SELLERS AFFIDAVIT ,..~ .Q~"'~ I ( "\ .,. ( slLLa's AFrIDAVrr. TO DQltpA I'CIfD. ClIlJ(8A;~ STATB OF lLOllIDA ).s OOtJITt or PINILLAS ) . (b) It. ,.nlO1l of ... ."... b..... Clev.1_. aM 1latubow Streec. . (c) A poI'tlon of ."ut __ue batve.. Gulf to Bay Boul...rd aAd ..lIaIJowSu-.... (4) A port.1on of Carl_ ..... b~ (W.-lea and 'almoat Stree.. . (.) A portion of ...., ..... Wut of Qat4llHY Dl:lve. Gat.., Drive. ......'1' Dirt.".. ...th of Catw&)' Dl'tve; aad Bereul.. "'ue, IoI'Ch of Oat...y Dt'lve. (f) A portion.f _...._ CouI't. bene_ Druid aoad aM ft. lan-f.......,.... (s) A portt. .f DlNi4 INdJ J..... Way, b.to! Druid loads NapoU.. ...., ...t... W_t .. D.rutd IoadJ Lotu. ..tIl. "t' ofDlul' ..... ~"""t Men_ .JdC,o..4. hlt_' and Druid ..... ' (h) A poI'tloll .f Ban Boulevard. '.""eft Wl111-.. Drive ... Be1Gher "'adl ClaQone Dl'ive. South of Han Boulevarda and York Dlrtv., Ronb of Ban lou1.ward. ' ............-_."..~ J I " .. -) " (j) A pol'ttOft of "l:'l.a Strut "at of B4pwater Da:lva. (k) A poTU.. of "rUle Streat lalt of Us_ateI' Drive. (1) A porttcm of .......401' Driv. South of Diplc:MUt Dl'lv.; DlploMt lI'1ve, ..t of "reu1.. Avenuea au Bacu1.. Avenue. North of ......8'11 !loa4. (III) A pol'tlon of.'", hive, betw_ Iaperial Way ad ~.ery 1.o~4. a1.1 betas wltb1D the ClOl'pol'ate liUt. of the City of OleaI'Mt... PiDella. County. Florida, certlfi.. .. follow., to wlt. (1) 'l'hat .1lvek, laboY. ,,'el'1&ll, \'Il,aob.lnery au aquipment tumi." ..,tb. SlLLa, or any .w.eCJlltractol' in the ~.tall.tlon of the akYe-weferred-to UDdupouml laclUti'., has baa fuUy pa14 for " .ILL. or any .ubooat...etor, aDd that 0'" ar. ao 8IIO.c. .,."41 f.D favoro! ally"'. 01" per'ODa turaiahioa IaNI' .4_'..1&11 to SILL. 01' any subcontractor. of w'hlc:h a., U,_ (0_1, called a ......10.. or _t_i.lull', lien) baa ,... 01' ... 1M fU.. aad/O1' ,.fected _4ar the law. of rlod." f. WOI'k ... or utuial., _chiD..,., 01' equlp1HDt fuhi_.. (I) Tl1.at sltLll doe. _.Y 1ad-.t.ty qcl hold husnl... the PUIlCHASIlt ....ia.,..,. 10", eo.t 01" ....... ar1.ba8 out of or by...ee..~ .ftht p1.81111 OS' f111... or pal'fecttq anel :0..010..... of U.... ......., '". 1'..1 .....t. or ... ua4et',r0va4 faoUlties 1..'.1.1....... by 81LL11 01' .., ....tv..t:_ .1' by tabore", 01' .t.r1a1aen of the SIIJ.,!ll. .. SILLD. 11 -.ki.Da .i.affidavit for tile pul'PO" of la'UG~ PUtCIIASllt to parcha.. by Bl11 of Sala the abov'-I'aferred-to un4eTgrouod faciliti... em or C!tR"1KfAT1l ~.-(2_~~ " ctt7 Ma....r -.. to ad ....._~ b.... .. thl, J)~y of:M~~' 1964. 1111111.,.:t='~1~ .~~~