VARIOUS MEMOS REGARDING INSURANCE ;5'5 \ ...... I I _I CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA M . 161,Q 28 MISCE llAH EOUS ~~IPTS .d-ik._.__I-"+ -_mC__m________' I9-.Y", Re'elv~d -~--~-~---~---C1rA4J..~~----~?!~------------------ ----_____c~~ -~~--~~----1'----~,,---'-----,:------------ Dollars In paynoent of _~__~___~____~~____~________________________________ .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fluad __________________________ Code ------t2.L()-:_J2_3._tz_,;{:_LtLl________--------___________ (fITY OF C~ATER R~~;~-Bi-~------~------------ -'lS.7~ ~.~9 $------------------ ~ F. 00 ffr- O~ 1-- 3/ 3/ ~ 7 ~ .~~~ ~ t:h -""^ : .- 7--f. - ~\. (." -;;f ~ Gi-. . - /" S~~w~~~/ -----. - (1) ) . TO: G. B. Wei~er, Assistant City ~ana~er FROM: Sue Lamkin, Assistant City Clerk COPIES: ctry OF CLEARWATER Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet Lease - Little Theater Holding Corporation SUBJECT: DATE: September 25, 1978 Replying to your memo of September 20, we have no evidence of liability or fire insurance. Attached is a copy of a memo I wrote you last year, which may be what you had in the back of your mind. AlBO at- tached is a copy of part of the lease which makes the only reference there is on this subject. 'l.i ~ :_ TO: FROM: COPIES: SUBJECT: DATE: ) elT Y 0 F e LEA R W ATE R I nt-erdepertment Correspondence Sheet Sue Lamkin, Assistant City Clerk G. B. Weimer, Assistant City Manager Lease - Little Theater Holding Corporation September 20, 1978 Will you please review the amendments to this lease for liability and fire insurance. I am certain, or my mind is playing games with me, that a recent amendment-when they made the last major addition to the building- addressed these questions of fire and liability insurance. . ~~C Q'~ <Zt <?<? ~ -&~ (? (}).. .r-- ~... -r.~, 't'f'. 1" C) I f- c ~:'-. J ,.,-1. C ~T\ r 0 F C LEA RW ATE R Int'rdepartment Correspondence Sheet TO: FROM: Mr. G. B. Weimer, Asst. City Manager Sue Lamkin, City Clerk's Office COPIES: SUBJECT: DATE: Lease, The Little Theatre Holding Corp. July 22. 1977 In doing research for another project, I had occasion to examine subject lease. Nowhere does the lease require liability insurance, nor is there any requirement for fire and wind coverage on the building which is to revert to the City at the termination of the leas.. Since this lease does not axpire until 203_, I am calling this to your a~.ntion for any action you deem necessary. ...._~,...- '............ ".t", '<<:' ..., ) h, Cll Y OF CLEARWATER In4rdepartment Correspondence Sheet TO: FROM: Mr. Mike Paroby, Assistant City Manager R. G.Whitehead, City Clerk COPIES: SUBJECT: DATE: Little Theater Holding Corp. July 19, 1974 The following are the basic requirements under the lease with Little Theater: 1. Ninety-nine year lease, expiring December 17, 2034. 2. Lessee pays taxes if levied, but City agrees not to levy municipal taxes on the leased property. 3. Lessee erected building within one year from date of lease. as required. 4. Buildings and other permanent fixtures become property of Lessor upon expiration of lease. " <<.;;: /9 -t?~~. \"'---'.'.'~. ) I Clearwater. Florida December 21. 1935 Mr. A. C. Nichols Ci ty Man~er of the 01 ty of Clearwater Clearwater, Florida Dear Sir: Referring to the lease that is now being delivered by the City of Clearwater to The Little Theatre Holding Corporation covering certain property adjacent to that now occupied by the Brumby Marine ways. we make you the following assurances: Until such time as the alley right of way to the East of these lots is made passable by the Lessee insofar as the removal of dirt is concerned. passageway shall be parmi tted by the Lessee over the property in- cluded in this lease to and from the Brumby 1farine Ways. If and when the surplus dirt is removed from the alley its disposition shall be as desired by the Lessee ex- cept for whatever amount is necessary to be placed in the alley to the North to form a proper grade of the al- ~ as a whole from Seminole Street to tlie Marine Ways. the expense of such placements shall be borne by the Lessee. ATTEST: s~~ Very truly yours, THE LI'l'rLE THEATRE HOLDING CORPffiATION. a non-profit Florida corporation, By Pre~1dent 1.3. 1~~ fCl-tJt,;... -00 I