PINELLAS COUNTY APPRAISER LETTER STATING PROPERTY LISTED DOES NOT QUALIFY FOR MUNICIPAL EXEMPTION , . "-.- I I PINELLAS COUNTY PROPERr-.ry .i\PI-'I<AISl~l< 315 HAVEN STR~ET CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33516 RONALD J. SCHULTZ ,~.'.. .of_.'J.:,,} -,;':} f ~-> > ~ . " May 31st, 1977 , ---~'1 11. ": 1 \ ,'" City of Clearwater PO Box 4748 Clearwater, F1 33518 Attention: R. G. Whitehead, City Clerk " , ./ <.' I ,;, .-.. Parcel No. 12/29/15/00000/011/0000} 12/29/15/70182/003/0090 Lessee: Clearwater Golf Park, Inc. Due to a legislative change in Florida Statute 196.199, regarding exemptions for property owned by governmental units, we have reviewed all leased properties owned by municipal ities. After reviewing the leases furnished this office by the City of Clearwater, we find the above listed property does not qualify for municipal exemption. Since we do not have the mailing address of the lessee. we request that you furnish them with the enclosed copy of this letter. If you wish to appeal this decision, you have the right to appear before the Property Appraisal Adjustment Board and a petition must be filed prior to July 15, 1977. Should you have any question regarding this matter, please contact our office, Phone No. 448-2294. Very truly yours, ~~ /)?~f~~~(I_~ ~:~~~_ '" ld~~ ~ {z:l /r ';..-=--._...-....,-r..~... <<;;;"~-"""'."" 6- ""':1.~Y~z" / . .~ RONALD J. SCHULTZ Property Appraiser RJSdrk / '1- DO '7 ~ /).. i , -.....'--~ P<:lq:e ~- 1 . 2 10 10 ~11 11 12. Clcan'l;1t:e~ .Air pa~l.- Ori~inal Lease. Lessor - Clty of c.'an...ater .'Lessee Clean,'atcT Golf-Park, Inc. . Item -r- 3 4 5 6 6 6 6 8 9 I 2 Life of LeClse: 3/1/70 to 2/28/2000. 30 years unless contrary ~o State Statute or City Charter. Amount of Rent. a. Base rent of $500,000.00 payable $1,388.89 in 360 monthly payments. Base year of 1970 may be increased or decreased as the mean of the U.S. Hholesale and Retail Price Indices change annually, plus: b. 1% of all brokerage fees earned and 1% of the Gross Sales Price on all aircraft sold by the lessee. Use of Premises. Shall be used only for: a. Operation of a general fixed base public air park with all attendant services; provided that any commercial airline shall be operated only with the consent of the City Commission. b. The operation of a lighted public golf course and attendant golf activities. c. Additional recreational facilities with the consent of the City Commission. Conditions based on Agreements. a. Air park shall be remodeled to provide a sigle lighted and paved runway, bu il t . accord ing to City Eng ineer spec if ica t ions and approved by the City Manager. b. To construct an air park terminal and other structures as is consistent with a public air park not for commercial use. c. To provide an 18 hole lighted golf course, less than c~ampion- ship length but longer than "par-3". d. To construct a lighted driving range. e. To construct a club house and storage facilities. f. Parking facilities. Other Covenants and Responsibilities. 8. Lessee to use city supplied gas under usual~ city terms. 9. Lessee to provide plans and specs wit.lin 60 days of the ex- ecution of the lease. City will have ~O days to approve or reject. If approved: lessee shall con~ truct golf course and air park within 18 months. 12. Lessee to provide full fire insurance. $1 million/$3million liability, plus other multiple coverates. 13. All improvements, remodeling, removal, demolition etc. to be approved by the lessor. 14. Lessee to pay all ad valorem taxes, sales taxes, license, permits. 16. Lessee to acquire the rights to lease of Clearwater Flying Co. and surrender it to the City for cancellation. IS. City to cease sanitary land fill within 18 months of execution of the lease. 19. If the 75' X 3,000' runway traverses' sanitary land fill then lessor agrees to credit lessee for actual cost of removal and replacment~ithin the runway boundary, but not to exceed $20,000. -~! 3 7 8 9 12 13 14 16 18 19 Memo. - 21 21 20,000 CY landfill to be replaced. Disputes subject to Florida Rules of Arbitration. -,,: l'" Clearwater Air'park - Sub-Lease Lessor Clearwater Golf Park. Inc. Lessee - Clearwater Air Park, Inc. I Page Item 2 3 2 4 3 7 4. 8 4 9 5 5 6 6 8 10 4 10 11 13 19 22 Life of Lease: 8/1/70 to 7/31/1995. 25 years with option to renew to 7 /31/2000~ (?). Amo~of Rent. Base rent of $356,400 payable$l,200.00 monthly for 297 months starting 11/1/70 (24yrs. 9 mos.) providing physical im- provements have been completed. Base lease subject to adjustment per original lease. Lessee to pay additional rent of 1% of all brokerage fees earned and 1 ~~ of all GrossSa1es of aircraft dire~tly to the city, with provision for city audit. Taxes Lessor to pay ad valorem taxes based'on first year tax. There- after taxes in excess of base year will be prorated. nnprovements.Lessee to supply: a. Operational headquarters of approx. 2,400 sq. ft. b. 50 hangers with paved floors. c. Aircra6t maintenance hange~ (may use present hanger and d. 75' X 3,000' lighted paved runway with 500 ft. sod over e. 30' X 3,000' paved taxi strip with cross over points as to runway. . A6Bitonal Improvements. Lessor may provide additional facilites if requested by lessee at a mutually agreed upon rent. Lessee may provide additional facilities at his own expense. Maintenance. Lessor shall maintain runway and grass. Lessee shall maintain improvements. Use of Premises. To operate a general fixed base public air park ' and attendant facilities, provided that no commercial air lines shall be operated with~ut City pe~ission. Insurance andRoId Hannless-.. Lessee shall provide full fire insurance $500,000/$1,000,000 liability and other multiple coverages. Cost of Living Index refer to item 4. relocat~.) runs. access 7 v 8 Taxes. Lessee will pay all sales taxes, licenses, permits, etc. subject to the condition of ad valorem taxes listed it item 8 above. ~'