je et IUOI'C'
or lc;::;~,; to NO:r.'tli line of Pc:lmetto stroet for P.O.B., 1'liolcc
No:cth 62'7 :C(~ct t.LOcLq thence nm E~.Jst 60.0 feet, thence nn1. along the East right of way line of Douglas Avenue as
recordod in D.H. Book 2849. Page 296 of said public records.
?C36.olJ feet to South line of Hu;:.;scll Sotr'eetl thence run E;:\'i:,t
along South 1. j_1l8 of Hus,s cd. 1 S tree t Ii 0:3 :Ce et M.O. IJ., thence
run ~~ol.)th 2[)O feet I thence run East 200 feet to West Lin(~ of
Holt f,-venue I thence run S01.~th along said V;(~st line of Holt
Avenue 1120.0 fce::t 1/!.0.L. to North l:L118 of Palmetto Streetr
thence \'lc~3t along North line of Palrnctto Str'eet 670 feet
MeO.L. to point of' bc;ginningf less South 1~'50 :Cect for COJ111w'chensive Junior High .School and l'\orth :325
f'C(;t r.1cO.J~. of Ea~~t 350 feet h~.O,IJ< ofSoutll 1120 feet.