NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OR NONRENEWAL NOTICE OF CAN~LLATION OR NONRENEWAL STAT FLORIDA I POLlCY# RCA 200373 ISSUEO THROUGH AGENCY OR OFFICE A T: CLIFTON, NEW JERSEY CANCELLA TION OR TERMINA nON DA TE OF NOTICE 0712012001 05/09/2001 12:01 A.M. INSURANCE COMPANY FIRE & CASUALTY INS. COMPANY OF CT TYPE OF POLICY: COMMERCIAL LINES POLICY NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSURED CLEARWATER BEACH SEAFOOD, INC. TIA CRABBY BILL'S CLEARWATER BEACH REST. 37 CAUSEWAY BLVD. CLEARWATER, FL 33767 teasonlsl for Cancellation (ADDlicable item marked XI -2L- You are hereby notified in accordance with the terms and conditions of the above mentioned po~cy, and in accordsncewith law, that your insurance will caase from !he hour and date mentioned above for !he reason(s) stated in !he "IMPORTANT NOTICES" section below. ---'If your insurance rs being-am:ellJed -cflJe 'to n(1npaymi:lnrotpremiUn'--'-'cancellation can ljif avoidelffiY 'paYing'1tie prem"iu-rTi"due prior to the effec'trvedi:ite orcanceilalio-n. x NON RENEWAL. You are hereby notified in accordance with the terms and conditions of the above mentioned policy, and in accordance with taw, that the above mentioned policy will expire effective at and from the hour and date mentioned above and the policy will NOT be renewed for the rasson(s} stated in the "Important Notices" section below. -2L- IMPORTANT NOTICES - Reason(s) for cancellation or nonrenewal: LOSS OF REINSURANCE. '0 LIENHOLDER: XX You are hereby notified that the, agreement under the Loss Payable Clause payable to you as Uenholder, which is a part of the above po/icy, issued to \he above insured, is hereby cancelled or nonrenewed in accordance with the conditions of the policy, said cancellation or nonrenewaJ to be effective on and after the hour and date mentioned above. '0 MORTGAGEE/LOSS PA YEElADDITlONAL INSURED: 07/2012001 Effective at 12:01 A.M. (Standard Time), we hereby canceVnonrenew the Mortgagee Agreement which is made part of the above mentioned policy ;sued to the insured named above covering on COMMERCIAL LINES POLICY 37 CAUSEWAY BLVD., CLEARWATER, FL 33767 It Ind made payable to you as mortgagee (or trustee),in the event of loss. ~SURANCE :OMPANY FIRE & CASUALTY INS. COMPANY OF CT RECEIVED AME AND ,DDRESS IF MORTGAGEE: lR LOSS PAYEE: lR ADDITIONAL ~SURED: THE CITY OF CLEARWATER CIO RISK MANAGEMENT MAY 1 1 ?nn, P.O. BOX 4748 CLEARWATER, FL 33758 RISK MANAGEMENT THIS DOCUMENT WAJJ CREATED USING 'WORDFu' BY MIPS OATAUNE AMERICA, wc. To REMove THIS MESSAGE ORDER THE p~ BY CAU.ING 1-800~9US60 OR CONTACT YOUR LOCAl MIPS OATAUNE AMERICA REPRESENTAT1VE. lia Certified Return Receipt l \ :onfirmation#: 70001670000718860~3~ Form RCA 05/1998 R~'. "J'",\ CC~'':6 \;: Cu ~~ CU ~ ~ Kt s Ie MAYl :~ l(lU't CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT .