MODIFICATION 28 TO FLORIDA FEDERAL-STATE SOCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT . I ,'. :,41, ".~ .:' . \ ." ~~ ,~, ,. ~ .' '..1 I , . ',',' .. , ,I" , : , " ' ,", '., '. ", ',' "~l", ,'~;~~~t',.~.'t:1t,;;; ':t' " .... ,'~,' (" ,,'" '..,3,. '" "8 '\' \. ',' , - .. ' If 00 Ir iCATIOlf J':' v' :' ",) ~~",''r''';:I;!':',:",;""" TO FLORIDA'S FEDBRAL-"BTATS 8OC~AL nCUJlITI'AOllDIIBn-':",' , , '; '. .~: \: " . '.. " " -.. - '....'/1 - The 8eerehrJ.'of Bealth; IdDcatl!oia~' .~d "~Uar.l~((~h~' ltat. ~t Florida, act1D~ throuah ita repr..eahtl"cI..l~D.f"'.:toad.l..1.ter Its r8spoDdb1l1t1u under the "u..eat ,of, ()otOb.~':'~.i'"ltln,hf"'b, accept.. addition I conul. IJroup8 uDder.aUAlr.~.Qt.'.lS aokDow- ~ Ied,e full applicabilltJ,of the .ald Alr.....~ tot~~ .folldwl.,i <:-) . ", ':'. ", '~:.;,'.f~-( " ," ,.':. ::0 , ' " '" ;, ;,..'i; ">'" . ',' ('.) PART 1 - COnRAGI OaOUP8HATlHG XO, U181110 .atl'lkDDT BTSTII. "11 g:r ~ '~,', IBOX':' " .: .", ~~"~'~;'l~~~llfGa' r , ,.r" " ;' ;..m. ""./,-,'.. ',' , S .adl.oa, J'lorlda \.. >,.hl.~. 'prlDi.~. .'~orlda fT1 )(0. ot Z.ploy...: '31 10" ot "plQ,..~1' 3 . ..... bcluded Senice.: , boh~fd':I.rdc.. - .oa~ '.' (1):<"lectb.'. Efteotin Date: ' 1f~.~~liY.':'D"t'n' ,', JIDU~1'" I, 1955 . 'ifi,lt'l,..l~,$~:;,;:,_, l .~ .' ..., -, -\). '......., ,. ,.... .... .". ", PART .xi.',- CO'fDJ.GI GROUPS UnWGDIBT11lO;'U'r'i.~ Iinuo. CITY 01" c~~~~.~: ;' ':1 " ';. ", ",\~ 'i,:~:,:~:/'~'::,::r.~':'~':~ m-y Tr...urer,,; ;' P. O. Box 134' " ; Clearwater, Florida 1'10. of bplo,ee.a 62 ' Included 8er.10..: . " , Ser...ice. p.rtor..d in proprietarJ and Doap1"opr"wtarr:'flIDotlou by nploye.. of tb. City of Cleanater,' lnolucUIlI'..t.1c.. per..; . for..d bJ ..plOl... inpo.ltioD. co....r.d by the Clt'~"plo,.e.:' Pension Fund but who are lD.llilbl. to b. Ye.b~r~ ot .~ch .J.t.~, nCE.PT:.,.,~.:",". " (1) a.n lc;..,1a pod tiOIla of !luan .D!l~';,A9.~~"~", (Th:... pee 1- tloD.~r. cOT.r.d bJ .x1aUq r.t1rn...l~.t.tlflii..), .' (2) S.nicetl'p.rfoned bJ ..plo,." who arei ...b.,,i:,bt,'. or. eU,lbl.to beco.. ...b.n of, aD .:d..t~.. :r.th'e..nt .y.te.. EfhctiY. Date: ' . ..,' JanuarJ 1,1955 .'11. CIn OJ' .rACUonILLK CitJAuditor. ';' CitJ lIaU ' ,', JacboDYIU.':2;, J'lo1"lda )(0. ot bploJ~..:' 450 .. ' ,\ : ...,...;.: >: .~..l,-^ ~::~~::: ::i~:::~ ,h ao~proprlet.rl f'UDctl~~\; .J;r ,,\:'~.~,~ i , CUJof Jao"oDY111., 1acludinc"erTlc..))eI'~Oll'...'''J'' . ",.. ,. pod tlOIla co,.n" bJ hplol." PaDdoD lund, ,,,lit who"ar.: liieU',. , to be ...ber. of .uoh .1~h., UCBP1'i' :".;: ," ",'Y-' . (1) z..1"unc7" " " ':'~.~/' H~ ~::;~i:;:,~,.::" ';.' " ,:: ,': ';:'.At;/".:""l;~~::,}:)::':'>:~;:~;,'~,,:,'~~!;t,. (5) s.ni.C~', 1, a ])O.~" ,t, 10na' of flreliea ,nci: ~,,'~~,O""-.A!li.~~:JiO,.l,:',':' ,~:;;. tio.. au, conrlleS br exiatlncr~t1,r'II'Jlt.j .7~\''',..),,' ,,':..,: ,.,):. ,. (6) IUTic..:perfoned,b,el!lpl"",.. ._0 :'~. ~..~l'ijHot, or ;:.\ '..' ";:' eli,lbl'tt.~o b.eo.. ...b.u:of, .~~..1ati..,i'.ur...~t' .,.t...~:;. ~,: Iffeeth. Dat.:' . ' " ':,', '., ~': '. " .j',!": ,.." ~:': JanuarJ I, '1851 ' .. ,..""., .: '. ,Y:'~' , , '-:. ,. '.:"- ,.",;~:(: '; _ ,., _-, '. _ ~..~ "t\ ~-;... .. ,'.~ . ~~. .' ...~. ' I' ..,)~M 11 ~'''l-~~.,(~f~\" . " ",' ,..I,!i;l', ", f 'I',~" \,,';, r' ',\ '\ I\< t , 'KIt' 'f '''li.>: .,,+. II' ~ 'f ~ 'l.f~ 'co, '~-i,:"':' I-,."~'A' ,,,;:~,'~ " ;f;{~!:~ .:,.,. "...,r;V(.'\.l"'..,~ ~:~~-,. 'i'i.:'~,:";/'.':J;":'l'..V7 ~~. .~'.':;"':\:" ';'" .' 1. ~': ~. "'~p '. """:"RJ,'-E( ':.l~ >V'E~'li' :'~:':<'~i:',\' ~..r. ~{,~ , .. "';,",', -... ,- '.::. ,..\.:'fI.l '~",' ../,~..X' ~~~:-' c:r '\J" t;. -':?-c:'22;:~("""--'; ',', . ,,": ~;.:. o'v"; 0' :", "99'Z:: ',: '.~\.' ~::J5i,~~l.:, /4, ~...x<. '~_ . .,' ,J ...)".....~ ",,:' ',.""1 ",' '"I,,'. ,'.': N ., ;.~ ,'! ...(ll,~ll'i:""'~~',:,\, . _ ....."".. \.,. " , ~. ,1' '-., I I' ""J~' ~ ',~".., . ..~:.;t.,~~J. 'v" ~.\ I~": 7-4.:"'..../0......1< 'Q,-I'c-~:5")~"-'''''' \',.,~,'< \, /"',r.,uu.Jl'~ n~r!f.',.i~:'~':~~i\T'~'~';1':' . ;'~'"~''' >-,. - ~_ (J' .:..- . '\ r .... :.r '\I.~~ ,~~~ J. ;,}t:'jf..~~l''1)~~;'(~~ --.~ ____ , I )~ '~,. .'. ',' l~:Ji" ',...... ..~.'r(..~/..~.,.'11 ",.. ---_._. ", . " ~- ~ -, ,r"4"") ..,.,..,., ~.,../~!.-. :]1 ,,~'t...: "'\".,;\' ": ' ;' ,""": 'I', ':"", '~'\~~,~' "\'\i,~ ';'(':;,v+ 1~lr'\"l(i{': ~. . .,.'.. .,' .~,~~r~;;~;~.:'~~'</~~~~~{ ::' c~,;;~~:/;..' /~:~~1~'~~~~~~~ . ,~: ", : ~ I~' . .i'~~~~~:Y~~' ::,,-\0.."__,;: ,'..: -- _._~,- ! ,,' ~,'\'I' Ct".' :' ,; ~i,:'-,:'''-' ' ~ '..~(.~/~~:-" -' , ' ' ,. .. "':I"~,.<..:,~'.' : :;j;';~~::".~\:,'~:~:, ',:,"':';~~\~:~S:}" !.;,' :.... . ,.' .,..., 1. " ",'ii~1l.' '... . ~ 1"-_. .' '~:...~.;,.~.", .:~~~:~ t ..... .' 'I!:": I!": ,{, ',.:, '. .-:""~~ ",;.~,:,I.r \ ':: ~ \' :.' " :': . , "."'....r~ .... -.".....11.. ~ \, ..' : '"\.. ..)... ~.";,, f .- \~ ::.', "(.s';~'~+:r~;',:'~:!':.;: i:" ," . .: '~'('"'~:r..::''' ~ . - ',<, . . '.' -. ~". 'J" ' \ .... . " .....'.\;:,: ~ ~..~y:'>tU ' "',f" ..... ~;~~\,', ~';>~ ~ J. I' ~.:. .,\', .": .." '}. .t. ~ . , ':." i_' ~'.,'; : : ' J ',',:. .' ,',: ." ~.:~;;> '::,'... ' ~; cr ~ o ~ ~ ~ y. ~, L , , ~i CI'TT OJ' MIA.I: , DIrector of t1B.nce P. O. Box 101 . .- Mi..1 33, Florid. .' ! '. ~~~ 1 :~.:-&~~~~::; I 850 '. "" ",'! '{;'!:,' '. , ' Services perfor..d 1n nonproprietary fUDotloD.'bf'.~'~OJ." of the Cl ty ot .~..1, IDclucUng ..r.,lc.. perf 01'.." .. b,t 'i,.ploJ'.. ' ill position. covered by Miaa1 C1t,JaPloJ." ..'lr....~;8J.t.. but who are ine1111ble to be .eab.rs of such .J.t.."IIClJ'tt ( 1 ) llIerleDe, ' ' (2) IleetlY. (3) ,.. b..i. .' " ,'.,. """,... . (.n SerYlon.ill positiod of, f1r..ilL'.ad: po.llC.....:;.'(.,.... poIt~- "t~OIl. u,~co.vered bl, .x1IJti~ r.tlr!'.,~t./,...,.~~":r :. ." (~) 8ervic..:perfor.ed' bl ..plot... wbo' ....: ...b..,." 0.1". 'or. . e1111b~~"to becoa. ~e.b.r. of,. In .xl.t~q. r..tlt....t .,.t_." Efteotty. Datez : " 'i'" ..j: '. .;..J.,.. .~'-(:::.., " ,,.' 'I '.:.' :-' , " I" '.' ", ,,,. .' ,. .,.,,~....- April 119&5 <: ;'-;. J ,,},.:,Y,i'~'~"",i" .,:', ,. _ ~ l.lr.~' '. '~tl J .....;\...~ "'f; ',> .;. ~~.( ':: " .,', . "4 ". ,;:,r, . :..,:;' ,:\:~,:.i:' , :, . ' , 1 t " 1.' .h~ t,l\if~ Ir~.d ',i b~ ~ '~Ii .'. .~'y'i \'~..\ ,..;,.' ;:.,;,<iJo ~ t9'i;'~'i'~ f .>i-... to in Part' J'I",ol'this lod1.(10It10D shall ~Dotl.' c~..,.a,bl...tb1.' Agr....ntoD .,or aft.r tb. date 1u", WC01l.., .ll.1bl~~~~'.:b. ~ ...b.r '. of . retir...nt .ystea bu,tonly .1f prlor to".~~~':'~,.~.,..':~h. ...r..lo.. perfonaed bJ' ewployee. ,ill, posit ~Ollll eOY,.s;~d'.~J t;~.~~,,~~lr....,~).J.- tew ill' which .uch e.ploy.~ i. .iD.lil{bl..,:tor~:..~\t.,._lp ar. DOt. . eOT.red b, this Agreell.nt~ ,. ,.' '.;' ",t .:' ':~"."< ,'.) .'. '>', ' "', ,,"'~: ';~.'," )F:1;;'., " " " Approved f"~': tii. 'ata h of F1 or 1da tbi. :z 7 ~;~~;J~i'?h, "( lllliS. . '. ..... t. . ". ..... I ":..'.~: . .,; .' , ' ' " '\, ,,- t . ~ : .\'i',h,:~/':: \.~ ,'~'ii: r!;'~~':, :;,'.' /,' ,: ' .'. ; . '" 'LOftIN : ~.U1ftfjr;;,~~~'~~~~':'.,.: : : I '.' .., . . ... '''h~~~~M!r,c..': , ' .. . ,'. I" . . ~ . '\., ".. , '. r l.; ',1..' . , . 'I . . ,.., ~.,.:.. .,..:,t'. 'I" ~" ....:.::-.:~, ,(.:;~.\~ I' " " , ';".:' ....i' -.' . ,~" : \{:,;"~', ";." ';~ .' '. ,~ .:'. ... , , ..' , . ':;. ",:,:,}~::-";':~~ '>~: .< , ,'. 1:' ,', " , ", .;'::tj;;; ,', ' . ~~. .. . ~' - , .',. . '.0\ .' ;1 . "