CORRESPONDENCE RE: REQUEST FOR TIME EXTENSION TO COMPLETE WORK UNDER CATAGORY G 03/20/98 10:55 FAX 8134626324 CLW FIRE RESCUE I I To: Susan Stephenson, Document & Records Supervisor From: Pete Huffman, Asst. Training Chief I Interim Emergency Management Coordinator Subject: Magnolia Street Dock Project (FEMA-0982-DR-FL) (P.A. ID#103-12875) Date: March 20, 1998 After a brief discussion with Gary Jolmson from Public Services Division, I have been informed that thi s project will be completed prior to the 03/30/98 contract expiration date. I believe that Mr. Johnson will be sending you a notice to this affect this next week. I will be out of town for the following week and wanted to act on this reminder notice today. I would also like to set-up a time in which we can review the documentation for this project, My lUlderstanding is that the City needs to apply for a supplemental DSR for the fmal cost of the project. Pete Huffman, Aut. Training Chief Office: 462-6324 cc-" / \: /)..,.. , ~ (~ ~03 (3) I LL o >- >- From: (j Interoffice Corres Susan Stephenson, Documents and Records superv~1or Gary A. Johnson, Interim Public Services Director 4. , Ray Boler, Construction Superintendent; Pete Huffman, To: CC: Date: March 23, 1998 RE: Magnolia Street Dock Project Mr. Huffman wanted me to let you know that the referenced project is complete at this time. There is one minor punch list item regarding the placement of the electrical meter for the lights on the dock. Mr. Boler will forward a copy of the final pay estimate to your attention for the supplemental DSR from FEMA. Please call me at 6589 if you have any questions or comments. magnolia.gaj.doc 01/13/98 14:44 FAX 8134626362 CLEARWATER FIRE ~01 I I ....,'11'''" .1~~~LllI'llr/:".-- ,t_\ "1tllf'.~I'I_,~>-_ ""R-.' I ~'<o'~" ,,~.' j -~._. 11I1:.;5.' . \ '. .t?'iTf1 \ .& ~ ..";;,c:..-~, '~'1 ':r-:~ :-"-. ~: _~" ._':'u s, ':.~:.... ::::::-- .~~.. · "/J;-"""" '" ~ ~,-,..~I.t.~. ~'V: ' ...........)qTE~.. It.. II'.,~I' CITY OF CLEARWh..TER POST Omu Box 4748. CWllWATU, FLORIO... 33758-4,48 Januaty 9, 1998 Jim Fleck, State Public Assistance Officer Department of Cmnmunity Affairs State Public Assistance Office 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard T::In::lh:u~ Florida 32399-2100 Attention: Ms. Joretta Sinwons '1 BJtll Re: FEMA-09820-0R-FL P A 10# 103-12875 (Magnolia Street Dock) Damage Survey Repon #45803 Dear Ms. Simmons: The referenced project has been under construction since September 15th, 1997. Your :etter of Oaober lan, 1997, approved a time extension for DSR #45803 to Januaq 31, 1998. The contractor's original schedule anticipated project completion by January 9th, 1998. Then has been a slight delay in obtaining the specific lumber called for in the plans and specifica ions for this project. The City of Clearv.rater respectfully requests an additional time extension to March 31, : 998. Although I remain confident that this project will be complete by the end of this mOl1th I think it would be prudent to obtain an extension in the unlikely event that the contl'lctor experiences another unforeseen delay. I have enclosed a Quarterly Report Form fo' the period ending December 31, 1997. Please call me at (813) 462-6585 if you have any comments or questions. ee: Richard J. Baier, P.E., Public Works Administrator v:rames E. Goodloe, Emergency Coordinator Isaj mogclcck.pj.doc i) hEQlJ.U EMf'I.OYM~ A.'1D AfFIRMATIVE AcTION EMPlD'rEk" . '.. .' STATE OF FLORIDA~ . . DEPARTMENT ~!\Ii ..!f3 o F COM M U N II.. Y A F FA IRS LAWTON CHIlES Governor .Helping Floridians create safe, vibrant, sustainable communities. "'nl ~ A"'4 '[;1 11' "t'r r ~ ~ . f~' p~: .,~! t}, ..; Y~J Ji. '\ Jf~~ .!.;~)) JAMES F. MURLEY Secretary o ~m~DW~rm ~ - 4 1991 llli May 27, 1997 I 1\ I'; S 1997 FE~,e9~~[iE!PT P.A. ill #103-12875 o IU8" [j MDA ~ ORIM o TCJ 0 Gl8 D ROB 0 CRF D WJS 0 GCH D EWB 0 JWR ENGINEERING ADMINISTRAllON o RRP 0 WI' o MJB 0 NS o TRAF 0 ARE o ENVt 0.... oWPC oWW o 0 Dear Mr. Johnson: COPIES: FI.E: Your request for a time extension for the The City of Clearwater to complete work under Category G bas been granted. The new completion date for Damage Survey Report (DSR) #45803 is January 31, 1998. Please make every effort to ensure the project is complete by this date. In accordance with 44 CFR 206.204 (d), request for time extensions beyond this 6 month extension must be submitted by the Grantee to the FEMA' s Regional Director (RD). The request must include a detailed justification for the delay and projected completion date. The RD may impose requirements as deemed necessary to ensure the new completion date is met. If the RD denies the time extension request, reimbursement may only be provided for eligible costs up to the latest approved completion date on the completed project. If the project is not complete, no Federal funding will be provided for that project. Should you require additional clarification regarding the extension or assistance with the completion of the documentation to close out these projects, please call Joretta Simmons at (904) 487-1956. RomAIOS 11m tlCIiliaI Sl* c- /WId 0Ile 27960-.~. Slilt21Z ..... AaridI 3lCl5Om7 Q&N ",NII _tlCIilicaI Sl* r- /WIdOlu lS5la11..... ....AaridI 33130-4641 sount ROIIDA IRXMIY 0ffI(J ,.a. Ilea m I6GO N.W. 36lh 5nII ..... fIaridII D1St-tGU Sincerely, 11" ~~~ ose~yers Governor's Authorized Repre'sentative JFM/SCljsd Attachments 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD. TALLAHASSEE, flORIDA 32399.2100 Phone: 904.488.8466/Suncom 278.8466 FAX: 904.921.0781/Suncom 291.0781 Internet address: http://www.ltate.fl.ul/comaffldca.html · SEP-15-1995 10:25 FROM CLEARWATER FIRE DEPT. I TO 5488 P.01 I C IT, Y"Q F 'C L E'A R W A'T,E'R POST 6.ricE Box 4748. CwiwATD, FLO~ 34618-4748 July 29th, 1996 Joseph F. Myers Governor's Authorized Representative Departmeat of Community AfFairs State Public Assistance Office P.O. Box 4022 . Miami, Fl~rida 33159-4022 Attmtion:Mr. Jim Carey' Post-~ Fax Note to 7671 CoJDept. PIlont . FIJXIt Pnone " Fa" , . , R.e: FBMA..0982-DR-FL . ',P.A.. IDN 103-1287' (MagnOlia Street Dock) , Dear Mr. Carey: The City of Clearwater requests an extension f1f the project time to replace the dock that was destroyed at the west end of MapoIia Drive. This damage is referenced 00 Damage Survey Report 45803, project location MagnolialBay1iont in coqjunctio.a with the above refi=re:nc:cd stonn of March 13tb, 1993. Your lctter of May 1311I, 1996. granted the City of Clearwater a 1ime exteosion to complete the rebuilding oftbis facility to Janwuy 31. 1997. On Iuly 18th, the Clearwater City Commission awarded a contract to Seaway Marine ContradOrs, Inc., ill the amount of $ 119,830.62 (which was the lowest bid m:eived). The oootract bas a 180 day a11owanc:e to CDDStnIct the replacement dock. We haw scheduled a pre-ccmstructiOb meetioa for August Stb at wbidl time we will establish a starting date for 1his contract. If the QODttactor should start io September and uses all of the allotted time in the contr.act to build the dock we can anticipate a completion date ill February of 1991. If any delays are CIlClOUDtered due to shop drawing review. availability of materials, adverse weather, etc., the project completion date could easily slip to March or April of 1997. Tberefore, the City of Clearwater respectfUUy requests a time extension of six months to July 311l, 1997. Please call me at (813) 562-4779 if you, have any comments or, qUcstlons in regard to this request. y h~ I'? . ' cc: Richard J. Baier, P.E., City Engineer Terry leanings, P.E., ChiefEogineer vlarnes E. Goodloe, Fire Marshal .eris Focsan, Project Engineer Ipj ~.jimavey.pJ SEP-16-1996 HJ:27 FROM CLEARWATER FIRE DEPT. TO 6488 FLORIDA D~AATMENT OF COMMUNITY IFAIRS DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT FOR PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FUNDS P.03 PAGE L of _ SUBGRANTEE NAME: ....GITY OF CLEARW6!ER ADORess: PAYMENT NO:_ DCA AGReeMeNT ~~-~U-08-62'OHI70 I' OECl NO: FeMA.09~-DR~L PA 10 NO: 103-12825 FEIO NO: 69-60QQ.:aB9 FOR OCAs use ONLY DSR PREVIOUS CURRENT APPRoveo AMOUNT PAYMENTS REaueST FOR PAYMENT COMMENTS DSR# 45.B03 CATEGORYji OSR# CA TEGORY DSR# CATEGORY DSR# CATEGORY_ OSR# CA TEGORY DSRN CA TEGORY_ TOTAL CURRENT REQUeST $_ I certlfv that to the best of my k,nowledge and belief the above accounts are correct and that ell disbursement' wero made In accordance with all cOI,ditions of the DCA agreement and payment is due and has not bee,.. requested for these amounts. SUBGRANTEE SIGNATURE NAME AND TlfLE DATE TO BE COMPLETED BY OEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS (DCA) APPROVED DSR TOTAL $ ADMINISTRATIve COST $ GOVERNOR'S AUTHORllEO REPRESENTATIVE LESS 5% $ APPROVED FOR PAYMENT $ DATE 20d 920 C. ft , 0' 0 e t', . r;'\....u TOTAL P.03 , ) ",iI . I STATE DEPARTMENT OF OF FLORIDA COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 2740 CENTERVIEW DRIVE' TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100 LAWTON CHILES June 30, 1993 LINDA LOOMIS SHELLEY Secretary Governor FEMA-982-DR-FL P.A. ID # 103-12875 Mr. Allen V. Mahan Coordinator of Emergency Services City of Clearwater P.O. Box 4748 Clearwater, FL 34618-4748 Dear Mr. Mahan: Enclosed is a copy of the executed Disaster Relief Funding Agreement # 93EO-2U-08-62-02-070 between the Department of Community Affairs and City of Clearwater. This funding agreement provides for payment of eligible disaster relief activities specifically described in approved Damage Survey Reports (DSRs). Payments will be Processed upon approval of DSRs in accordance with paragraph 8 of the Agreement. Should you have any questions or need clarification regarding this claim, please call Albert Benalal at (305) 876-1832. Sincerely, ~ ~ tl~~ ,~~~ LOO~S Shelley, Governors Authorized Representative LLS/SC/AB/il Enclosure EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT' HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT · RESOURCE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT