LETTERS RE RATE INCREASE _.'!"'lII"III CI TY OF , CLEARWATER (D -1- ((I ,,-,__..L~Al , ,i II. 1"'//"""";....,; '. j l'\\Hor,.'i--.... ' '\~~~">. \\ :-.....: ~...-.... f;:': ,~~ _.. _ ~ \ ,,.- =-.,,;5; "'f1"\ -- -... .~~ ~ ~ ""-~L.~- ~<;:) ........ZATE\1..<;;... ...._,,/JJ,Lt . POST OFFICE BOX 4748 C LEA R W ATE R, F LOR I D A 33518 _ 4748 May 21, 1984 Thomas C. Oldham, Esquire Assistant Director Department of Administration Division of Administrative Hearings Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tall~hassee~ Florida 32301 HECEIVED DEe 8 1985 Dear Mr. Oldham: CI IY CLERK This letter is in response to your letter of May 1, 1984, relating to increasing the Hearing Officer reimbursement to $30.00 per hour. I have discussed the matter with the City Manager and notified the City Commission, and I am authorized to confirm by letter that the City of Clearwater is agreeable to increasing the hourly rate to $30.00 per hour. The City is quite satisfied with the working relationship we have had with the Division. TAB:br S. . cer"€Iy. y~~_ /~" 0 .7 /.':"~.~..- I ~ - . - _ _ ""//0"7 I( / ~.~ ~~homa-~BusLin Ci~y Attorney . ~'EquaIEmployment and Affirmotive Action Employern 00 --07/ L.;)) ~.., J , MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: COPY: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Thomas A. Bustin, City Attorney Anthony L. Shoemaker, City Manager Department of Administration, Division of Administrative Hearings Contract May 14,1984 DATE: Attached is a copy of a letter received from the above Division requesting modification of the contract the City has with the Division. Presently, the Division hears Civil Service, Board of Adjustment and Appeal on Zoning and Community Relations cases. The present contract is over four years old; therefore, the adjustment they seek does not appear to be out of line. Review of the many decision~ that the Division has ren~ered will demonstrate that they ha.ve aided in establishing real administrative professionalism into our processes. The adjustment suggested only brings the City into line with what other communities are paying. Unless there is objection, I will draft a letter to modify the existing agreement as requested. .----------~ TAB:br Att. /~ '/"----- /~y//---- - /'--,_: _/"- ..~~~:~~~i;~-'..'. ~ City Attorney ~- I I STATE OF FLORIDA tlBepartment of ~bmini5tration Sh~~ L. Smith ~'- ~ Irector. Bob Graham Division of Administrative Hearings Governor Oakland Building, 2009 Apalachee Parkway E Nevin G. Smith TALLAHASSE nEe! _l V ~ ~ep-etary ot Administration 32301 . ,.. i4 Hay 1, 1984 MAY a 1884- .rll_..., -li Ar:r_Oiil\4~A Thomas A. Bustin City Attorney City of Clearwater Post Office Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 33518 Dear /A.r. Bustin: As you know, this Division provides a Hearing Officer on request to conduct hearings arising from Clearwater's Ordinance No. 1643 covering civil service cases, and under Ordinance No. 2173 as to zoning appeals. These hearings are conducted as a result of contracts between the Division and the City of Clearwater, pursuant to the authority of Section 120.65(6), F.S. They went into effect in 1977 and 1980. The present arrangement calls for reimbursement by Clearwater of the cost of the Hearing Officer's time at the rate of 520.00 per hour, in addition to travel expenses. Recently, we concluded similar agreements with Hillsborough County and also with the Englewood Water District. By those agreements, Hearing Officer time is to be reimbursed at $30.00 per hour which is based on current conditions. We feel that it is in order to bring the Clearwater agreements in line with present costs and therefore ask if the city is amenable to increasing the Hearing Officer reimburse- ment to 530.00 per hour. If so, I believe the change can be accomplished most easily by exchanged correspondence. ely, c cYs....y Q OMAS C. OLDHAM Assistant Director TCO/sw An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer