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At\fEI'';-Di:\rEN'r TO LE:\SF: _c,>rD .\CI~Y;:Ei\n;:;NT
TJ-JJS l\lvU:::\:rDMEXT rnac1c and entered into this
day of
, A. D. 197f: to Lease and Agreen1cnt elated February 24,
1970, by aDd between tlJC CITY OJ,' CLEAR '\VATER, a J1'lunicipal corporation.
ex,lE3ting 'lHlC1cr the laws of the Std:e of. Floricb, hcrciDaHer l'cferred to. as
11Lessortt, ClDd CLEAIZY.,rATER GOLF..PARK,. INC., a Florida corporation,
he:ccinaftcr Tc~fe:n:ccl to eLE; IILcs~~ee";
'\VH)i~rU<';AS, Lc~;soJ.' and Lessee have entered into h Lease and AgrecnlcDt
relab,:ug to a certain tract of land sihFltec1 in tbe' City of Clearwater Tn01'C
pa:rticularly de::;cribcd therein; and
Vvr-IEH,E.AS, the parties c1esi:rc to arneDd the Lea~;c and Agrcclnent;
NOI'!, 'J'I'IIi.:HEFO]lE, in consideration of the rnut1.1i 1 covenc\1'Jts, pronlisrc::::
and agreeDJcnts herein contained, the parties hereto IYJ1.11:1F:,11y agree t1Ja1: the
ol'iginal leas c be alncndccl in the follo\'Jing rnanner:
1. T}le fiJ'f:t pa:cag:raph of FJCiJ'ag:caph 7., pa,[r,e 2, cJ said LC;}~3e 2.nd
A[,;J:cen'lent, i~) bc::cby "uYlcnclcd to read as fo1"c\\'f::
"2. The l,2s::;cc bcrcby co\'cm;c;:nts a,Del ;::g:cees to r'C',;,' 1'e11ta1
thCl'ClOJ: as foHoYis: To pay tIle snnl of $SOO, 000 fo:!' the 30
yeal' terr.D of thi ~:: Jc~;J,SC, wh'icL dl2.J] be: r<lic1 in C,ql>'} rnonthJy
payrnf;nt:~ arnou,n[jrlg to ~;l, 38[;,89; [,ecid IPyrnc:nL :;]i;~J:i be due
and payal:,Je on the first cb,'Y of each rnonth, c'..nc1 cm'd'iJ!uing on nJe;
first cLy of each ynCnUl tbcJ'c?Fl:c;r 1.1;11:)J the lull cl1no.....'nc of ~:.SOO, 000
shall b;.:'lvc been paid. In z:dclitjo;, to the paYJnc:nt ;:.fcn'csaid, the
J..Icf;r:;ec cO\,Ten.?t.:ntf) ~t11(1 ag~ccc~; to })(~)r to 1:b,c; l.Je~~;:;o)' C]"l(~ IJe1. cent
P0l,) 0; all bl'ol~cl'agc fees c;:rncc1 b;." L(;~;:;cc on UIC sale of nc\v
OT llSC~d c:,, cLl}d I.Jcs[.;t~C'- furt})cl' (-:.[r,~('CCS to r)~::,Y' to l.Jcssol'
. one pcr cent (1%) of the DC': iJroiit (n] the s;dcs of alJ new and n~;ec1
3.i X' c:r ~~l,ft ~j oj d 1),,/ lie [) see. JT" OJ" 1) u r J?O S C~; of C 011JiJ'TJ1_ilJ.g tI1c ar1101JT1-L:S
(~ue the J...JCSS()]' :cc:;u]t]:ng {:L'orn T.Jcsf;;CCI:3 b...o1,e1';:\;':c OJ' f;alc oJ ai:r..
craft, Lc;,s(;(~ c'gl'cc:; tll<li: j"u:hoc;k:c:, SLltC and Fcch'.J'al tax returns
and ,d1. CJpc:r;:,ting ,';Ll'icnncnU; arc opca Jo:l' in;,pccti('Jl by the L(':>::o1'ls
Cl.1.1d:itclJ"s ttt alJ T( ~1~:30~~:zJ)]e i.:ir}Il.-~f_~ I):l-O\!j\_~,,-'(l L]101: t}lC jTJ.rorrt)a-[:io~.l 1:'1'Oj"1"1
::; aj d j :c: ;';. ~:) C C'l-.i O~l u:: 11(__:-; see 1 [:~ J" t:_'. C (l l' d s L. Y 111 t.. .T <:~ .(_~ ~:,') 0 l' ~3"h ~-; 11 1) C Gtrictl)T
1)rj'vi.1c..>"j::,'(.'.l,~ (~,l:ld to ljc~ h.el(l C(1~''r,'~'j,:-'1
J J ~-~. ;".,; ::--; (') :1" ~ 1 I
2.~ r;ul)<''-j,)(lJ,:._tg:r.;':''l_',h (z'v) ()f T)('tr;tJ.-':'r;:l'l)h. '/, r)~\(.:;c ~.), of ~:n.1d l...Jc(}sC c,l,nel
i\.p):ccrncnl,i:: ]1c'rcbv ;\J})CIU:]",:J turc;',c] c\~; [c,lll}w:,;
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"(a) The ,li1' park shaH Qt.' ruo,ludelcd and/or rccon~~tructecl
so as to provide a single paved b!ldirH': 2nd takeoff rumvay
built to Lessor's Engineering Dcparhl1cntls specifications.
Said paved nmw;lY 111ay be lighted to acceptable standards
for a facility of this type, 1H,11: no night flying shall be allowed
from said rUll\Vay without the prior v<lrittcn consent of the
City Con'11T1is sion. II
3. Except as anlcnc1l~d hereby, all of the tenns, covenants, conditions
and p:rovisi(m~3 of the Lease and Agl'ccl'nent are hereby ratified and confinned.
IN WITNESS VVIIEP..EOF, the parties hereto have set their hands
and seals the (by and year fiTst above \vritten.
\\Tit'.:n.e sse s:
A;t~Lct"ec 17
....., /'......,