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Q,R. 3494 PAGE984
TillS AGI~EI'JIENT, made ,md enter~d into L1d~; _;-- _oay
by and b(~t\.J('cn Lilc' CITY OF CLE,\I~h'l\lER)
r (! fer red LOLl slit i Ly "; .:l n d
hereinafter referred to as
'~HERE^S, the Oi,.'ncr m.]ns the follm",'inr, described real properly situated, in the
City of Clea.."at"". Pin'i~~'!' co;~;.:;~;~;;~ AM-< M~~~ ~
~'J-"Io~r,.UIWA'C~ d-k. . ;.. .
HlIEREAS, Ordinance No. 1219 of the City requires that all land that abuts a public
right of ,".'oy, \'ll1i(:h is to have nCH construction on it, either for residenti:ll,
commerci<ll, industrial or other purposes, "hall have sic1eHalk" constructed by the
owner on, across Or adjacent thereto; and
HHEREAS, the Oimer is ei'ectinz certnin nC\-7 construction on ,,::lid property and
has reCju(>~;tcd the City at this tim8 not to require the immediate installation and
construction of sic1eH.:llks in connection therc\.]itll; and.
" WllET{EAS, the O.mer has a1jreec1 that if: in the future the City, in its sol(~ dis..,'
.. foocretion, dc:tcrminc:s that it is advisable :md necessary to have such ~;j.c1e\'Jalks
E g ;;::installC'.d, that tl1C Odner "Iill, upon notificC1tion by the City, have sic1eH:llks
~ ~: ~mK',c1iat:ely. in~talled a~ his cxpensc~ <Jnel if h~ 811oul(.] fail to do s~, then the City
~ . ~ may have sC'nd ulstallat).on nw,de and ~mpose <l lH~n ogcunst the descr~bed real propc:rty
p.;>' ro
~ Go ;01' the cost thereof;
o.~. ,"0
u; ,,:-; 0.,';:: NOll TllJ'PJ''''''O'>T.'' . 1. t' f t1 f . . d 1 1 d
ctS p_ . 0 ." t. :.., _',).' J\,,~, 1.11 cons1.( era -1.on 0 ,- 1e -oregolng prcnn5cs an ot 1er r,ooc an
~.... r-..... 1 bJ . 1 . b 1 . . . f: 1 1 1 I 1 l' d
"'0 C)~a un ,e conSHerat1.0n .etHcen tw pm:t1.C~", rCcclpt 0: \-IdCl is 1erC))' acmo\.] eClge ,
t f;:< -;1lthc parties hereto covenant ilnd agree as 1:'01JO\'15:
Cl>""""~ ~; <J)
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mew.'; ~
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.- t=Q >..
8r:i1 .~
1', The
the above
City \-Jill not [It this time
as part of the erection of
described real property.
require the installation and c-onstruction
tbe building Lmd improvements by the O;-,>nel:
2. The City nwy at any time in tb"e future notify tI1e O;-mer> his heirs, personal
. .
rcpref>cnt<l ti ves, SUccc.sson; or assigns tbatt11e City in its sole discretion bas
,determined thC1t it is nc1vis.lble and necessClry to hci~7e side\\'allcs in~;tallcd in
connection with said ~es~ribcd real property~
3. 'l'he Oaner or his heirs, personal rcpl'escntDtivcs, successors or assir,ns
shall'at his expense within ninety (90) days from the notification by the City have
side\.Jall,s installed for said described real property in acconlance \'lith City
. s~ecifications and,standards as established.
4. If the 0;'ll1cr or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns
shall fail to .hove' sidevlalks installed for tbe descrioc,c1- real property in accordance
"lith City specifications and!nrds \-litl1in ninety (90) days from the notific2tion
by the City, then the City may have the side"i,'olks installed onc1 assess and impose a
lien ar;.:linst qwdescr.ibec1 real prope:rtyfol' tI1e cost of the \wrk.
5. '111is agreement is to' be regarded as a coven[lnt runninr.; \-lith the land,
regardless of \.!hether it is specifically ll1entioned in .:lny ,deed~;' or conveyances
subsequently e>:ecute<l, and this agreement shall be binding on all parties, their
heirs, personal representatives, succcss6rs ot nssign~.
6. All notice" pursu,1l1t to this ngrcc'l11cnt shall be furnir.;Jwd to the respective
par tic sat the [0110'.,] in/j (1dd rc sse~;) un t i 1 rece ip t of \-Ir it ten ins truc t ions nO t ify ing
the other party of a different addrc:ss:
City: '. .
1-11'. Herret:t R. Sticrhcili .... PU'1\
City Hnlwf,C'r "AI L 4 14! Po :'
P.O, Box t{ 7t~8
Clc :11'1.':1 tel') Florid a
1-1 0 {I 1W;tMf-;:tf!;/t/r-ll--
01-03L{~28(8' P
331:18 P' ,.. '., '-."
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HftROLtI MOLLt.lHJuttt, L
-- :;:., ,"-
O,R. 3494 PAGE 985
IN \;llTNESS HIJEI~EOF, the p:lrtil~S hereto h;tve caused these presents to be
exccuted Llw do)' nnd year last above \.;ritten.
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Witnesses as ,to City:
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As to; Oivncr-
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WITNESS my signature and official seal at C1can;.'Cltcr in the County of Pincllas
and State of Florida, the day ,1110 year last above \\Id.tLen.
, ;<~,>!p~
Notary Publi,c
Hy Commission Expires:
Notary P1JJJic. Stat~ oJ A:mdn ell large
Mv (.:;;;1:::0:;::(1 E;:;:.::~s Od. 22. 1'114
a.n..r1..,~ hv Am~ri{"a{l fire & Ca,<:.llah." Co.
~~~~i::::::~:::~::::onal1Y appeared ~11! ~~:;~~~~:~':z
to me \-lcll known and 1<110\>'11 to me to be the indiviclu21[; clc[;cribcc1 in ai@);JrlO, C'XC,Cl1tcd
( ~, .. ~ ~ . . .
the foregoing <1grccilwnt .:1l1c1 ac:knoulcdged bcfore me tlla t they execu t:cd the' some for
the purposes therein e>:pressed. .
WITNESS my hand nnd offic,ial seal this '!J
dny of ~ (;i!!LLj A. D. 197/
r -,
N =ot?t;:;-l' u b 1 i c
~'l)lll~i_fi~ o":RIriIi~f;tarae
~y c......., Expires Feb. 25. 1974
..,...." ....... ,... .. ~ ~