eI''! 0' ctEAftWA'fEI:/.,FLORIDA
OF!DINAN'Cr~ NO_;\27
THER!CfilT AND PRIVIUGE 6F ~.AN~F~~J:mlI~E.FOfl ... .. ..M
Section 1. That the said City of Clearwater does hereby
~~ive and grant unto Florida Power CorporatiOTl, a corporation
Gl'g'E.tltised and eXl$t1t1lg 'un.der the laws of the ~,tate of Florida,
and to its legalrepr.eentat1ves, succesSors and. aaaigns, the
r'1!,ht 811d pt'i vilege of a franchise for constructing, maintaining,
artd opiSlrat.ing for a period of twenty (20) ye$U':'t$. in the said
Clt,y of"Olearwater, an electric power plant ,substation and ti1s...
t,ributiqn $ystern, or other light.ing system for the purpose oJ'
Itghting by electricity the st.r eets or public squares of said
City, andt.he dwellings, houses and places of business o.r its
irlhabitants. and for the purpose further of g~neratingand~is'"
tJ~:lbutin~and/or t~ansmitting electric CUrrent ,for the purpoaf~
of l:.i.gl:ttllPOWer and heat, or any other pu:rpose for which
electri.eity may be used.
$tat ion 2. That the said grantee shall have for a period
of twenty (20) years, the privilege, franChise, power, right and
authority to lay, erect and maintain in and upon the squares,
streets. a,,~.mues, alleys, _Me8, viaducts, bridges, andJo.r
ot~Jer Public thorough.:fares and parts of said City. as they now
~xi.t or;r.qay hereafter be constructed, opened~ laid outo!'" ext.erIcied
w1tb1ntbep~eaent limits of said City, or within suchter:rit,o.ry
at!$ mayh..l'!~"fter be added to it, all necessary-polee, or other
supports, conductors or appliances for the poles or other means
ofconYeyance to be used in transmitting electric current for the
purpose of lighting, heat or power, or for such other purposes as
electricity may be used, and for this purpose the authority and
right is hereby granted to make all necesBaryeltc$'V'at1oDS in said
squares, streets, avenues, alleys or other thoroughfare. and pa..rts
of said City; and the grantee shall have the right, power and
Page one
authority to fasten and to stretch and lay along the line of said
poles or other means of conveyance, all the wires or other mediums
necessary for transmitting and conveying the electric CUrrent to
be used in said business, together with all the right and privileges
necessary or convenient for the full use or enjoyment thereof;
including the right to trim, cut and keep clear all trees and
limbs along said lines that may in any way endanger the proper
operation of the same; and shall have the right, privilege and
authority to construct, erect and maintain in said City a power
house, substation or central plant or plants, with all the engines,
boilers, dynamos, machines and devices, and appliances that may
be required for generating electricity, and for carrying on the
business aforesaid; provided that in accomplishing the purpose
aforesaid tbe streets of said City shall not be unreasQnably ob-
structed, and that such work shall be done and Carried on in
conformity with such reasonable rules and regulations with reference
thereto as may be adopted by the City Commission of said City for
the protection of the public; and provided, further, that the
said grantee shall assume all liability for damage or personal
injury caused by its negligence in doing such work.
Section 3. No portion of the'streets or public places
shall be disturbed, nor poles located thereon, on excavations
made therein, or other disturbances whatever in or upon any street,
avenue, public place, or public alley, without first applying to
the City}ll.f.anager and submitting a plan or detail of the proposed
change and receiving the approval of the City l\Ila.nager fOr such
work and the opening of the street or public place the~efor. The
grantee shall take precautions to secure persons and property from
damage by reason of work whatever done under this grant, or the
permits aforesaid, and shall likewise observe all the requirements
of the ordinances of the City, now or hereafter passed, governing
such work or the disturbances or opening of the streets.
Section 4. Any and all provisions contained ~,:jthe
ordinances of the City, now existing or hereafter pass$d, providing
, .
''-.3 liNt
grarrt(:1e pr()p()S{~5 to
t and rnaint:a:Ln, (~bal1
and is
~a(J:~;f~p't,s, ,~~anl€~ ,:'~~3{)
t,:::e-r(~t:.c' .
(Jr, 5..
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~::ltJ,:l.e.'b tl~0 r:~l'ar:tte~~
st'.1.x'bs or c;xcavQt,us
.,.wy 01,' its cOl1str'..;G~.lc::i
!. ., -.' , . t.. 1.".. l' 'I "1' '1 .~
Sh:liZt.i..L oe Kt:::pt 1.T'1 rf~palr uy tile granteE:, at't:~ t,;;'u.s 1a0:1, 1 ty 8,,2[(....1.
GOIn:.i.nue chi!"ing the life Ol~ existancc: of Lx: P,C'l.!'t:i.cular po.vOFj(;~n,ts
d i stm"be dnr
tiil.':.ic:t.1 Sltc J.i nn \tc~~1t"'r:. t. [,3 ~1X~(} .r"(~,laid
atl.t1:.,tOr~ ~t"t.~(
~~ 1,i~4~ 'ral)41~~~ Dba' l' ~ea~e.
\<"-J,oL. Ii '.',-'.Jr..J.,.~ -_. .......i.. '....t..\"l lJ,"J.~-"" ~ ......,.~ 0..
i,or~ ~<~.
!. j l,(;
t,)' of r;leanmi:cT' shHll il<lVe the
an;,/' t.
t".Q ""€'q"~rc t-'..", 'Zi'r""nte'" it.c
L -.' U.J.,. ...;: .......1...<:.;. .~~;. Q. ,'" ' ~.:... ._... '0
Suc(;essors or assigns.
LO taiHi'
ar~d remove all or any PD::"'t, Q,C its poles, lrtires,.
construction, and place tJ::c said 'li'!ires underground
sue!:: reasonable conditiotl.s a.s 'the City ;;k1.JT req,uire under a :':e11.ttt'al
i>"''''''',I'--l.t l-"t ' $'-,"\ r...... ~., ~1l"r"'~1..; ~,,,,, 1 ';:'. ."t-'
L,..,,~~, ..a,.,,8 Ul,.IJ:.' ,.Lcao €. .,0
slrnilar cO:':1pa;:;i.f;'s.
S(:~ct.::ton ? ThiS Oit::! reserves 'U:e right to string
1'''''"'''' ""'"\' f'....,ol...~.~ ....._~..,.~.....I"....,~;..~... ,,,.,,,,"! """~li,1 'i'\u .the ,-....."'..3."".:,
..,i.,i'.......j \,u\,i ~. .,.,-... 'Ci., '." ".<.,';' .,.".1..0 \,0\,,,,,,,"'.1. "";! ... c'~ <..10".<..t;;,
said wires to
any rn.rr:icipal purpose except ctrcet lir::hting. 'I'hel'(J
';'i. l1"~~ ,r"'t- ~'l ":> r ;' j'l':":'i '\'"\ '+,.. .-t.. ~-..~ €'
";,.~:".d ~,,,..J Gt t_.,~ ....~.Y ~....~.t
t~rar:.tee for t rK';se of said !'Joles
t,lt€:' i~:i\,;,~. t'lfhen str1.::1"c'ing wires upon the {',:rant,{)e's poles" t
-;1 ty agrees to cr)ru""or:l t.o stan....jard clectrieal practL~(:?s.
~lf;ct;ion (}. <,~'b0 e:rantee n.rrees thCl'tshe (!luterials to
'Llsed ir::
con":rtrtl(~tions and ;;lainte!:a~)ce of the SystE}j,~
serviGif.iJ: t~o b(;~ rendt:red thereby Shall be in eVG:ry respect
thE: averall.ce of cities and towr:s ir. t,his ",;icinity where
trieity is i.lsed; and, agrees that in providir,~~ service under
provisiom~ of this franchi.;;e it will cOEfor:'1 to standard electr'i.
Pr',llct:tees an,d w:Lll Ci vc to the Ci toy oi' ':;loarwelter anct its
Inhabitar'ts the samctavorable consideration extended te, any ot.i.cer
c1't)r cr' tot'lL in ;~loY'ida or similar sizc s(~rved by t,he gran.teo
\.ID';~'.i(~~r lil{(~~ con':~i..tio:r~s.
3E';ction 9. "lhat. the aa1.d grant.f.le shall have the ri[~)rL
5,1r.'.!,':'~ nr'';: ':-1 1 '""c.', 1'0 ",n'j nr;:N:,
,-.....- - ;'" ~ -4,," ._.i,... 'f.;;:~{;{,.............. t~""h-,_..1.Q. r.,,,,I,,;~
~uch power plan'" ,.is .Lt- l'l3;jl constrvcL ~
5~ tl(~ ),1:e's-s f.;;
~-~~j ~~ 1 r~, t'~ r'
(\ .~". ~)() 1/:..\ e::
"..' i:' ......_V,
~I .
conveyar-:ccs, or app,Ll.anCeSII
\;ilircs, lino;'] or' (>:::flVi?yances, and t,o r"'..::~c:r-al1y d,evelop OJ"
it,.s services or ;;!€~hodl3 to ''iE:et the grmvi;j: ar:d prcwrcss of"
flrhl t,o
tOL.:iC scic:'rt:L:::~:Lc::u:,.~ ,(c:~aLL:al advancE.:;' Gr::1.;
and dl'e~Y$'ry of the age, and that such WOrk ahall be done and
eamed cnln con.formity with such reasonable ;rules and regulations
with ~r.reru::e thereto, as may be adopted by the City Commission
of' this said municipality.
Section 10. As a further consideration of this franchise.
$Aid C1~10f Cle~ter agrees not to engage in the business of
diltX-1butlng and .ell!ng electricity during tbe li.fe of this
&achilEt or any extension ther_t in competition with the grantee..
ita 1$1&1 "'pr&aentativ8a,SUcc8880rs and as,1gns. Provided that
th:eCltyof Clearwater reaerl'es the r1ghtto 3$nerate and distri-
but.$electt'"loity torlte own municipal purpose...
88c't1'on 11. it is covenanted and &Feed. by and between
the City of Clearwater and Florida Power Corporation, its legal
repreaea1tativee, auccessors and a.signs, that the municipality
r'ElS8M9stherigbt at the expiPat10n of five (,) years after the
etrectt......te of this ord.1r.Iance, and 4.t the e.xpiration of: each
aJUl every tlv.....'Y...period thereafter, and at .and after the
eapirat10n of 'tb1atnftchiae, tOPurChaS8 allot the property
and property rights of the oorporation, inclUding the di8trl~
button system, linea, conduits and other conveyances for d.istri-
buting Aid electric current, or property used under or in con...
nection With the franchise, which 88&11 be located within the
co;rporate l.imtta of the Cit.y_ The property shall includo all
contraot8toJl' "rvltJe fairly and reasonably made in good faith by
the eOJ1JOt'at:!on.
Th$City of Clearwater .further reserves the rigfilit to
pureha,e such. property and property rights, and suchex.'t4insions
thereof. or such part of such property as the City mayd&sire to
purchase, and the grantee desires to sell, outside the corporate
lioit.a of.' the City. There are, however, excepted from this
reservation otherpoWllr plant. erected outside the c01'1>oJ:"ate
li.mits,and high tG..!en truatUaalon lines owned byt.h.e. c'orpQra.-
tiell artdconneeted wtt.blts general system of' transmiaalo1'l.. and
distribution, andused for the purpose of serving communities
other than the grantor herein.
In the ev.nt, that; fhemun1e1pality exere:l$.$$ its right
. !
p\1t'cbas\i thesa:ld properties as herein provided, the price to
be paid. shall be fixed upoba valuation of the property, which
valuation shall be determip.ed by arbitration, a8 may be provided
by law, or shall be fixed ~t a valuation and in the r~er as
II.., bedet$1'm'1ned by the srtutOry author! ty. now or hereafter
gr-ant..ed to municipalities ~or the purchase 01'" municipal electric
or gaa plan'ta... In fixing :the value o.f the property and ,ropertl"
right. to be purchased by ~he Ci toy, this tJ!'ancl.tlae shall not
u:nd<<t> any circumstances bel considered aa having any value what-
soever". Nbthing herein eontainedshall be cona'trued to take
I . . '
a1f8y, restrict, ~ir ot' ~brogate any of th.e rightsa. iranted by
I '
th~ ge:tteru $;t4'tut., ofthle State of Florida 't.o tl'i.mieipal1tiEl$
to~.eha$e8Uch propert1e~ at a valuation and in the manner as
ma:1 be provided by such st.atutes, and the City of Cle~ter does
re8e~unto it.alfail SUbh rights now or hereafter grarrted to
:.t:t bycb&rter, gen..-U .t.a~\tt.a, legislative act.a or otherwise;
It; being the sen.. and i:rJ;'t..t1on that the City of Clearwater
may avail itself Qfany 8u'chalternatives in establishing a
pricef70r the pur"cbaae of ~id properties.
. . . I
Within ninety (90) I days after the expiration of the
jrd" 8th" 1)\11 and/or lStblyears of the term of this franchise.
the Cltyor Clearwater, bylreaolut1on adopted by the City
ommission~ahall"'..ave the i right to <lemar..d and race! ve i'rom
tile grant.ee a st.atement aboWi:ng the value of all the grantee's
property and property rlgh~a in the C1 ty of C,learwa't$:r. Said
. !
.tatementi 8Mll bEl furniahed to the City by the grante.awithin
one yea!>... .~.anda.fter the maldng of such request., b3r 'the City.
and shall be prepared in 8~Ch a manner as to show the "'$.rious
I .
items and assets that go to make up the valuation of the
grantee' sproperty and property right.s in Clearwater aasho"6i by
said statertlent. I
In theevellt that the City exercj.set its option to pur-
chase at ar~y period during the life of tbefranchlse, it shall
~),otifythe gr'ctntee 01 :itaint,Emtlon 80 to do P7 writt.en netic!.\!! a,t
leut $.1.xmontha ,rior' to 'theexpirat1Qu Q.f said period or
,eriods of" years. the grantee agrees that in the event the City
exercises the said option as heroin providod. the City shall have
a period not to exceed two years !'rO!:1 the date of said written
notice to eOInplete its negotiation. and purchaae of the said pro-
party in aceor-dance bflltreWith. Provided.. ho.ver. that the Baid
lil.l'11tat,1on ~r' two. }r€lArS shall net apply if litigation for the
purchase of the $aid prope.rtiea is then peIldlng. In the event
of purohase. all right or t.he grantee under this franchise sl'.all
temifl..ate, and the granteesball have no f'Urt,her right to l:"ende.l'
..nice except-upon CO!l8$nt and permi. t of 'tibGCity.
Notiol:1ng in th1$ section shall pr.ErV$nt th~ City from
aequir1nrthe sail1 '1"'Q:perty and propertj" riglits of the Corporation
within theeorporate limits of the City by cOtJ,demnationproceed_
1nas or by. any ot.her lawful manner J and all such methods of
4cqui..!t1on ahall b~ alternative to the power of purchal~ reserved
in the grant or renewaltb<<rtOr as herein provided.
Section 12. T:'1at upon the annexatiOl'l of any te:l"ritory'
to the City, the portion of such utility that may be located
within tb.e annexed territory.. or upon the public street.. all~ys.ll
01'" publ.1c spaceathereof shall thereafter bo subject to all the
tvmeof the franch.ise as fully as though byexpreaa exterl$ion of
luch ~4nch1a. or grant,. ~ept as hereinbefor$ provided.
Section 13. Thea;rttn.t$e shall have the right to make
reuonablerules and regulations for the \lSe of electric energy
$$.ld and di$tributed by 'the grantee to pri \Tate part.ies and for
murttcipa1l'tl.t"f)OStlS, and the rates to be charged to tbe public
shall at all times be under the supervision, di~ctiolland con-
trel of the City Commission. Provided that the rates charged to
the public shall be sufficient to insure a reasonable return on
the investment of t,hecorporat1on used or useful in rendering
service u.nder this .fl:'>al'lchJ,$~h Such rates and regulations ahall
in no rnann$~ conflict or interfere with rulir~s or regulations
of thE!' State F..ailroad Commission, or of' any other State govern!!1.€;
1.1' at a,nytime th.e grantee fails to furnish the C1.trwith an),"
reportorinforma:tion 80 requested by the City, then any audito!'
or accountant regularly employed by the City shall have full access
to all the books, records, and papers of the grantee for thE:
purpose 01' obtaining therefrom the inforr.Jation so requested by
~h.C1ty,_th. the privilege of taking copies of t,he books and
recOrds oftbe grantee or any part thereof. The Provisions of
this8eetlon .hall not apply to the operations of the Florida
Power aorpO~tion in other communities not Properly suburban
to the City tJtClearwa~er, except insofar as an examination of
thegranteef,$ books and records pertaining to ot~er communities
n.ybe neces$&ry in order to secure the requeet$d information
pertaining to the operations of the grantee in the City of
Section 17. This ft-anchiae shall not be leased,
aSSigned, .0r otherw1I1G al1ena'ted except With the expre.a. con...
sent of' t.he City Co_taston.
Section 18. In the event that the grantee herein or
its legal representatives, succeS80rs or assigns shall violate
any of t.he terms, provisions or conditions or this grant or
fra.nchise. and shall cQnt!nuet.o Vio late Such terms, ProVisions
or eond1tionafor a period. of thirty (30) days af"ter notice in
tn'ltins; given by the City COllllia.1on to desist from such "10-
latinn" then the City COmmission may declare a fQtlfeitureof
sa 14 grant. or franchise, in the manner prescribed by the
statutes of the State of Florida.
It any action shall be instituted or prosecuteddlrectly
or indirectly by the gran~ee or its legal representatives,
s~ece8sors or assigns of this grant or franchise, or by its
stocldlo1ders or creditors, to set aside or have dellared void
.any of the terms or tbis grant or franchise, thewbole of such
grant or franchise may thereupon be declared forfeited and.
annulled at tIle option of the City Commission, in the manner as
aboye prov.1ded.
Seetl()%} 19. Tbiegralilt 18 made on the further and
express condition that the grantee Will, 'With;tn thirty (30) days
from the effective date 01" this ordinance ,file nth the City
Cle~k of the City of Clearwater a written acceptance of this
grant. which acceptance will acknowledge that the grantee is and
s~~ll be subject to the several ..ctions of this ordinance and
shall a.lao be subject to all present and future ordinances of
the City of Clearwater relating to the construction, equipment,
maintenance and operation of wires, conduits. cables, poles and
similar constructions, and also to those ordinances relating to
the distplbution and sale of electric current for the purpose or
P~fI',light, and hut. On failure of the gr.lUl'tee to file
W1t'ten4eefl,,'tance within the time stated, th$'ll all right,
authority. and P8rrJ1issione granted under this ordinance ahall
cease and become of no benefit.
Section 20. Tili.ordinance shall become ef'fective
upon the ~being legallr passed and adopted by the City Com-
mi8sionot" 't.n. City of Clearwater, and upon the acceptance of
t~d.a franchise by the grantee 88 hereinabove provided.
Section 21. All ordinances and parts of' ordinances
in conflict with this ordinance be and the same are hereby
October 10, 1946
October 10, 194.6
October 10, 1946
sl Geo. R. Seavy
$/ f':rank Oo<>ley
. 01 ty Aud1tor and Clerk
Approved aa to form and correctneea
sl 0.0. W. Smith
City Attorney