SALES FIGURES FOR SOUTH BEACH PAVILION I ","'\. , ,If'pfll:h Pfiv'rU()r1"t. I PALM PAVILION PALM PAVILION INN SOUTH BEACH PAVILION On The Gulf Of Mexico January 21, 1997 City of Clearwater Attn: Ms. Betty Deptula, City Manager P.O. Box 4748 Clearwater, FL34618 Dear Ms, Deptula: The sales figures for the South Beach Pavilion for the month of November, 1996 are as follows: Total Sales: $38,247.49 Beach Rentals Only: $ 9,431,97 I certify that to the best of my knowledge these figures are correct. Sincerely, ~~ Ken Hamilton Vice President PALM PAVILION 10 Bay Esplanade (813) 446-2642 Clearwater Beach, Florida 34630 PALM PAVILION INN 18 Bay Esplanade (813) 446-6777 Fax (813) 446-4255 SOUTH BEACH PAVILION 332 S, Gulfview Boulevard (813) 447-5356 Inn Reservations only (800) 433-7256 J d/1L" ,.,..-... ~',;. ".fifllli PftVILIOfi't I ~ PALM PAVILION PALM PAVILION INN SOUTH BEACH PAVILION On The Gulf Of Mexico January 21, 1997 City of Clearwater Attn: Ms, Betty Deptula, City Manager P,O, Box 4748 Clearwater, FL 34618 Dear Ms, Deptula: The sales figures for the South Beach Pavilion for the month of December, 1996 are as follows: Beach Rentals Only: $48,577.21 $ 8,983.54 Total Sales: I certify that to the best of my knowledge these figures are correct. Sincerely, ~~~ Ken Hamilton \/tee President PALM PAVILION 10 Bay Esplanade (813) 446-2642 PALM PAVILION INN 18 Bay Esplanade (813) 446-6777 Fax (813) 446-4255 SOUTH BEACH PAVILION 332 S, Gulfview Boulevard (813) 447-5356 Clearwater Beach, Florida 34630 I nn Reservations only (800) 433-7256 I ,". .. _.1\..,_ :'f'PftL11 PftVILIon'f I PALM PAVILION PALM PAVILION INN , SOUTH BEACH PAVILION On The Gull Of Mexico ,,/ er Attn: Ms, Betty Deptula, City Manager P.O. Box 4748 Clearwater, FL34618 RECEIVED JAN 2 91997 CITY MANAGER Dear Ms. Deptula: The sales figures for the South Beach Pavilion for the month of October, 1996 are as follows: Beach Rentals Only: $56,595,09 $11,478,51 Total Sales: I certify that to the best of my knowledge these figures are correct. Sincerely, %L~ Ken Hamilton Vice President PALM PAVILION 10 Bay Esplanade (813) 446-2642 PALM PAVILION INN 18 Bay Esplanade (813) 446-6777 SOUTH BEACH PAVILION 332 S, Gulfview Boulevard (813) 447-5356 Clearwater Beach, Florida 34630 Fax (813) 446-4255 Inn Reservations only (800) 433-7256 I C; /'\ ,-~") _<, ,..,. (, -" I~ /' .,'~"'; -- " , {,.../ =.". i !. (~[ , PALM PAVILION PALM PAVILION INN , SOUTH BEACH PAVILION I d;b J , - , "t :' '._ , , , ,.,_i: ',_', i(, prim PfiVILIori' ". I ~ , / ! ~:. J On The Gull Of MexIco FE8l 1: 7997 ,",', f }'. fvI ", IilVliGfR City of Clearwater Attn: Ms. Betty Deptula, City Manager P,O, Box 4748 Clearwater, FL34618 Dear Ms. Deptula: The sales figures for the South Beach Pavilion for the month of December, 1996 are as follows: Total Sales: Beach Rentals Only: $36,444.69 $ 8,110,74 I certify that to the best of my knowledge these figures are correct. Sincerely, ~~ Ken Hamilton Vice President PALM PAVILION 10 Bay Esplanade (813) 446-2642 PALM PAVILION INN 18 Bay Esplanade (813) 446-6777 Fax (813) 446-4255 SOUTH BEACH PAVILION 332 S, Gulfview Boulevard (813) 447-5356 Clearwater Beach, Florida 34630 Inn Reservations only (800) 433-7256 .. " --!' f 6.29 I CLEARWATER CODE ( I the criteria required to be met for such condition- al use approval or variance. In such cases, the violation of the condition shall be deemed a vio- lation of this section, and the citation or notice of violation shall include a reference to subsection (3) of this section. (Code 1980, ~ 72.15; Ord. No. 5129, ~ 1, 10-3-91) Sec. 6.30. Special events. The city commission may authorize the sale of alcoholic beverages at special events for which a permit has been issued by the city manager in accordance with the provisions of section 22.81 et seq.; however, no alcoholic beverages shall be sold or consumed in any location where prohibited un- der the terms of section 6.31. (Code 1980, ~ 72.16) Sec. 6.31. Prohibited acts. (1) It shall be a violation for any person li- censed to operate an alcoholic beverage establish- ment, or employed by or acting as an agent of any such establishment, and who sells or causes to be sold any alcoholic beverage, to permit such bev- erage to be consumed on any property under the control, directly or indirectly, of the licensee, ex- cept within the area of the premises which is li- censed for such sales and consumption. (2) It shall be a violation for any person to con- sume any alcoholic beverage on any property un- der the control, directly or indirectly, of the licens- ee, except within the area of the premises which is licensed for such sales and consumption. (3) It shall be a violation for any person to con- sume any alcoholic beverage off a licensed prem- ises and within 500 feet thereof, except within enclosed buildings or on property occupied by res- idential structures. The distance set forth in this subsection shall be measured by following a straight line from that portion of any structure licensed for the sale of alcoholic beverages nearest to the place of violation of this subsection. (4) It shall be a violation for any person to sell or consume any alcoholic beverage, or to possess any opened or unsealed container containing an alcoholic beverage, at the following places: (a) On any public beach. Supp. No.8 ( (b) On or in any public street, alley, sidewalk, parking lot or right-of-way, including but not limited to unimproved public street rights-of-way terminating at a body of nav- igable water. (c) In any public park. For the purposes of this subsection, the term "park" shall mean all parks and athletic fields, and all grounds used by the city for park or playground pur- poses, excluding Jack Russell Stadium and the Clearwater Country Club Golf Course when the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages has been authorized by the terms of any lease or other agreement approved by the city commission. (d) In any public building, except in any por- tion of a public building when rented to pri- vate parties. This prohibition shall not ap- ply to the Performing Arts Center and Theater. (5) There shall. be no bottle clubs. (Code 1980, ~ 72.17; Ord. No. 5693-94, ~ 1, 10-20- 94) Croee relerenee&-Parks, beaches and recreation gener- ally, ch. 22; str-eeta, aidewalb and other public places gener- ally, ch. 28. ! DIVISION 2. EXPOSURE OF PRIVATE PARTS; LAP DANCING Sec. 8.41. DefinitioD& The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings as- cribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a dift'erent meaning: Alcoholic beuerage establishment means an es- tablishment licensed by the state to sell any alco- holic beverage for consumption on the premises. Establishment means a physical plant or loca- tion or the commercial activities or operations be- ing conducted or both together, as the context of this division may require, located within the city. Permit means know or have reasonable cause to know an activity is occurring and to fail to make a reasonable and timely effort to halt or abate such activity. CD6:6 J ~~~Imr~ I . PALM PAVILION . PALM PAVILION INN . SOUTH BEf\CH PAVILION March 21, 1997 On The Gull 01 MexIco City of Clearwater Attn: Ms. Betty Deptula, City Manager P.O. Box 4748 Clearwater, FL 34618 Dear Ms. Deptula: I lodging - Food - Fun on Clearwater Beach QFr.FI\'f.::L / MAR 26 1997 CITY MANAGER The sales figures for the South Beach Pavilion for the month of February 1997, are as follows: Total Sales: Beach Rentals Only: $67,663.01 $14,153.29 I certify that to the best of my knowledge these figures are correct. Sincerely, ~A{~ Ken Hamilton Vice President PALM PAVILION 10 Bay Esplanade (813) 446-2642 Clearwater Beach, Florida 34630 PALM P/\VILlON ,'\;.'\; 18 Bay Esplanade (813) 446-6777 Fax ill 131 446-4255 SOUTH BEACH PAVILION 332 S, Guliview Boulevard (81}1447-5356 Inn Re'l'r\,ltrom onlv (8001 433-72,56 \ l I ~I~ ~~fi~) I Lodging. Food. Fun on Clearwater Beach . . . PALM PAVILlO...... . PALM PAVILlO'. '\iN . SOUTH BEACH PAVILIOI\, J~' '; r,~. ""'! '-.J' Mf:. I('n Dear Bill: 'R,ECEIVED APR 3 0 1997 CITY CLERv 1'\ DEPr. RECEIVED APR 2 81997 CITY MANAGER April 25, 1997 Mr. William Held, Harbormaster 30 Causeway Boulevard Clearwater, FL 34630 Attached please find the report of Cathy Ethridge Jones dated April 25, 1997 which is furnished in accordance with the provisions of the lease for the South Beach Pavilion, In accordance with her review we also enclose our check in the amount of $1 0,758,56 representing payment of 10% of the yearly gross sales of beach rentals in excess of $86,000. The report and payment are sent directly to you at your office in accordance with your previous request. We are furnishing copies as well to all persons to whom you felt it was necessary to copy your letter, The timing and manner of this payment is consistent with the same manner by which our family and the City has enjoyed a mutually satisfactory arrangement under the lease agreement in all prior years, Accordingly. we cannot agree that there is an entitlement on the part of the City to any additional payment for a late charge or for interest. Your recent letter is consistent with the with the tenor of your prior correspondence which seems to assume an adversarial relationship between our family and the City. That has never been the case, and we do not intend to foster that kind of attitude at this time either, Our family has been faithful in its obligation to the City. We have been and are good tenants, good stewards, and good citizens. We will continue to do so and have every confidence that our efforts are known to those whom you serve in City management and on the City Commission. We are always available to talk with you or to visit with you in person if it will be helpful to do so, Sincerely, IIff Ken Hamilton cc: /Elizabeth M, Deptula, City Manager John Carassas, Assistant City Attorney Margaret Simmons, Finance Director Stephen O. Cole, Esq, ~,' PALM PAVILION 10 Bay Esplanade (813) 446-2642 Clearwater Beach, Florida 34630 PALM PAVILION INN 18 Bay Esplanade (813) 446-6777 Fax (813) 446-4255 /q~ . SOUTH BEACH PAVILION 332 S, Gulfview Boulevard (813) 447.5356 Inn Reservations only (800) 433-7256 . l I d,/'T"" ,~.,.. :J i D ':::~'PfiD1 PftVILIbn1f: On The Gull Of Mexico RE=rJ::I\I~n June 18, 1997 ~UN 2 J 1997 City of Clearwater Attn: Ms. Betty Deptula, City Manager P.O, Box 4748 Clearwater, FL 34618 CITY IvIRI'H\\.JI::R Dear Ms, Deptula: The sales figures for the South Beach Pavilion for the month of May 1997, are as follows: Beach Rentals Only: $ 97,722.12 $ 20,490.68 Total Sales: I certify that to the best of my knowledge these figures are correct. Sincerely, ~r1 Ken Hamilton Vice President PALM PAVILION 10 Bay Esplanade (813) 446-2642 Clearwater Beach, Florida 34630 PALM PAVILION INN 18 Bay Esplanade (813) 446-6777 Fax (813) 446-4255 SOUTH BEACH PAVILION 332 S, Gulfview Boulevard (813) 447-5356 Inn Reservations only (800) 433-7256