REGRADE AND PARTIAL FILL OF STORM WATER RETENTION POND ,/;,:J .... t~.; r:-:l Ci'~ - U 00 ; 0'"'" '1' ,...-:'!<( p:: I... -, f-o~~~ Z~;< ~ ~C)O~ :J ~ ~ 'T.:! f-r~ .~ loW 1-1 0 <and g:oo.:f3: p~ ~ ~T~ ....:; Uregrade and partially fill ~ ::-.;> . . :; :.~"", ~~ .~~ ~~:J~ I~ -t.~~ ....."!; (:"') W .-:.~: \0-:" 1'.... )...0 C. .:'. tg~j ~:~ ".., -,j :~~ 'i:~ ~ _" . 0 ~~i ~fr~ 4-J lfJ +-; _. ..;:J~~ <:>l ~ ~..p q -' ~ '" . w ~ e < 2 ~... ~ r.f)O"c~ s::......'-H2 I ........... c () .~ ~ ~-~~ ,.00.-::: HP=1U E-< J,\~ I IO.R. 5 3 5 0 PAGE 136 3 ,\ GR EE~.IE~T THIS AGREEMENT, made and ~~tqle~~~t~ this / j:/... day of ~_, 19S9--; by and between Francis Samuel & Ethy!n_Samu~l, _his__wife____' of 19~'!._Seton Drive!~~~~rw~teE..: Fl~~~~~__~~~!_~__, hereinafter referred to as "Owner", and the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FT,ORIDA, a municipal corpol'ation, he:ceinaftcl' rcfc~'l'cd to ;1,S "erry"; WITKESSETH: WHEREAS, the O'..vner presently owns the following dcscrilx:d 1'0:11 property situated in the City of Clearwater, Pincllas County, flcriJa, to wit: Lot 33, Sunset Woods Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 77, Page 90, of the Public Records of Pine lIas County, Florida, WHEREAS, the Owner is desi"ous of and has requested the Ci ty to a storm water detention pond; and WHEREAS, the Owner is agreeable to have the City of Clearwater complete said special improve~ent and upon co~pletion thereof to have the City immediately file a lien against their said property in the amount of their pro-rata share of the cost of sod and construction materials necessary to build headwalls, storm inlets and subdrain; and WHEREAS, the City is willing to install said storm detention p~o- ject to serve said property under certain conditions; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the forc:~oing premi:::.-:;::; :1nd other good and valua~le co~sideratio~s, the pa~ti23 he~eto co~~nant and agree as follows: 1. 1'11e Owner :tgl'ees that the City ';13.Y L:jilediately C()',,;;21,ce ;-,J1d (:o;11plete the installation:Jf S~Ol'm :~2t'2l1~io'1 Pj"Oj2.-.::t to "-:;i'\ir~L::":': ;'<.:al 01 Cas~ 40 Rec /3.oeJ_ 41 DS . n ~,,'. ~,..' . r- ~_'" rfl \:!' ,"," ~ ~ \:"' (,^ c:=t ::><: ,,; ',. -- 43 lnt __ ., ._.. Tot /_':? t1t')~ C) -1- , , '> -" ::u ..... c..." ~~'::> ,~:-"~ .:,,:'~ ; i ii~ ~ [ . , C c : _~ru.vU/':t ~. ( \ ''(:l.vV,~",;' Vi Cf~/1j;>1/J ot-002 ~o J (5) ""'11III ".. I IR.5 35 G PAGE 13 6 . proporty owned by them, legally described as follows: Lot 33, Sunset Woods Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 77, Page 90 of the Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida, rt nd that upon complet ion of sa id work tha t the Ci ty }1;ay ij,l;:led ia te ly file a lien against the saidn~al pl'O:J01'ty in the :1~ount of $_~Q.Q!QQ_ ',l/hich is the o.vner's pro-rata s;lare for the installation of said storm detention project. Said lien shall provide that it may be paid in ten equalnonthly payments in the office of the City Clerk with interest at the rate of 10 % per annum II' om t he cia te of the lien until paid a~d i~ case of dcfalllt in the payment of any monthly payments, together with the interest thereon, that the Ci ty may take immed ia te steps to ,::nforce sa id lie:] ':Jy fo:'..'oc 1 03111'e or other proceedings. Said lien shall also provide that if the City is required to enforce the collection thereof by foreclosure o~ other legal proceedings, that the Owner shall be responsible for the payment of legal fees anj all costs of said ~roceedings. 2. The Owner by this Agreement ha~eby specifically grants unto the City of Clearwater a lien in the amount of $500.00 which is the Owner's pro-rata share for the installation 0: s3.id storm d:::tention project against the above described real property owned by them and waives all requirements and entitlement to the conduct of and no~ice of any public hearing or hearings by the City of Clearwater for a special improvement assessment against their said property foe the installation of said storm detention project. The Ovmer fur ther agrees upon the request,of the City to eX2cute all additiO'i1.1 i,i:3t,'~l- scnts, if any, \vhich may be req!lired to formally grant unto the City a lien against their described real property. 3. This agrcer:lent shall be hin:Ji,S' '1)');) tho }~<.:il's, :-:-:J:"ll1lst,'a- tors, persD113.1 l'cprcse~ltativcs, SL:cces.";ors alld assi;;lis of the p~u't'J?S hereto ,l.:ld a .:opy t'icre0~ :!1:ly be L':,,::d-i.1.'J;ly filed in the ::-';':Jlic 2cl'c':'~:::: of Pincll3.S COUllty, FlOi:ida, :jY t:i.13 C~~y so C~3 to Sl::i'\-e 2.3 n:)~i>; tt;(;:.,~;_ of to all 0'.:11021' )'31's:);1S. -2 - .. I O.R. f 3 5 0 PAGE 13 6 5, ~. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed on the date first above written. Witnesses: ~~ ~'--'-/(SEAL) Francis Samuel F J-U AlAA ~ C"a AL ( SEAL) 'EthY~S~mu-ei ~J ~~~- _12d,J_~~_~h1 ~ ~. _~~~/7ji/4t As to City -T~ Attest: cOl'rectness: STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this day, befol'e me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the Cou~ty aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared Francis Samuel & Ethyln Samuel, his wife, , to me known to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing Agreement and acknowledged before me that they executed the same. KITSESS ~y haild and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this __~,# day of __~~L ________ 198 2--__" ~~......, ~ ..'.',~7- -- -- - -- -_.- -- .-- --- - - -,- -,--- ---- _- --:-- ',--- -- 7:"'~ _."~.. \-oLu'y rublic, ~ .,'; , ~ .', :,:y Commi ss ion E:~i)ires: NCTARY PUBtlC, STAn OF RORIDA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN. 16, 1918 IONDED TNRU GENERAL INS. UNDERWlIITERS ':) -..J- .' ,. I Jo.R.5 3 5 0 PAGE 13 6 6 STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) J I HEREBY CERTIFY that on t.1,.is 1.3 c.ay of ~7 19_LL before me personally appeared Anthony L. Shoemaker, Thonlas A. Bustin, Lucille 'Williams, and Charles F. LeCher, respectively City ~AaClager, City Attorney, City Clerk and ~vfayor-Comrnissioner of the City of Clean-.ater, Florida, a municipal corporation, to rne kno\v'TI to be the'ir..d:vid'l?ls and officers described in and who executed the foregoing A,grecI'l.-:ent and severally acknowledged the execution t.1,.ereof to be their fr:~e act and deed as such offic'ers thereunto duly authorized; and that the official seal of said nc.unicipal . corporation is duly affixed thereto, and the said _t\ gTeern~~nt is " "C...ne act and deed of said corporation. W1TNESS my signature 'and official seal at Clea:c,v-ater in the County of Pinellas and State of Florida, the day and year last above written. . " , ~.... ~f. '" ,,:1., '. "",: . .. .... ....... .J Notary PubliC: ':.. 'j'C~ ,:1; ...:"., '. My Commission Expires: Notary Public, State of Florida My Commission Expires July 5, 1985- &!;HI<:l.d TlUY 1.""1 r..;.. .1............_, I!~...... !1!11\\' -4-