LEASE AND CORRESPONDENCE ~...,.. ....~-......,'~' I 1. , JtEASI THIS LEASE. made and en".ed into thls 1st day ot D...ber, A.D. 1"7. by and ltet...n the OITY OF OLEARWATlm, rLORIDA, a JlwUolpal Corpora"loa, looated in Pinella. OOlUlt,. 1'1......" ~".. ret...... ,. .. the x..SIIOJ:', a.a4 tile JI.OR1DA POWER OORPORATION, a 1"lor1da Corporation, hereinatter oalled the Les.... WI'ftmSSlft'B, the.' tot: ani ln oOllalAeration ot the rentals and oovenant. her.a pr..,l..... tor. to be pald anA performed by the Les.... and upon 'be te~ and oon41'lona ..t torth below, Lessor hereby le88e. to Les... the :foUOWlq '..orlbed property S1tU8t. in Pinella. Oount" 1101"148, to wit: That ..rtain traot ot laRd 100at.' on the Northwest Oorn.r at lI1oh1aan Avena. and 8em1nol. street, in the City ot Cl_"ater, Yl0. r1d!1-whloh traot is a portlO1l ot 'h'an "l)'t ot nw COUlfl'K'f OLUB ADDITION f ;:='ti~ J~~i~r:~~~:'~~~~~~O~::y~;~;~a, ant 'l'aX$1Q,gNorth a 41sUa..,ot One B~ed For',. (140') 'M" hoia '8.14 C.JlD.r on Miohigan AveDU. and running W.at 10Ae Hua4re' El_teen (llS') lPeet 011 Seminal. .re.. t on 8. month to IlOnth b..1. bea1DD1ng Dea_ber 1, 19-'7 and 8Ub- Jeot to the tollow1ac condltlonal 1. Thl. 1.... ...., be tera1nated by LessO%' upon Sixty (eO) pays written not1o. to Le.see in the event that Lessor de- 8ir.. to use or seU the prop..ty. 2. Les... shall >>87 the monthly rental ot Ten ($10.00) Dollars per month in sdTano. QJl.t.he 1st day of e.ach and every month a_ms _. ,... of t.hi.., 1...... 3. Lesse. ahall 110' ua8 lease4premises 1n any unlawtul. or ottenaive DIIlnner and aha11 us. the 88118 tor .~r.88 purpo... ,only; Lessee will not permit any waste or abuse of the propeny anel egrees to a.l1.,.r up the same upon the termination hereot in e8 _<< ....1'.._ a. same now 18, or41aar1 wea%' and damage by the el~'. 811' exoepted. .# ~ I , --..'1/" I. . 4. Le8se. oOv.aaat8 and asrea. to hold Les80r harmles8 trom aur and all olal..whloh might ar1.& 41~.ot11 or 1ndireot11 out ot Lesa8.t. us. ot demised propert,. o. ,It a detault ,*al1 be ms4. in 81\1 ot the paym.euts and/or. .00....l\8.nt. ..'Q." abov.. Lesse. shall beoo.. a teaaa'b at luft_uu, h..',. _,~.. all".'.., ant Ja..... ...11 _. 8.'1'184 to immediately re-enter and repossess the lessed property. . XI' WI1'.NUS WlUDUIOJ', the panies h81'eu.n'tO .... their handa and 88ala, the 4"'1 ea4 year tiret "' out above, 'the Lessor 80'lnS by and tbrouCh It.4u1700D8tltu~ed oftioers. Approved as to to~ an4 oarre.tnessl " ..; \'; -~ GEO. ~'i. SMITH. City Attomey Signed. seale4 and deliver" 1n the presenoe ra.. (Seal) Attest: ~ ~ ~. '" ~ OIL _\/ Assistant 'Secretary. r- " ._,,;' ~..~'''':',~ .~"~ ~ ~;"i\>'''~".~ .-" ~J'. " I I ~ -.--"., FLORIDA POWER OORPORATION FLORIDA POWER BUILDING ST. PETERSBURG 1, FLORIDA i\Q~/ October 10, lst..6 The Meyor and City Commission Clearwater Florida Gentlemen: In conne ction with the negotiations carried on between the officials of Florida Power Corporation and the City CoJllllission of the City of Clearwater, which negotiations have oulminated in a new fran- ohise granted by the City of Clearwater to the Company, we have here- tofore agreed with the Commission as to oertain construction and re- moval of' distribution lines in the City of Clearwater. This letter is to oonfirm our agreement. Florida Power Corporation agrees and will undertake to remove all of the distribution lines of the Compa.ny now existing on North Fort Harrison Avenue from the downtown district to the City L:1mits cf Dunedin. All of the facilities will be removed to other streets. There will be one or "two places where wires will haTe to cross North Fort Harrison Avenue in going from the supply oiroui ts east of North Fort Harrison to supply circuits on the West side. As soon as materials are available for these distribution changes we will immediately prooeed with the work whioh will require approxi_telyone year from its oommencement. We also agree to provide White Way lighting from the end of the present White Way cirouit on North Fort Harrison Avenue to the City Limi ts of Dunedin. At present, the street lights are a series ciroui t on side arm brackets. The City desires to have a new type of lighting rather than a continuation of the present standard dedgn. We are to determine from manufacturers the proper type of lighting tc use to satisfy the City's requirements. When this is done and when the mater- ials are available, we will complete the installation of these lights, which is esti_ted to take approximately one year to complete the work. Florida Power Corporation is to retain title to the above section of White Way lighting. We will maintain this seotion but the power supply will be taken from the present series White Way lighting cs. ble . Florida Power Corporation also agrees to remove the present primary feeder from over the buildings in the alley between North Fort Harrison Avenue and Osceola Avenue to eliminate certain construotion hazards. We will provide a new terminal for the Beaoh feeder whioh is now looated on Osoeola Avenue. This change will eliminate power lines going along the property acquired for City Park purposes. ~)- .. _r' _I I -,. -.. Mayor and City Commission of Clearwater October 10, 19+6 Page 2. - .__,~,~_.. ,.__ '~4_C__'-""'___",__~_----._ It is estimated by WI that the removal of the distribution lines on North Fort Harrison Avenue, and additional construction, will cost us approximately $36.000.10 estimate is given as to the removal of the feeder line over the buildings adjacent to Osceola Avenue. It is my 12!fl!erstand1ng that the above 1s in acoord with the arrangements arrived at in the various meetings with the City Commission and the survey of the property, at which time the Mayor and City Manager of Clearwater met with representatives of this Company. il>.. Cordially yours, FlORIDA rowER CORPORATION ";i.;. --