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Florida 1rend
1996 Florida Trend
City Story Focus Proposal
The City of Clearwater
Florida Trend, the magazine of Florida business, is proposing a 16-page regional spotlight
advertorial report on Clearwater/Clearwater Beach and Sand Key. This feature will appear in
the April issue which is also the annual Economic Yearbook issue. Packed with county-by-
county statistics and forecasts for the upcoming year, the April yearbook is the most widely
read issue and sells the most copies on the newsstand of any Florida Trend issue.
The spotlight report will be a positive promotional tool that will be written by Florida
Trend staffer, Janice Sharp, Editor, Special Projects. It is designed to highlight tourism, real
estate, economic development, education, and entertainment. It will also cover transportation
and high technology; the industry segments that help make Clearwater the ideal place to do
business. The advertorial writing is based on an approved outline by the City of Clearwater.
It will be comprised of 40% advertorial edit and 60% display advertising.
We invite your participation in the development of the writers contact list for interviews
by Ms. Sharp. The City of Clearwater will receive the final contact list for review.
We are reprinting a minimum of 12,000 additional copies of this regional spotlight report
that will be made available for tourism and convention groups, economic development groups,
chambers of commerce, city and county government, commercial and residential real estate
and other businesses to use in their promotional efforts for the next few years to attract
visitors and newcomers to Clearwater. Your advertising dollars receive double impact. The
reprints will be printed on the same paper stock as Florida Trend magazine. (Reprints are
usually sold for $65.00 per 100).
An informational brochure will be produced by Florida Trend and mailed to
approximately 1,000+ members of the Clearwater business community with a letter of
endorsement and support from the City of Clearwater. (sample attached)
The special section will be promoted on an on-going basis through advertising in Florida
Trend magazine during October, November and December at no cost to the City of
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490 First Ave. S. . St. Petersburg, FL .33701 . 313-321-5300 . Fax; 813-822-5083
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1996 Florida Trend Proposal for The City of Clearwater
Promotion. continued
The April, 1996 issue of Florida Trend will feature a sticker on t..l].e cover (all local
newsstand and 5,000 copies to key business leaders statewide) indicating the "Clearwater
Special Advertising Section" and the page in the magazine that it starts on.
Event Marketin!!:
To kick-off the regional spotlight report, Florida Trend will host a VIP breakfast (by
invitation only) for 75-100 of the key business leaders, VIPs and local government officials in
Clearwater. Everyone will have the unprecedented opportunity to have an open forum with
Lynda Keever, the Vice President and Publisher of Florida Trend, and Janice Sharp, Editor
of Special Projects. Invited guests will have the opportunity to participate in an exchange of
ideas regarding various business industries and key activities in their area.
The guest list of approximately 300 business executives will be developed by Florida
Trend with the assistance and input of the City of Clearwater to ensure a well rounded list.
* The total cost of the breakfast estimated to be in excess of $3,000 will be incurred by
Florida Trend. This includes VIP mailing list development, printing, postage, staff time,
event planning, actual cost of breakfast, Florida Trend staff travel, hotel and meals.
Accepted for the City of Clearwater by:
Accepted for Florida Trend by:
Vice presi0t & lublisher
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City Manager
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Submitted for Florida Trend by:
Lynn Lotkowictz
Regional Market Manager
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1996 Fl"fida Trend Proposal for The City of c,arwater
A. Two-page Spread. A two page, four-color spread with guaranteed far forward in the regional
spotlight report for the City of Clearwater,
B. iteprints. 20,000 reprints of the regional spotlight report.
C. Special ad rate. A two page reduced ad rate format has been designed to give small to mid-sized
businesses the opportunity to participate in the spotlight reports (please see attached sample).
These ads are available at a 50% discount and payment for this advertising is due in advance.
D. .;'IP breakfast hosted by Florida Trend (see previous page).
E. l:'roduction Charges. The 16-page advertorial will represent a 60% advertising/40% editorial ratio.
Florida Trend will incur the necessary internal production changes for putting this section
together. Production includes:
.. Writers fee and expenses
.. Color separations
.. Film output
.. Typesetting, design and layout
.. Printing and shipping charges
F. Sticker. A sticker will be designed and produced by Florida Trend, which will be placed on
the cover of the magazine promoting the special advertorial feature on Clearwater.
Production includes:
.. Design
.. Film output
.. Printing
.. Sticker placement at printer
G. Vacation Getaway Guide. Each year in the May issue, Florida Trend features a 16-page "Vantion
Getaway Guide." This guide is also reprinted for groups and organizations to use in their
marketing efforts throughout 1996, for a combined readership of over 170,000. A reader service
card is bound-in for readers wanting more information on a particular area. This year alone we
have already received over 3,000 response cards from readers interested in finding out more about
Florida locations for business and pleasure. As part of this project, Florida Trend will make
available the following to the City of Clearwater:
.. A 1/4 page, four-color ad in the Vacation Getaway Guide at no charge. This gives you access
to the reprints as well. Production of your ad is included.
.. All leads that are received from the reader response cards and will be sent to you on disc and
on mailing labels. This will aid your direct mail promotional efforts and is available at no
additional charge.
Total Value
Plan II:
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Total Savings
Plan II:
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