BILL OF SALE (9) ,. I I I~U. or SALK ~.. ......1US aILL or SALI mad. and_tend 1rt.to on th1.1 .z~.../ day of ~~ . 1967. by and betveen the em or CLIAIWATD.. 8 mwtc1,al co~,.atiola. oraanlaed ad _btiDa uader the lev. of th.- State of florida. \11th itl prf.ac1pal .'floe ad pl.e of bul1Ma. t. f1DeUa. County, 'lorida, h......tt.. ..11-.1 .... CIft. .... ~U4 IOiID COUOIATlOIf. a cOI'pGI'a" tton ora_lad a.o.d _bUllS UDder &ad by "Iutue of the law8 of the Stete of norld., with it.. ,r:Lacf.,.l olflee aad ,lac. of bua1ae.8 1rl the etty of St. hterebug, ,t.aeUa.Co1mty. florlela, bel'......fter caned the ~; WITIISSIm. that the ettY, fo~ &lid 11\ cOllef.d.~at1o. of the IU of TWO 'l'IIOUS.AIID lIGHT IlUIDUD snn.rm ad 89/100 DOLJ.AIS <$2,865.89) and other valuable con.lderatlOD to it 1a head paid at and before the 81gn1D8. .e.l1ng 4Qd delivery of these pr....t.. the I'Melpt whereof 18 hereby "knowledged, baa barsawd. 801d, ~OIlVe,..d. tranlf.rred, .et oyer. a..1ped and dellve..e4 and by the Ie pre.enta do.. bRgaU, ..U, cOlNey, tl:'...f.... .et over, .'slgn aDtt deU,vel' uto the CCICP.QtY .... follow1q aood. aDd cbattell. to wita !be fol1owiaa-deeaI'1'-4 1.... without l1a1tiBa tile sener.l1tles of the above UDClerarO\lDd 8tre.t lighting facUlties, ~ompri8e the good. and cbattel. lold and conveyed hereunder, to wlts UlUTS AID DISCUPnOll or UlfDIIGllOUIID 'Aen.rnas .~ :uw 'fttt11~0I' s4Y Unit. >>e..rl>>tl_ Mom1qaaide Qa1t 4 43 Pol.. 9,000' 3/4" rve 18,000' #6 Str. 'IHW Alumi.. Wire 2,000' 112 SU. '1W Wlre 9,000' 110 Iue Copper Lot MbeeUa.oua "lated Hardware I l umts ., DI8a.XftXOl or UllDUGllOUIID 'ACU.WU . ...~.If ptA ,ILL. QI.. W&(fPit~4) ~Sl De'~J'~pt1o~ ",r~h<<\l ~tl( .. Dowll.. .. r.~~5 1 Pole 5,000' " _ Al_ts.. 8'....W1I.. 2.200" j/4" ". 500 t '3 .. C'OtPa' Lot Kl...l1....... "i_cad Hariw.... lncllldlaa. without U.mitiDathe .......U.ty of the fo...eao:f.DS, .U 1."elated hudwue, 8'1\11,... aa4 tulUtla. attachad to aad be1Da . put of the ..... ...I".....d .,....t liaht1a& f..111tlo.;o !be ebove-d..o...lbed faeilltie. are ,.....8Ot17 taatall.d within the corporat. Ua1t. of the Clt, of Cleuwater. the loeatlol'&1 of which a1.". more putLcularly .bowa on norUa rowr COrpot:'atlosa Draw1na', 10. T-S05..C aad tfo. t-SS9..a attached hueto .. lxh1blt "A". inoorporated herein au.d mact. a part he...eof. 'to UAVI .AIJ1) 'to HOlJ)aU ucl atnaula... thfll .a1d P1:"01>8l't1 and every part ther:.f _to tho CQKPAJ'f t__... The em Ml'e'1 ......,. tIMt it 1. the. lawful owaer of pro,...." coaveyed by thi. Bll1 of Sale aDd that it has the full power and authority to ..11. tra..f. ,..t ove... aSld ...llllth, .... ..that the em hereby fully wanaat. tM title CO 8aid 10048 and chattel. ad will defend the .ame ...we the lawful claw .f aU pu,ou .auoeve.... XH WI1'D8S VAQlor ,the em OF Cl.IAIWAftI.. ha. ca.ad it. D4ID8 to be h.reullto lUbacr:1Nd by the City Kaqer of .aid -2.. ,', I I em. cOliftn.d by ~ HaJOr of .ald em aD.d atte.tad by the City Cle1tk. eke day ad ,..1' fll'.t alKwe written. '.'''117 appeared b.fon .... the undel'8i.8Qed a\lthoriCy, this 2,4th day of August . 1967, James R. Stewart H. Everett Hougen , R. G.Whitehead r .' " ',' . :r ~,r J ' T'17 , r eM lHerbler~ l'1~ ~:r::o~ , II' to.. well kaowD . be the ctty Kamap... the Ha)'OI'. the II Olel'k, and the City AttOrMY, re.pMti..11, of the em. GLIMIfAtD. ftOItVtA. acl aokan1edled that they executed the foregoing lnstrument as such for ~d on behalf of the said ern _ QLlAlWAJIl. lLOalDA. for the ,",es and purpose. thel'e1D expre.sed ad. ...., tbey did.o ..e.. .. by v1r..... of auth<<lty lawfully conferred 'I" cha .8I'th, law. .f tbe State of flol'1daJ and that the .eal aaoaxed tb....to 18 the ....... aad ..-.iIM ctOl'POI"a. ...1 of the exft or CLIAIlWAt'D. ntalDA. Stanad, ...led aDd dellY8l'.d tathe "b.eDe' of. SDDOl fLOR1J)A ) ) ... coum or ,DlRtt4.S ) ern or. CLIAIWATD , ,..... W1tDe.. ~ ~ end official ...1 the date afore.aid. (1OIAaW. SlI.Li ~~tll*~!t~~f~'Ia'1\i"1e ,,;y C'mmission Expires Oct. 22. 1970 8ond~~ hmeri<on File & Co,.olly Co.. ..3- " ~Lb ~/ ~.e-<<~ Rotary t.,abU.c SEE PLANS IN FILE