AUTHORIZATION AND AGREEMENT (2) j JIff.....tf ' ~fJ::" f . \~.""""""'" ' /::, ~....."...' .~".'i' Rorida Power I I July JL.., 1982 CORPORATION Mr. Anthony L. Shoemaker City Manager City of Clearwater P. o. Box 4748 Clearwater, FL 33518 Dear Mr. Shoemaker: LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING During the 1964 to 1966 franchise negotiations between the City of Clearwater and Florida Power Corporation, the future ownership, operation, and mainten- ance of certain city-owned street light facilities was discussed at length. It was ultimately agreed that Florida Power Corporation would purchase the city- owned street light facilities for One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consider- ations. Benefit analyses presented to the City by Florida Power Corporation during these negotiations illustrated a benefit accruing to the City as a result of Florida Power Corporation's assumption of the ownership and maintenance of the city-owned street light facilities. c.c " In order to clarify the relationship between the sale and purchase of the city- owned street light facilities and the electric service franchise, Florida Power Corporation proposes the following: 1. Florida Power Corporation will not charge the City of Clear- water a fixture Charge prior to July 5, 1996 for the following described street light facilities: (a) The 1,220 mercury vapor luminaires and 1,235 poles purchased by Florida Power Corporation from the City of Clearwater between September 10, 1964 and December 15, 1970. (b) The 246 mercury vapor luminaires and 132 poles, which the City of Clearwater made a contribution-in aid-of construction prior to August, 1975. r -.1 \:. ;, \ "* i.t~'I_,""" , -:.; (~It(i It'- C / all :,:i,' _: . , General Office 3201 Thirty-fourth Street South. P,O Box 14042. SI Petersburg. Florida 33733.813-866-5151 , - -----------' .t ,.' I I Mr. Anthony L. Shoemaker July , 1982 Page No. 2 2. After July 5, 1996, the then applicable street light rate will be billed to the City. 3. There appears to have been a disagreement as to the applica- bility of the maintenance charge portion of the Street Light Rate since August, 1975 to the 1,220 mercury vapor luminaires previously owned by the City. To resolve this lack of agreement, Florida Power Corporation agrees to discontinue the maintenance charge for the 1,220 mercury vapor lumin- aires previously owned by the City. A maintenance charge will not be charged for these luminaires until July 5, 1996. The maintenance charges that have been paid by the City from August, 1975 to date on these luminaires will be refunded as a credit on the City's electric service bill. 4. Florida Power Corporation is presently involved in a conver- sion program designed to convert all mercury vapor street light luminaires to high pressure sodium luminaires. The Company plans to complete this conversion program during the next ten years. The previously city-owned street light luminaires will be included in the conversion program. The progress of the conversion program will be determined by the economics of the situation and the Company's budgetary requirements. If the Company converts the previously city- owned luminaires in accordance with the provisions of the Settlement Agreement filed in PSC Docket No. 810135-EU, dated August 20, 1981, then no fixture charge or maintenance charge will be billed the City for these luminaires prior to July 5, 1996. If the City decides that the previously city-owned luminaires should be converted to high pressure sodium luminaires before . ..- . ~'. . I I Mr. Anthony L. Shoemaker July , 1982 Page No. 3 the Company's planned conversion date, the City can request that the Company make this conversion. However, in the event that the City does request the early conversion of these luminaires, the Company will begin billing the City both the fixture and maintenance charges applicable for the newly converted luminaires. 5. The City of Clearwater and Florida Power Corporation agree that this Letter of Understanding clarifies previously disputed terms of the Franchise Agreement as set forth in Municipal Ordinance No. 1091, adopted July 5, 1966. City and Florida Power Corporation further agree that this Letter of Under- standing reflects their current understanding of the Franchise Agreement as it relates to owning, operating, maintaining and conversion of the aforementioned street lighting fixtures. If the Letter of Understanding meets with your approval, please indicate your acceptance on behalf of the City on the space provided below. Very truly yours, C1-I2-~.d' Z-:- Carl R. Collins Vice President Accepted on behalf of the City. pf ClearrV~ this LJlfujay of 1982. By --.~ .~~ , ...~ -....... ,~ " , , ~- ~,. . . heJ..i=i.'r., .A.......~THORIZA\.O.. COAPORArrCH ,\ - .,... , , AN~AGREEMENT i ., WORK Ii] AUTHORIZA TION DJOB ORDER INUMBER 7654 CUSTOMER'S NAME/TRADE NAMIt City of Cleatwtt.r REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME HE'. Max Battle STREET ADDRESS P. o. :&ox 4148 DESCRIPTIOj.! OF WORK Clearwater TITLE City Engineer STATE ZIP PL 33518 CITY #,.. &eloc4te ui.-r.1ng feeder C-657 betvHD north aide of Burniell!~.. jpr ,~, & ~ north side of Irentvood Dr. ~, ~ -&11i:UtolG.METHOD .. . tJ'C~NTRACT 'PRICE $ 12 .586 .00 0 COST TERMS OF PA YMENT....,. ... ~ IN ADVANCE EXPLANATION OF ANY OTH!:R:TI!RMS OF PAYMENT D COST PL.US 15% DON OR BEFORE 20 DA YS AFTER COMPLETION OF PROJEC'~ o OTHER (explain on next line) , OWNERSHIP OF COMPLETED PROJECT L o CUSTOMER AGREEMENT THE UNo.ERSIGNED HEREBY AUTHORIZES AND EMPLOYS FL.ORIDA POWER CORPORATION TO PERFORM THE ABOVE JOB AND TO FURNISH L~OR, N'ECESSARY FACILITIES OR EQUIPMENT, AND/OR MATERALS FOR THE ABOVE JOB AND AGREES TO PAY IN ACCORDANCE WITH TERMS OF PAYMENT AS NOTED ABOVE. ~ ItLS SIGN",TURE OF CUSTOMER OR CUSTOMER.S AGENT Yn tL--v-a- TITLE .,.\. II (/~V- , OAT ORTI~G,.I.OCA TION C~rwater AU1"HORIZATION AUTHQRIZltlG tlJP.ERVISOR ~ E. E. Baker ,t " ; 04/20/82 DATE m ACCOUNTING INFORMATION CJ ACTIVITY COMMENT 11l}t,L,O,C,A,T IE I --:.... r E E DR II I I I I I I I I I CHARGES (DEBIT) Plant t RA EAC CREDITS $ AMOUNT RA EAC FPC OTHER 1 2 :s a 6 :0 0 t~lt~~~~'~~I~'~~:' REQUESTED BY :,:::-:,;.:-:.:.:.;.:.:.:::::.:.:.:,:.:.:.:.:-:-:::-:,:::.:::::-:-:-:-:-':'" . ..................,........,-. -.. ... . -..........,............ ..........,............. .,.-,. ....'......................-... ..,.........'............,. ... .' .,...........,..,.. ..,..,.....,'..........-....,.. .......... ,. "...,.,....v....._...... .. ..... ......... [!] I ,1 ,2 ~ ,816 ;0 ,0 I p~~PY DISTRIBUTION J \ ORIGt)lAL Be GREEN- *'; ~'...... ;'\lif\ioll.order, Gene.ral Acctg. ,~""Other, Plant Acctg. "'il;',~ YELLOW-District Office ., PINK Be GOLD- Originating Dept. . .:,' J '-'.1 907125(5) ".." ; Authorization and I~re.ment ~ Florida Power , Page 2 APPROVED: By Attest: ,U ~ ~/~~ ~ ~~. ." ~ City Clerk ~ount ed: J~~ ~ tt='~ Ma yor- Commies loner rectness: Date: ~ rH., '90.y' J _I