NINETY-NINE YEAR LEASE AGREEMENT . ,;. .. {\ . ,.. " -C~lr .&~~; ~~,\':'''. i- a;A " . ~, III ',~ .... ,..~'i' I (v' J 1" STATE or FLORIDA ~ COUWry OF PINELLAS ~ 'tHIS IND_UBE of leaae.. made8lld entetl$d into thiathe 18th day of De~_ber. 1936. by ani betweentlie CITY OF CLEARWATER. ,'LORmA. a ua.ml0ipal oorporation 1roca.t,~ in Pinellaa Oounty. Florida. hereinafter called t.be to.lor. and THE LITTLE THEATRE HOLDING CORPCflATION; 9. nOb-prot11;cor~; poration organized and existing under the law8 of t,he stat. of Florida., with its prinoipal place of buainess in Clearwater, Florida, hereinafter called the Lessee, WITNESSETH I Th~t f or and in consider$ti on of the mutual promi sea, oovenants f arxl agreements, herein O(l)n- te.ined, as well as the rent h~einafter reserved. thesatd Lessor does hereby lease, let, and remise unto the said L88se8 the following described land, situate in Pinellaa CQUJltl' ida. to-wi t : All of Lot Nineteen (1,9); all of Lot Twcmt.1 (20 ),1 ell of Lotb8n1;y-on8 (21., and that ~t, of Lot;'l'went,..two (22) not inoluded in that. oertain in.vument. d..cribed as "Reso- lution and. Lease' made by" the Ci~:r o!Clear- water and reoordedin Deed. Book 6>>9. p~e 21J, of thepub110 reoorda of.finel1aa Count.y.w, Florida. all in SUI BAROO'S SUBDIVISION. .. ',"". recorded 1nPlat BOOk, 1,' _page 26. of the pub." :,: ' 110 recorda ofP1nellu county. rlorida 'i TO HAVE AND 'l'p nOLD the 8amefor. nlnety"'ni.t\1 (~~)";y.~. ,~gi.~~ng~p~b8r 1~h193fh :, '.," :' _ .' ': _ "I " ~>..' t' " ,:,1',,':':" . tinuing to and i~oluding D,,_berl?, 2034. fora of ninety-nine c1011ar.. ($99.00) p~able by \he Oi ty Hall ltl(llearwateJ;". Flor~da,i~the JJUJJm.- toll sum of on, dollar ($l...OO) paid. at. or before the 4aX_"utiQ.o, ,.":;:'~:O\Y';;;l<~ .:"',)'.} 'Ii'.~;' <\<,:~-'.:' ~/ t~'H: ., ".~~11 .!";:f?Ti ,,""'c,':, '!fi',' " "l~~: fti'~~~': '..~ .. o """1' ,':'.j ,; \~ ./ ',', ,;,)~, jf~F '.':,'1 . ....f . "". .: ~ . , ,,- ..~ , ' .. . . , - ....;.; ~ ..... . .,~j . -, :',.J · , . II ~I ~, this lease. receipt whereot i. hereby acknowledged. by the Les"- sor.and the Bum of one dollar <$1.00) to be paici on or before the 18th day of Deoember of each and 8"er1 succeeding year thereafter throughout the durat.ion of tbi, leue. The Le.8" est',. t.o P&1 all outstanding and subsequent taxes and i.mprovement 8.888aements that may be levied and. 88sesaeel upon said property, and. to sufter no t.ax or assessment of 8lly kind or nat.ure to became or remain in de.. fault.. nor to suffer or permit. 8Srf tax oertificates or tax deed to iasue upon said property or 8I1Y t.ax sale to be had of aaid property during the existence of this lease. However. the Lea- sor agrees not to le1'1 or aBleaa any munioipal taxa. 00 the leased propert.y during the exiatenoe of this lease. The Le888e oo!enanta and agree.'to ereot or cause to be erected on the above described property within one year from tJ1e date of thieleaae and at ita own.qen.e, a thea.tre building to be used and ocoupied by the L1 ttl, Theatro of Clearwater i and. it is 88l"eed. 8JXi understood between thepar.- ties hereto. as part of the consideration for this' lease, tha.t upon the expiration of this lease. whether by lapel of time, voluntary abandonment by the Le8se8, or other.ie.. allbuildinga and permanent fixtures pla.Ced on said pr operty by the ~'8aee shall be a.nd beoome the absolute property of the Lessor" The Le88ee oovenant8 and ~ee8 to make no assignment of this leal8, end not to sublet any portlano! 8aid leased premises.without the prior writtenoonaeDt of tbeLe8sor. . ._, .. .., -.... It ia \Ulderstood that the leased proPetrty. end the theatre building to be erected. thereon. i8 to' be uled. the L1 ttle Theatre of Olearwat.er for the principal~urpol~,ot ",.'110...,",1,','.'.,',.,' },A/: ;~';1~,';f ~~. -;'j:~,: ~;'~\: -two- ::;\:'~ ~ ~ .. J . y :.J' . '. '4~- c'lt. . . .1 presenting emat.ur \beatrioel produot.ions tor the ent.erllejn- ment and benefit of t.he general publio. The Lesl.e oO'fen$.nta and agrees that member.hip 1n th. L1 tt1e Theatre of Oleatvl~~er shall always, during the 6xi,tenc80! this lease, remain open r to the general public and to 8111 and all persons who '-.yei.aire to become mEmbers of the Little Theatre at Clearwateib1 pcqing . the prescribed memberahip fee and otherwise complyins 1ri. t,h' such rules end reguletj ons sa may be established by the laid Little Theatre relating tomemberahip therein. In the event that the wilding to be erect,~ ed on said premises is deatroyed by fire" wind-storm, o~ other a.ot of God. then the Le8see oovenanta and agree. to rebuild in aooordanoe wi thplans approved by the Le880r. In the eventtA. Lessee doe8 not 9~ence to rebuild on said premise. within .1x montha trom the date of the destruot.ion at said build.ing, th.,. and. in that event. this leaa. may be' oancelled by the Lenor .~n ,. the manner hereinafter 8et forth. It 1s furt.her agreed that in the event th, LeS8ee should fail to make t.h, pepaents herein provided for. or Mould breach 8l'tf of the oov.nante herein oontained.. or Bhoulcl the building to be erect-eel on t.he leased preperty aeaae to be used by the Li tile Theatre of Cleanrater tor a p..-iod of one year or more. then the Lea.., ahall forthwith become a t.enant at sufferance and the Lea.or aball have the right. privilege. and option. after thirty (ZO) daya notioe in writing to the Le8S6e of the breaohot .aid oovenant or agreement, to d.eclare t.hiB lease terminated. and tbe Leasor shall thereupon bacti t,1.4.:"-:"'-'~'" iJrmediataly to re-enter ar.d. 'Lake poaaeasion of aaid Fillies. .~+" , '. . ~ eluding all building aD1 permanent fixtures thereon. 'lh. Lea..e, exprelaly waiyea dEIDand for pqment of anT rent hereoDprOYicied =1'1~:C .",'.: ~'::'~,,:-, ji!di;> ,;i~\>i ,:i~~~:>~:',. ' ~lr; . \r ~~:t '. , , . ~ .; ~' . -" ~ 0 '~ . r" I.. 1 I , , I !il: fort from thoLe.aot. IN \UTNISS WHEREOF. 1;heaaid Lellor bal. oaused this leaaeto'beexeout.ed b1 i te Oit.y Ma~ere.nclOlt1 Audi tor and Clerk. and Qounter-slgned by it. layor-00DUrli8.ioner. and 1 ta oorporate seal to be affixed. hereto, end. the .Iald Le.- see haa caused. this lease \0 be exeouted by' il;s President..and attested by ita seoretary-Treasurer. thia the day 8lui year hereinabove first written. count~ignedl ~~-~ CITY OF CLEl\RWATiR. FLORIDA BYP~ . 1 1 aDBger w Approved a.s t o 10m and. oorreot,nes8 : ~~G?~ ' 1::1 A t,o~ney " ,",'" ~ :r ..~~.,. III /~(3. vi. ,PFiiIiient. '''ilk' :';.~M'~-,'-" . " -;~ '. ..~ ...-., ;,~:(. . -':-t~" ",; )~!1{'.' '}'\!i' " -I our- ( .{ ( ~~ '.II 4 ... J l . , J . ] 10 " '- t 1f~ ~ STATE OF FLttiIDA ooom ~ J'cINE~. . . . k I HERDt Oeln. Tha.tontJti. 1.11""-".,- of neo_ber. Ja. D. 193th before .'J~er'.ona1l1app.~~ O. ' . NIOHOLS. aa 01 'Yllar18.g~. J. E. SATTBRFIILIh U 01 \1 AUcl1t.or and. ,Ole,rk, and R",. ',I. 'OR, ,KEN" . ,&I "., aror, "'O,Odllli.,..i"oneri Of, t.he 0, 1",TY,," OF OLEARWATDt1 a uun1c1pal oorporat,~'J1 under the.' awl,.l \be , ,':, sta,,:te or," 1'1, . or,',' ,de.,., t.,O me 1m" om, ,"\0 b, e tb, ',P fit"., on. ,d.sorib"" ed" ,,', 111 end who txecn1ted the foregoJ,ng l~.. anCl ae.terelly upowledged. the exeoti1iion-tJ1ereof t.o bt their fr.. act. 8Dd de&a "a.auohof. .." ., tt~f:lfffed~;:t: ;: my::r =:!,1~1 ::fjl::t~1= :~J~~' tion. and the aaid inatrUllent. i. t.he act and d.~ of...~.munlql~ pal oorpOl"ation. " : '. ,. ,. .,;'{ WITNESS ., .1goaWre aIJd off ioial leal at Clearwater, in the Count1 of Ploell.. t and State of Florida. th. day and year laat aforesaid. ~~1~'" . Notary Public, S;;lt" 0; FloridC1 8t LU!1e My Commission Expires Apr. 23, 1937 ,,';',':" I i"",,1 i':! STATlor FLORIDA ,.;:1': COUNTY OF PINELLAS " .. ,. " .',..' ,,~>.: :;::::;~/-:-91S~ I HmRBY OiJlTln. That onthi."'f0',':. dq.'J:.' '\> ..'.. Deoember A. D. .1936. befo,te me ""raon&l, lv, ',"', ;~"',',,',,."',,"',',,',',.,,:":.,' ,','.'.'"',',,.',.:... - . / "'8.8 Pre.ident.. aDd, ",~~..: ,> . , .',.'.'..,. . as ecreary~ ",alU, t. o. .~,Llml THEATRE H ,'... ". ',,',.,,' '., ,'.,'..;.j;,< a non-profit. Flori a corpora\~.on,to me known to b.,\l1..~r.r;).::;ii~::!(:; desori bed in and who uecuW the. foregoing 1..... , and...8t8J.1I:ii";'::::\.,.' acknowledged. the execution t.her.~fto 08 tJleir f.re' ao'UJl4'~\1~:t;'...> as such or,ficeral' for, th..,ll.,.,., " ,and purpose, at.h., rEll,' n"",.,., .",n"",t, ,i,O, 1'1, e4",',.,.,.,.,',',.,;",.,'.,",.".."':',,.,.,....,,:,...~,i,.,~:,..:"l,!:".,:.:',";,.,.'.',',:; and that, said in.trwaent i8 'he act. am deed. of aaid. oorpora.t,if>l1.::~,;if;,,': , ';' "," : :- !:.'::'::!,:~:.,:;\::":<',;:',~';"i!;;/~/"':~"" c WITNESS ray aignature am official seel at. . '" ::." Olearwa.ter, in the Oounty O~lnell48. end stat-e of Florida. . . :,' . the d8.1 and lear last. afore ~cl. ,. ~: .,": i'.i;. 2l." . "~", \;' _ I ~I \I~r~, ,,/.:~ . . ", it ~t, . ~ :.,' i \ ,'I ~~~:;::.= =~~.... .;,~.,;;~~~f~JI"!'~.;~:. \ ',,~ .fl... ;~'r" '~r" . .'i~~I:';,.~,~~I"iI~~L;ii!~;~ . rlti ',,' '-"'-.-' ,~.'f.~4" "'~' fl.....,. I:.i',.:,~_ . :,{,i~r:"." .,',;,\.~',j~;J:. .,' !i,!,..i: :,' :, '.i~X'.. > ';_,tj l'~. THIS INDENTURE, Bade this 21st day of December , 1935. between THE LITTLE THEATRE HOLDING C<EPCRATION. a non- Profit corporation organized and existing under the laws of the state of Florida, with its principal place of business in Clearwater, Florida, party of the first' part, and the CITY OF CLEARWATER, Florida, a municipal corporation located in Pinellas County, Florida. party of the second part; WITNESSETH: That whereas. by indenture of lease d.ated the 3rd day of June. 1935, and recorded on the 20th day of June, 1935, in Deed Rec ord 723, page 391, of the' public records of Pinellas County, Florida, the party of the second part, leaSed unto the party of the first part the following described property situate in Pinellas County, Florida, to- wit: 1\ Begin at the Southwest corner of the intersection of Fort Harrison Avenue and Seminole Street as said intersection exists on the date of this lease, which intersection is determined by measuring twenty-five (25) feet South from the cen- ter llne of Seminole Street and twenty- seven and one-half (27t) feet Westerly frwn the center line of Fort Harrison Ave- nue. thence run West along the South line of Seminole stree,t one hundred forty (140) feet, thence South on a line at rignt an- gles to the South line of Seminole Street ninety-six and fQrty-seven hundredths (96.47) feet, thence East on a line paral- lel with the center line of Seminole Street to the West line of Fort Harrison Avenue, thence Northeasterly along the West line of Fort Harrison Avenue one hundred (100) feet to the p_oint of beginning. all lying and be- i~ in the' Oi ty of Clearwater, County of Pinellas"and state of Florida !, ' AND WHEREAS it has been' mutually agreed between the parties hereto that the party of the first part is to cancel the above mentioned lease and relinquish all its rights there- 1'1 /' \ I I " '" ; ':>~' ""I "1< in return for the granting of a lease on a different tract of lani by the party of the second part to the party of 'the first part; AND WHEREAS this action has been duly authorized and approved by the Board of Directors of the party of the first part and the City Canmission of the City of Clearwater, Florida; NOW, THEREFORE, this is to witness that the party of the first part has released, quit claimed and forever dis- charged, and by these presents does release, quit claim and forever discharge unto the party of the second part and its successors and assigns forever all right, title, inter,est, clann and demand in and to the above described property which the said party of the first par~ has or ever has had under and by virtue of the aforementioned lease. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise ap. pertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest ani claim whatsoever of the said party of the first part ,. ei ther in law or q~ .1 equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its Presi- dent and attested by its Secretary the day and year above first written. THE LITTLE THEATRE HOLDING CORPm ATION, a non-profit corporation organized and A _~t, est: "k /J' existing under tIie law,S of the state 0 ~ Florid " J Sacre y - By Il. . President Signed, Sealed and Delivered ~ ~e Presen;,t!Z CL two i', j , I I , i~ '\'t" '" t; t:H.:.<<'f' I.,''' ~-. '" \ !,' ~ . ,STATE OF 'FLORIDA 'COUNTY OFPlNELLAB :. , I,HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this g;.1~ day of December, i...~D. 1935, before mepersona1lY__I3.12P~ared ilAtiRfCE B. THAYER, aePresident, and CHAS. J. VAN GUNTEN, as Secretary-Treasurer, of THE LITTLE THEATRE HOLDING CORPffiATIOR, a non-profit Florida corporation, to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing release and satisfaction, and severally adknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that said instrument is the act ana deed of said corporation. WITNESS my signature and official seal at Clearwater, said County and State, tlie day and year last aforesaid. 2'~ .Pt~ Notary Public, State of Florida at L. Mv Com " ' rg. . mISSIon Expires Sept. 27, 1936 '~ ; .' I ~ ;r , ~:J " ~ . :1 i ~ \i.,I"",i','" ' ,.!~ ... ~);, t I', .~ f ~,;.,' ~~ IUD fOR ,__~' 3-19':1.' IT ''''3M 4t.. IIOlIlIlOlm . ABOVE. L B. , ClEIIIf TIE CIRCUlI' COURT, PllfLlAS COURTY, RGRIDA. BY ,'7>7./. :/~.A./ ....: ,.' ,i ." 'iiNw, ClIiII. i' ~: ~~ .i; .1 l~~ .1 .! , ': ~ .~ r " t ~j f'I l;i '1 .' ()