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1- , " " > r r: < "",~((QTheOhiof.=asualtylnsuranc,! Company --...... 'J ,~ ~ '\~ \~ 136 North Thlr!il Street, Hemilton,OhlQ 45025/ GENERA[ LIABILITY POLICY' - .A','j,:: <I This Declarqtions page and Coverage Port (s) with "Policy Provisions-Port One" completes the below numbered Policy DECLARATIONS POLICY NUMBER GLl 5337 38 Ne:tl E. Knouase DBA: Harbor View Barber Styles '18 Store # 6 71-75 Causeway Blvd.' 0 Clearwater'~ .Florida . '" ~u individual partnership corporation joint. venture other To: Ransom "Agency Box 33lt4 Jack Ran;~____. .. Authorized Representative CountersfiAed lIy ~ -,'~ form No, L.1P2b Ed. 10.1-68 Rev, 1-1.73 /9:6 ! . " I _ 10 ,* -- --; "II ~ - :.: ~.,t,:",?/~~....':{~.:i'~,:~"~: '" r COvERAGE;~ODnY INJU~'t;i.1ABILlTY: I' .' c CoY~RAGE $...:PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY ..", .. , '. Thecompllny,wlllpay'on't!eha1f.of'tM;,jnslI1ed all sUI11$".Whlch tht'lnsured shall bectln1el~gallyobllgatedto .pay '~$ damages~ecause of /'. ..}" i 1.I:l;'j!,FI~j ,',,:,ql' ';,:~!:Coverage ~: bodily InJury or.... , -"ii:' '.;\ lJtiff '::'T,,'1'l"Cove'rage. B. prop........ .dama...., " fL. "." . ,,> ~r\l.' lA,' '.',. 'r:...... ':r,",' ""< ~'i/' ,.' ," " fiiil~.' .~'~';'" ~ . . -I. ' " to w~ich:,t~!~):!gsur~l)~e applie~~p~u,s~d py an occurrenceard arising oufof :i< ... . i. owner. ShiP,f{l1'3intena.n.I;Il., or. USll. ...:Ofit~!! In.sured p.remlseses a beauty, ShOP. or. .'b8l:IIeril/lO,. :Ilnd. allope~a.tl.ons nece~sary or Illtldental thereto" ,"', " ii. any "1l-:S,onal.'Or"protess[tlR1I1 service rendered, or the use 'of an~ pre~aratlon " O(,:'spphal\te."on'orllway. from the Insure" premises In .connectlon with 'the . pperatiO!l of :11) beauty.shop ,~r.barber shop by the Insured, or . liI,thepl'Jl/uct$;hlnrd, ':':l";;," , ," ", . .j' .' , andthe.'COmllany, shall flave fhe right an.d duty to' defend :~ny sOlt agalnsfthll Insu"''' 'seekfng lfamag~s on lIccountot 'Such bodily InJury' or ' property damage, even.it'sny;o';the 'alle~ations of the suit are groundless,; false, or ,fraudulent, and. maymake.:;sucb"Jnvestlgation and settlement of1any claim or SUit as. It deems. expe~j.ent; bllt, .t.~.! c..~m. pany : shall n~t.. b. e.' obligated .to .pay ..a.ny. claim .or. JUdgm. en.t or to defe.!1d anYSUi.t. after .the aP.PI.!Cab.le limit of, t~.~"companY's ,lIllblllty ~a~ beell exh;wstedby.payment ofjlidgments or settlements, ....,' . " , ~cIUsIPnl'if:;":Hi<G::: . . Tbl$, fnsu"~ce,does"llOt :.pply: , ' " ... . ~a) t(j'liabllity'ass~ed,bY,.tJ1elnSUrell undet"any'contractor'~grllement except..an ele,vator at the ,insured premises; I " ,>' ," ., _'" ."" IDcldental ;cQntr~t;,..", ..". .. , 'of'...'" (i) to property damage to premises aljenated',bx the na,lged, ~nsued:~rislng o~t of, , (b) to .boddJ!llJulJ ~r property, d~map arising ,out of the ownership"matntenanc\l, such premises or any part thereof;,,' "; . :" ,:. :;;:. >~ ~i/,., operatl~1I, use( I~a~mg,~r ,unlo~dmg, of.+;I . "",:1 , ...'...,.7;,;. . "',k,ii: (j): to bodily.'injury or property damage..caused:.by.products"manufactured or p~ (l) ~nyautomobl:!e,~rlllIcraft..pwnedO}(opeIated.~ypr~:r,~nte~~~r "loaned :to"an~ pared by the insured, rebottled or repacked by him or sold under hislablll,for.use IDsuJed"Or,'f".:~:", ,..f .:i:";;'; " "1 ...., '. .. 'away.fromthe insured premises. ......... ...'.' " . (2) any ',othe(a~6!"obU~ ,o~ aiii:rjlftop,e.r~ted by,: ~DY Jll!rs!>>J)~ thll, C9,urs~"of his. ' (IIlta' services rendered pr the,~~e of~y'ptepara~n; Which' seivl'ce,'~i.tr~aftnerit em~l~rm~~t ..b!"any IDsured; .., ",~, ", , . . .,. ", "', Is'prphiblted ,under any ,federal; Stat~ ~ ot"Munlclpal la\'l" provid~~, ~o.wl!ver. the but ,thIS,..exclusl~n,dollS notap~IYJq,th~ parkrng . (If. an, automobile "on pre(l1lses . failure of. the Insured or any emplojee 'thereono performs' predlspOSltlQIi or. skin '. . oW,ned~~,\ 'f~ntelf tQ or. controlled}y' the namedlnsure~ Qr ..t,he ways immedl~tely test shall not be :deemed a prohibition under any such lawl; , .'. .r adJoinlng~ i ., su~h. ~utomoblle is Jlot owned ~~. or rented or loaned to, any I~suted, (I) fo,services rendered pr, th,e application. Qf ally .preparatlon or..IJ.seof"a!lY .~. .' (e) to .bodlly InM, or property d,amage ansrng out of the ownershIp, marntenance,' plia~ce in,COp'nectionwith /. ,., :' < : ,::, ~.... ',~ . :,,' . ,,,,,:. .:,.,-'\"i' <:;,1;.", operatIon ,use '. 'lOading' or unloading of ..' '''.'':'..;.,.. , '. '. _ M' '. '; \""'.": 'I ...:'.." ,""". :",,~ .tj .,' ";'~:' ' , I., . . ' . , (l)exerclsmgii~I.el)derlZlng Qr,'fedllCII\I;:ser:vII<~~i;\; :i, i;~:ltt :.r!:'i}r;1.$:(::~ (lJ, any.watercraftowned or operated .by or rented or loaned to any ~nsured, or l2l",sun la!TlllClrtapl)ing lamp or .otberJrradia.ting,lIevil;e, ,,'/~'r;" ,?';,;~tr:~t:' (2) any other ~ater.c~aft operated by any perso~ In the.. cours~ of hiS employment (3) electricalr heat ,or steam'bg.hs~rbo~ J1I~s$~ge foth,r...lhan taciahnass.k'; byanylnsurH.':;:U7{,.ln.,~L'~," .:",'!',. if,. ',:': .',,';; ., .,,{' ., .':" ('to' hi d .:,..~ "'" ',:"., '.~l'. .;c.. '!I".;'..., "'.f" but this exclusioirdoes not. apply to watercraft :while:~hore O!! 'premises owned bYI m,. c ropo ~i""',:" "", ~\" ~ ';;,~l ; . \.'o~'':'!':':'~:,,;,~' 'I" . ~~"'::l>, . ,"" '. j rented tQon:~pntwUedvby. the.nameJl Insured;.-. ~I:::V ' '''I", lI,) ; '::. " !.' "Fa.' (nl t~bodlly I~JuryorptClpetlJ damagec'taused ~y' .; . i j..., ..' , . ", '.._';:. ..' (ell t(rbodllylnJu":o~~ropel11 dama~tdue .towatl, whethefo'<not dllclared. civil m face 1ifting, plastic ,surgery,' the temoval' of warts," moles 'or grOwths o{'any war, ,Insurrecffon,' rebellion or revolution or ltnlny,act or, conditIOn Incident to any ...attempt therf1~t,: ." ".,..' . :, '. f. .. "".:,.;~ ..,... ..' ... of t~e fq~eg9ing:wit~resR~;t to:,:. ',' <" . (21 !Inr~pparatus.usingx,raY&,r e!eCtri~arJaYS,fod~e re~v.~cif'JiajJ bY.,electrOlysls, (1) liability ~s~ume~,by. th~ IRsured under an Incidental contract, or (3) the. combustion, ~urning or explosion.of I;ombs Qe other artieles ~ flammable (2) ~xpenses ~o.r flr~faidllnder the Supplementary Payments provision., ." . nature oth~r,thal1 hard r~bber comb~,,'\i ';,. ; .. (e) (0 ,~odily ,injury, oproperty dl!,mage forwhi~h the irisur~d !I1ay ~e ~eld H!lbhL, (4) the . uSllof <lny f!amm~ble dry shampoQ, "';'" ," ..' (l) at, a 'persOJl OJ; orgimization engaged in, the: business.. obmanufacturing, 'dis~ (5) the use, _administratiQnorappliClltiolf of :'any .;dYll ,to eyelashes. Of: eyebrows, . tributing,seJlingor serving ,alcoholic beverages, or' : ' .. '" r . ".',." othe~ ~hal'\ Roux ;lashJlnd' Brow Tint, Spiro's Coloura,mascara' or eyebrow (2) if not .0 enga~ed, 8s:~n "will!~or lessor of premises used for such purposes; penclls"llr '., , ., .;n t:. .:' ..,',~. /,.;': ~'," ;.".( , if suchllablllty is Imposed (0) to bodily InJury .or property damaglsustained by /lny person. resultln8 from the 1 ... '. 1) ~ ') " j I ' ~! . f. ,... " I { ., 1 '1 .'~" 'I ' , ' .- , Form Ho. l'l23c 7.fJ7. Rev,l,l.73-Beauty Shop. Barber Shop ~~h ~__