BILL OF SALE (8) '''l~~it I I ~-:..~." .~ rl..~~ of 'tits JILL 0'1 SALI made .114 entered 1ftto Qtlttbl. i~.da1 1961. by .. between thectnOl CJ.IADADl, . 1:.t~, oqaf.Dud a. _1..l:i.... under the 1.", of the Stat.. of. "lo:t~, wichita ~S.l,.l offlet and ,lace of buliM.. f.a ria,U.. ~t't 'lorida.ber.~fter c.U.edthecM,IlMnoatnA IOWD. COUOIA1:XON. a eq:tpotattoDQq.'tlJ..-4 aodulstiqUO<ler aad 1>1. v1:rtue of the la_of tM Stat. of rlo1:f,aa,w f.lh it. 'PtUle:!pal office ADd place of busiuC!1I11 1n the City of St. hter'burl, '.11.. CouIlt)'. '101'1". """1#8ft8r caned the COMPAIIY; Wl'ft1lSSBrB" tbat. t. em * for and in consideration of the tJutD the follow""" de.c:ribedlte.llwtthout ltmt.t~ tb$ aner.U.tiellof tJ;W .bove un4erlround stt..t lqht1q fl\eUit1e..cCllpl'ue the aoOd. a$lebattel. lold and coav.,. .1'.....1'. to wit C UIltS AID DBSC:lW'.rtQ. Of ~ .,.cu.mu ~ " -qu;~ ~. 01 SA~ 1laW.. ~~lf&~t~op C~t17 Cl~ AI''' 8,000' 17..000' 3/4nWCCODduit H W1re Rlaera 6 Hi.cellaneau. Hardware 4.; ,- I , .~ ."$~.I._~ '~S:~~~, (~.~,' "8~. . ~f.cl "rk ~. 13 2.S()()t S..ooot soot ~~er~et~ )fetal tole. 3/4" "0 Ccmdutt It tn.... f121f11'. Rlser. "M1seeU.".OUJ Hardware 13...; 1l1dp SvWlvla:toD 1.200' 3 000' t )/4" ,,~ ~tt "Wire liler.& M1seelbttleOU$ HSrdw.re t1UJIUdiraa. without U.f.t~ tbe _....u.t,. o~ Che foftlotna. .11 ..elated blntwr.. ...t..-t and i.cUltl.. attached t~ .ad beiDa II P4irt of tbe alMrv. uaderarouod .tre.t 11ahtlq fact H.t le.. ~ .'b~...c1l'tb4ldf.c:l.U.tl." .~ ~re'.tlt~y wt.n.d w1tblrl .Ue401'pora'e U.lf:. of the.C1tf of Cl_rWilcer.. the l.oeatlou of which er. _~ ,.rtllh.lal'ly ,hova_ r1ort..l'wer Co..-poratioo. J)t-~.I1o. S-S'4-C, wo. S-62.9<. aDC1lo. 'r.SU.... attacMcl hereto a. khtbit"'u. 1ncoJi'porated h$r.~ el\d .4.. pal'tblrjof. ..'...WICJWJ a11a.'''''_lel' t" AU. tIt.rty .Q4 .-v~n:y flrt thel.'eof _to . CCIIMD foreve~. The ern hereby c:ovcrt.&uts that U;. 1. tbe lawful OWI'ler of propel't)" eonvey.d .by. tbUIUlo. Sale aad tbatitbaacbe fUllpcMlr and aut'bori.ty ~o.el1. ~J:..f'r" ..tOV$1!' _U.,.", tbe ..... _tad that the em .hel"o)" 1,,11y lNIl"l'antl the title to'Aid 10048 aDd. ~h$t_18 ao4 "111 d.Z.eIl4 the -.. a......t the lawful eleim. of en ~rs0D8 W'hc:Jaa$oev.r. .Wft'lIIBS 1ftIIUOF. the em (11 CLI.A.-'. bas c....ct lea ..~. to be be~'OIll.NC'l'lMd 'tty 'M n r Clt,___._r c..f ..d.e -2- .- I I .. City .(.onfi~ by the Hayor of .ald. City... att..ted 'by the Cit1Cltlik. t~ .,. .. 1--1' f1r.' ab<rve wd.tten. siPfot....1ed ..aw1....U.ve'te4 .ka t..~... of= ~~~dn.~~ /1.~e. .~7V ,- . " tt..t: leJik- . stAB " rLOI.1DA ) ) .. COtIlffttJI """8 ) ht.~ll,. .''''1'84 Mfon _. t_ ws4eraqnect au~rtty .thi8 ..~8th day of May)~ I. 1,967. ..~Jam~s ,H. ~t~wa:st ~ H. Everett Hougen R. G.Whitehead l', .'1", "j 'rtt. ",',' .....0' " t,r! ", ,IJ, ,r 'J L': lJ * 1 . j I · ... Herbert M.. Brown . to .. _11 kac.M:1 t.o be .... City Ha~aeT t the Hayor. tbe Clerk, all" tn.C1ty Attorney. t...pe~tf.",ly, of .tbe. ctn OfCLIAINA'rD., 1LOUJ)I1, and ackaOwleclpd thBt they ....'.4 $bt lor.,o_ w,~.. ...,._fol' aD4 on "bellO! the.a14 C1ft OJ. ctIA_ua. .'ft.Ol1Jf. for tbe .... ._ purpo... tbere1J1 apre.,eet .. that t.y dld 8. ....r_ .., virtue of authority lawfully cODferreet Q.potl t.hlll UDder tbe law. of the State of Florida; .ad that. the .ealanDeJCad tbtreto 18 the true aud. aeau:LDe corpora te.8tdot t.beCm 01 ewJU4ATlI.. J'U)IlJDA . WIll"'. my baacl _. o'ficial .u1 t." date a for". 14 . (liO'l'ARtAt.. SIAL) 1.'1 ~4~~Nb~if~/ M.v eo.tt.l_ ....1..... Rotary MI(, State of Florida at Large M)- eb,lmdsft6nl:xplres vet. LL, 11)fl1 Iond~ By American Fjre & Casually Co. ..3- II SEE PLANS IN FILE \ \ ~ ...-\l' .I (- . . '@ I I '. I . L I N I ",,' 'V"r I ~ " "" , ,f;-) "" , fl. \"l.S , ------ I I G:.A. - "Z.. ~. I )- ~ :r o r::L .1.l 2 C. J <( ALl_ e,R.':"'C.l<..E:T-;' e,' I ~~ . 2..-I'S'2.4- I ~ C.ITY TO INS,TJa..L.1.... U.Co\. ST. L...IT5:. C.IR.<..UIT ~ .JI Ij 2 -:l. '2. - 1 'Z> '2.~ I ~ , 01 I ~l I I I ;z.-\S27 I iJ h~ -~)2-1~28 ~ 154- 2.- 'S"2~ )..lOTE '"'oJ A-R.eA... Et-1C.I..OSae.o BY ~EA.vy LlrJE;. \NOIC"TES UNIT'5> To BE:- PURCliA.&E;-O. \ ~ E> I L..L..' N Go, '?) - 5pc.c.,A..1.... WOOD POI....t:.':> ~ - 100 M,V. I....UMIIo.jA..'R..~ EXI-lI BIT "A" ..." <,.,.~~-,-- I .~ FLORIDA POWER Ce~?o::.';';' "rie!;! DISi;ilIBUYION ENGINE~~mG t;!:ii'Ai4rr..:E~T \10:::.T.......I....I-.. ~T, L\ G,HT~ SU"-l:se..T K:..IOG,E:.. Sueolv.~. .:::'~.. <:"1... Eo. .A.... 1<... W A.. TE:.. R. i= l... A.. . ~; ~ ;;\ , .. W. O. No. ..A.7...~..~..2..1. CCl'~e ?:....::.~.;...............~ D L\. . T<- . C'" ..,", ~.' ....-~' ~ rawn .=....~.~T,r ..................... I r'(h...~..... '.". .............. -". A d V'{I Z-I-_. pprove .f-....,c... ....L:::..........~....c; ......__ ._.... Scal~ ..... ............... ..... ... Dw~. N~. I-54:3!\.. · PRINTED ON CLEAIlPlllllT lGOGH