AUTHORIZATION AND AGREEMENT ,J!-" I I /' FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION AUTHORIZATION AND AGREEMENT '"'' Description of work ..adl Jal........ .....11&1_ a& '~t..l. .~_, '1.11. 01....,.., .. ......1 ..&tMI .ItIb 11. 1"'. aM JIG ........ ... ,..... . To be billed at .) Contract Price $11.1.... ( ) Cost ( ) Cost Plus 15~ Explain any other billing method Terms of payment (a) In Advance ( ) Upon Completion of Project ( ) other - See Above Account to Charge JUDD" Own~rship of completed project * ) Company Credi t JlDI- e ) Customer Customer's name and/or trade name cu." of C....,.. Representative's name and title Address 112 _tit --ta.9 . Reporting office location 01-..... City ell kt.. State '1_1.. Account receivable authorized by We 9. ......... (Fre Supervisor) ....., (Date ) * * * AGREEMENT * * * The undersigned hereby employs Florida Power Corporation to perform the above job and to furnish labor, necessary facilities or equipment, and/or materials for above job and agrees to pay for same per final bill on or before twenty days after completion. (Signed) ( ) OWner or ( ) Owner's Contractor (Date ) By (Titl& ) (Date ) ****** To: COMP1'ROLLER 's DEPARTMENT, st Petersburg, Florida Date Please open Job Order No for accumulating costs of above job. Requested by Work cempleted on 19_ Please close Job Order Requested by r j: j GA-25 Jo. r T ."'" I I AGREEMENT The undersigned hereby employs Florida Power Corporation to perform the work set out in the attached Authorization and Agreement dated Augu8t Z4, 1967, and to furnish labor, nec.s.ary facilitie. or equipment, and/ormateriab for said job anel agre.. to pay for same per final bill on or before twenty day. after completion. Approved as to f 1': anel cor~~... . .. ~ Attorney ..../ '~~ ~City Clerk Date: ~:t'~~~~ ~5-: /1'6'/ ,/ /