~\ ,
~,t- .,.
0"'-.- '.,:
. ':'~
. -
'fBI$ I~"U!l,~~IJ ~ ~. an4 enter" Into illl. _.
7th da7 otJUDe, A.D., 1950, ltja'::',~t.een th. CITY OFCLEABWATER,
a Xw11c 1pal corpoJJl..101l. ...s.natt.. call." tbeLe...r" an4 CLl1:AI-
w.t\'l'Im C,omrrRY CLtlJl. . 1f1oN4a Gorp.ratton, hereinane. Galled the
1. WIT~~__ that' t.I'.~bl oOlls14.-tlon of'the JItl_al
'_.'. Or
oovenant., prad.... aJUtaare...... hepeln oontained. a. well a.
the rents berelnat........ed.., ,~....~ld Le..or do.. h...b,. lea..,
le' aDd dem18. \IA'ot;_ a14 L..... ~e toll_ag dft..14bed p..,..
ert.7.. ,ltuated in ,~~~+~~ '~~.,I:~~orl4&, t,o-wita
Th..Ol'thea.iQuart..('JrBt) of 'he
Q_....~.........'.............'...... '. '. .'8.......).......~.... .1.. ...... e. ...... 8..,.... ~_... .A. 1..' e .Ra...~l.,...i!...-........ 4
r18"..'~..,;.R4ri;~ll' a01Uth...~ ,:..,'el' (a.:.:...~
o.f.IMt'h..." . ' .' ' .' ,all R:'8...~- . ~
(1..~". .'. ,'~.,,2G)..pU.Gib.a...~..
P1A..(l,r:: _l" ....:, ,tth.w'''.' '"I.,,: _..';~)
of the 30U.~;;~_ (., 01 8.0,1...11..en
(11).. !own.hl'l:~..,-nlne () l~thtRana.
F1tt.. (15) ...~\t,l...& trao., d...crlbed ...
Be_181M.' . at... ..e,IOU. ....Ib....t CMQ!I-..J,' .t the JI..'hwest
Quart.. . (ft") ot.. Jlouthw..t Q.\1,aJltt.r (sq.) of
S.ot1.'".__.. '..' .,.,. '.. . (ll),.:,if..ownllhlp&.n. t. ,...n1nefa,. South,
Ran.. 'lft.Cl5.lJ_."lb, run th.... Horth tour hun-
dred .~t'-t".. C.l&6Jl,. t.....t, ....... West ."'.> ........ . hundr.ed
elSht,.,(J. ....480... ..) t.. ..t, ......... ......'. sout1:t. fOUl'. , h~ 81at'l-
.fl...e (415) t._,th...But twrhUD.d1-M elgbt,. (4.80> ,.Sont ot _118~. le.. S..boQld Air Line
Ral1l'Oa4 p."P"OI:.:.~i1f all 111. .e. ctlon ."eyen (11),
'fown.bi_ ....nt,..... 29) Sc~td:t.. Range 'ttt.en. (1,),.
Ea.'t J atld alao 1... tbe tollowtilg.
All tha~ -.., of propertJ lliac wttb.ln a 4~...oe
ot Ol'le ll'Ulft41tecl (100) t.., "..... each s14e or the Scout
R~t.. the 9.tW,",,,.o", ~ '~.~"',^I't,~b., t.UM~na
",.,'~.d~:;'~~~~ ~Jltl~.~~'~:ven
p. _ !own.hip. Tn... ....nt~..a1n. '. e (29) South.. Ranse Flfteen
~~i -Baa,') a....~l;o,..8 -- tellowtnsl
jQ-D03 -':l~
. ,;" -' .... \
. "." .
. . . ~
..-. ,
. "
- .
Uellnntac.' at W.a' Property Una ot Hl11....t
A441'1on hb41"lalOD aIl4. 1ta 1a'hraect1011 .tub. the
Korth propert., line 9tll1ap1e Str..t for pol.n't of
b.-,_lug, ... 'Ta: )fodh alone tbe w..t line or
.a14. .ubdlvl.:S,...... St..' to the hec!8e aloDa .0.
ThH.(') f.a~7.t the Clearn'.. Golf Olub. 1ihenoe
sout...teJ.'17.~ '-, ..1d 741.1 te.', thenae
South. parallel ,'O..~ ..., lid .t Jllllcre.t Addition
lubd1Tbl.. 14t..- 1;0... 'North pr.perty line or
"~'.te~"".' ..~; ...........t; alone..... ~ th._ .a1d PN,""
:Li....1. t..",..,nl...'..ot b........
L... the teU_tD& clHor1bed PFOPU''t,.
BEGZ. at ~. s._....,.lon at the oente:r 11n.'ot
8eaboardAU1.. ...i_i!' ..' 00." aQ.4 Bet'Y Lane. ...
shown on plat., ..' . CLUB AtJDI'IOJf as ~.o!'4ed
1n,lat Book 1 ,pq. J.. Plnella8 001Dlt,. fteOorcla
and run __no. .1081 ..14 8.._oa1"4 Airline &a11..,.
00., Gen.t.r.t.Jl......... oul"fe it. the lert,. ....
bee.l'1n&..eo 45' ":aRt: "'.12 ft. '..' thene.._ ..' ).008
aa1d. oenitlel!t line . 1f~ ,5' 57" S. ".44 fu fer
,.,o.e- ,then.e' a ,. ",. 4.,11 E. "7.60 tt., then..
a 51 46. Sit B, 48.11 ft.; theno. .'50 Q5 t "111 B,
~U.J8 t,_, then" . 210 20' 4e-B, 610.59 ft.. to
0"'.. ~... of aa14. 1Mb_I'd. A~:t4' Raila, 00."
t;beao.. _. ~DI Cl'*". ,'.L~:. riFt and.. .a1d cen,erline,
ohON ~1n.. 1'''.' '5711 W. al0Dl 8.14 ...te.
l1ne 482Js8 n. ,.. '....11., 1... ....beard .,1l"lSne
Rall.JOO,., 1'1......4&'1.
HQh"THEa .,....I.~ " .~ow1l18 . J'~." ,.' end ea'~.'.'
M~lI' ArlIiho'",,'in common .,1th par-t,- &t
the t rat part,,'. rCl&d or .,"*' pUJ'PO..' ill. and
t~.. .a$.4 ~':". 8...8,.8d OYer an4 a. long a at. rip
ot and tort, . .,.de rUDDlnc ppallel toan4
l~S.a tel, 80uth of the rip,...,..., ot the Sea.
b..... A1rllne nan.,. 00., ..1t~encl1n8 traa s-tty
Lane, om, ,. Wea' __ th. abOY- d...-lbed t...ot on
'he..... tor a t8N ot ~rt.,.-one (~1)
"eare, beginning J.. lat, ],9';:0, and GOI'ltlnulng to and oonoluding
upon the ~lat4a'1 ot 'a" "'~I),,~Al, .tor.. total .rental of
, -, ,>' '1... .
tl0,BJ7.14, pa,ab18 b'J th.i....... .'..1Ib.e 01t'1 RaUln Clearwater.
'1.oJllda, in .. toUowtbS .un..' 'he 8_ of .1.~6.19 -
>.;o....'bel' la'. A .1).. 1 ~O. dda like a_ on the r 11'.t cia., .t
December,01: 8&:Wl aD48,~"rl a~<:,Ji~..~I~~.rro'r.
eel' t'i!;""";I~I~'~ :~~Hi~I"~if~~!:1tV""':" ,;;"1,''', ".,,' "" i' .'
perlod or flve (5) years, the last of aald rental pa,ments to
be .ad.eon Deo.... let. &.9.,1",'" In the ..ouat or $1.806.19.
'!!he p&1JIlent or the abOve .~ 01 1IICIlll.,. b.", the.aU L..... .baU
.... ~
..,. "
, . ~
*,. .,
.~ ~"-'
-' .
be aocepted .. p&JIl81l'"t. __ ..tal ot 8a14 Phal... in tu11
tOI' 'he ents1N 1;... o~ "',,1.....
3. The L..... ....ll" aDd. thJ:tough the llte ot thla
1..88 at all ts... to naln1;a1n ..4 operate sa 800d cCllld1tlcn upon
:. .::::.:-: ::::,:r:l::t ~~:-:~::~:.t:~~w.
" , I
..oco~Sng to .uab.~..._~~.. 8D4 replaticma 881me SoaJl'd
ot Dl1"80tor. .~ th.L.....:'g~.p_atlon -7 tr_ t1_ to time
pl'e.orlb4i. ii,
4. '!'he, Le.... tuP*_ ....._nta and agre.. 1n oase ot fire.
d.routh or otber ........1107'.. aot ot 004, wb.1ah rend$N the _tel'
..,.te. and supp17 or tb.., Corporation 1nadequat;e proper',. to
tultill the ..48 .:1'14 r"u~ht8 ot the LeB8o;r Jl\lh1clpal1ty, to
pen1t and aU.. the .aU x.....l' t. open II val.. 4ouecte4 w1 th tb.e
well now loea'''' up~ '''4~..ed preale.., and to 'WIe water theN_
troll throughout the J'.....t aUOh ..,pH.,.,. a],1, ,..~'h.ut charge
to the ..;14 L...op.
5. P.. almple t1 'let. the atOl'..ald well.. the p_p, pump
houae~ well ...1113, el...:r_l equlJ1lct aM appapa1n. u8ed in
'be operatlOl1 of 8a14 ..11 no., l008tad up. .ald p~e8 shall
,_s.n vested in \he x...... t......r, and none of sUP*lulpment
-7 be alt;e.NCl. obanae"W "__M withem' the prior written
cODaRt ~ ~ L.88or~ ~""tl4. howyer, that the Les... shall
have tree, UDIlOl..ted and ..t1n1l0U8 use and enj oJIMnt of .ald
well, pump, ~OWI. ... .._...nt and. ap~tUII .,pUl"tenant
thereto d'U'rlns the term of tdlla 1..... 8ubjeet 01'11,. to the
apee1al prl,,11eS8 cont'er"ed up~-L.8"" 1:>1 the ~tpr~~
i . .... ,c. ... .. .,!;i'I),: ",1;[''1,
.......~Jt' et 'IIhb' '!I.e...." ',. ' '
6. A_01utie tee .~~... tt'l. to the u:04erCt'ound p.s.lp.t 101).
878t... pipe tittlngl!l, va~..., .,rJ.akle., apP1Dkler heada and all
other te.l., "P~."''''.aM appl'l.ne88 tOJllldn8 a part ot the
-,' ~ .," ,..
"."a .... ... ".". :1
... '\-,"
. ,-'
"".:::' .
.... .. ,>>
, ,
"------.- .:-;. -
....ll"..... ""0" ~1p.tl_. .,.__ .ow 100ated upon the 1...ed
~IIS.... shall be ............14 Luso. 10NY.'-.
1. !'he Les,.. ~~' ...-.ante and agree- that it ,,In
!lot ua84 the 1...84 P~..' ~- a,1Il purpose 0J'l puJ'p08.. other
than the malnt4tDAnoe &04 ope1'at1_ ot a golf 450'#8. J tba' 1 t
w1~1. _k_,Uy~"tul ..a~..:'f....t 8a14 pre......,...
that 1 t w111 no. ".1"" tb,l. ~..." .u....1.'..., _ftor the
le.s.4 pl"eBtl.... 01' ......... ts.n.t.~. bJ'Potheoate" pl.q. or
, .
d1apcu.. of .a14 1.... 1. .., tON Gl' _Me. what.... wsthout
the prior 1I'Jfl'hn cou..t..t the Lessw.
8. '!'h. x...aor glv..aI14iJ'anta unte the ...14 L.e." a
graoe period or titt.eo (15) ._,.. within ..1ah to _ke the
annual pa:yment. bonia prelAe4 tor, and a180 ce..e.n'. and.
ap... that the .a14 1...... .ball have the right, lt it .0
d.. ires , to .7 al1uan.,pal't of an., .....1 luial1aent of
rell' at any '1M pl"10~ ,... ..tnIP1'., date of .\IOb paJIMat.
,. 111 the ...... __ ,LM... tal1a to~. the pa...-ta
here1n provlded_ or fe.l18 to p.:rIona the p:Hbll..., o.....t.
and asreementa b.epe:t.a ;", the x...80r shall ha.... the r1ght
to 4eclare tb111 1.... ._.end. t. ".enter and. take pee..saion
ot s.14 1...84 ,...s....t: .... *. ..14 I...... agr... 11\ suGh
..ent,. to 8UJ1ren4.. \1P an4 71_14 p.ees81. thereof
t. the Le8.~.
10. 'l'he Le.... ..1.... 4emand tor papent of e.14 rent in;
11. !hi. .1.... ,aba11 ., blndtns upon tb8 8UOO...._ an4
a.signa of the rea...tlve ~'l.a hereto.
l? ~. ,. X.e~.fO'.Jfr~1\tia"~1P4 j ........1,',.."...')'........
:-- " )' f'''~ 't, ' ,.;~~,tdHrrF~;n~~:~~~t '.,f:;~,o'i'" .,,' . ' -,'. I'
an.,. municipal taxes on the 1....d property during the .x1aten..
or this l_t1t. ....r.,... an4 aaNe. 1. .... st.te
-- .. ~~
t:.. ~. ~ .;( ,
~ ... ".~ ';-4
'-7' "
~#f; . ~:~~:~.-,'~ ~ w...,~
~ ~
.~:;::'"> ~ ':,-"
''''----- .....,.
. .
., 'r"?'."If:, :-:._ I
e4 count,."..... aM la..u:url....1e4 or a....sed ....bat the
l...ed premise. during the l1te the:reot to pay eft aneS 4110harge
the .... and nott. ,.hit.n~8ta.. and. Oount., Taz Oe:rtlflcatea
OJ' Tax Deeda to 1..~' UpOl1 aa14 property, 01' an.,tueale tor
.uob. tau. to b. n..4 uP9l1 ...1d p,..opert,. durlnc the exlsteMe ot
. 1'. It U una..\pod and ap8ecl tut up_ th..xeoalC11 ancl
deliver,. of this X.4.n..Vt,e.... tbat that oerta1Jl 1.a. b.~
tofore entered. into be...ntbe Le.eor' ud the Lea." CO'Y61'tna
sa1d demised pr811ll.., b.~. date of ':aun. let.. A,.D., 19'7.. .ball
b. d....d. canoan., tera1n..t,tJ4 and declared at an end.. and aU
rip'. and prl-vl1e.88 po....... b.,. either of the PlU'tle. under the
.t.....1d leaae .~1 oeas. aPd determine.
14. it" tJI~!!~t W....!.!I!!f the sa14 au;,. of al..ft.'er bas
O.\USed. thia 1.... to b. .1uuNte4 b7 1 ta cu., Manage. &ad 01t"
Audltor and 11...,...-........ b,. ita ttaJor-Co_l......., and
i t8 Go~orate .eal to be he~to a\t&ch,,4j and the .ald Clear-
wate..Owntr)' Ole has .._ th1. 1.... .0 be e3CHuMd in ita
nAiIJ8-~by-its./~l," otflo..... and 1. oorpOJ!'fL". .eal to
'" ".' -.:/'
'be :tl.rlJJm.j;Q.~.84, -... ""..4 "&1" first above ..U~t.n.
. .~.. ...--~ :...,..... - /" ,
- _. .--
- "
.;'""' ..........
.....,- "
,/' '-~ -- ~ ....
. -.... .
"'.CC"'~Z....R. W..AT~.. TltY~.,~ ............'
:..y~!7F::' ':'.:."/;~~',.;, '-'-':.~:::;;.. ~, "'~ . -' -. " , ~" ,~' ," f., ',/;i :',-. :';."':",:";.~ :'. ,:'
. . -"" lC..--
.. -. .
'. ~1~~d, Sealed an4 Dell.er414
74" a7t- ~~. ~~~ .1~
Approye4 .. '0 ton aJ:l4
~~~ .--- f" '-', ~'. .
--..' ,,",
'.... - " '. .
.if .. : ~ .; ,
"ll': "l11""
,g' ...
~ ...
. '.S'
-4.. '..r;
S!r,&:EOBlt".N i .t
oouwrrop PXIBLLAI )
Betore.. 'A. :_tr.......".la1dlorl t." penona 11,. appeal'e4
BOrn A. J3ENlOift, R. G. .-eo aa4 HARRY D. SARGEAN'l" resp..tlve1l.
the 01t., Manager, 01".,..:wd1U. ... Olerk and the Jra"or-oODtl:l..lon-
er ot the <atl .to_~...~.~w...., lhUI$,.lpal Coz-pora ts._.
to me ..11 lm01f11 ,. be un.puts... who exeo"t;. the tOI-ego1ns
1eas8 on bebaU" :._ t. ... .... ot th. Ct\., of Ci.ana ter,
aDd...erail., _Gkn..le<<Pd t:b.&' the)' exeoutied aald 1.... ln the
aap"alisle8 aa th.....ln ..t ton.k.nd. t. 'be us.. ..4 PlJrPO..'
tnerem m.iil.ell. aD4 "bat the 8,ea1 therec..ttae1Md 18 tbe
s_.tne eorpera.....1Of 8.1401t,., and .... at'tluct tnerete
by 1t, 01 t,. Audit 01" an4, Cle.k.
XN WITlOIU -UBO'. I have ~to set -7 band and ott1oIal
_.1 at CleU_:MlI',ln ...1' OGUnt, and State. th18 th.~~~ 4&1
::':~:'~~, A.D., 1950.
,,'. - ~ #.:....._....:.'.r:. .:
- ."
"01'.". uti o. . ."opt.' .ttarp
.~ -'
~' -,".
My e.-plre.. I 1 n .
~~..S.=-..'.ofr;:.. iit'~5!. ~.. ..r.=:.... -~I".
l~br~'Stntyc..~~ _~.i~
',- ~" , .. .. . .
a'Aft 0' FLORI.
oomrrr OP PnmLW
SetoN", the UI:LCl.1'81pH. authorlt" pe%'8onaU,. a~.d
'fit. Watson C1arf .1 aDd. . f Ward R~.er8 ~.. Hspeotl...1,.
)re.".I1~ an' a....~ d,;II_rnt5er 'bounl..." ~'.(Ub... FloJllda
oorpwatlan, to .. ..1 .. be the PalItl;6. ,WhO executed. the
torelolna . '-&ball dud. 1n the ... ot Olearwater C()UI).,.
1f1"7 Olub, and ""._117 ..........qe4 that 'lih.., exeouted .ald
1.... In the oapaol'l.. .......1n let and. tor the uti..
alld puPpoaes theN$.a ."_1"., al1d that the ...1 the1'eto attached
i* . the ge m1ne oarltOn'....l of said Oleanater Oonntr7 Club,
aJl<l ".. affixed thl"_. b71- 8eaNta~.
IN WITNF.6S WHEHEOP, I have hereunto Bet rrr:r hand and official
._:1..~ >O)o-l'Wa~":io" "",'~4i;;il~_v '~"'~.' "... -a." ,,,,/ "7
ofM..'l~~ ,9' J~,,' rl"\"!r,.,1lr , t:JI1'~
<~>~~::/~. ~e~
.., Commission expire...."
-', "
Notary Pu~ljc, Stot~ of r=:orida at '0'
My commiSSion expIres Dec, 30 i 9 ~ je
,aonded by AmeriCtlo Surety Co. ~f N. \:
'~; f
- ',,"