~...... .
B~~ qr $AX.I
ms IILLor SALI made ... entered into on thb ~ay of
~ 1967. by and between the em or CldWlWATU.. a
OI'Ial.aed .... ex1atiDa under the lawa of the
State of 'lot:'la. wttb 1" prlM1pal off1c:.e and , of buaf.Dea. in
Pl_11_ c:ou.tYt flodAla. ......,... celled the em, aDd PLOIID4 fOWD
c:oJl1IOM'l'IOH, a corpo..at1oll orpni..d aod exf.8Ung under and by virtue of the
lawa of theSute of rlol:'1". wida ita ~iacipa1 offlce 8Dd place of bualne..
La the City of .t. Petel"abu1'l. '1..n... COuIlt)', rlol'lcla, hereInafter called
the CDd'AIY;
WXTIISSIft. that the em. for aDd in ccmeiderat101l of the sum
of _ DOt.I..t\a ($1.00) &ad otb.1' "aluabl. conaideratioa to it in hand paid
at &ad "fOl'4I eM .lp~_. ,,,U.aa and delivery of ~.. pr.aeu.ta, the
bOai,t "1'aOf:1l ack.Mw1e4.ed. bea bal'aa1D.ed J aold. conv.,.d
tr...f.nd tet~.. .., i.aMd ..... delivered and bythe.eP&'e.eaca doe.
b&l'.&1I\. ..U, c"", naufer, 'et OYeI', ...ip and deli",1' Ul\to the
COHPAn the foUow1.. ... ... chattele COIIpl'f..1D& the wem'" ''Wbiteway''
atr..t 11&btiq ayet... vh1ch are ehow. OIl &xh1bita ''Au end "Iff attached
h8l'eto, to w1.t:
QlJXJ!\t . n~ U (e1......t.1' ...b Area)
The ovemu. .'Wh1.....Y" .treet l1abtilla apC., with aU
..alated luIl:'dwen, equ1.....t ..... fac:llitl.. attached to aDd b.11l1
a part thereofa 'aid OV'.daucl "Wbit.",)'" ' UptlQ8 a)'ltem aDd
related equl.....' ....n partlculal, abowa &Q.d desoribed on
'lor1o....r COrpo,atlO1\t. Draw1a& 10. '1-.562 cooa1st1q of lliIlet..a
(19) ahaets, eaoh d.tM January 24, 1967, attached bel'eto, f.acOJ."pOrated
hare in , and by thia ref....n.ce made a pert hereof.
~tt. "J" (Gulf-to-laylou1weri aa.cI Adjac.nt Al'ea)
. 'the... ovtn.-d ''WhU_,'' .tI'M' li1ht1Da 8yet_.toletber w1th all
r.1a," .....cIwar...qtd.....' aad facU1t.... attacbedeo ad beiDa
. pqt tMnofl M4c1 ov~''Wh1teway'' ....t U.ptl-a .,..tem aDd
t.l.e_.qui...... an 110ft puttcularly showo aad deMl'lbed OIl
n4)l'Ua PcNIl; .dorfOl'atlO'A'.IrMDI No. T...563 co_Utl", of forty
(40) sh"h, .. ..uell......,. 24, 1967, &ttachact ;l.QCol:'PQr,a,ed
herein. &dby tbu ft..... .... . ,.t bereof.
tD IAn........ all'" .iaplu tile .dd .,.......t,...
ev.ry part thel'eof \lDto the CXIIPAaIY fonver.
ShoultS ern _...1.. ita opt" pursuant to Sect100 6 of
the ......h1.. OrdfMOM #1091 ......ted to OCII:MIIY vad. datil .f July S,
1966, CCl<<PAIY .hall COllftJ to em the cwel'hea4 "Wh1teway" .tre.t
14.pet81 .,.. tau ebown OIl the afore..U lxh1b1ta "A fI .Dd ".". provided,
hOWllftr. if th. em .lecta to eo.qulre By iIIIpnw.-nt.. aclellt:LOIUI or
at8lUi.ou ..... to the .cnet I1PtlD1 8)'8t- deacrtbect 1Q Jb:hlb1t. "AU
aod '", then C1ft .ball ..,. 0CiIIatY .-tIleD. ..,...lated value of aU
_h ~ov8lDllmt.,. acldlt1.- 01' ax'_lou Mde.
The 01ft c.....t. that lt 11 tile lawful OWMr of
,roperty c....,. by thu 11.11 of 8ale ... that 1t bat the full power
_d authority to .el1. traD8fer. nt ONI' and ...ip. the s.., .. that
the ern b"reby fully wenat. th. titl. to .a1d IqoQ a. cbattell
aQd wlll delead the ._ _11IIt the Ibful cia"" of aU ....ou
XlI W1!BU WIIIUOr. the em 01 Gl.IAIIfAftI hat cauaed it.
... to be wewato.ub..lbed by tba City MaDqer of .eld City.
o-.t1nled by the Ha1O&' of .aid atteatett b7 the. C1t, C1Uk, the
dIl, Qd.1M'" fint eborIe wittea.
f!l.ped, sealed aDd deU.vueG
lnthe nea... oft
em or CWI.W.ASD
'~~~ 7It5~l l.
A~ al ,to fOJ'll aed
4OnMtae.. .
. -' it; Attoney
City Clerk
lfAft . J'lAR10/\ )
) ...
C8J1tYOI ~~r" )
hl".ou11y ."..,... btafon _. the mad...,...... autbeJ'1ty, thts
18th day of Ma~ . ... , 1967. . James R. Stewart
H. Everett '!iou&en .. . I.' -. R. G. w!i!terleaa
Herbert ~. . Brown . . .. to ... _11 kDowr&to " tbeCity
.......~. .,... die "Ct81'k .... the Clt, Attoney. "..,.'1ftl,.. of
the Ql'IY 0' CLIAIWAfta. noa:IM. aM ackoowledpdthat tbey...uted .the
foftlDtaa lu~t .. ... f. .. .. behalf Oftbe ..U Clft or CLIAI.",
WAft8.. 1'LOaDl. f. tile ..... ad ....... tbenia ....Hd ad that they
<ltd .0 UDdet' ad by virtue of autbol"1t)' lawfully cODfU'S'ed upon them
Ul\der tbe lava of the lUte of ft.UaJ &lid that the ...1 ....xe4 thereto
1.. t:he Uue. al1d pauiQa cOJ'pOI'a'e ...1 of the ern or CI.lAlMAftR. rLOUDA.
w:r..... .., haM ... .'flou1 ...1 tlle date .fone.ld.
j 1
_~ 11e
,111 Cosla.lon Ixp1n.1
Nobry Public, State of Florida at Large
My Commission Expires Oct. 22. 1970
....J_d ...y "........_.r .A.. .. ~~~.J ."
~ ..
FI~~de~~en?~~~~~ ~~~R
City Manager
.,,-'.. ,-' '
I' \\ \",
FROM: City Attorney
SUBJECT: Bill of Sale - Florida Power
DATE: May 10, 1967
As you know, at the time that the City negotiated the Florida Power franchise,
it was proposed by the City that Florida Power take over and maintain the
whiteway street lighting system owned by the City as part of the franchise.
At the time the franchise was neogtiated, the exact location and maps of the
Gity1s whiteway system were not available. They have now become available
and come in two parts of 59 sheets total showing the exact location of
each and every portion of the whiteway system owned by the City.
The reason for transferring this system to Florida Power was because
of the maintenance and upkeep on the system. It was estimated by the
Electrical Superintendent that this would result in a new savings annually
of some $6,000. It was argued at the time that this was transferring a
valuable as set to the Florida Power and that in the event that the City
elected to recapture the Florida Power franchise and purchase the entire
system in the City of Clearwater that said election would cause the City
to buy back something that we had given them. In the Bill of Sale in the
second page, third unnumbered paragraph it provides: "Should City
exercise its option pursuant to Section 6 of the Franchise Ordinance
# 1091 granted to Company under date of July 5, 1966, Company shall
convey to City the overhead "Whiteway" street lighting systems shown on
the aforesaid Exhibits "A" and "B" ." It further provides: "If the City
elects to acquire any improvements, additions or extensions made to the
street lighting systems described in Exhibits "A" and "B ", then City shall
pay Company the then depreciated value of all such improvements, additions
or extensions made. "
I think this amply protects the City and concludes the matter of the transfer
of the whiteway system to Florida Power and concludes the entire franchise
arrangement with Florida Power. It is my recommendation that this Bill
of Sale be presented to the City Commission for its approval and tha t the
proper officials be authorized to execute the same and effectuate the
transfer to Florida Power at the earliest opportunity.
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