CITY MANAGER LETTER REGARDING PAYMENT OF TAXES HPR-22-02 TUE 09:44 AM BENEDETTINI.JOE .1'_~lli#,,; ~'JCl~l\lQ' 11ti'/fr ~~X~,"'."#~IJ#o~W .;~ 11 ~...... "I , noi:i.;;.L'.:;., :~.~~\I~'~7Tf\ ~ ':. ~G2;-";";\:_'~~: ..... . _.:;,',::~-:. ~. ...1'f1~ - ""_m. ;S\ -~.~ --- ,____u I'r-.'~" ~~~,...,;;..;<"~W.\' '"~". JlTER. _." :';"""1'_-- 8137254340 P.01 CITY OF CLEARWATER POST OffiCE Box 4748, CI,F..AAWAl'ER, FLORJo... 33758-4748 CIlY HArl~ 112 SOtrrn OSCEOL\.AVElIl'UE, ClEARWATER, FLORlDA 33756 TELEPHONE (127) 562-4040 FAX (727) 562-4052 Cox Mt,N"GI.'R. April 19, 2002 Mr. Joseph M. Benedettini Pickles Plus Too, Inc. 320 Cleveland Street Clearwater, FL 33755 Dear Joe: 'Thank you for the. requested information, which as you have expressed, has caused financial loss to your business. I apologize for taking so long to respond, but ,"vanted to make sure we had the opportunity to thoroughly review what you have submitted. I appreciate your taking the tUne to quantify your concctJls so that they can be cval~atc;:d as to whether any reintbursement or credit should be provided. Below I have addressed each of the issues and provided the City's position on each of these for you: . Issue I Amount -0- Situa cion Ale not working (8/12- 8/13/01) 2 -0- Ale not working (1015- 10/6/01) 3 $1,045.00 Sewer backup/grease traps backed up (4/10-4/13/01) 4 -o~ Electrical related issues (10/11/01) 5 $3,675.00 Gas outages/:d,atm system, malfunction City Position While this is certainly an inconvenience. it does not directly affect the ability to operate a business, While this is certainly an inconvenience. it does not directly affect the ability t? operate a business. ' :.' ' ., :', '.' '." '., ' . ~ - - . , ...- :::'!:.' .; :; , A health hazard making it unable to operate a business. Repair item. Should he fotwaJ:ded to Dave Nadeau for reitnbw:semenr. Health hazat<l: 'IT.nable ~ 1:'0' ,operate '.l; ;safe cnvitomneot. . '( ~. .' "'1\' Or. .-- . . ":".,! 1'-' r .! !-1 ':[;' -:. :., ':.' , 'i -: 8IUAN J. AUNGST, MWOI'(-COMMISSIONF.R Eo HAJ!'r, VICE MAVOR"COMMISSIO"'''ER WHITNEY GRAY, COMMISSIO:l:ER HOYT HAMILTON, COMMISSIOi"fk (t) BILL)Ofl;SON, COMMISSIONER "EQUAL EMPLOYMENT AND AFl'IRMATIVJ;; ACTION F..MPLOYER" RECEIVED DATE: 04/22 09:34'02 FROM :8137254340 /C!,o'{>-r. APR-22-02 TUE 09:45 AM BENEDETTINI.JOE 8137254340 P.0 Issue 6 &uQunt -0- Situation MLK Day street dosing Cit;y Position While the City allows this stteet closure, this event is not a City event a:nd is not something tha.t any tenant or business in the area '-Vould be compensated for. 7 -0- Ongoing pa.tking In the lease agreement between the City and Pickles Plus Too. Inc. thete is only ~n obligation by the City to provide Pickles Plus Too, Inc. the right to use in COtntnon with others the parking area (Section #1). Over time this has developed into specific spaces in from of the restaunnt but it is not a lease requi.t:ement. 8 -0- Common area mainten~o.ce TI1is issue has not been fortnaUybrought forwatd to us before. Issues $4,720.00 Total Based upon this revic'W' and in the spirit of pJ:oviding an acknowledgement of your "good spirit" in working with the City, we will pwvide a credit to you applkable towards the outstanding balance of back tues that the City has been paying. The amount of the taxes is $8,752.50 so YOut obligation to reimburse the City would be $4,032.50. This amount does not indude the currem year ptoperty taxes that arc four months in arrears of $960.72. Therefore, the total attlOlUlt that should be reimbursed to the City is $4,993.22. We will be submitting to you a detailed payment schedule in the very neat future. Joe, we are looking fOJ:watd to many gteat ycats of working together and I appreciate your spirit of coopetation and partnership. SinceJ:ely, ~illiam B. BQr.:~~ City Manager ;. . , , Approva.l and Acceptance: We agree to the settlement stated above and waive any claims against the City of Clearwatct: during the remaining tct:tn of our lease. xt~!1~tt/r:.te ?j-JL WEB/KED / dsr RECEIVED DATE. 04/22 09:35'02 FROM :8137254340