SEIJ,D's 'rrlDAvrl
aa. ,.,. SJ)~r.
sUU OIIL01.UlA l..
COUI'lY .. 'DWr'~S )
OIl ~. qy before _. the uader slped authority duly autbod.sed to ~1ce
oath, per.oaal1, .....recl JABS I.. S'l'IWAWI. who,be:l.l1l by me firat duly awOrll,
OIl oeo depo... aDd lay. thats
1.. AttS-at I.. ,be City MaMau of the em (N CLlARWA'tBR (Mreinaftercalled
trem"),*1 Cot'pO'ratioe. with full authority to _lee thU .flid,.vit for
,. SA em.
2. em..... ~t to rLftJ'IJ)A IVID. c:ouoaAtIOlt (here1Dafter called
"CCIIMBJ"')to pYreha.. c....uta UDde~ faeilt.tiee a!:aOWll 011 <XItIAIY'S
d""lap htdlcat.o a8 1JIb1ltit "... aDd attached to Bl11 of Sale dated
1967. ..14f4e11:1,1.. lHtf.Da required fo1:' certain unt1eraround electric seat
liP'..... .,",u. at the 10C4ltloDa Ih.. .. u,cri.bedon 1.1d kh1blt "An.
ceJ:tlf:l.. .8 fOl1owe. to vits
(a) \"bat all WI'k. lalJol'. ....r...1.. _ch1aery eocl .9dpment
fundaW by the em. 01:' II1t1 .uk.tractor in the ....t:aU.tt_
of the above referred to uaderaround facil1tie., has been fully
pa14 for by em or ... .ubeoatractor. and that there are
ao RIIIOUI\tl .paW i1a favor of uy pep_ or per... . fund.ahiaa
lalMn' ... em or .. 1\ibC000traceor, of which
8!1f U.. (.....1)' _11-' << Mchaldc'. or ..terialmaa's lien)
bas be_ 0'1' ceo be flled <<_/0'1' perfected UDder the law of
rlod.eta for work doae or mated.ala, machinery, or equipment
(b) That em doe. __lty lDd..l:fy a~ bold bamt... the ex'IOAlY
.......t .., 1... coat or ....* (Nt of or by rea.OIl
of the plac_ O'l' fill... or perf4lCltlq aDCI foreclo.ure of
U..a aptaat the ....1 ..qte 0'1 the uade.....round fac1U.tle.
tDatall_tbereOll by em or any .\llteOllltrector or by
laborer. or 1II8'ed.alMnof tbe eM.
3. SILLIJ. s.. 1II8kf,q tbi. .fff.davit fol' tbe purpoae of :f.ndueiq COMrAftY
to ~ba.. by 1111 of sal. tb.e .lIove-nferred-to ....qrouad lecUlti...
~ City ._"1'
SWDm to .QCI ....cr1be4 'before _ tb1l
~/;t/u day.of t2z7~ ' I 1967
rO::~ 5t~
Rill, ~<ft'Va'e~!JF~r~~:
My Commissillfl Expires .oct 22,1970
Bonded By American fir. &. Casualty Co.