SECOND AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT AND CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ] I SECOND AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT -- THIS SECOND AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT is entered into on May 1, 1995, by and between the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "Lessor", and BRUCE LITTLER, INC., a Florida realty corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Lessee". WHEREAS, the Lessor and BRUCE LITTLER, INC., entered into a lease agreement on April 1, 1991, wherein BRUCE LITTLER, INC., leased room 4 in the Clearwater Marina Building from Lessor; and WHEREAS, the Lessor and Lessee have agreed to amend the lease agreement to change the type of business that will be conducted from said premises during the remainder of the term of the lease; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the conditions and mutual covenants contained herein, the parties do hereby agree as follows: 1. Paragraph 3 of the lease agreement is further amended to read: 3. The demised premises shall be used only for the purpose of conducting therein the business of: a. Realty Office. b. Retail sales of marine antiques, art, art objects, collectibles, and other marine related products. c. Yacht brokeraqe. ~ Lessee is authorized to sub-lease room 4 to Harbor Yacht Sales. Inc. 3. All other terms and conditions of the lease agreement shall remain unchanged except as specifically amended therein, subject to attached letter. City of Clearwater, Florida By: ~~~~ Eliz~eth M~Deptula City Manager Approved as to form and ~,ffiCienCY: j~ Paul ichard Hull Assistant City Attorney Attest: _ ~-Z-11-~oA ia ~- GoUdeau .'.- Clerk - ~-- WITNESSES: ~~ !1;f1,~,#t~ ~12Pv0 BRUCE LITTLER, INC. B~('?~ resident t/' Attest: (].- :) / Cf - (,0 (6) .. / ; ACORD PRODUCE/< Mutual Insurance Agency of Clearwater P.O. Sox 1779 Clearwater, FL 34617 John Gay 813-446-6064 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COM!' ANY A un TIlR ' Auto Owners INlll.IllW COMPANVB lelTER Bruce Littler, Inc_ 25 Causeway Blvd. Clesrwater, FL 34630 COMPANY C LF.TTEl< CO/-fPANv D lFr11lR COMPANY E 1J~rrEIl nus IS TO CERTIFY 'mAT 'IRE roUCIES Of! INSURANCE mum BtiLOW HAVE BIXN ISSUBD TO mE INsmmo NAMED ABOVE FO)t nil! POllCY PBRIOlJ INDICATED. NO'l"WI.ll1STANDING ANY RBQUllmMuNT. 1'BRM OR CONvmON OF ANY CONTAAC'J' OR ~ DOCUMlNT WITH RESPECT TO WlDCH TIllS CERllFlCATE MAY DE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFrORDfiD BY lHll POUCIES DESCRDlEO HEREIN IS StfflJEC'f TO ALL TaB TERMs, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OJl SUCH POUCII~_ UMlTS SHOWN MAY }fAVe BEEN REUUCEO BY PAID ClAlMS. CO, LTR' TV"!! OF INSURANC.IC l'Ol,ICV ,NUMBIiR , roLlCl:' JUne-rIVE; I'OLlCl' EXJ'lltATIO/'i( : UATIl(MMlDOIYY) , D.\TB <MMIDP/YY) : LIMI1'8 : CENERAL L1AllILrrv A ' COMMIZRCIAL Oef'lERAl L1AlllUTv , CLAIMS MADE, X ,OCCUll_' , OWNER'S'" CON'T!l.ACJ'OK'S 1'IlOT_ 91-130168-00 04/01/95 04/01/96 iCIlNF.KAL ....GGRm1~TE '/,RODl1C1'S-C<)MP/OP AGO, 309.~~Q.. , , Atll.'OMoUILJ; LIABILITY AN Y Aln-tJ ALl_OWN,IW Al1rOS , SCHeoUI.IO:O A UfOS . HlR!;O Al.TI-OS NON-OWN!''' Auros , GA.R).I;(l LIi\Iln.ny """ "'".., ""'" :,P"~?~~,A ADY:.~'URY 300000 ; F-^.CH OCC(I)l.KBNcJ;: 300000 ."" ..,,'......, '''..""" :,fmIHJ~~c;l1~~_~).... , ..~O~~O ; MtlD. tXPBNSI! (A.'\Y '* potaoD) ; $ 5000 CVMD,\Nl!D ,~INt)Le L1Mrr '. Ii()DILY INJURY : <h>r """OJ\) ,$ , 80nu.\'!NJURY : (Per .,"Wk,,.,> , PROPIOaTY DJ\MAGI1 , EXCESS J.IABILlTY UMHRnLI..A FO,RM , OTlWH THAN UMBRELI-^. FORM lINn EMI'LOYlo;iUl'LL\1IILtn' : !MCH OCC1.1lUl:ENCE WOllXEft'g CO~fl'~N8ATlON : OTHER ""."., DISFASll-f'OLlCY lJI,.(Tl' ' $ : D1SEJ\.SJl-RAClI ~MPLOYm t DllllCRIFTION OF Ol'~RA"Om/tocAHON~IVE"'CLllSiSl'EcrAL rrEMS Gift shop City of Cl~arwater is named a~ an Additional Insured. City of Clearwater Bill Held. Harbormsster 25 Caus~way Blvd. Clearwate~ FL 34630 SHOULD ANY OF me ABOVE Dl3SCJUBED I'OUCIES I!B CANCElLED llBFORE lHE I:XPlRA nON DATE 1l{RRBOF, 1l{E ISSUING COMl'ANY WIlL HNVaA VOR TO MAIL~ VA YS WRITtEN NonCE TO 'rnE CERTIFlCAT,E HOLDER NAMED TO TIlE . BUT FAIWRI: TO MAIL SUCH NOTlCE SHALL JMPOSE NO OBUGATION OR UMlI OF KINV UPON nw COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTA11VES. :il'i;t!illili~il1i!iiitY.. ..... ... .0;;;;J$';{;0iig"f/[${1't;;f/iitiP$;ii+;;~"J&g/K0i;1i}*f.j~~11**"},;;lliJ;"&;;~;;)~I\'lijijj~j 11 (1d r:: (1 0 '''''ll_-.l 11-/ l '-' J.:JN39b' T'i"'J~.:>Jn""1 r -", _ .