B11i or ~
TIlIIILL or SA:LI made ad eatered ~to on ~1.. //4. day
.,(jJ!~ .1963. by qd"~ the.eft O'~l..
.....l,.lf;Orpot.tl_.OI'...ntMd ad ..uttDa '.'~ the l....oftb. Stat.
.~ ,1.1da, Vieb i" ..........101'10. Md ,1.. ..,. bulI~..f.a..ftMll..
eo.t,. rl_..... ............ called the .-.t..,. ad JIJ.OUDA MII.~
..oa. .C1...,...t~ oJ'aMi_ a.4 ot,tlag UDder ,and by vb't. Of'~
la_of t-MfJtaM .'11_1.48. with 1U I*tae~"l 01110.. .. 1'1.80.f. bwat-
..t ~ .. C1Q' otSt....'...-..fJ.rMlal1..eo.". 'Iorida, henlUfur
4411.4 ~. _ClASh.
WI..,..,"t ~ IILLO. fer &Qd.. tD~ldU'.~loa of the ..
of ~.'lWO AID MOlloo '.DOLLAIII ($22.00) '&ad other....l. oouidU'atloa
to it ill hat.kI paid at aacI bdon tU al-pina. ...U.Q8 and clel:l.val'Y of thea.
pre..,., tbtlncelpt ..nof "a hereby acJmowlac:lp4, baa bu..1Md,.old.
COnY."'. '''-.''.,,"d,.., ew..... .""$Md ~. deU:..~d .... by 1:0... pR'-
tt"" dMf .....10. ..u..00&We)'. t.....f.. .et fJV'8Jt........ aDd deUver
.to the JlUlQlAlII ...fol1..... ..... .... CUt.ll, wblch ..1004t""
iQ. tbeCity OfClqrwat.r, P1raeU.. County. Florida, to wit.
1M 'oU.owi........lM4 1.... t4~t UlIlltf.Da the
.....l&.'.......,..l.. ~ ..... ....ohett.1. 101d
.. oOlllft)'8d .~.ttI wlta
VaIr', 1M~1:&,t_
240' .2'10 T.V. Coaductol'
110' '.'.C. Coadu:Lt
laclud:Laa. withcNt U_t1... the pael'a11ty of tlle fon'"
SOUJa. all nlaled har~ aDd 841Ii,..ut att_~ ~<>
and being . put of the abon 'MUltiAs.
~.-: ,'I>- 1
The <<b9VeUMI't.M4 tatl1_" u.looated in ~.11
CouI'~,".tof avu......StJ:'..t.tnkookhl11 Unit 4
'ubc:l~.f.'''', Ul .t!*lIt of 8"tf.c)a 22. 1'0WI:UI'd,p 29
SOU~. .... 15 Ia,t.
TOIAVI '.AID . TO BOLl) all aIICl.i.qUl.... the.aiel ,"pert, -.a.v.rt
,....ttb...'t'..J _to ... ~I& '01''''1:'.
the '11.1.~>>' ...... cbatltla .the lawtu1 OWMI' of 'Pl'OP-
arty coaw.'" .,. th1a Jill of Sal. aDd that 1t haa full powI' ...tbol'ity
to ..ll.t.....'....., ..... aac1....... thlt theSaLL$ahe1:'eby
full,. ......,...'1'1'. 014 pa4. ad "".ttel. ad ..,111 .feM. .t
.... ......, .. lawfulolau. .f.ll pe....- .......1'.
111 14..... ~. .. CDY or ..~hu c.....e4f.t......
to "ben_tO ......iMdby tM City 'fa_.8..of.aldCtty.eoaft...ct b)'
the *101." of ..14 Clt7 aad a'ta.tad by the Cit,Ctal'k, tba day and year
f:fo.l'.tabova Wl'ltten.
8t,sM4. ...lecl and delivered
111 the pre.auoa of I
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'''1:'...11)' appeared befo~ ..
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.......,.t:h. *)'O'.~beCl.l'k aI\d theOlty ,A,tor_,. ,..,.tlvely.ofthCIJ
Cft'r W m.a....... ~. ... ackootlledpd that they __utad ..f...
..tllll.D$'~t" ...... fow_ '"' bebalf cxn OP~.
~.f... .the.., .......... ... that the)'d1d.o
~_b,. vb:.. of......q. lawfully oODf~ \lpOD .~ under the
~. of t:he lute Of rlw$Ul ad that t:he ...1 ~ed the..eto 11 the
.~ ada_iDe cOl'POl"ace _1 of the ern or CUWtWA1'D,I'LOUDA.
WltIBSS .., baucl and official ...1 the elate &tor.aid.
_. ~.... "in,t
Notary Public, State of Florida at Large
My Commission Expires Dec. 27, 1965
Bonded by, AmeriGan Surety Co. of N. Y.
i '1
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