BILL OF SALE (6) I l BILL OF s~ 1.'111$ JILL or SALE made and entered iJ1toon tbh _~-;t/1..: . day of <l<N~~) , 1966, by and between th. ern or ct.IAl\WA't!R. a mUl'U.elpal corpC)1:'atlOll, ora_1zed _ ex1.at1n& unchtl' the lawe of the fJUte: of FI0'1'148, wl-, 1'.....1_1'.10If1O,. aud place of bU'''''B. 1n '1....11a8 County,,!..ld., hereiDdtel' called the em, "'I'LOI.DA IOWD.COlU'OJAJIOB, .. cOI'pOt'ationoraanlzedandexist1na under ed bY' vir- e. oithe Iawealth. Sta~ oino1!!da, vUlt its pr1QC1pal office and place of m.sUae.& 1A tbeCity of St. Peter.bUI, '1M11as COUnty, Flor:1da, Mireitt.aft$.. called the COMfAIY; WltllUS'-, that the em, for aDd in cOI181d.erat1on of the swn of 0ltB 'l'IlOUSAIID SIX JIUJI1DUD rm AID 05/100 DOLL.AIS ($1, 60S. 05) and otb..t valuable c0l\81derat1011 to it i8 hand paid at aac1 before the 818n1U$, ...1tnIJ.Dd delivery of these pre.eat., the reeeipt whereof 1,8 h....byacknowl. .d..-d, has b8I'a.1.aed. .old. cOIWeyed, t....f.ned, set 0'181". Asalped and deUvendaad 'by th... PR..-' c!kM. .....a.a.ta, ..U. c....ey, transfer, .et OYer. aasf.8a aad deliver uato the CCIIfAl'f the following goods and chattels cOl1lpr1eiag UDderground amet, lisht,1II8 syshIDs whicb4h located wi~1ru (1) A portion of Stewa...t JouUYat'd. Hon!Raaida Is~.".)b.twe.n Willi..- D'tivo Od Ian Jl<Mlleval'd. toaether wlth an ..S$anent ar.. extarac1f.1II 10 . HortMl'ly aM lforthWEtstetly dlrectioa fJ."omW1l1;f.,.. DriVe fo... a dlst~. of approx1maCely "1 feet (D#.w1n& fs....680...A. dated 4/6/66). (2) A ,os-tieD of WUU....>>rtv.. Mommas ide, Jstates , toaether with an ........., area extendlDg in a Southerly direction from Company pole 11...1003 for a di.~allCe of .,nox:l.mately 488 feet (Drawlq 1S...682"'A. dated 3/3/66). I , (3) A portiou. of BaDchwood Driy., Kon1D1B1de Estate., taKethel' with an ......., ar.a exteadiq from a po1at South of 1larn JkN1wal'd CO 00IIp8DJ pole 113992 for a dbCUGe of .ppt_talataly 1033 feet (Dr.w1D& 1S-681-A, d.ted 3/7/66). (4) 4poftioD of Wbi.,.rina 11De8, MoJ:1\f.ngaid. "uw. toa_tIl.r vlt'b 8ft ...... ... _ttSldiQg f~ .cc.JNID,. po18 '13728, lOo....'ou. of Bara. J.u_uct _"181 ill _ latHl, ad louthel'!1 c1l1Meloa 'or.. cU...... of .........'.1, 1276 tee' CDr~ ,.-613... dated 7/11/65). (5) A pewt1_ of fl..b.... ......... 'Ihe Meadow. betwtn Cbiubel'l')' .B.Oad &Qd Ql.QIIIOOJ:' Road. )ic)rtb.together with an ........ .ea _"*'..... 1a . ScNtberly direot101l for . cU..,.... of .........17 310 he, (Dr........ 11-725-.. d.teAl 9/17/6'. (6) A ,.t:f.OIl 01 .. .'.110""." "1IMted sC1:..ta 1"a"d :f.Il lIDJHJl'ial '.1,,*(&) ......Y Dl':f.ve. .....Di,lomat Drive ... Att'" Gowl, toPe. with ........t ...... exteDdf._ ill ......1' dlnetloa f. a dl.tanc. 0' appl."OX1m&taly 850 'Mt; (b) ..teDdial f~ COIIpaIly's cODtl'Ol point located in the bl04k MuadM by IaYo)' Court We.t of labus,. Drive for a 418.... of ........tely 138 '.tto a point in said lav01 CclIut; (c) laYoy Court "at of lab..., Drive ateDd1aa 11\ . Vutarl,. 1ou~:r1,. I1ld laterl)' dillection tor a dS..~ of ap,"OJd.-t.ly 818 fe.ata (d) Diplomat _lve ext_..... from a poillt Weat of ....ay Dt:lve 11\ a W..terl, dlnction f. . 4"'~.of 453 f..t, a>rawlnl 11-562-'. da'" )/1/66). all be:ba& 1I1Chlrl tbe ....... U.....of the Ct." of Cl....ter. .....11.. CouIlty. rlO1'lde. tb.fol1ow1D1 ..,cl'ikd 1t.... without U..i'1DI the poeralitt.s of ~. ab..,. _........ ......t U.ahUDa f.1U.t1el. a_,d..e the aoo4' ad .....11 ..lel ... ......,. henuIldert to wita UIft8 .All) DllClIPrIC* U UID.....'ACXLftXII DlClpIp DI 'DlIS In.L QP ,~ ~'c:r1p~~9a ~", 30 7,000' 14,250' 1,700' ..tal hi.. 3/4"iaGh '.V.C. Conduit 18 I'm '12 Wire -2- I , lQclwU.q, withcut U.a1UD& the ....1'.11ty of the fore,o:l.na. all ...lated buctMre. .....lp1M1lt aDd facil1tie. .ttach.d to.. asad bel_ a pa", of the abov. UDderSI'OUDd .tnet U.abt1D.a faclU.tie.. .. fo....o1D& cl..ct:lb.d\litdllrgl'Ound atre.' l:Lahtiua facd.U.tie$ ..... .h"wo O. 8ix (6) .... at'uhed"'l"~t eacb _titled "!bit "Au. tncOl'por..d hania ad It,. tills .fen.e Md. . pU't Mnof. III tlle ...t th.re b ...., cOllfl1et between the fObgoina dll.criptioa in tbb :lQdtmtuN anc1 .i1.d .ttaChed. _pa, .. .p. .hall pnwail. '.fOlIA:" AID" Ja.D all .. dupleI' the ..id 'l'o,...ty aac1 .._.,. pat't th...., _to .....AII'f t....,.". .,.. em henG)' CcmtUDt. tha' it i. the lawful owDel' of ~rty couveyed by tbi. 1111 of Sale and thac 1t baa ~ full power aad euthOX'lty to seU, Uaafel', .et CMlr ad a.sip. 6...., and that the ern hemy fully wan.... $. title to .a14 1*8 .pcl challah .." will defeac1 tbesame ..a1nat the lawful cla_ of all "80118 Whoma08V'I'~ S1 WlDUI ~'"'. .tha om .. ....... bu ........ It_ ... to be hereunto SUb.cribedb)' the Clt1MaMaer .Qf ..td City, confiftlrllQ b)' the .YOl'of ..ldClt7 .. ........ by die el1t1 Cluk, the day and y.... lb'8t above wd.'''. Biped, ...led .. d'U,,,,I'-.I in the. Pl'.'-~ oft ~w<r1-~--r ;" & < . g;?~.,( ~./ " (' /.:1' ~~.zcj,u,.'1./ It./UL)).h./ -,- I I STAU 01 J'LOImA ) ) n. O311ft'Yor nMJIt\4S ) fereol\8.11y .ppeared M'.I'. me, the Uildereianed author.lty, this 5Vv day 01 Q<f~I?P~r , 1966, j. T9.W~~ ~ ~teYiat't , .JOy Tur~~r 1V , ~~ Pr WbitEt4~ad aad Guy L. Kennedy, Jr. , to ,. well kaown to be the eity Mauser, Assistant the M.yOl', the Cluk ... ...e7eit)' Atto.....)', ........ctiV.ly, of the CIft or ClntJAltl6lna. I'LOIIDA, ... ulcaowle4.. tJaat they _cuRd th 'oreaotns i.nstl'\llll8.' .. euch '01." .ad _ bebalf of the .a1d em or CLI6IWATIIl. !'LOamA, for the ..... aad pul',o'.. then1a upraISed aDd that tbey did 10 UDder aDd by virtue of author1ty IMully cODfernd UpoD them wad.r the laws of the aut. of Florida. uad tha' the s.al 8DDeX8d th.nto 1.8 the t"'-. and seau1De corporate Ileal of the em,' CLIAIWAfll. rLOU>>A. Witnes. ray haacl eel off1o1al .eal the date afotesaid. (IfOfAJuL SIAL) x;;~~ /-e<;(l -;t;5..eX~' Hot..., Public My CoIImbl101l .ap1res = Notary Public, State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires Oct. 22, 1966 ~o!Jd~n Q"G AT~ril?~n ~1Il;fijf ('<1 Of III '!{ -4- 7.' -. WIL.'-IAN\~ C~. , ...~.... CUAltP..", ... , , .' 1 I d-cr- - I :>,.. I J- et) I . ~ l' 7.!}() r . . . ~ . . . ~ O,E:. . ' . . a A.- I C. A.RIab.. &~C.ro~ec BY. "'e...."'< \..\~e-- \~t:>\'C.~Tes u ~\T:S '"'r'O. Sble. Pu~c.~b..Se.o. (1/ ~'~J10 ~ E:> n_ '- I ..J G; '.IN~T" 4 - 100..,., MoN. '-UM...J"'I~e~ Of ~_ \; S W M.'J. .. rr FLORIDA powe~ CORPORATION DISTRIBUTION IN~INEEIUNG DEPARTMENT 'N'SoT. ~T'. L.1C.I4T~ M,O RtJ It.!cq:S1 OGo E ~T C I TV 0 ~ c ~ e.h.. ~ "'" J>.. "T 'G R.... / A . ;>. IJ/l -2C{ )J! )1 ~ W. o. No. A.::..~~.Q.4_ Dato A.:..'-.:_4-~._. Draw. E.!.lt!..-:::I..~.I.f.ft.r.o. Checked _)f.~..fi}L Approveti l~....i::.~_::~-~_.__.........._-_.~~. . Scale ...........~=................ DW9. No.$.~ ............ \ EXHlalT "A" g ",} I I ,. ... ... .. . . -i ',r:,' "'\' ."", ~. " ,:;.:,1. '. ~~ " '. 'rl Eo TO L.A.!!lIT.' e;:'Ifl'!lT1N4 --.. 'f!t'" ~ a.1S:r'..: '-1.0. ....1":.:. ...... ~ .' '. . ,~. . .~ ;;'. . .; ',}.' ;. , ',; ;\. ',"', ....... :,' . ': ~ ~ I ' ;' ....~!:;. '.;; ~..::{~.~~ .h: ..:, ~',:~r .. . ..,1', '''.;f ;}{ . .~, : f. .'!~;r,(..;:iJi:;: 1 j:~:: . J0 o,.-e ~ '.': ': ...; . . :::: "\, " . 1:...1<.e-~... e.1-\.c:.L~"S:.~~\.e.y.i'.~i;.;t.:..v::-(:,.. ' .~ ~e - I N a IC.~TE';'S'. ,.Ul\:3;I"':tt,~ ..-:r <:) ...::::," :r'. i; ..... . ,'t.. , . 2.1 " tJ.J.... J r J:" , I ~ j I .. ,. :,. '-:~ ;., ",I, I'! -~.. .',. -- . , ..~ , j ',' I ./, .'\, . , . ;,'.' . ., . ,'.-... }~ . -,: '. . " .,", , '{ .r-" (. '! :., ~~j3rt I. i.~ ~ ... !j~.f' ..:W .:ct., ;~;;r.~ -W "..'-'A..M ~ 'll)C'1ii:i. . ~. <. ~;'..,,:.. '~~::~'." ') 2.)33.&:' . 'i ~ .i/1 ~. a ~. 'r' ,,"1.... '. ".' " ~ - '.. ," II.' :".;0-. ,:J'/ .'1;"- I. . ',:.\< .l'i, J.-#.3 .. :........'"'- ~ .M. \/.:. :; L..UM' ~'" .:.. ~ ~':~\~~ - , '~>". ~~:..!:.. \:: "?:;,: - . .,\.;. - toow:. '. .::,> . . ~ .1 .,: fIlIlItb .. CUA""" _, II . ;.-\., }.. \'.' ,.~ '~'.,,:t.' :.}(;.1' "~I'" ". J' .::~';~'i \t.;.., ~'-:. 8".. Ie. \ \ "l. ." ~ . "-- o -", ~e.. TA.l;,.':OC.T;e..,:: L..UT e. PO~e.s ~. ~,~"OOW> M.~ Sal: .... GwT :i~j:. ..; , l. .~ '. . ~ ::.'. .~,~)\< .:. c Ii!.~ FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION DISTRIBUTION IN~INnRIH~ DEPARTMENT <;,T It. E.e.-r L..IG~T~ 'All I...L.. I A.""" ~ O~, MO~ N \ ~G ':::> IDE.. E. ~""~Ie.S. W. O. No. A.:,,_B2Z.1_ Oat. ~.::...3. - 4..~_ Dr.w. 1:>~1ir-~~:"<O'w ~h.'ked::v,r.c; iii Appr..e"'~, 3" &.f::..._..~_~_.___ Scal. ..........~:~~.e...._..__.. .DwCJ. No. $..{.$.~::-~.. . EXHiBIT "Alii , 7. ,.- . .,' ... , .\ ,-\\' . l nL I n UlI 0 0 ~l 0 s I :I lJ z. I 4 Ii ; .1 !. Ay . ~~ .Iv ~< L-<.) . . I , I I i I ~ o A.- \ C. o - ME....~L.. oc.TA.F"~U'e.. ~o~e.~ . +- ,',&W M.V. . "'To ,-'''OHT --~OT6: . .bo..R.ab.. E::~CL-OSeD B'f hleA..VY '-I ~ Eo \~O\c.A.-rE~ U~IT~ \"0 ~t::- p0R.c..HA.~60_ l fl'.,. C.ONTROL- POI NT 'i='; Po c.. POLE.. 1~~"12.r<:.. I ) ~l I &~ - ell..L.\N~ -- I,&W M:V. ,-UN'\ ~N"\R.a.".:.. FLO~IOA POW~it CV~PO~'::;lotJ CISUIDUTION "NGJN15::~:.~'::; DZi'...~';'~~ftT ST. L\~HT~ RA..NC.I-I,^/OOD "D~. MOi<:.N\N~";;;;,I'Oe.. E.~r. VJ. o. No. A::.a.2...:::r.:..:z- CQ~O ::?.':~;lf-~"- DrClwn '1:2.W7'5..~.~.:7..~..(Q.t:R.. C~ockQd _ .!..Ii..H.. Ap?fOVed .~....3.~..~.::.~.6'''''''''''''''--:'8i ~A" Scale ......N.O.N..E-............. Dwg. No~........ .......-.. EXHI BIT "Aft . ~ P.e. ....$,. r,' r-. l.'1.:.rd:J /13. ~. :; . , ;1 . . ''''MUD ON UtAR'''',., ...... SEE PLANS IN FILE