7542-05 ORDINANCE NO. 7542-05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 22, SECTION 22.33, CODE OF ORDINANCES, RELATING TO BATHING AND SWIMMING AREAS AND THE COURTNEY CAMPBELL RECREATION AREA, TO AUTHORIZE A DEFINED AREA FOR SKIM BOARDS AND SURF BOARDS ON CLEARWATER PUBLIC BEACH; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: Section 1. Section 22:33 is amended to read: Sec. 22.33. Same - Area defined. (6) Surfboards, sailboats, motorboats, personal watercraft, or singular hard-surfaced objects are not permitted to be beached on any public beach or to be operated within safe bathing limits associated therewith unless authorized. (A.) Authorized area for skim boards, and surf boards on Clearwater Public Beach are: Eastern boundary coordinates: 27 dearees, 59 minutes, 06 seconds north latitude, 82 dearees, 49 minutes. 44 seconds west lonaitude at the shoreline to approximately 153 yards north at 27 dearees 59 minutes, 11 seconds north latitude, 82 dearees, 49 minutes,. 44 seconds west. The western boundary coordinates are: 27 dearees, 59 minutes 11 seconds north to 82 dearees. 49 minutes. 50 seconds west and 27 dearees, 59 minutes 06 seconds north and 82 dearees 49 minutes, 50 seconds west lonaitude. This is an approximate 153 yard by 330 yard. area extendina from the mean hiah water line of Clearwater Public Beach westward into the Gulf of Mexico 330 yards, not to exceed the above coordinates. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED ON FIRST READING October 20, 2005 PASSED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING AND ADOPTED November 3. 2005 Attest: , ..... . Ruff ant City Attorney --..,,-,, ~~ .. ~ ." ..., - -.....- Ordinance No. 7542-05